"Msang Gong, what's the matter with you?"

Both Wuma Tienan and Hong Luan noticed Qin An's abnormal emotions.

In the end, Wuma Tienan asked, but she regarded herself as Mrs. Qin An.

Growing up in the middle of the sky, the Wuma sisters’ personalities have become a little different, so they don’t care about other people’s eyes, so Wuma Tienan doesn’t mind calling Qin An Xianggong under a large audience.

Because she has a sense of crisis.

I always felt that Qin An’s life belonged to Qin An, and they only wanted Qin An to be their mate.

But when he left Tianju and went outside, his mind slowly changed.

There seem to be a lot of women around Qin An, so if their sisters don't fight or grab, will they never get Qin An's heart in the end? And the people of Qin An?

Then with this kind of thought, Wuma Tienan was naturally unwilling to keep a low profile, so he spit out the word "Miangong" as soon as he opened his mouth, and then attracted a circle of people around him surprised eyes.

Qin An didn't react, because the three Wuma Sisters in the middle of the sky usually call him mate, he is used to it, it seems like a nickname.

It's as if Liu Ru likes to call him Xiaoan, Lanyue occasionally calls him uncle, Liu Xia always calls him bad guys, Li Na persistently calls him a fool, and Qin Xiaoyan calls him like her husband.

And now Qin An's didn't have the mind to think too much, he said directly:

"Nothing...Okay, you don't need to continue the discussion! They are here, they are numerous, and their level should be high, ready to fight! Sihai, Cheng Gang, how about let's go to the first battle?"

Qin An felt that to release his own emotions and let the beast in his heart return to peace, then killing is undoubtedly the best choice. The more he kills, the calmer he tends to be.

"Okay, then go ahead, I've long wanted to go!" Cheng Gang eagerly fists.

"Hey, a future boss is going to charge and fight, this is a bit cheating! Let's go, let's go, no matter how the war has started, then I can only admit my fate!" Guo Sihai seemed to be unwilling, but his But his eyes were extremely firm.

While talking, Qin An has disappeared in the mobile fortress, Cheng Gang and Guo Sihai are extremely depressed, this kind of Spatial Teleportation ability is really f*ck so cool! Why don't they? Helpless, the two had to open the iron gate of the fortress and then jumped out.

Seeing the effect of Qin An's sudden disappearance, Qiu Jinse was a little dazed. Who on earth was he and why did she care so much?

Under the curtain of night, Qin An continued to fly, and quickly crossed 30 kilometers, staring at the oncoming zombie beasts flying in the sky.

Lu Ya?

Qin An's eyebrows were unlocked, and his heart was extremely complicated.

He can't fly! If he can fly to the sky, he should have killed several rounds in the flying zombie herd.

Although the ever-changing abilities can make him fly, the height of the zombie beast at this time is five kilometers, and a large area of ​​blackness obscures the sky.

Even if Qin An could transform into various flying insects and various birds, and finally reach such a height, the power of the sword god should have lost one third of this constant change. How would he fight then?

And as long as he turns back to his true body and uses the power, he will land quickly, even the Falling Leaf Movement Technique can't let him stay in the air for too long, unless there is a place under his feet where he can stand.

Can the power of alchemy work? Get an alchemy pillar soaring into the sky, reaching a height of five kilometers? It may be possible to get one, but the power of the sword god will also be exhausted.

How about using the control transfer ability to place items under your feet? It doesn't seem to work, and it consumes too much.

In the final analysis, it is still the problem, he can't fly!

The flying zombie beast is moving very fast, and the scene is really spectacular and amazing.

The so-called flying zombie beasts are still zombies, they will roar from their mouths from time to time, and occasionally there will be viscous and smelly liquid dripping on their bodies while flying. Qin An turned around and tried to run back with the flying zombie beast, and finally Cheng Gang and Guo Sihai finally arrived.

"Cheng Gang, hurry up and lead them down!" Qin An shouted at Cheng Gang who was flying in the air.

When Guo Sihai arrived at Qin An's side, his face was equally depressed.

"Fuck, I can't fly! Can you?"

"I'm not a bird, how can I fly?"

Cheng Gang in the sky has good ears, and after hearing Qin An's roar, the atmosphere said:

"Go! Daddy is not a bird either!"

As he spoke, he was soaring into the sky, approaching the flying zombie herd, his wings stirred, and thousands of black feathers burning with flames flew out like a rain of arrows. Oncoming tens of thousands of flying zombie beasts were killed by him. More than halfway, four or five thousand corpses of various sizes fell rapidly.

Cheng Gang's momentum is like breaking the sky, but unfortunately there are only two spectators now.

"Fuck! This little gangster is so staunch? This trick is too abnormal, right?" Guo Sihai grew his mouth, his eyes staring at Venus, and he admired him.

Qin An had a sullen face, grabbing his head with both hands and shouting angrily: "Cheng Gang! Are you a fucking idiot? Can you not be handsome at this moment?"

When he was in the Labyrinth City that day, Cheng Gang used such a trick as soon as he showed up. The scene at the time was actually very majestic. More than 10,000 ordinary zombies were killed in seconds, and people went crazy.

However, when drinking later, Cheng Gang confessed to Qin An that his physical stamina had actually been reduced to the lowest level with such a large amount of launch, and he would not be able to fight for long if he wanted to continue fighting, so it would be difficult to shoot feathers from his wings again. A few pieces may be possible, but mass injection is not possible.

Now that Cheng Gang and the flying zombie fight each other, just as soon as they meet each other, how can they fight afterwards?

In fact, Cheng Gang didn't want to be handsome. He also knew that his own strength might be a little worse than Qin An and Guo Sihai, so he used all his strength to attack flying zombies on a large scale just to cause them. Attention, and then attract them to the ground.

Not to mention, Cheng Gang's plan was successful. After a group of flying zombies died, the subsequent flying zombies with a cross-section of more than one thousand meters all rushed towards Cheng Gang. The scene was very spectacular.

Cheng Gang swallowed his saliva.

My mother, if you have a intensive phobia, you must fall directly from the sky!

How can I fight this? Even Qin An and Guo Sihai would not be able to deal with so many flying zombie beasts. They killed 5,000, and 10,000 immediately rushed forward. As long as they are surrounded by any power, there is a bird to use!

Cheng Gang quickly turned around and fell down. The destination was naturally where Qin An and Guo Sihai stood.

"Run, run and fight! Or you will be swallowed!"

Qin An and Guo Sihai turned pale when they saw the mass of Roshan following Cheng Gang's pouring down.

That kind of oppression was too strong, all the flying zombies before were in the sky, and it was actually quite scary to look at.

But now they are suddenly entangled, and then fall from the sky like a tornado. The kind of power gives people the feeling that as long as they are approached, it seems that they will be swallowed!

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