Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1111 She Is Your Mother? !

"Interest? Huh, tell you the truth, Young Master, I am afraid that Tang Yu is terribly scared. I simply avoid her. How could I be interested? What I am most afraid of is to see her in the palace. It's the most painful thing in the world! She still looks young, but don't you know her age? She's already in her early fifties, and it's the most annoying and annoying every day!"

"Huh?" Xiao Cui opened her eyes wide, and after a long time she said a little excited: "Could it be that Young Master doesn't like her? Don't you want to marry her as his wife?"

"Well, I, Beichenxing, can marry any woman in this world, but I cannot marry Queen Tang Yu."

"Why?" Xiao Cui came in interest, quickly pulled the chair and sat next to Beichen Xing, without even paying attention to Fang Zihai's corpse.

"Xiao Cui, now I should share some secrets with you. After all, you are the closest person to me!"

"Secret? Tell me quickly, I like to hear secrets the most!" Xiao Cui's eyes gleamed.

"The reason why I haven't been to the palace in these two months is because the queen Tang Yu in the palace... is fake, she is just a stand-in!"

"What?" Xiao Cui finally exclaimed this time, and then hurriedly covered her mouth, and then looked around carefully, then whispered softly: "You said that Queen Tang Yu in the palace is a stand-in? What are you doing? You know? So where did the real queen go?"

Beichenxing reached out and took out a letter from his clothes pocket, and handed it to Xiao Cui, "Look, this is the letter the real queen wrote to me. After reading it, I will destroy it!"

Xiaocui's hands trembled with excitement, she took the letter in Beichenxing's hand, quickly opened it, and then she was completely silly "Beichen,

The time has come. The captain of my palace guard, Gu Li and Sun Yue, have followed me for many years. They can definitely be trusted. When you receive this letter, they will also receive my order. From then on, they will obey your dispatch and follow me to the death!

I officially pass on the throne of the Tang Dynasty organization to you, so you can handle the mess in the capital of Tang Dynasty.

Dong Enze is really obsessed with me. He himself is not too bad, but this person cannot stay and the whole family must be killed. Dong Enze's mother, Dong Qinfang, is the flower woman in the Eleven Shadows of the black organization. I was abducted and trafficked back then because of the flower woman! What's ridiculous is that after many years, I still remember her, but she didn't even know that there was a person like me, so she wanted me to be her daughter-in-law?

Xi Fengjin values ​​power very much. If it weren't for you and I secretly suppress it, I'm afraid he would have rushed into my room and killed me. Now that you are full of wings and have my help, it shouldn't be difficult to deal with him. The result I want is only one word, kill!

The boy Nan Xianglong was sincere to me when he arrived. If he were not in the early stage of the Tang Dynasty, maybe I would not hold up the big plate now, so please persuade him to surrender and treat it as yours. The homework is done, and I hope to give me a satisfactory answer.

There are many capable people around you now. Tell Zhong Hongcui that girl, I like her and hope she can be your wife.

And your guard captain Ding Da-zhuang, that kid is a bit annoying, as soon as he enters the palace, he will act on my female guards. You warn him to be careful, and be careful that the old lady will abolish his Ding Ding.

Maybe for a long time in the future, I won't go to Tangdu again.

Having been a queen for so many years, I was tired and curled up. Now I am by my man's side, and he is exactly the person you want to see.

If you want, you can change your name to Qin Beichen. You and me are a mother and child. Although you are not my birth and I was not raised by me, I think you should still give you a name that belongs to your blood.

This letter ends here, and the signature is Tang Yu.

The last paragraph of the letter actually had some unfinished meaning. Maybe Tang Yu wanted to write something, but in the end he had no ideas, so he stopped writing.

So how could Xiaocui not be stupid after reading this letter? It was a long time before she raised her head, her eyes staring as wide as a table tennis ball.

"Young Master...Don't scare me, I'm a little timid...If I didn't understand the mistake, this letter from Queen Tang Yu actually said that she is your mother?"

Beichenxing's face has turned into bitter gourd, he sighed, then nodded:

"Yes, although she is not her biological mother, she is indeed my mother!"

"No, right! I'm a little confused...Aren't you the Young Master of Beichen's family? How come you become the son of Queen Tang Yu? Oh my god, it's no good, no more, Young Master, I'm nervous, I need labor Breathe! This is too ridiculous, what the hell? Didn't you fight the other three kings a few years ago and get jealous to pursue the queen? Why... why did she suddenly become your mother?"

Seeing Xiaocui's exaggerated reaction, Beichenxing found it very interesting.

"Yes, it's very bizarre, but it's true. Actually, I'm just a chess piece arranged by Tang Yu many years ago. Queen Tang Yu, my mother is no ordinary person. Xiaocui, you Do you want to hear the story about her?"

"Yes! I missed too much Young Master!" Xiao Cui was already curious to die.

In her eyes, Tang Yu is just a queen, noble and inviolable.

Then Beichenxing is her big Young Master, amiable and deeply infatuated with her.

She couldn't connect these two people, let alone think that one of the four kings, the Northern King, would be Tang Yu's son?

This...Who will believe this mud horse who goes out? It is estimated that even if the old man Beichen, who died three years ago, was resurrected, he would not believe it, would he? Why did his son recognize Queen Tang Yu as a godfather?

"Go, send the teacher's body out first, and arrange for a thick burial!"

Xiao Cui stood up from her chair reluctantly.

"Then I will go back quickly. After I come back, you and I will tell the story of Queen Tang Yu?"

"Well, yes, but this story is very long!"

"It's okay, you can speak slowly. Anyway, I will always stay with you. We have time."

Bei Chen sneered at Xiaocui's own method like a dogskin plaster, but was helpless.

Xiao Cui walked over and held Fang Zihai's body in her hand, and after a few steps, she turned her head and asked, "Young Master, I just carried Teacher Fang's body out with such a big fanfare? What if someone else sees it?"

"When you see it, just say... Teacher Fang was killed by a black-clothed assassin, and that assassin was from the mansion of Eastern King Dong Enze."

"Oh my God! Open your eyes and tell nonsense... Young Master, since you are ready to do something, do you have some arrangements?"

"Well, when I got up, I asked Da Zhuang to take people to the Eastern Palace. The letter was received last night. Gu Li and Sun Yue should have surrounded the Western Palace two hours ago. With Nanwangfu. Go out and see if it's already sunrise. If the sun comes out for a while, then I think all the three parties should take action! The news will come back in less than half an hour!"

"You are so capable, Young Master, so I had arranged it a long time ago! No wonder I think you got up a bit late today. It turned out to be the first to steal the boy Ding Dazhuang. However, there seem to be some experts in the three palaces, they Can you handle it if you go? Do you want me to see it?"

"No, you will come back to listen to the story after you dispose of the corpse. I joined forces with Tang Yu. The strength was already about the same as theirs. I went to sneak attack again. It shouldn't be a problem. In fact, Tang Yu has been hiding very much in private. The deep man was also handed over to me when she was leaving."

"Oh? Who are these people?"

"Their name is Wrangler! They are all upgraded, and they used to be undercover in the Qin League."

"The Wrangler? In the Qin League? Oh my God, the queen is so powerful, she actually has an undercover in the Qin League, okay, okay, then I'll go and come back quickly, you'll have to tell me from beginning to end in a while, let's What kind of legend does this Queen Tang Yu of this have!"

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