However, the patriarch of the Wanderer Tribe didn't treat Qiu Jinse special for this reason. He strictly abides by the rules of not asking why, and treats all guests equally.

Peach Blossom brought boiled water. After putting it on the ground, he ran back and sat behind his father. He looked at the guests with wide eyes, especially Qin An. The reason for the similar age is not a shy character at first glance.

The kid named Li Watermelon is just six years old this year. He has a very cute head and brain. He is also Li Haibo's child and is not born of the same mother as Li Taotao.

This kid was playing in the mud in the corner before, and when he saw that Big sis brought up boiling water, he voluntarily ran up to make tea for everyone. Obviously, he often does this kind of work.

Li Taotao looks like a hooker. It is estimated that there have been incidents of pouring water on guests and being harassed before. That's why such an arrangement was made.

After he was done, he ran back to the corner to play in the mud again, muttering incessantly:

"Hurry up and build the wall! The zombies are coming! Build a gun tower

Qiu Jinse squinted his eyes slightly, and sat on the small bench to look at the scented tea on the tabletop. This should be chrysanthemum tea. After smelling it, there was a fragrant scent, indicating that it was well preserved. He secretly placed a pill in the water. The test pill did not change color, indicating that there are no drugs, inhibitors and other ingredients in the tea.

Looking up at the little boy, Qiu Jinse's heart moved slightly.

The child's eyebrows and facial features are so handsome, he must be a handsome boy when he grows up?

He is six years old this year, so the daughter of Qin An seems to be just full moon, age is not a problem, older boys can take care of little girls.

If this child can be taken away and nurtured since childhood, will he be Qin Wenxin's best friend in the future?

It's just... It's just that the child's name really makes Qiu Jinse unbearable, Li Watermelon?

Hey, Li Haibo just said that when the child was born, they were still wandering in the south and hadn’t eaten anything serious for several days. At that time, the child’s mother wanted to eat some fruit, so she shouted during the process of giving birth. It is also the name of the fruit.

Li Haibo, an irresponsible father, directly named the child Li Banana after he was born, because the mother-child cried out bananas the most times.

Later, Li Haibo’s eldest wife, Li Taotao’s mother, Bai Li, felt that the name was too unsophisticated, so Li Haibo changed it to Li Watermelon.

That year, they encountered a group of upgraded rats. Li Taotao's mother Bai Li and Li Watermelon's mother both died.

After taking a sip of chrysanthemum tea, Qiu Jinse sat there quietly, watching Li Watermelon who was playing, thinking about his own thoughts. He already had the consciousness to be a matchmaker for Qin Wenxin. I don’t know what kind of kid he could do. The shadow sword god of time and space worthy of the future, leader of the Eurasian Alliance!

It's not right to think this way. If you can find a good son-in-law for Qin Wenxin, at least her future will be different. Maybe she can't become the Shadow Sword God of Time and Space, just an ordinary young grandmother!

That kind of life is actually good, why do women make themselves so tired?

But if there is no future shadow sword god of time and space, what about oneself? Where did you get your abilities?

Qiu Jinse's head was bigger, but the concept of time was originally a wrong understanding for humans, so she naturally couldn't understand it.

In fact, the time point is not a continuous and continuous line of backward development, it is more like a parallel world.

According to the meaning of time, one second is a world, and there is another world in the next second. That is to say, every space is static, just like a picture. Then all the connected worlds are connected together to finally form the animation.

This means that even if Wen Xin’s destiny changes, it has no effect on the entire world. Even Qiu Jinse, who has benefited from Qin Wenxin’s future, will not change, because the past and future exist no matter what. The soul energy of a person connects a person's life together. This energy can be understood as memory. If there is no memory, those people will actually live in different time and space, so they cannot communicate normally with people who have inherent time and space.

This year, the young scout boy in his early twenties has a bold personality and does not admit to being a child at all.

He took a sip of his tea and said gruffly: "Hey, brother, continue telling the story! I like to hear the story when the end of the world just broke out! You and a group of people are trapped in the supermarket, more women than men, What happened afterwards? Did you escape? Or were you trapped to death? Oh, by the way, you are alive, at least you are not dead! Haha!"

Li Haibo smiled, then said:

"Haha, the younger brother is so humorous, of course I am not dead!

I am actually the protagonist of this story.

Back then, two of the women who were trapped with me were the most beautiful!

One of them is Tao Tao's mother, Bai Li.

It was only fifteen years ago, a full thirteen years younger than me.

She is the daughter of our neighbour, and my neighbour is the immediate boss of our company. He used to be bullied by his mother, but he turned out to be better. As soon as the end of the world broke out, he became a zombie and ate his own wife, which is Bai Li. My mother, so Belle was alone when she was trapped. Among all the trapped people, the only thing she knew was me. She used to call me Li Uncle! But in private, he called me Dagui Li, because she called me like that by Daddy!

Another beauty is Wei Ran, a well-known beauty in our community, twenty-two, unmarried, and her boyfriend Zhang Liang was trapped with her at the time.

The protagonists of the story are almost there.

Even though I was married at that time, a man, there will always be a few women in my heart that I hope to get, Wei Ran is one of my dream goddesses.

So when I first got trapped, I imagined that there were so many zombies around, I wonder if the legendary end has come.

If so, then I must get Wei Ran before I die, no matter what method is used!

Haha, today’s human killing of individuals is actually the same as killing chickens and sheep, but for those of us who had just entered the end times from civilized society at that time, it was a big challenge, so all my thoughts are just thoughts. Don't dare to implement it.

The first few days of being trapped were not bad, but after being trapped for three months, when the food was getting less and less and the rescue was indefinitely, people began to be anxious.

Those boys have been dead for many years, but I still can't forget their decision at that time.

The zombies around did not disperse at all, they actually wanted to rush out! And those women are also S.B, and they still have to follow them!

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