Moreover, in the last two years, there have actually been some changes in the Moling Sect. Several strong people have appeared within us. You are a sword god body and you should know something about the sword god, right? I didn't know the origin of these powerhouses before, until a woman named Tian Yue'e appeared and came to me, I didn't know that they were actually resurrected after death!

Ghost Whisperer, as long as he can become that kind of person, he has an immortal body!

When I was young, I would use various drugs to change my body structure in order to be more like a man, so now my body is actually in ruin and it is likely to be about to die. So I need to find a way to continue to live, because I still can't let go of this world! "

Qin An was stunned when he heard this, and then frowned.

The Sword God in the True Fire camp of the 2nd Sword God is the 4th Sword God Spirit Emperor, the 7th Sword God and Ghost General, the 15th Sword God All Souls, the 20th Sword God Blood Lord, the 22nd Sword Shenyang Slash, and the 26th Sword God Shenshou, 27th Sword God Tianju, 31st Sword God Wannian, 34th Sword God Minggui, 36th Sword God Pudu, 40th Sword God Time, 48th Sword God Hongye, 49th Sword God Xuantian.

In other words, the ghost should be a real fire person, and real fire seems to be good to him.

So why did the ghost whisperers enter the end-spirit sect? Could it be said that ghosts are unreliable?

Hey, the relationship between these forty-nine sword gods seems to be very complicated. Qin An knew that he couldn't figure it out for a while, so naturally he didn't need to bother about it!

Now that he is standing on the same track with these sword gods, they just ran for a while first. If he can finally realize those powerful abilities, maybe he also has a chance to become a sword god? Then there is no need to worry too much.

Then all he has to do at this moment is to protect himself and his family, and then people will stop killing, and the sword god will stop killing the sword god!

It doesn't matter to Qin An whether a person is not a god or a god. He has no faith, so this means that he actually only believes in himself.

"You mentioned your wife Lin Lei just now. I really want to know, how can a man have a wife? From what you mean, she seems to know your secret, which means that you told me about you back then. The love story with your wife is actually fake?"

Qin An didn't want to waste more time struggling with some meaningless things, but directly asked the secrets he wanted to know the most.

Yin Hanchao seemed to be really willing to be honest with Qin An at this time, and he actually knew everything.

"Well, the story back then... how did I tell you?

Oh! Come to think of it... Actually, this story can't be regarded as false, because most of its plot is true.

I once told you that my life is a journey of lies, and this may be the most true word I have ever said.

Regarding my experience, I have actually spoken to many people. The version is as follows... It seems that I told you the same way back then.

I wasn't that my father committed suicide. My mother had me because of stealing.

When he was five years old, my father learned this secret. After beating my mother, he cruelly took me away from home. He traveled more than 3,000 kilometers on a green train and threw me in an unknown town. Leave, let me fend for myself.

I am a child who knows what to say and what happened to me. After crying for a long time, people occasionally come up to me and ask me what happened.

I know that I was thrown by my father, but I can't say that, otherwise others will think I'm bad, so I told them that I was separated from my father and wanted to ask for help.

At that time, the human heart was still kind. In the end, I did not wander and starve to death. Instead, I was adopted by a couple. Their four sons were all older than me, so I became the fifth oldest.

The four children always bully me because I am a foreigner.

In order to fight against them, I can only use my brain to think of some ways to do some bad things, and then plant on them, let them be punished by their adoptive fathers and mothers, and even spanked. The result of this is that I will be caught by the four brothers afterwards. A more ferocious beating.

Therefore, I found that simple deception cannot solve the problem, and there must be a better way to avoid retaliation.

So when my adoptive parents took me to a nearby park for a walk, I took advantage of them and ran home without paying attention, then lit the house with gasoline and matches prepared in advance, and then ran back to the park to continue playing with the children. .

When I was seven years old that year, a fire destroyed the home of my adoptive parents, and their four biological sons were all burned to death!

My original intention was to create a fire, and then frame them to play with fire, because in my eyes, playing with fire was a great sin, and I would definitely be strongly punished by my adoptive parents. The four brothers didn’t know that fire was me. I let it go, because I was taken to the park by my adoptive parents. There was evidence of alibi. I planted and framed myself. This is the way I thought of it. To be honest, it is not easy to think of this at the age of seven.

But it didn't happen that the fire was burning so fiercely that it burned the four of them alive! This made me terrified, but the adoptive parents didn't blame me because they didn't know that I set the fire.

Four biological children died, and the foster mother lost the ability to bear children. I became their only child. They gave me all the love of father and mother.

Since then, I have understood a truth, deception is actually a very good thing, it allows me to get all the things I want when the conditions are immature.

But my nature is not too bad, so if I burned the four brothers to death, I blamed myself.

So I started to deceive myself. I didn't set the fire at all, because I have been walking with my adoptive parents in the park and playing with some other children.

In half a year, I successfully deceived myself without any pressure.

So at this time, I realized that I can also deceive, and self-deception can make my heart not feel guilty.

From then on my life as a liar began.

I pretend to be obedient and filial in front of my parents, I pretend to be academically motivated in front of my teachers, and I pretend to be friendly and united in front of my classmates.

Therefore, during the years when I was in school, Life has always been good, and everyone around me liked me, which gave me a lot of benefits.

After graduating from high school, I started to work. I went to my father’s unit, a machine repair shop.

There I met my ex-wife, Lin Lei

At this point, Yin Hanchao smiled, a little weird.

And Qin An laughed too, coldly.

"I've heard your story. It's almost exactly the same as the version you told me back then. It seems that you already know it well?"

"Haha! It seems that Brother Qin's memory should have been affected by the abilities? It has been more than 20 years. It is not easy for you to remember the story I told you so clearly! But, in fact, this The story is true, I just modified a little detail in it!"

"Then Yoon Big Sister, just talk about the part you modified!"

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