Yin Hanchao paused at this point, and then said:

"Brother, I have actually had a question over the years. With such a perverted ability, did you fail to see me through? It's really scary to think about it now. If I knew then that you have super vision and super hearing, I definitely wouldn't dare to be in your position. It's a trick in front of you."

"If you also have this ability, you will understand. I can't turn them on all the time. You can imagine that when you put your ears up, you can hear all the sounds around you, what wind blows, worms move, The birds sing! That’s a very disturbing situation! So after I confirmed that there was no danger around me, I didn’t care too much about a small person like you! And I didn’t use the perspective to see the internal structure of the human body. Used to it, so naturally I didn’t realize that you were a woman."

"Ah? You still have the ability to see through?" Yin Hanchao was slightly surprised, then frowned slightly.

"Yeah, I told you so frankly, I don't know if I can get some truth from you?" Qin An was completely calm at this time, with a faint smile on his face when he spoke.

"Brother, you told me the secret so frankly, didn't you want to kill me and kill me? Tell you, I didn't just arrange for the scorpion snake to lurch in the sea city. If you really want to move me, you will be very different. Good things have happened!"

"I know, didn't you say it on the Observation Platform before? You have already contacted the Hellfire Wanderer Fortress to destroy the entrance to the sea city, why? Did you dispatch the plane or the long-range guided missile force? I won't kill. Yours, as you said, you stayed with Liu Xia and Wu Yan for so long without touching them. This is the favor I owe you. As long as you take away all the arrangements, we can still do it today. Be friends, the enemy will be the next time you meet!"

Yin Hanchao felt uneasy suddenly in his heart. The Qin An in front of him was obviously different from the kid many years ago. He became incomprehensible, at least he couldn't understand it.

"Go on, how do you plan to calculate Murakami Heye? And your wife Lin Lei, I am still curious about these things! Old Yin, you and my brother, you have become an aunt from a man , To tell the truth, my mood is really complicated!"

While speaking, Qin An's expression has become more relaxed, no matter how bizarre this matter is, Qin An feels that he doesn't need to be too impatient.

He will definitely not stay with Yin Hanchao anyway! Even if he didn't say anything, Qin An had already figured out how he would do it.

So for that little curiosity, he just endured it for a while.

Yin Hanchao and Qin An looked at each other for more than ten seconds, then stretched his brows and smiled.

He looked sideways at Tianchuan.

This kid’s abilities are pretty good, but it’s not the strongest among his many children, so...Wait for that kid, he should find himself soon, even if he wants to appear Qin An I'm afraid I can't kill him, right?

The two people have their own thoughts, and they all make themselves look so relaxed, as if they are really just two old friends who have reunited after many years are reminiscing.

"Is there a kind of people who don't know whether brothers know? That is masochism?"

"Well... Murakami Heye has this tendency, so you discovered and took advantage of this?"

"Haha, my brother is really smart! That night I prepared everything, made a fake guy, and gave Guizi some psychedelic drugs in advance, just to achieve the purpose of controlling her! I want everything Destroy her and give her a sense of humiliation. Maybe through normal means, she can't be used by me, but through some extraordinary means, it can be done!"

"Hey, didn't my appearance just help you? I first discovered the identity of Murakami Heye's upgraded person, then beat her severely, and also cut off her limbs. When she reborn her limbs, it was gone. A little bit of strength! After fighting with me, she volunteered to be my slave because she lost. I hated her and gave her to you! But then I was in your room and saw the blood on the bed.

"A little girl, want to make her break. There are many ways, such as fingers!"

"Doesn't she know?"

"I gave her the fascination that I had secretly eaten before. The phantom potion was originally chronic. I planned to torture her mind for two days and let her surrender to me from the heart. And after all, she is a supernatural power. I was afraid that I would irritate her suddenly, so I planned to observe and observe, but I did not expect you to help me a lot! That little girl was already dizzy in bed at the time, how do I know what I did to her? Speaking... ...You have the ability to see through, so you didn't have the pleasure of seeing my boudoir?"

"Hmph, Qin An's tone of a pool of pork lying on the bed is not good, but his mood is a little excited.

In any case, when Gui Zi was handed over to Yin Hanchao, Qin An felt very awkward and depressed when he thought of it.

This mud horse is simply a twist in the legend, Yin Hanchao turned out to be a woman! !

Yin Hanchao was said to be a pool of pork by Qin An and was not angry.

She still weighs more than 200 kilograms as she did in the past. She has been fat for so long, and she hasn't cared about these things a long time ago.

As long as a person is alive, it is good if the skin is a little better, but what about a bad birth? What hasn't she enjoyed in her life?

"Okay, put the matter of Murakami Heye aside, and then I entered the Wangyou City with you, conflicted with the three bodies, and then took you to escape into Ruyan City. Ruyan City was divided into two cities, the East and the West. Under the leadership of Wang Khan, Xicheng was occupied by the forces of the Thirteen Houses. I turned into a child. I wanted to gain a certain amount of power and killed the boss over there. But you dominated the lie of the soul boy in the last days, I Want to know what you did in private?"

Now that this is the end of the story, Yin Hanchao no longer intends to hide it. What is the most enjoyable process for a liar? In addition to deceiving people, there is also the surprised expression after watching the deceived know the truth.

Yin Hanchao is actually not satisfied with Qin An's calm performance now, so he doesn't mind dragging out all the things that year.

"Haha, although I was in trouble in the last days, I was indeed a strong person before the last days. There are still a few younger brothers who have followed. They are not supernaturalists, but they are all very sincere to me. They were arranged in Ruyan City, Wanguo City and Wangyou City. I didn't want much, but collected some information so that I could seize the opportunity to win the most benefit at the critical moment.

In fact, Ruyanxi City’s people’s sentiment has already had that trend. Their lives are in dire straits, and they long for a savior to come.

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