Qin An also took a sip of water, then sighed slightly.

Really numb.

If this story is told by a woman named Wei Ran, it should be very sad.

Because the protagonists in the story are obvious, Wei Ran, Bai Li, and Zhang Liang are innocent.

Zhang Liang organized everyone to escape from the dangerous place, at least at this time, he played the role of a good person.

What about Li Haibo?

Kidnapping people who had previously taken refuge under one roof and using food to coerce them is obviously a bad character.

But when I listened to Li Haibo speaking in such a plain tone at this time, there was not the slightest ups and downs in his heart, nor did he feel how bad he was.

Has the world changed, or has it changed, or has it all changed a lot? Already changed beyond recognition?

"Hey, since my dream lover ignores me, then I will ask Bai Li and Zhang Liang again.

Haha, the two of them are still sturdy, Bai Li cried, just crying. Zhang Liang didn't speak, just moving his eyes back and forth.

I just thought, what was he thinking at the time?

Thinking of how to escape from me, or... still considering whether to compromise with me!

On the third day, I finally knew the answer, and it was the latter. He lowered his arrogant head, smiled flatteringly at me, and said in a weak tone:

‘Brother, stop making trouble! This will kill people, and you don't want to see someone die in front of you with your own eyes, do you? ’

I pretended to be surprised and glanced at him, then replied in a cold tone:

‘Brother, I’m not surprised, look outside! There are living dead everywhere, many of them died in front of me, so I have adapted! Do you think this is before? This is the end of the world! My child’s wife died in the last days, everything is different! Why should I give you food? These foods are enough for me to eat for more than a week. If they are distributed to you, it may only be enough for two days, so I will live five days less! There will be many possibilities in the five days, and many of these five days are the chance for me to escape from birth. Am I going to give up the opportunity to give you food? Doesn't that mean killing myself? If it were you, would you choose to watch people lose in front of you, or kill yourself? ’

What I said made all three people stupid.

Bai Li looked thoughtful, she really listened to it and understood the end of the world.

But Wei Ran...what a pity, she doesn't understand!

Qin An turned his head slightly, because he heard the sound of solemn breathing and the acceleration of his heart, which was made by an apocalyptic businessman.

Qin An didn’t know if all apocalyptic merchants were controlled by people in black, but most of the apocalyptic merchants he had seen were dressed in this way when they walked in the apocalypse. They were dressed in black and covered with black gauze, so that people could not see them. The real looks.

The two apocalyptic businessmen are a man and a woman. The man is in his thirties and is fourth-level upgraded.

The woman looks relatively young and beautiful. She looks like she is in her thirties, but Qin An estimates that she is also in her fifties by observing the skin texture, and she is a true sixth-level upgrader, with six colors. Rune is marked under her left chest.

Then it was this woman who was emotionally unstable at this time, breathing heavily, and her heart beating faster.

Looking at her expression again, Qin An's mouth slowly rose with a smile.

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

When this woman Li Haibo talked about Wei Ran, why was her expression so complicated, why her eyes were so entangled, and why did her body react like this?

She won't have anything to do with Wei Ran, will she?

Isn't she Wei Ran himself?

If she is really Wei Ran, then this story is interesting!

This is a story in a story! But is it such a coincidence?

Qin An took another sip of tea, then looked down at the Wannian ring in his hand, and communicated with Rongrong in his heart:

"Old lady, go back and help me stare. If there is anything at home, please call me! Maybe there will be a little delay here."

"Hmph, I will steal your little lover and let me comfort your many wives and lovers? You really have a heart!"

Rong Rong babbled uncomfortably, and then turned into an invisible fog, drifting away without a trace, and reappearing already two kilometers away.

Qin An admired very much. As the true host of Wannian Sword God, Rongrong's ability to change is really getting better and better, she can't compare it at all!

Suddenly, Qin An frowned slightly, then turned his head to look at the woman in black again.

Under Qin An's perspective, she was naked, so...what's the matter with the scar on her back?

Obviously, this wound had just been left, a long but not obvious mark of a knife wound!

Ah? How can a sixth-level upgrader have scars?

Unless she took the TC virus inhibitor, she was in a state of ability silence at this time!

Qin An narrowed his eyes and went to look at the other man in black and the Russian woman who was wearing very little clothes.

That man is nothing unusual, but that Russian woman... so smooth skin? There is no blemish from top to bottom, how can an ordinary person have this kind of skin?

His eyes quickly swept across her body, and finally Qin An found a nine-color flower mark beside the secret place between the woman's legs!

ninth-level upgrader!

Mud horse! The location of this mark is really hidden!

Although Qin An has the ability to see through, he doesn't like to look at that part of a woman casually, which is why he feels that he is not a pervert!

That's weird.

Two apocalyptic merchants with abilities bring a Russian woman, why is the merchant without abilities, but the Russian woman is ninth-level upgraded?

What does ninth-level upgraded mean? She may have received an oracle before she could evolve to such a high level. You must know that the evolution of ordinary abilities nowadays is no more than the sixth-level!

It's really strange. It seems that this is another story. Could it be that the woman in black is the one being controlled?

Qin An swept across her body again, nothing unusual.

Qin An concentrated on Mental Energy and let the perspective ability enter her body, and was shocked afterwards! I can't believe my own eyes!

This... how could this happen? Is there such a thing?

Qin An's face became gloomy, then a little pale, and he looked at the Russian girl again.

This woman is about 30 years old. The real age cannot be seen through the texture of her skin. Her figure can be bloody, and her appearance is even more beautiful and unusual. In general, she is no worse than Liu Xia, and of course she can't catch up with Liu Ru. In Qin'an He couldn't keep up with Qiu Jinse in his mind.

At this moment, she was very quiet, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, as if she was smiling, and it seemed that she was born with a smiling face!

Haha, Jiaoshan Fort!

Why did Qiu Jinse come here? Is it related to these two apocalyptic people and Russian women?

Qin An turned his head to look at the dumb girl.

At this time, her attention has been removed from the little boy Li Watermelon. She is looking around, as if looking for someone. When she glanced at the Russian woman, she only paused for a while and then moved away. Obviously she The target is not this woman.

So what exactly is this story about? Qin An couldn't understand it!

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