Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1179: The Real Sword God

The smile on Yin Yao's face was even stronger.

"Xiao Jiu, have you seen it? This is the true strength of my mother! It's just that the half-god I can't support the avatars and continue to avatars! You can calculate, if I can separate 10,000 bodies, then each avatar can still After separating 10,000 bodies, and then all appearing in a space of ten kilometers away, how many mothers will there be? Hey, it’s a pity that I can’t get the clone to reach too far. I can only maintain it within ten kilometers. It can be infinitely far away, and I can make the entire earth be my shadow in an instant!

But ten kilometers is enough. I am very curious. Within these ten kilometers, unless forty-eight other sword gods come in person, who would dare to fight with me? "

Xiao Jiumei was already dumbfounded, because at this time, beside her, Xiao Loli and the few ordinary people, it was already the voice of the mother's sword god Yan Liuxiang.

How much is 10000 times 10000? One billion! ! !

OMG! In a small space of ten kilometers, there is a mother of one hundred million? Isn't that... Isn't that crowded?

Xiao Jiumei's head was completely short-circuited.

In the sky, his seven body and his eyebrows are tightly furrowed, and his body is full of red light and corrosive gas for a hundred meters in a week!

These corrosive auras are so strong that they can actually corrode those sword god clones, so within a hundred meters, no clone has appeared.

But that clone was really too much, one would corrode, a hundred rushed in immediately, a hundred corroded, and a thousand appeared immediately, it was not enough to kill!

And these clones are not ordinary people, but sword god clones with the same ability as Yin Yao!

Every time the blood red mist corrodes one, the force of the seven bodies is lost.

In just one minute, his 100-meter red haze corrosion protection circle has shrunk to a range of ten meters, and it is still shrinking.

no! If this goes on, I will die!

With this idea in mind, Qi-body immediately made own body disappear, turned on the teleportation ability and pounced on Xiao Jiumei, wanting to take her as a hostage, and then lasted ten minutes.

As long as the opponent's sword spirit is exhausted, he can win.

"Huh, dreaming!"

Countless Yin Yao roared, each releasing a light sword Spiritual Qi from his body!

After that, the Seven Body, who was hiding in the void, suddenly felt Mental Energy tremble, and then was trapped in the void and couldn't escape.

In the real space, all Yan Liuxiang clones disappeared.

In the darkness of nothingness, a burst of light fell from the sky, illuminating the entire void space, and Yin Yao's body appeared on the opposite side of the Seven Body.

"The second skill of Xiangying Sword God, extreme duel.

When my Mental Energy locks you in, no matter what space you hide in, I can teleport to you, and then take back my hundreds of millions of clones, and merge into today's ultimate combined body! I represent all the power of Xiangying's hundreds of millions of clones! Even if this state can only last for a minute, how can you resist it? "

After Yin Yao said these words, the body of the seven bodies had been cut into seven segments, and the seven brains had been cut into pieces at the same time, and he didn't even know what had happened.

"Speed ​​is just a concept, the limit of speed is actually no speed!

I can still take your seven brain blood without moving, how can you stop me! "

At this time Yin Yao, the soul of the sword god bloodline in the body occupied the dominant position, which gave her the pride of being a king, and the tone of her speech was different from the usual Yin Yao.

Forty-nine Sword God has been in the Sword Spirit Star for so many years, raising his hand to kill is like breathing and farting, then Yin Yao has now turned on the fifth skill to summon the Sword Spirit, has reached the Realm of God from the state of demigod, and is only one step away from the true God. Of course, it is not difficult to kill a small seven body.

As she said, the limit of speed is actually not moving! Yin Yao didn't seem to be moving, it was because her speed had already reached the limit, which was impossible to imagine.

Just when the seven bodies were killed, and the seven brains were still floating in the void with the seven brains hanging on the seven-half body, an accident happened, and time and space stopped!

"Xiang Ying, it's really a good method, so majestic!"

Following this, a crack appeared in the void, and a four-legged Sky-Swallowing Beast with a length of 100 meters walked out of the crack!

Its body is like a wolf, with nine heads on its neck, but its real head, a thirty-meter body shaped like a giant snake, grows out of the tail.

Yin Yao frowned slightly, looked up at the huge monster, and said coldly:

"Monster! Are you preparing these seven bodies for yourself, or are you the first sword god?"

"Haha, of course it is the first sword god! Our emperor! The body of this deity is still tempered in the Heavenly Seal Sect without forming! Xiangying, do you want to betray?"

"Betrayal? Humph, I don't like betrayal, so I want to kill Qiti because he is beating my daughter's attention!"

"You don't like to betray, so you want to kill Seven Body? The deity asks you, who is your king? Who is it that you don't want to betray?"

"My king...ah, I originally thought it was the first sword god emperor, but now I am not sure. Now that I have chosen to make the owner half a human, then the former Xiangying Sword God is also It's dead! I am the king of my own, what I don't want to betray is my own mind!

Demon Heaven, let your Hun and Po go back to the Heaven Seal Sect, and never come to me again!

Still that sentence, I don’t want to fight like before. I just want to be Yin Yao’s quiet life. If you don’t know what to do and you have to pull me into the water, don’t blame me for turning my face and ruthlessly!

How do you say it in human terms?

Oh, by the way, believe it or not, I will go through China and go straight to the Indian Heaven Seal Sect to find out and destroy your refining body, so that you will never be able to resurrect in this life? "

"you you!!!"

"How to say? Not convinced?"

"Hmph, count you cruel! However, if you really come to the Heavenly Seal Sect, you may not be able to do anything about me. Although I have not been resurrected, the Heavenly Seal Sect is already very powerful after years of accumulation. The demon waiting for me The true people of the Celestial Clan walked out of the gate of time and space, even if I did not resurrect, I will come to you! I will make you regret your disrespect to the deity today!"

"Haha, Yaotian! Your five-year agreement with Qin An, do you think I don’t know what it was for? My memory was also affected by the Mental Energy attack from the First Sword God’s group, but there are still some that did not Damaged! Even if I can't kill your refining body, but believe it or not, I will kill Qin An! If he dies, I see how you guys will be resurrected! Haha!"

"you dare?"

"Why don't I dare? You have touched my bottom line, I dare to do anything! Remember, this is the first and the last time! If someone comes to hit my daughter's attention, I would rather let my sword spirit be broken, I want to kill all of you too! It's all!"

The snake head on the tail of the giant beast showed a ferocious expression like a human.

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