"Ah, the city has been so noisy these two days, but you still have the mind to cook?" Xiao Cui stretched out, raising only one hand, while the other hand gently patted her plump ass.

Because of the stretching movement, her body has been distorted and deformed, making her already concave and convex figure even hotter.

Beichen personally made all the tables, chairs, and meals, and his face was pale when he looked at Xiao Cui's appearance.

"Hey, have you started to seduce your Young Master naked now?"

"Tempt a fart. People are just stretching their waist, and then a little bit of thorns in the ass, so go and slap it. You are evil and want to bend it. What do you do with me? But Young Master, Xiaocui loves you, if you want, I can Let you pat my ass, it's very elastic!"

"Shameless! Indecent! Not wanting face!"

"Hey, Young Master has a strong taste, do you still like to flirt and curse?"

"Xiao Cui

"What's wrong, Young Master?"

"Go get the soy sauce for Young Master, this cucumber is a bit weak

For own little maid, Beichen is helpless. This girl now seems to be a spring-haired tigress. Beichen is really worried. She is afraid that one day she will be forced by her. That would be ashamed and thrown at home!

No, no, he will go on a blind date sooner when he is free, and then find a righteous wife and let her protect herself!

When Xiao Cui went to get the soy sauce, a man who looked good but had a frivolous manner walked in from the outside, with some blood stains on his body.

But he didn't seem to care at all. At this moment, he was holding a piece of roasted corn in his hand and was gnawing, he laughed when he saw Beichen, and said while chewing the corn:

"Young Master, almost done.

Dong Enze’s family was killed. I did it by myself. The old woman named Hua Po was just an ordinary woman. She looked like a kind old lady. When I killed her, I couldn’t bear it. I killed one of the Eleven Shadows. .

I don't want to kill Nan Xianglong, because your order is for me to persuade him to surrender. But this kid didn't listen to persuasion, and even pretended to be forced. I didn't hold back my temper and killed him! What do you say about this? You don't blame me, do you? Young Master, why is your face so bad?

Oh, by the way, Xi Fengjin was also killed by me. He had a sword repairer, but he had just reached the super-physical state. He didn't even have a sword training weapon, but this guy would run away very well, otherwise I was yesterday. I came to report to you, just because this guy ran with Xi Fengjin, I chased him for three hundred miles before killing him, and then whip the corpse for another afternoon! It's so fucking angry that he dared to run away! "

Seeing Own's personal guard Ding Dazhuang, Bei Chen really hated his teeth.

The two closest to him who grew up with him are these two people.

Now that Zhong Hongcui has developed into a nympho, he might become a grass-picking thieves one day.

But Ding Dazhuang has been a scumbag since he was a child. There is no bad thing he dared not do. He has taught him many times, but he is so rough and fleshy that he is not afraid of being beaten by himself.

Hey, his life is terrible!

"Are there any movements in the other two areas?" Beichen decided to ignore Ding Dazhuang's 250 appearance, and asked the question he cared about.

"No, Qin Meng is very quiet. It's just that Guo Shuai has mobilized 8,000 leopard-print women to ride outside the city and camp. I didn't stop them from entering the realm of the Tang Dynasty. After all, won't they be a family in the future? There was no movement on the front side, but they sent more people, a full 50,000. I didn't let them enter the Tang Dynasty territory, so I let them be stationed in a few small villages on the edge."

Bei Chen nodded slightly, just about to ask about the details of the action, Xiao Cui had already returned.

"Oh, damn! Young Master, I'm leaving, send someone to tell me what's the matter!" When the words fell, Ding Dazhuang jumped directly from the window to escape.

The only person Ding Dazhuang fears in this world is not Beichen, but Beichen's maid, Zhong Hongcui, who was beaten up by Zhong Hongcui since he was a child!

And Zhong Hongcui got used to playing Ding Dazhuang, so as long as he encountered something unhappy, he would find Ding Dazhuang and beat him up. How could he make Ding Dazhuang not afraid.

"Why did he run away?" Xiao Cui asked some suspicion knowingly.

"Oh, he said urgency, Bei Chen was full of nonsense.

"Hehe, Young Master, you are so funny!"

"Okay, okay, leave him alone, Young Master will tell you the story of my mother!"

"Yeah! Young Master, I've been waiting for two days, let's tell me a story while eating!"

Seeing Xiao Cui's happy appearance, Bei Chen's mood improved a bit. He first took a bite of food for Xiao Cui who was sitting on the table, and then began to tell the story.

"Queen Tang Yu was just an ordinary woman before the end of the world. She was trafficked and had a miserable fate since she was a child. However, she did not bow to her fate. In the end, she gradually squeezed into the upper class society of China from a small role step by step. The female boss of the company is not bad in size.

Let me tell her story, so naturally this story should also include me!

So since there is me in the story, the man whose surname is Qin is indispensable...His name is Qin An. "

"Qin An? The current leader of the Qin League, the honorary commander-in-chief of Kowloon Liancheng? What does it have to do with him?" Xiao Cui is already eating food, and Young Master's craftsmanship is so good that she is obsessed with it.

"Hey, although Tang Yu has been mixed in her career, her emotions have always been blank. One day, she suddenly became interested in a small security guard of the company, so she hired some private investigators, and went all-round. Follow up and investigate the little security guard, wanting to keep all his information in his hands.

Peeping this kind of thing is actually a kind of illness, and as the so-called sickness comes, Tang Yu may have been on a whim at the beginning, but gradually got stuck in it and couldn't get rid of it.

So this little security guard is actually Qin An. After Tang Yu went home every night for a long time, he went to bed watching Qin An’s videos, and gradually formed a habit. Those so-called videos were also unknown to Qin An. Secretly filmed by a private investigator under the circumstances.

Finally, one day, a strange thing happened. Tang Yu discovered that Qin An's wife was pregnant suddenly. It was just that she hid it well and did not meet Qin An every night when she went out and returned. So Qin An didn't even know that his wife was pregnant.

Do you know that there is a word called ‘introspection’?

Everyone will introspect and review the pros and cons of what they have done, right and wrong.

Tang Yu was actually very painful at the time. She felt that it was not good for her to persist in spying on Qin An's life every day. Of course, she knew that this was a pathology.

After learning about Qin An’s wife’s pregnancy, Tang Yu’s mood became even lower and irritable. She wanted to give up. She didn’t want to do such a perverted thing, so she asked the private detective to stop investigating Qin An and secretly filming. I went abroad for a while.

When she came back, she was naturally in a good mood, so she went shopping alone.

Perhaps it was the arrangement of fate. Tang Yu, who was walking on the street, actually saw Qin An’s wife. At that time, she was throwing a child by the trash can on the street... That child, it was me.

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