As the saying goes, when the two compete, the brave wins.

Weng Lan’s bravery is with her determination to protect her son, so she dared to go to death and live.

Rutya, Juliet, Els, and Ives are obviously in a passive position in terms of numbers, because they dare and don't want to make too many things, they just hope to wait for the rescue.

After all, they are young people who are just about twenty years old, and they have not experienced the end times in the city of giant forest.

"Els, give it to her! She is a lunatic and almost killed me just now!" Ruth pressed his face pale at this time, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was obviously frightened.

Weng Lan frowned slightly. This person is greedy and fearful of death and cowardly. He may not be a threat to her, but he is the most prone to bad things at the critical moment, because terror can obviously make him lose himself, and then act without thinking. .

"I said it, only five seconds! 5.4.3

Weng Lan began to count down.

"Oh shit!"

Els cursed, and finally threw Hamburg and the backpack behind him at Weng Lan.

In the backpack, there is also a bag of plastic-sealed sausage and a bottle of mineral water.

Weng Lan quickly took it and put it behind her back, and at the same time moved the muzzle away from Els, and then pointed at Rutea.

"And you! You just shot at me, so I don't like you! Throw me the backpack behind you too!"

Weng Lan felt that she was quite bad, knowing that Rutya had been shocked by the shot she had just shot. If she didn't threaten him at this time, wouldn't it take a lot of effort to wait for him to calm down?

"You woman, why are you so greedy!" Ives was a little angry, and yelled at Weng Lan in a low voice.

"Okay Ives! Such a woman will be eaten by the zombies sooner or later! When I return to the team, I will sue her, I will sue her!" Although Rutya was very excited, his voice was better than Ives He was still young, because the roar of zombies outside filled his heart with fear. He would rather give Weng Lan a glass of water and two bags of milk in his backpack behind him. Anyway, the army must come back to rescue them, right? Just survive tonight.

While talking, Lu Teya untied the backpack and threw it to Weng Lan, his face full of chagrin.

Weng Lan took it on her back again, and then slowly backed up, returned to the corner, picked up the Lutea's pistol and put it in her backpack, and then picked up Qin Sanshan on the ground. The little guy was actually asleep. NS.

Weng Lan frowned slightly, and looked at Lu Te's backpack, which was very large and long, just like a mountaineering bag before the end of the world.

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and Weng Lan listened carefully and found that although the roar of the zombies outside was getting louder and louder, the place where the source of birth appeared seemed to be farther and farther away.

That is to say, are the zombies temporarily attracted there?

Thinking of this, she quickly put Qin Sanshan on the ground again, and then aimed at the four of Lu Teya with the gun in one hand, and fumbled with the other hand to put the things in Lu Te's backpack into Els's backpack.

After emptying the long backpack, Weng Lan shook his teeth. It seemed that after thinking about it for a few seconds, he finally made up his mind to grasp Qin Sanshan's small body with one hand and put his feet down into the backpack.

"My dear baby, don't cry. Mom must try to take you to another place. You must help mom!"

Weng Lan prayed in her heart.

Qin Sanshan had been playing by himself for a while, but now he was tired, and let his mother put him into the backpack, but he didn't respond, and he slept like a pig.

After Weng Lan set it up, she put the backpack with food in front of her, and then put her son's backpack on her back, so that she freed her hands.

There was a rusty sickle hanging on the wall in the small courtyard. Weng Lan continued to aim at the four people while holding the gun, while walking over there and holding the sickle in his hand.

"What the hell is this crazy woman doing?" Els was annoyed.

"You care about her! What a shame, why am I trapped here!" Lu Teya was extremely depressed.

Both Elvis and Juliet's faces were a bit unpleasant at this time.

Juliet feels that men are really unreliable. When the two of them wanted to sleep with themselves before, didn't they say that they were as strong as bulls? At this time, a woman was led by the nose.

Ives was a little shocked. The woman on the opposite side behaved very strangely. Her consciousness of survival seemed very strong. Otherwise, she couldn't have done so many things so nervously. Why did she want to live so much? Is it for the child in her arms?

The four people had different thoughts, and Weng Lan had already begun to act. She took down a long silk stocking that was hung on the clothesline in the yard.

This stocking should have been left by the people who lived here two days ago.

Weng Lan saw that none of the four people on the other side had any weapons in their hands. She stepped back to the corner of the wall, and then quickly put the spear in her hands on the ground, then looped the stockings from behind with both hands and pressed a button on her chest. After securing his backpack, he picked up the spear again.

All four of Els froze for a moment, and then they realized that Weng Lan actually put down his gun just now?

Damn, Els only thinks he is a pig. He actually gave up the opportunity to rush forward to deal with Weng Lan, but who would have thought that Weng Lan would put down his weapon in this situation?

Ives finally frowned and began to think.

This woman on the opposite side is not just a strong sense of survival, she is very smart and very active! In fact, her performance has always been very simple, and it can be summed up in one sentence is to do it when she thinks about it, without procrastination at all.

Weng Lan took a deep breath, and after preparing everything, quickly walked to the door connecting the small courtyard with the living room, and then reached out to remove the wooden stick on the door.

"Oh God! This woman is really crazy, she wants to put the zombies in!" Lu Teya's volume was a bit high this time, because he was too frightened.

Juliet was also pale, and couldn't help but leaned back and pressed her body against the wall.

Els narrowed his eyes. Is this woman going to flee? Previously, the zombies outside rushed in when the wall of the living room was crowded and collapsed. Then there was a sound just now. At this time, the zombies in the living room should have gone out of the hole in the wall to gather at the sound source, right? So this woman wants to take this opportunity to escape? But even if there is no living room, there are still zombies everywhere, where can she escape?

Ives was thinking more thoroughly than Els. There are several rooms in this house, which can be regarded as a villa-style residence. The woman doesn't seem to want to escape, what she has to do is to return to the house and find an empty room to escape, right?

Weng Lan’s thoughts were in fact like this. She couldn't relax her vigilance for a moment in front of the Els four. It was too dangerous.

So she must take a gamble. If she wins the gamble, she can get an independent small room where she can rest. If she loses the gamble, don't you! She can't lose!

The zombies in the living room must have been taken away, even if there are a few remnants, it shouldn't be that scary!

She dared to kill people, wouldn't she dare to kill zombies?

With this idea in her mind, Weng Lan had already opened the door, left the courtyard, and returned to the living room!

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