Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1232 Romantic Watermelon

Qiu Jinse feels as if she is in a dream...No, not in a dream, she is taking a bath in a watermelon...

After experiencing countless entanglements, Qiu Jinse finally couldn't help it, swimming to the "shore" and took a bite of the red flesh... It's really a watermelon... Refreshing and delicious!

In another watermelon bath not far from her, Qin An only leaked a head. He was slightly taken aback when watching the dumb girl gnawing on the watermelon. Wouldn't Wen Lan do such a thing? Probably not? She looks quite stable! Not necessarily. The biggest similarity between Weng Lan and herself is the contradiction in behavior and thought, so in some specific circumstances, who knows what she will do?

"Qin An, aren't you afraid? The monsters outside are likely to find our hiding place at any time, so you...have such a leisurely feeling?" Qiu Jin's voice came over, his tone was lazy, and he obviously enjoyed it. Look like.

"If you have been on the verge of many crises, you know that there is nothing terrible about everything!" Qin An is also very lazy, he closed his eyes to rest, so that he can quickly solve the enemy after the ability is restored.

"I have also experienced a lot of danger..." Qiu Jinse was a little unconvinced.

"Well, have you ever experienced the magical crisis of getting smaller and being chased by so many big bugs?"


"I have experienced a lot of experiences that are similar to the environment at this time. Would you like to tell you about it?"

Qin An obviously asked these words casually, because he had already started to tell, Qiu Jin was in a daze, but she still did not forget to eat a bite of watermelon occasionally. It was delicious. Did Qin An's wife grow it? Mrs. Ko's Life is really different, and there is also a watermelon planted in Xingqing!

If Qin Xiaoyan knew that she had become Mrs. Kuo's role in the eyes of others, she would not know whether she would vomit blood or smile wryly.

Qin An's story is not vivid, he just narrates it in concise language.

Qiu Jinse listened carefully at the beginning, but after eating a stomach of watermelon, she lost her interest in being a listener. She only felt that her lower abdomen was rising, and she actually ate too much...

Some feel that Losing face, Qiu Jinse let own head sink into the watermelon juice, and then sink to the bottom.

Qiu Jinse is not really good at swimming, but now she finds herself very free in watermelon juice, which is obviously because of the water elf queen.

Qiu Jinse was not wearing any clothes at this time, but she came to take a bath in watermelon juice and eat watermelon wholeheartedly. With Qin An by her side, she was not worried about the situation she was facing now.

Reaching out her little hand, Qiu Jinse grabbed the watermelon pulp at the bottom of the watermelon juice pool, and then began to dig a hole, then let her body go into the hole and continue to dig the hole.

What a special experience, Qiu Jinse never thought that one day she would actually play in a super big watermelon, and she had such a great time to play!

Digging and digging, Qiu Jinse dug a big and deep cave. Watermelon water oozes from the watermelon flesh nearby, filling the whole watermelon hole. Qiu Jinse feels that she is wet and her skin is greasy. The sweetness is so tempting!

Qin An was no longer speaking at this time.

He made the shape of a sun chair on the watermelon pulp, then lay on it, soaking his body in the watermelon water, and then still only leaking his head, supporting his head with his hands, turning on the perspective ability to see that it has run. The color of Qiujin in the center of the watermelon!

At this time, she was holding a big watermelon seed in her arms, using it as a surfboard, surfing in the watermelon tunnel, her face was full of laughter, she seemed to be really happy!

The dumb girl is not wearing clothes at this time. Qin An has seen many human bodies, including men and women. Qiu Jin's body is actually not the best, but in Qin An's eyes, that body is like a shining star. , Exuding endless trance, shining into people's hearts. Although he has the ability to see through, it feels very different to see a human body without clothes through perspective.

Sighed slightly, Qin An himself didn't know why he sighed, as if he was worried about what he would lose!

When Qiu Jinse once faced the new love and the old love, he did not hesitate to choose the new love, so what should he do when he also has to face this choice?

Qin An decided not to think about it, no matter how powerful a person is, and how strong his background, he can only grasp happiness when he lives well in the moment.

With a light wave of his hand, six light waves sweeping across the thousand army were emitted. Under the control of Qin An's mind, they quickly reached the flesh of Qiu Jinse's side, and then flew around, cutting the center of the watermelon into a cube.

Then, the light wave that swept the front army disappeared, and Qin An turned on the ability to control objects and transported the cube watermelon pulp away, leaving Qiu Jinse swimming in the middle in a suspended state.


Qiu Jin was unprepared, and never thought that the watermelon water and watermelon pulp around him would disappear all at once.

