gate of hell,

Li Hongchen and Fang Xiaoran are sitting quietly drinking tea, the last-day soul boy Tianji and his own brothers and sisters are playing a game of wooden people in the open space of the Guan!

If you don't use abilities, you just run at the speed of your legs. Anyone who is caught by the spine will become a wooden person. He is not allowed to speak or move until the end of the game.

Seeing the children playing like normal human children, Fang Xiaoran was very pleased and felt that his own education was good.

Li Hongchen's face was very bad at this time, and his eyes were full of anger!

"Quiet, isn't it just millions of zombies? It's not a loss to you!" Fang Xiaoran's tone was very flat, with a smile on his mouth.

This arrogant old man still thought about sneaking on the human coalition forces, but he was put on a side by others. This time he has no place to show himself, right?

Perhaps speaking to him calmly will make him feel even more depressed.

This is a kind of ridicule. The so-called murderous knife without seeing blood is the most terrifying. Anyway, Fang Xiaoran doesn't like Li Hongchen.

Sure enough, Li Hongchen was very angry, and with one hand, the teacup was shattered.

"You’re right! It’s just a few million zombies! I don’t care! And who knows who won’t win or lose in the end? My 200,000 flying zombies have already gone! There are quite a few D8s among them. Hmph, when the time comes, the enemy will lift a rock and hit the owner's feet, and the sky and the ground will attack at the same time. I see how they cope!"

"Ah, speaking of it, you are indeed very tough. You can control a D8-level zombie beast?"

"Hmph, the things in my body are already D8 kings, and can evolve to D9 at any time!"

"That's it...Okay, okay, don’t get excited, haven’t I also lost a lot of wicked girls? As their coach, if this is not victorious, I really don’t know how to tell the queen when I return to Hellfire City. Explain! The queen is not terrible, what is terrifying is the man behind her! That is a guy who can kill with raising his hand, and the slain is powerless to resist!"

"Is the true master of the Moling Sect? I have long heard that Wu Wenxin, the leader of the cult, is just a puppet. It seems to be true?"

"No! He is not a puppet! The leader of the Moling Sect is indeed Wu Wenxin, but the king of the Moling Kingdom is someone else!"

"The kingdom of the last spirit? Don't you want to build a country with us? Why are you playing the banner now?"

"Common is common. Isn't this still undecided? Hongchen Dage, let's not take part in these things. Let's think about how to fight this battle!"

A servant brought Li Hongchen a cup of water and poured water, and Li Hongchen took a sip.

When this old guy didn't eat people, he saw that there was such a majestic aura.

"This battle is based on my main attack. After the enemy camp is destroyed by my flying zombie beasts, do you want to let Skyridge pass? Those powerful abilities will always have to be dealt with, I control There are too many zombies to take care of!"

"Tianji? This kid is uncertain. I'm restraining him for a few days, and he will go when he should go! By then, I believe everything has settled, right? The premise is that Hongchen Dage has already used your zombie troops. , If the enemy forces are scattered, then it should be a matter of grasping who Tiansei takes the first rank among the scattered enemy forces."

"Hahaha! Don't worry, after tonight, the enemy camp will be a wreck!"

Li Hongchen drank the remaining tea in the cup, and then spit out: "Damn! This thing really doesn't suit me! Come here, get human blood!"

In Qin League, the capital of Tang Dynasty, Xiao Cui is making the bed for Beichen.

Master Beichen's woman is less than fifty years old this year, but she seems to be younger. She is a ladylike woman, and she is talking to Beichenxing in the room at this time.

"Son, this city is so chaotic now... I am a believer in Buddhism, so I have kind thoughts in my heart. I know that you let Ding Dazhuang clean up the power of the Three Kings within the influence of the Tang Dynasty, and I don't know why you I got in touch with the Queen, and I don’t want to care about these things and I won’t take care of them. But you have to remember that killings that are too heavy will result in retribution! So tell that Ding Dazhuang, don’t kill people indiscriminately!"

Bei Chen sat opposite the woman and nodded vigorously.

"Mom, don't worry, everything is done, don't you think I have to go to bed? Don't worry about everything, in fact, I have been brewing this for many years!"

"Hey, it's a good thing for boys to want to build their merits! Our Beichen family is a scholarly family before the end of the world, with a reputation. After the end of the world, your father quickly formed a good army to occupy a lot of territory, but it's a pity... .. Later, I took you as an adopted child and taught you to be an adult...Anyway, do it yourself! Go on your own way in the future, and don't forget that you were once a child of the Beichen family!"

While speaking, Mrs. Beichen got up and left, and Beichenxing stood in front of the door and watched, with a trace of sadness in her eyes.

"Young Master Young Master! Come take a look online, they said that in two minutes, hundreds of thousands of flying zombies from the north are about to rush into our coalition camp! Ah, I don’t know if this battle will be fought. Win! The frontline is also true, why don't you send reporters to collect the footage? They are all guessing, and there is no accurate news! Humph, hate!"

" didn't make the bed for Young Master, why did you turn on the computer to go online? My mother was here just now, so you didn't come and see you on your knees!"

"Cut, your Beichen Mansion has a lot of rules! It makes it the same as the old society before the end of the world. Young Master, don't worry, Madam will not be angry with me, she treats me privately, as if she wants me to be her. His daughter-in-law."

Beichenxing stood at the door, and there was no trace of Mrs. Beichen.

He stood there for a long time without moving or speaking.

"Young Master! What are you doing?"

"Xiao Cui, you said that if you are alive will be painful or helpless, is it a good choice to die?"

"Hmm! I think so! Why do you ask?"

"Young Master doesn't think so! I always think it's better to be alive than to die! Tonight you go and stand outside your mother's room!"


"Back then, Master Beichen died. Outsiders thought it was a death of illness, but it was Tang Yu's work. Do you think Mrs. Beichen, my adoptive mother is really a fool? From then on, she began to eat fast and reciting the Buddha, ignoring world affairs, you Do you think this is her wish? I think, maybe she has found something secretly. When she left just now, she looked at me with some dismay and determination! I am big now, with hardened wings, and being able to be myself I'm holding up a piece of sky! Anyway, I was a child raised by her since I was five years old, so she saw that I was promising, and she should be able to let go of the worries in her heart. I'm afraid of her...I'm afraid She doesn't want to continue living

"Ah? You said Madam would commit suicide? How could it be possible?"

"Hurry up?"

Xiaocui immediately jumped up from the computer desk, and then quickly ran out! This is a big deal.

Bei Chen's eyebrows are frowning, perhaps because of the friendship between mother and child, he always feels such a bad feeling!

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