"This random ability is so perverted, mom, you said that if one day you find me a stepfather, when you are doing something like that in bed, you suddenly doppelganger, what can you do? Will you and doppelganger mother go together? Waiting for your father? Because you were the same person before a second, with all the same memories!"

"Qin Jiusi!"

"Ah, Mom! I said nonsense, let's run! The doppelganger said that you can't beat so many zombies, I guess she is telling the truth!"

While speaking, Qin Jiusi quickly broke away from Yin Yao's embrace and ran forward.

After running for two steps, she suddenly turned back, although there were still tears in her eyes, but her face was already smiling, like a ghostly little fairy.

After all, like today's scene, she has gone through so many times, and she won't be sad if she wants to start.

"Mom! If you really want to find a man, I still want you to find my father! Didn't you say that he is a nice person? Since you are all so familiar with each other and created me, then I think it is still the original match. It’s good, after all, it’s not the counterpart!"

"You boy, you really have a bad school! Don't run, see if your mother doesn't spank you!"

"Ah, help! A certain woman is going to murder her own daughter!"

On the Great Wall, the mother and daughter ran fast, and the sound of laughter spread far away, dispelling the sadness in their hearts.

The night is officially here, and the air battle with the closed ghost door is over!

The two hundred sorties of fighters of the western Tibet army finally completed one-third of the bombing mission at the expense of two-thirds.

In other words, the enemy blasting point originally planned to be bombed was not completely touched.

The enemy's air force is very strong, and their design is not the same as the Soviet fighters before the end of the world. Obviously, they have also been improved by some capable people after the end of the world, and they are very fast and good at air combat operations.

What's more terrifying are those flying zombie beasts.

In the end, the western Tibet fighters had to withdraw. When they left, only 63 were left, and the flying upgraded beasts were all lost, and more than 100 upgraded beast domesticators were killed.

Dong Junwei's Liziyuan Company's position was already ready at this time, and the flying zombie beast from Guimen Pass was still 60 kilometers away from here.

They have built the air defense power grid, and the shelters for escape have been assembled. The mech fighters are hiding in the power grid, ready to attack at any time. Many mobile fortresses have been airlifted from the rear.

For humans, the battlefield at this time is not the flying zombie beast coming from the sky, but the millions of zombies trapped in the underground passage!

On a piece of grass, dozens of soldiers are manipulating two forklifts to excavate soil, and five upgraded ones are guarding them to prevent the dark ones from attacking.

The leader among the upgraded is the sixth-level mutant who just sneaked into the ground solo kill the earth dragon, named Gong Peng.

The team leader responsible for the excavation work is called A and B.

"The upgraded person! I was really awesome just now, and it took less than half a minute to solve the monster inside! I'm really... really a little excited! I have never had such close contact with the upgraded adult. !"

Gong Peng was a nice person, smiled at A and B, then frowned:

"Captain A, you are welcome, I am also an ordinary human! At the age of six when the end of the world broke out, you can see that you should be older than me!"

"Six years old? Then you are also from the pre-apocalyptic era! I...you see what I said! The year I broke out in the apocalypse was eighteen

"Well! Captain A, we are all survivors, so there is no need to make these useless polites. I can see that you don't really care about my identity. Don't worry, as long as the task is completed, I won't cause trouble! "

The middle-aged A and B reduced the flattering smile on his face, but put on a faint smile.

"Master Gong is also polite. This is the first time I have seen such an approachable supernatural person, polite."

"Haha, Captain A, when will your people finish their homework?"

"It's still two minutes. A trench of three meters and eight meters deep, five meters long, and half a meter wide can be dug! Our vehicle shovel is all lengthened. Now it is the work of digging the pit that has been transported by air. Captain Gong can rest assured, no It will make a mistake!"

Gong Peng nodded slightly, and looked at A and B seriously again. This man really wasn't as arrogant as he looked, he was a practical man.

"Who is the old man?"

"I'm from Xuanjian City. Listen to your accent, it should be from Tibet, right?"

"Well, I'm a native of Tibet. I have just been to Jianzhifeng for two months."

"Oh, I was originally in Darklight City in Russia, and I followed City Lord Weng Die to the sword's front not long ago."

"Weng Die? I heard it was a star before the end of the world! I have seen her movies!"

"Yeah, in those days, who would have thought that a pink and tender little beauty would become the overlord of the last days, haha

"Brother, where are you from before the last days?"

"In the northeast, Daqing, Heilongjiang! Hey, when the end of the world broke out, the impact there was originally small, and then a large number of refugees came from the south, and our end of the world was officially opened. The first terrorist creature I saw was not a zombie. It was a refugee who killed my Little Brother. He was eating the meat from Little Brother, crying and saying sorry to me. So I killed him and entered the end times, thirty-five years ago.

"It's unfortunate, but very lucky. At least we survived. Ah, can you speak Northeastern dialect?"

"What's wrong? Haha? Looking for a fan? Elbows!"

"Haha! Yes, yes, the Northeast dialect is really fun! What does this mean?"

"What's wrong, that is to say what's wrong? Haha, what are you going to do? Find a fan, which means you want to be beaten! The elbow is here, the back bend of the arm!" Jia and B were a little proud Explain to Gong Peng.

Gong Peng sighed softly and said, "Hey, it's great to speak the dialect of my hometown! My ancestral home seems to be from Zhejiang, I can't remember clearly... At that time, all the adults in my family were eaten by zombies turned into by neighbors. Only I became a supernatural person and ran out, so I can't speak Zhejiang dialect."

The two strange men talked softly, as if they had become good friends. There was no gap at the beginning, and the boundary of communication between people was broken.

Two minutes have passed, and the soldier driving the forklift jumped down and waved to A and B.

A and B's face ascending gave a somewhat excited smile.

"Where is the stuff?"

Gong Peng also seemed very excited, his voice was already shaking when he spoke.

"On the big truck!" A and B replied, while walking towards the big truck.

Gong Peng was faster than Gong Peng and jumped onto the truck in a few steps.

The other four abilities were originally standing on one side, but at this time they also walked over quickly.

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