The reason why Qin An sent a clone was naturally to protect the couple.

Knowing that he will die, he is worthy of admiration. Such a person should not sacrifice in vain.

Scavengers will naturally have some own means of life-saving to survive in the last days.

Li Haibo, a small group, has such a habit. Everywhere they go, they dig a hole in the ground and build a basement.

If a crisis is approaching and it is not easy to escape, then they will set fire to the camp to create chaos, and then some strong people will find a way to escape. The weaker elderly, women, and children will take advantage of the chaos to hide in the basement.

This kind of escape technique has allowed the Li Haibo tribe to escape Death dozens of times, so no matter where they set up camp, they will immediately build a basement.

Before the Qin An people arrived, the basement of the Scavenger Camp had actually been repaired, and there were several.

Just when the fire ignited and the earth mine exploded, Li Haibo carried Wei Ran into the minefield, but did not run, but went directly into the basement.

Huang Sisi, Li Mao and his wife are just the most ordinary scavengers.

They sealed the entrance of the basement with soil prepared in advance, then poured a little gasoline on it to ignite, and then quickly fled.

This was Jin Chan's plan to escape from her shell. Under the cover of the explosion, even if Qin An hadn't heard what happened for a moment, he could see everything after seeing it with super vision, so Lisa couldn't hear it clearly.

Therefore, when Lisa found that the camp was in chaos, she finally chased her out unhurriedly, thinking that she was chasing Li Haibo, but she was following the wrong person.

The real Li Haibo and Wei Ran are indeed still in the camp, but they are already hiding under the sea of ​​fire on the surface, and even if the fire is extinguished, the surrounding area will be a mess.

Unless Lisa's super hearing is as powerful as Qin An's, and can hear the inaudible breathing of Li Haibo and Wei Ran two meters underground through a two-meter layer of soil, she really can't find two people.

Qin An could not help admiring Li Haibo's deeds.

As an ordinary person, it is not easy to survive in the last days.

Except for a super-powered person like himself, I am afraid that no one will be able to discover Li Haibo's plan, right? Even if he knew that he still hadn't left, he was hiding in the camp, but after a big fire, it was a mess. Who could find the entrance to Li Haibo's hiding?

Besides, there is actually no entrance. Li Haibo can be regarded as letting go. Huang Sisi, Li Mao and his wife have directly blocked the entrance of the cave.

Then, among those who fled before, there should be people who Li Haibo can absolutely believe. Maybe in one or two days, he will come back to check if the enemy has gone, and then dig out Li Haibo!

There is also a lot of food prepared in the temporary basement, and there seems to be an oxygen bottle, which means that Li Haibo can even hide in the closed basement for a long time, and the person who comes to prepare to dig them out of the soil must also be Very cautiously, he can also dig out Li Haibo when he is sure that there is absolutely no danger nearby!

Hey, I can only say that this trick is awesome! But for those buried in the soil, it is extremely dangerous. A basement with no exit and entrance. If no one finally digs them out, then they will die too!

Lisa didn't kill Huang Sisi and Li Mao immediately, but grabbed their clothes and lifted them up, and then took them back to the camp that was on fire everywhere.

Qin An and the others are also on fire here, but who is Qin An, how could it be possible for the shack where they are to be affected.

Ran out a few winds entrained in the cold air, and extinguished the flame that was approaching, so he still stayed calmly, with Qiu Jinse.

Now that Lisa is back, there is no need for the clone to take action. Qin An is confident to kill a ninth-level upgrader. Besides, there is also Qiu Jinse who has just become a superpower who can help, so he is willing to take a look. , To see if Li Haibo’s strategy can fool Lisa.

"Say! Where are they? They must still be here, right?"

Lisa's hearing is not considered a supernatural ability, but it is better because of her supernatural physique. If there are no obstacles within a hundred meters, she can basically hear other people's whispers clearly.

So now Li Haibo has hidden two meters underground, and Lisa can't hear even if he speaks softly below.

Her eyes were blood red and she was already a little crazy.

Wei Ran is her favorite toy, she can't lose her! For so many years, she and Wei Ran have never been separated. For Lisa, this is really a kind of emotion, a kind of strange love!

"Hurry up and say, where are they!"

Lisa roared, but Li Mao, Huang Sisi and his wife didn't know it. They were still on the ground by Lisa and hugged each other, waiting for Death.

Both of them were actually very scared, but they were willing to die for Li Haibo, because Li Haibo’s wisdom and ability allowed them to escape from the edge of Death time and time again. Without Li Haibo, they would have died a long time ago. They had sacrificed for him. It's time.

At this moment, Su Zhe, Zhang Liang, Guo Xiaohu, Deng Hai, and Li Weidong returned to the camp with Jia Li, Li Taotao and Li Watermelon who had not escaped.

When several men saw Lisa naked, their eyes lit up!

"Fuck! Where did this Yanmar pop out? It's so good-looking, haha!" Li Weidong said with a smile.

At this time, the boy Li Huaquan was caught in his hand, kicking his short legs in the air.

"Let go of me, let go of my sister and Uncle Jia Li, or the little master will be rude to you!"

At this time, no one cared about the child, all eyes were on Lisa.

Lisa turned her head to look at a few people with gloomy eyes, then frowned and said, "Are you the one who killed invisible?"

"Ah!" All five of them were shocked. They didn't know how their own identity was broken by others?

"Huh! Eleven Shadows are the same, we will share each other's information, so I have seen your photos! I am the little mother in Eleven Shadows, have you ever heard of it? The relationship with Hidden Killer back then was pretty good. of!"


The five people looked at each other. In fact, only Su Zhe had heard the name. He looked at Lisa and thought for a while and said:

"Are you really the youngest mom in Eleven Shadows? Why do you appear here?"

"I came here just to go to the Qin League to do some personal trivial matters. I didn't expect to be attacked. You are here just right, come and find someone for me!"

Su Zhe said with some embarrassment:

"My lord, we still have our own mission. We have received information about the hidden killing order and we have to assassinate someone."

"I also read the information on the hidden killing order. Isn't it called Qiu Jinse? She is in the shack 20 meters away. If she can't run away, I will help you. Let me find someone now!"

Lisa's tone deteriorated, and her voice was very cold, which made people nervous after hearing it.

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