After the rain, the grass was wet. Guo Sihai walked in the grass like a 2.B youth, taking selfies with his mobile phone while walking. Cheng Gang was walking far away from him on the small road. Although there was no one nearby, Cheng Gang felt that It's really a shame to walk with it.

The path at the foot was supposed to be a highway, but now it is covered with yellow sand and weeds, looking exceptionally depressed.

Behind Cheng Gang is Qin An, and one meter behind Qin An are Shangguan Feiyan and He Tianyu.

At this time, He Tianyu looked at Qin An's back with eyes full of anger, and now she wants to kill... wrong! She didn't want to kill Qin An anymore. What she wanted to do was to torture him, make him unhappy, and make him fainted once.

"Xiaoyu, look at the road, your eyes are almost on Qin An's back!"

"No...I don't!"

He Tianyu denied that, Qin An in front let out two chuckles, and He Tianyu's face flushed with anger.

"By the way, is there any abnormal condition in your body? Doesn't Gu Changqing mean that you have now obtained the oracle of the sword god and have condensed the soul of the sword to become a sword repairer?"

"It's still early, and now she has just obtained the sword soul. She needs to make her body strong enough to enter the strong body state before she can finally stimulate all the strength of the sword soul and finally embark on the road of sword repair." Qin An knows that He Tianyu, the foolish person, guesses nothing. I didn't know, so he took the initiative to speak to Shangguan Feiyan to explain.

At this time, Gu Changqing stayed in Divine Tree City for permanent residence. It won't be long before the Li Ziyuan Allied Forces headquarters will be established there, and the base along the route against the Moling Sect and the northern zombies will be formally formed.

It now appears that the Moling Sect and the Destiny Sect have formally joined forces to challenge Western Tibet.

This is a dispute over land and territory. Western Tibet naturally does not dare to take it lightly. The situation becomes very complicated. If you continue to endure without doing anything, it may not take a few years for the world to undergo earth-shaking changes. Who can be there? Survival in such an era is unknown.

Therefore, the chairman held a twenty-three-hour meeting in Jianzhifeng with officials at all levels of the military department to re-formulate the strategic policy.

The people of Sunlight City will migrate to Jiulongshan within one year, which means that the Tibetan government has fully agreed with Qin An’s strategy of connecting cities to Kowloon.

Then the original Sunlight City, Heavenly Prison City would naturally have to send troops to garrison, and the Night Watch Corps must take this responsibility if it does its part.

Ling'er’s weapon development work is now thoroughly valued by Western Tibet. Qin An heard that after he left Xuanjian City, the old chairman actually went to Xuanjian City personally, had a private meeting with Ling'er, and decided to be Ling'er. The scientific research work provides various conveniences. The principle is to ask money for money and people for people. As long as Linger can arm Nine Dragons and the human army to the teeth, then Linger will be a great hero and will receive the highest honor in Western Tibet. Treatment.

Qin An heard the news when he entered Haicheng, and he didn't know what it was like.

Although the relationship with Ling'er is still friendly now, he gave her to XX at the beginning after all, and he is still strong.

Now that the girl is full of wind and water, in case I want to trouble myself in the future... Isn't it a very troublesome thing?

His mind was a little flying, Qin An only felt that he was light and fluttering, and he didn't know what he was thinking about...One word, chaos!

Perhaps because of being washed by the rain, the reverse of the grass can be smelled everywhere.

"Hey, what kind of person is she?"

While walking, Shangguan Feiyan suddenly asked questions behind Qin An.

she? Qin An was stunned for a moment, then relieved.

He didn't want to turn around and look at Guan Feiyan's face, because that would make him even more stunned.

"A strange woman who is obviously very powerful, but she is willing to pursue mediocrity. The Weng Lan I know is like this, Feiyan... Why do you think you have grown into this look?"

It was Cheng Gang who was talking. In fact, after seeing Shangguan Feiyan’s appearance, he was also concerned. After all, this young man with a heart was really touched by Weng Lan back then. It can also be said that Weng Lan was his other than his daughter for so many years. Outside of Cheng Jiayao, the woman who impressed him the most.

"Do you want to die?" Qin An's tone was poor, and his eyes showed a fierce look at Cheng Gang, who was walking in front of him.

Cheng Gang only felt cold on his back, he turned around and smiled: "It's all right! Didn't all the things of the year pass? I also apologized and apologized to you, and there was nothing happening with Weng Lan. Relationship, so don't be so aggressive?"

After speaking, seeing that Qin An's complexion still did not improve, Cheng Gang turned and ran away in a depressed manner. He decided to avoid this jealousy so as not to cause murder.

Qin An looked at Cheng Gang who was walking away, and then whispered softly after a long time:

"He said almost, very powerful...should be a woman who is very strong on the outside, but very gentle and innocent in her heart. What I mean by innocence does not mean wisdom, but her desire. She just longs for a woman A stable little home, and all I could give her at the time was this, she was already satisfied.

For her, home is not a house, a car, or a material life, but a man who can understand each other without talking to her.

Actually, Weng Lan and I didn't get along well at the time, even when our relationship was at its best.

She doesn't like to show her own heart, and I am also a person who is willing to hide her thoughts in her heart.

Therefore, although we understand each other and have a clear mind, we lack some verbal communication, and we are closer and integrated physically.

Hey, now I think about it, maybe it’s too much love, too much love will care

Qin An's remarks came out with emotion, only because Shangguan Feiyan looked exactly like Weng Lan.

What's ridiculous is that Qin An could not distinguish Weng Lan from Li Ying, but now he can tell at a glance that this woman who has the same skin as Weng Lan is actually not like Weng Lan at all.

Qin An experienced the shock of seeing this pair of skins in the early stage, and now he has completely calmed down.

What is love? It turns out that when understanding penetrates deep into the heart through the skin, that is true love.

Qin An knew that he might not care what Weng Lan’s appearance looked like now. As long as she was Weng Lan’s soul, even if she became a stone, a big tree, and an animal, Qin An felt that guarding her would be one. Kind of happiness.

The heart is settled, and love will last forever. Thinking about him now, after marrying four wives, Qin An feels that he is actually very happy, and he also has feelings with four women.

But his heart is uneasy, how can he deal with himself, how can he be stable?

A few years ago, he had been wandering for the woman of Weng Lan,

Although his people are back now, is the heart left in the distance and is still wandering?

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