Qiu Jinse sat alone on the black rust fort, watching the night wind and listening to the dark clouds.

Sometimes, people will enter a mood.

It seems that I can hear some things and see some sounds. This is often because I think too much, and in the end I don't understand what I am thinking.

Qin An did not continue to listen to Wei Ran's story. He wanted to give her and Li Haibo an absolutely quiet space and couldn't bear to disturb!

In fact, it is conceivable that Wei Ran has become a supernaturalist because of some experiences, but Lisa is a stronger supernaturalist than her, so she may have wanted revenge, but in the end she was still controlled by her. , Still unable to change the fate of being enslaved, what a tragic twenty-five years of the last days! Women who have experienced like Wei Ran are by no means a minority in the last days. The despicable human nature lacks restraint and is infinitely magnified in the last days, then it becomes a more cruel beast than wild beasts!

The methods of this woman...have already made Qin An feel ashamed!

Such a thing, I really want to go over and kill her right away and wait, after all, some people in this scene have not yet been there.

The little girls Taotao and Li Watermelon finally left, and Li Haibo's brother came to look for them with a look of anxiety.

The whole scavenger camp is not quiet. Some men among the scavengers are setting up. They made a lot of gasoline and quietly fell on the ground, and buried earth mines in some places.

A few men with good marksmanship left the camp and went to the nearby woods. They climbed to the tall trees to find shooting points. The women and children quietly left the camp. They were two or three people walking together, as if to go to the toilet, but After walking to a place forty to fifty meters outside the camp, you will rush forward and never look back!

This is Li Haibo's arrangement. He wants to save his beloved woman in this scavenger camp, and then fight to the death with an unknown powerful enemy.

Just looking at Li Haibo's state, he seems to be holding the idea of ​​dying together.

He didn't seem to think he could escape with Wei Ran, otherwise it would be impossible to listen to her constant crying over there.

This is also normal. In Qin An’s view, since Wei Ran was left alone in a shack unguarded, and Lisa was having sex with another man in black in the shack, then Lisa must have the means to monitor Wei Ran. That's why it can be so unscrupulous.

Perhaps, she also has a different hearing from ordinary people, so Li Haibo's every move should be in her grasp.

It's a pity that she didn't know there was another herself here!

The reason why Qin An hated Lisa so deeply was because he saw that in Wei Ran's body... many internal organs had disappeared!

Then the long scar on Wei Ran's back should be an incision, and the internal organs were taken out after the body was incised.

Wei Ran's TC virus inhibitor should be low in content, so she still has some supernatural physique. TC virus slowly repairs her internal organs and maintains the vitality of their owner.

Is this an evil little game by Lisa? Isn’t it fun to torture a supernatural player in this way?

Qin An really didn't want to think about it, because after thinking about it, his heart would become dusty, his blood would boil, and his mind would be full of killing!

Waiting! He would make Lisa feel the same fear! He wants her to understand that Skynet is so sparse and not leaking, this world is not hers!

Killing to stop killing is not a good thing, but fighting evil with evil can wash the souls of people. Qin An doesn't want to redeem anyone, he just wants to wash and let some despicable souls disappear in this world! Let the world restore its former tranquility!

It's not that poor Wei Ran doesn't want to eat, but her stomach is gone, her intestines have been taken out, and her abdominal cavity is almost empty. How can she eat food?

Slowly walking outside, although Qin An did not deliberately, he still overheard Wei Ran's account.

"She...sometimes she would take other people's stomachs into my body, put them in food and digest them, and then take them out. I haven't eaten with my mouth for a long time! She is tortured like this I! I know, I can never escape her clutches, my life is like this! Li Haibo, I thought about dying, but I can't die anymore. I'm already so low, how can I be so low? Why am I going to die! I want a chance, I want a chance

"This female devil! I'm going to kill her!" Li Haibo's voice was very excited, and his volume was high. It seemed that he had lost his mind a little. He was shocked by Wei Ran's story.

"No! Don't go! You can't kill her! I have tried countless times! All failed! You can't kill her, and she...and she should already know you are with me! Because she can hear To all the voices, and then know all my movements! So I said that we are evil fate, back then I started a life of suffering because of you, today you have lost the chance to live because of me! Li Haibo, my obsession for so many years It’s you. If I were to go with you, would you make me happy? At least there wouldn’t be so much pain, right? Li Haibo, you said I was the goddess of your dreams. Is this true? So in this world There is also such a man who loves me! It turns out that the way of love can be evil possession, why didn’t I understand it back then? Li Haibo, just hold me like this, if you really die, then I don’t have the meaning to live anymore. It’s nice to see you. I really want to go back to that small supermarket. When you ask me if I want to go with you, I will push Baili away, and then kneel on the ground and beg you, please take me away and kneel down. There is as low as a dog, pray to you! Then my destiny will be different? Will you let me give birth to you? Then under the clear sky, I will teach her to see the clouds... They are so beautiful, some are like elephants, some are like umbrellas, and some are like tabby cats.

Listening to Li Haibo's crying and Wei Ran's whispering, Qin An wet his eyes for them.

After so many years, is he still too virgin? Is he still too kind? Is he still too weak?

Why are there so many evils in the world?

Qin An remembered that he had thought of using killing to save the world, killing the world to kill the people who should be killed!

It's a pity that his personality determines the scale of his work, let him let a lot of people go, and ignore a lot of evil around him!

So let's start with the end spirit!

After that, he will not only step down the country and stain the mountains and rivers with blood, but also make the criminals shudder at the thought of his name!

The name of Qin An will surely go with the killing! This should be his destiny, and murder is not originally a very happy thing? Don’t you like it deep in your own heart?

When the beast was released, his name was no longer Qin An, but a Devil who slaughtered all quarters when he wanted to kill it!

It was late at night, when the wind rose and the rain came, Qiu Jinse's hair was messed up, and Qin An's eyes were fascinated.

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