The mountain and the sea died in two months, the Nanshan Mountain fell, and a vast ocean fell along with it, washing down many trees and weeds.

After the sea water dispersed, Li Wanhua lay weakly on the muddy ground, and Qin An and Qiu Jinse stood opposite her.

Li Wanhua seemed to have figured out some things. At this time, watching Qin An'an tremble, his face was pale and bloodless.


"I am not your master, and I have never accepted it!

I saved your life back then and gave you a lifetime of youthfulness,

After you have been in Qincheng for more than 20 years, you have done your best for me, but you have also created a lot of evil for me!

Even if we are even.

This time, you shouldn't do it, you actually have the heart to murder my family.

Li Wanhua, originally you can have a lifetime of glory, you are a little older than me, at least I can treat you as a big sis sincerely, but now everything is empty.

Dumb girl, don't you want to kill? Go kill! "

Qin An turned around ruthlessly, then took out a cigarette and lit it, his hand trembling slightly.

Li Wanhua is undoubtedly a poor woman, he can actually spare her life.

However, Qin An did not feel soft-hearted this time, because he couldn't imagine what a woman with an abnormal mentality could do in the end! It is impossible for him to leave a disaster for his own family.

"Master, you can't kill me! I adore you so much, how can you kill me cruelly!"

Qin An activated the ability of the Three Ghosts to possess him and had secretly controlled Li Wanhua. He didn't want his last struggle to hurt the dumb girl, nor did he want to delay it. Last night until now, he has experienced too much, and his excitement is enough. Now, it's time to go back to see own daughter and wives.

Qiu Jinse felt Qin An's depression, so he didn't hesitate to step forward and kill Li Wanhua directly.

Li Wanhua was already a little weakened due to drowning, and was naturally unable to resist after being controlled by Qin An.

The Shadowless Night Demon is gone. This woman who has been in the Qin League for more than 20 years in the dark night in the name of love will eventually be forgotten by Qin An, because her obsession is really worthless to Qin An. This is the relationship between people. The cruelest thing in getting along.

I want to compare my heart to a bright moon, but how bright the moon shines on the ditch!

Quietly smoking a cigarette, Qin An ignited the three corpses with the power of flames, and obtained the eleventh divine sword Tie Yong, the twelfth divine sword Nanshan, and the thirty-ninth divine sword Wuying!

Ah, sure enough, these divine swords finally flowed into my own hands.

Shan Hai Shuangyue originally came here to have such a relationship with him, Qin An curled his lips, and then said to himself: "Hey, what a pity!"

Qiu Jinse frowned and glanced at Qin An.

"What a pity?"

"Naturally be beautiful women, don't you think all three of them are very beautiful? Originally they came to me to give me a hug, but they were killed! In the future, if anyone tells me that I am a horse, daddy must turn his face on him. ! How calm is this!"

A black line rose on Qiu Jinse's forehead, despising Qin An very much.

"Hmph, you are a scumbag! You are talking, why did you forcibly kiss me before?"

"Oh... isn't there such a thing? I just pinch myself if I want to see if I'm dreaming. I'm afraid of the pain, and I can't bear to pinch you, so I used other methods instead! Those who touch the lips At that time, I felt the temperature on your lips, it was hot, and trembling, so I knew we weren't dreaming, we did enter a closed space before! This is a bizarre experience!"

"You Qiu Jinse is discouraged and finds that you can't beat Qin An. This kid is so good at telling lies, she really underestimated him.

"Can you take me to see Qin Wenxin now? In fact, someone assassinated me a few days ago. It was Qin Wenxin who came back from the future and saved me. I want to see her now, okay?" Qiu Jin Se decided not to pay attention to Qin An's sordidness, but changed the subject, she suddenly thought of her own rhetoric.

"Oh, okay, of course! But tell me, will you be beautiful when you grow up?"

Qiu Jinse's body trembled, thinking sensitively, what is Qin An doing? Qin Wen asked if he was pretty?

In fact, it is normal for a father to care about the appearance of his future daughter, but to Qiu Jinse it seems a bit scary.

"It's okay, oh yes, Qiu Jinse is still single after a hundred years! She said that because you loved her too much when you were young, you will run away if a man gets close, and you will become a leftover girl! I will be lonely all my life! Qin An, She blames you very much! So now you have to pay attention to this, don’t confess your daughter like a baby, and let her get in touch with the little boys if you have the opportunity! What do you think of Li Watermelon? I think that kid Yes, let him get close to Wen Xin from now on!"

"What? Asking the heart to die alone? is this possible?" Qin An was scared by Qiu Jinse. If her daughter did not marry in the future, she would regret it for life.

"Anyway, I think Li Watermelon is pretty good. If you want your daughter to marry out early, so that no one is left at home, you can have a snack on this matter!"