She fell down quickly, screaming in her mouth, The next moment she lay on the watermelon pulp below, and half of her body sank in the shape of a big letter!

Qin An's body trembled and slipped off his "sun chair". He hurriedly got up from the watermelon water in embarrassment, and accidentally took a sip of the watermelon water!

He just wanted to make a little prank, but he didn't expect to have such a strong effect.

Sitting on the "sun lounger" again, I saw Qiu Jinse was still lying there, and watermelon water leaked out of the nearby pulp and poured on her body, turning her graceful body into pink.

Time seemed to stand still, Qiu Jin stayed on her stomach without moving, and Qin An watched without moving...

When the cube space was finally filled with watermelon water again, Qiu Jin suddenly jumped up from there. She opened her mouth obviously to roar, but the watermelon water blocked her mouth.

Qin An swallowed and looked straight at the traces left by Qiu Jin's face. He saw that the facial features were clearly visible, and there were two deep pits in the position of the chest!

Qin An had a cold sweat. Is this watermelon too noodles or Qiu Jin's color is too firm?

Just thinking about it, Qin An discovered that the angry dumb girl had already started digging watermelon with her hands, and the direction she was coming was exactly where she was!

Oh my God, Qin An was actually nervous and sat hurriedly, his face flushed.

The dumb girl doesn't seem to have such a well-behaved temper. What is she going to do? She hasn't put on any clothes yet, has she forgotten this?

Time flies very slowly, and Qin An seems to have waited ten thousand years!

When Qiu Jinse finally broke through the obstacles, the place where she got out was between Qin An's legs.

Qin An opened his arms and hugged the foolish little fool who had thrown himself into the net. The two of them were skin-to-skin, facing each other, and their eyes blended.

"Qin An, you...how did you...change..."

Qiu Jin's color became stubborn again, because the long face in front of him was exactly what Qin An originally looked like.

"I don't want to look at my own chest when I take a shower... After all, I'm not a pervert!"

Qin An answered calmly.

"You...you tease me!"

Qiu Jin is naturally telling the tragedy that just happened to him.

"Then you are here to take revenge? But you seem to have overlooked something! You have crossed the line! Do you want to take a bath with me? Like those last-generation young people?"

Qiu Jinse only felt that Qin An's breath seemed to be able to enter Own's mouth, my God! Why are they so close?

Finally, Qiu Jin's anger disappeared and her body's senses returned to normal.

What is the strong and warm touch on your chest? It seemed to touch her heart, making her unable to breathe!

Therefore, she only breathed so hard and hurriedly at this time, just to fight for a breath and not to let herself die!

"You...what are you doing?"

Qiu Jin's voice trembled.

"Dumb girl, you are so unreasonable, you obviously rushed into my arms, I also want to ask you, what are you doing?" Qin An's tone was full of bitterness.

He was a little teased by Qiu Jin's color at this time, and his body was very uncomfortable. If a volcano was about to bloom, he was suppressing his own desire and his own heart.

Qiu Jinse can't distinguish between illusion and reality now, she is drunk!

A prophecy from the future, a man who will change a lot, a watermelon that is so big and perverted, and a naked embrace...

How can she save her dream heart?

If she can never wake up, will such a dream stay with her forever?

I didn’t want to love deeply, I didn’t even want to love in the past, but this evening, this man, this watermelon, Qiu Jinse can no longer forget... If I had to add a deadline, it should be 10,000 years , Memories that can’t be forgotten even after ten thousand years...

Perhaps it is to witness that incompleteness is beautiful, the environment does not stay at this moment, after a while, a huge foot pierced the hole in the ground, the watermelon began to roll, Qiu Jin color moved with the watermelon, lowered her head, no Deliberately dropped a kiss on Qin An's cheek.

When she was too frightened to stretch out her tongue to shout, the tip of her tongue happened to meet the skin on Qin An's face...Ah! ? a bit sweet?

Qin An reacted faster than Qiu Jinse, hugged her to fly up and down onto the handkerchief, and then used the control transfer ability to transfer the moisture away from her body. He tore off two pieces of cloth from the handkerchief and wrapped her and the dumb girl. Body, and then hugged her to escape quickly.

Qiu Jin looked at the huge upgraded wolf beast behind Qin An's arms, and secretly said: It's a pity..., after that, he was full of anger, but there was nowhere to vent.


In the mountains and forests, it started to rain. Even the ants were huge for Qin An and Qiu Jinse. How could the raindrops be small?

They fell from the sky and gained huge potential energy. When they landed, they were like artillery one after another!

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