On the Yahoo camp, Yuchi and Yahoo are talking to the whole team, which of course also includes Cheng Gang and Guo Sihai who have secretly returned to the team.

Yahoo's eyes swept across everyone, and when he saw the Qiu Jinse Squadron, he felt confused.

Of course he found that the person named An Xiaoqin had disappeared, but he did not ask about it.

Now he has found out the identity of Guo Sihai!

Yahoo couldn't believe that this man turned out to be the successor of the legendary future regime! So what is the power that makes the King of Skywing, the King of Crushed Stones, the two wives of General Li Ziyuan, and the successor of the future regime...so many of the boss-class figures gather in the own team? Yahoo can't figure it out at all.

Since I can't think of it, I can only not think about it.

For the people of Qiu Jinse team, Yahoo decided not to interfere with their freedom. Even if he was proud, he understood that the gap between own identity and these people could not be compared.

"All cheer me up! I ask you, are you upgraded?"


"Speak louder! Are you scared by the zombie herd?"

"No!" After all, they were all soldiers. Although everyone was really scared, they were so excited by Yahoo's words that they naturally yelled out the loud voice of the soldiers.

"Okay! Since you are not upgraded! Why do you want to go to the front? Do our big guys want to use you as cannon fodder and watch you die? The first row and the third column, you answer!"

The named soldier took a step forward and said in a loud voice with his head up and his chest high:

"Because the number of human zombies and beast zombies exceeds tens of billions! And the number of humans is now only one billion! Our declaration of enlistment is not to kill a hundred zombies and never sacrifice! This is the mission given to us by the times! It is also the basic condition for us to win the war in the end times!"

After this person finished speaking, most soldiers thought of a word in their hearts.

"The answer to this kid is too perfect, it is prepared in advance at first glance.

"Return to the team!"


Yahoo nodded slightly, then glanced at everyone again.

"He was right! Remember your mission! How many zombies are you going to kill?"

"100!" Everyone responded together, this time with a loud voice.

"Departure who has completed the task!"

Swipe, there are more than 100 people in the three-hundred team, and they still wear the Hundred Slash Medal on their chests. This is only for those soldiers who have actually killed a hundred zombies after verification. of.

Qin Le secretly lowered his head in the back row of the team. He hasn't really seen a zombie until now, let alone killed.

"Haha! Not bad, there are more than a hundred owners of the Hundred Slash Medal in my Yahoo team. I haven't paid attention to it before! So now I will give you a task. A few minutes later, there will be a large number of zombies flying on the opposite side. They may look weird, but in our textbooks, they are still classified as zombies! They are creatures that you can kill with a bullet to their heads! So, do you have the confidence to kill a hundred zombies? ?"

"Yes!" Speaking of honor, these soldiers naturally became motivated and roared in unison.

Those who did not have the Hundred Swords Medal were a little ashamed. They looked at Yahoo and wondered if the young captain would also let them kill more zombies.

Yahoo's gaze swept over there, narrowed slightly, and after looking at it for about ten seconds, he said, "You guys don't die...Okay! Disband, everyone is in the bunker!"

When the words fell, he turned around and left.

The soldier without the Hundred Swords Medal became angry at once.

Muddy horse, why don't this group of people die?

Who are you looking down on? Everyone is in the army. They were just a little late in the army, so they didn't go out to perform the task of killing zombies in the early years, so they didn't have the Hundred Slash Medal. How could this Yahoo despise them so much? Is it tolerable or unbearable!

Guo Sihai looked at the back of Yahoo's departure with interest.

This kid's taunting skills are still awesome.

Looking at the group of soldiers who were full of fear just now, they were all not afraid at once.

The people with the Hundred Slashing Medal hold their heads up, and they feel that they have killed a hundred zombies. They must set an example for the group of soft guys. If they show fear at this time, doesn't it mean that they own Is the Hundred Slash Medal fake?

People who don't have the Hundred Swords Medal are not downcast, their faces are full of anger! Little *** Yahoo, you wait for the daddy! Really murderous zombies, daddy are also professional!

So next, everyone will go back to the bunker. When there is no way, they are happy or unhappy. They all know that they should face it or face it. It is the flying zombie that comes! It is completely different from ordinary ground injuries.

After returning to the mobile fortress, Qiu Jinse's face has been very poor.

She watched Guo Sihai and Cheng Gang a dozen times, and finally couldn't help but speak.

"He...what about him?"

Qiu Jinse felt that she had to ask, after all, she was the captain of this team, and if there were no more individuals, she would not be responsible for asking.

Moreover, her stubbornness of not speaking can no longer continue. Since meeting the black boy, how many times has she said?

Cheng Gangmu glanced at Qiu Jinse blankly, then suddenly opened his eyes.

Obviously, he was surprised because Qiu Jinse spoke.

The other people in the room were also surprised, but most of them were more concerned about Cheng Gang's answer, where did Qin An go? Why didn't he come back?

Guo Sihai opened the metal guard plate of the twenty-centimeter-long square window on the fortress wall and looked to the north.

"Fifteen kilometers away, Qin An is fighting in the sea of ​​corpses. I don't know if he can kill the golden eagle!"

Qin An? Qiu Jinse was taken aback for a moment. Who is Qin An?

Guo Sihai didn't seem to realize that he had missed his words, and he didn't feel that he had an obligation to keep a secret for Qin An.

He can't even conceal his own identity. Hasn't Yuchi Yahoo successfully investigated his identity? And all this was naturally acquiesced by Guo Sihai, otherwise Yahoo would not know who he was even if he used all his strength.

Hong Luan was sitting there with her eyes closed, and she frowned slightly when she heard Guo Sihai's words.

Hey, after so many years, how come this little security guard's temperament hasn't changed much? If he has some ability, he will go to the front, don't he know that he has to hide at the end and wait for the opportunity to seek the greatest benefit?

Wuma Tienan had already set off. She lifted the lid of the mobile fortress and jumped out without saying hello to Qiu Jinse.

She is the host of the Sword God, and her best ability is to protect people. Now Own Xianggong is in danger, how can she sit here?

Gong Xue saw Wuma Titie Nan go out, stood up and walked two steps in the fortress, but finally did not leave.

She naturally cares about Qin An, but she knows that if she goes out, she will definitely not be a help when she meets Qin An, but will become a burden instead! If it is Qin An, as long as he does not go deep into the zombie group, he should be able to escape, if he adds own, then it is not necessarily!

Qin Le also worried about Dage. He already knew the true identity of An Xiaoqin.

Tassel saw Qin An's thoughts on one side, and patted him on the shoulder to express comfort, very intimate.

In the room, only Lan Fei and Ye Siya had a calmer mood, because they were not familiar with Qin An at all, they could be regarded as strangers, and naturally they wouldn't worry about it.

Qiu Jinse, who had been stunned for a long time, suddenly flushed.


Qin An? Qin Xiaoan? An Xiaoqin?

This... this is clearly a person!

In other words, An Xiaoqin and Qin Xiaoan's real names should be called Qin An?

Damn this? What is he going to do? How to tease him like this? Who is he?

Wait...Qin An? How do you feel so familiar?

Qiu Jinse didn't react for a while. Although she had heard of the name Qin An before going to prison, she never paid attention to it at all, because Qin An was just Qin An at that time.

After leaving the prison, she came directly to the battlefield, and she didn’t know that the lord of the Qin League who disappeared back then had returned.

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