United States town.

After the day, night came again.

Weng Lan handled own food carefully,

Only one of the four grilled sausages was eaten, a small piece of hamburger was left, and a bottle of water only drank one third.

The rescue did not arrive, the flying zombies had already dispersed, and the army that had arrived was fighting with them, and one day was not enough to wipe them all out.

Some people will be infected with corpses because of being attacked. Fear is spreading, people's hearts are chaotic, and the team will naturally be chaotic.

Some people began to regret and complain. They didn't know why they had to leave the protection of the city wall. Is it really different when it comes to Seven Sword City? That place will be safer than the giant forest city?

In fact, the main reason is that the news that Gusen City Lord has died has been spread. This has caused all the natives of Gusen City to lose their backbone. Naturally, it is impossible not to be chaotic.

On the other side of the house, Liu Tian, ​​Annie, Jax, Katerina, Da Bai, and three small ones were trapped.

Liu Tian is a little haggard. She has not slept or eaten anything since she was trapped.

Annie walked to Liu Tian's side and hugged her mother gently.

"Mom, Dad will be fine. It’s okay if you don’t sleep, but you have to eat! Don’t forget, we’re upgraded! Here, this is a piece of bread. The food is running out. You have to eat some. ."

While talking, Annie put a piece of dry bread next to Liu Tian's mouth.

Liu Tian turned her head and looked at Little Annie, and smiled very relievedly. Instead of eating the food, she pulled Annie's little hand over and wiped the dirt on the back of her hand with her sleeve.

"My dear, you have grown up and are so sensible, I am very happy."

"Mom, it's rare for you to be so polite to me!" Xiao Annie squeezed out a smile, but Liu Tian could see a trace of anxiety and tension in her smiling face.

This child, obviously afraid in his heart, came to comfort himself.

"where are they?"

"Coax the children to sleep over there, mother, you really eat some!" Annie felt very sorry for Liu Tian.

"Hey, mother won't eat it. This food is easy to digest. Soak it in water and feed it to the babies."

Annie frowned, and finally stopped talking. Yeah, the babies are hungry too. Not crying is considered a Giving face.

Liu Tian turned his head and looked out of the window. At this time, the number of zombies nearby had actually decreased a lot.

The place where they were hiding was more than 200 meters away from the house where Weng Lan was located. Liu Tian couldn't see the house from this angle because there were other buildings blocking it.

"Annie, I'm going out to see Weng Lan. It has been more than twenty-four hours. I'm afraid she can't handle it alone."

"But mother, haven't you been out when the zombies rioted last night?"

"Well, at that time, my mother saw two D5 jumping zombies, so she didn't dare to step forward and returned to the room."

"Fortunately, I was not discovered by them, or it would be miserable! If you fight with them alone, your mother is naturally not afraid, but if you fight with them here, the ordinary zombies nearby will be surrounded! Hey, D5 has appeared, and it is probably from the previous battlefield. Those who ran over there, but our army hasn't come back yet. It seems that they were dispersed by the flying zombies group!"

"Well, so I want to try to reach Weng Lan."

At this point, Liu Tian paused, then turned and hugged her daughter into her arms.

"My dear, have you remembered the life philosophy that Mom gave you over the years?"

"Well, I remember my mother!"

"So what about history? Most people in the last days don't care about learning, but I care about it!"

"I know! I know that Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, and that China hosted the Olympic Games in 2008! I also know that the United States had to start a war for domestic interests."

"That's what your father told you. He is from United States and I am from China. We originally had a different position, so I won't talk about this. You have to remember, and you must have your own judgment in the future! Right or wrong is not such a simple thing. I don’t want you to be kind, and I don’t want you to be a devil. This is the traditional thinking of the mother country, the so-called golden mean!"

"Well, Mom, I took it down, but why are you so sad, I'm afraid!"

"Don't be afraid, you have grown up, what else is terrible?"

Liu Tian chatted with her daughter for a while, hugged for a while, then stood up and packed her own equipment.

"Don't worry, mom will try it. If I can't get through, I won't stick to it. After all, I have to think about you and the others here, so I can't attract all the zombies!"

Liu Tian is reluctant to give up, but what should I do? Weng Lan was there alone, and the kid she brought was Qin Sanshan!

Since Sanshan was born, Annie was in charge of nursing, and she has been very affectionate for more than eight months.

"Then mom, you must be careful! I'm waiting for you!"

"Well, don't worry, most of those flying zombies leave. As long as you don't encounter advanced upgraded zombies on the ground, mom can deal with them."

While talking, Liu Tian walked into the back room again and explained to Jax.

"You are the only man. No matter how long I have been away, you will be the captain to replace me after I leave, but your social experience is less. Let Annie be your deputy captain. What's the matter? Come."

As if thinking of someone, Liu Tian went to the corner to find Da Bai again.

"Well, you should be considered a man too, but unfortunately you are a silly bastard, but if you get rid of it, you must play well!"

Liu Tian also explained to Katerina:

"Don't leave Anne for everything, she's not a child anymore!"

Finally, Liu Tian left, jumped out from the back window, went to the room, crawled forward, and touched the house where Weng Lan was.

It was very smooth at the beginning, Liu Tian soon reached a hundred meters away and could already see the house where Weng Lan was trapped.

There are not too many zombies nearby, but there are many zombies outside a small circle about 70 or 80 meters away.

Liu Tian was a little depressed, because there was no other house near that house, and the nearest one was the one on the opposite side of the street. They couldn't hide there before, and there was a distance of more than ten meters between the two.

It seems that if you want to pass, you can only wait until the night, when the zombies are in a deep sleep state!

Fortunately, I didn't see two D5s, which means I should be able to give it a try.

Thinking of this, Liu Tian intends to step back.

At this moment, she was lying on a house, stood up and was about to jump to another house following the path when she came, when she heard a strange groan from the window under the house.


In this situation, who is still in the mood to do things for men and women? Wouldn't it be those nasty activities in the last days again?

Liu Tian's reason told herself not to be nosy.

However, she still couldn't hold back, and gently jumped off the roof, then squatted on the window in the backyard and glanced inside...then her body shuddered and her hairs stood up!

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