"Will no one want my Qin An's daughter? What else did you say?"

"...Don't mess with me, I won't tell you all!"

"Hey, dumb girl! You are too immoral. You can't always stop talking in the middle. Are you hooking on me? Make me obsessed with you?"

"...Hmph, so what! You suddenly appeared next to me to provoke me! I remember when you forced me to kiss me just now, you said that I borrowed something, so since I was borrowed by you , When will it be returned?"

"Hey hey, dumb girl? What do you mean? I want to kiss you back? Tell you, I don't like active women!"

"Who wants you to like it! You are really...perverted!"

"Don't take the topic away, continue to talk about Qin Wenxin!"

"Don't tell me! You told me why three swords appeared after the bodies of those three women were burned? And what Sword God ability do you have?"

...The two of them were chatting about the family life like this, and then they had left the Jiaoshan Great Wall and walked in the direction of the Mayan camp.

After spending such a day and night together, they suddenly discovered that the communication with each other turned out to be very smooth.

In fact, their way of dialogue is always attacking each other. For a while, Qin An is called a pervert, and for a while, Qiu Jinse is called a big brainless, but in this kind of interaction, both of them feel very comfortable. It seems that they are just There should be no sense of disobedience to speak like this.

In the morning, Tianjuli was very lively. The reason was that Master Qin, who came back in the middle of the night last night, told Jingyi to eat dumplings in the morning! And there must be leeks and eggs!

This is so sad that the little girl can only go to the ladies to find a way.

There are leeks and eggs, but there is no flour or rolling pin!

Qin Xiaoyan heard that her husband was going to eat dumplings. She felt a little weird, but she didn’t think too much. She left Tianju and went to a nearby camp to find her acquaintances. Root rolling pin and panel!

After returning to Tianju, Qin Xiaoyan felt that her friends had been worrying a lot about her family in the past few days, so she decided to invite everyone to eat dumplings at noon for a dumpling banquet.

So Qin An only saw rice porridge on the table in the morning, but no dumplings.

Who is Qin An? An eavesdropper with technology has long known Qin Xiaoyan's plan.

Okay, let's have a dinner, he will also invite Cheng Gang and Guo Sihai, as well as Dong Junwei and the newly arrived Guo Jingda and others.

After all, he now has an official title. He always has to deal with the situation. Guo Jingda, as the commander of the 3rd Army's coalition army, is also the lord of the sword of the sword. He always wants to see him when he arrives here. .

In addition, Qin An also intends to free himself from the two-line battle. His ability can go deep behind the enemy line to do more and more direct things. He must also go deep behind the enemy line and find that Yin Shiyao, otherwise he will really feel uneasy.

At nine o'clock in the morning, all the people who should be invited were invited, and the three sisters of Wuma had already decorated the sky house.

Those distant mountains became farther, and many buildings appeared nearby.

What swimming pools, golf courses, bowling alleys, casinos and so on.

After Guo Jingda, Dong Junwei, Guo Sihai, Cheng Gang and others arrived, they just met with Qin An and briefly chatted with them. They hurriedly said that they wanted to visit Qin An’s house, and then they were taken by Vajra and Liu Yuanchao to watch and play. NS! Feelings. They also regard today as a holiday. If they see so many leisure facilities, if they don't take a break and play well, they are sorry for themselves.

Li Ziyuan has returned with Simei, Cheng Gang and Guo Sihai are about to lead troops to ten blocking points to fight the oncoming zombies. If you don't have some fun, then there really is no chance.

The four Jia Li took Li Haibo's scavengers and god-level girls to the rear base in Shanhaiguan.

There were other senior officials receiving them. Qin An immediately communicated the matter with Guo Jingda after seeing Guo Jingda, and finally decided four or six points! Sixty percent of these talented girls go to Qin'an, and 40 percent go to Jian Zhi Feng, which is the property of Western Tibet!

This is a large group of super-scientists, and it is an important force for the future Kowloon Link City can survive the raging sea, so everyone attaches great importance to it.

Of course, this matter ultimately requires Qin An to communicate with Ling'er, so because of this topic, the matter that Ling'er's soul is one of the forty-nine sword gods was also exposed by Qin An, scaring Dong Junwei, Guo Jingda and others. I had a cold sweat.

After sending away a group of men, Qin An didn't accompany him, because he still had some personal matters to resolve, and that was his relationship with the women around him.

When drinking with Cheng Gang in the past, this kid always jokes that Qin An is now messing around with men and women.

Qin An was extremely depressed, but could not refute it.

After this period of thinking and entanglement, Qin An finally thought of a way to keep the relationship between men and women in chaos, and that is to marry everyone who should be married!

Even if the wedding is not done with fanfare, there is always a promise!

Then it’s better to choose a day than to hit the sun, and today’s almanac seems to be pretty good

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