Seeing the excitement of the two women with surprises, Qin An suddenly felt a little in a trance.

Perhaps it is not them that changed, but themselves?

If you are giving them more love, will they bloom more youthful vitality and become the little girls and Xiaoyueyue in their memory?

"Party A: Lanyue. Party B: Qin An!

Party A agrees to lead Party B, find people, provide food, and accommodation in Destiny City these days! And let the bed of Party A to female companions of Party B to use!

Party B agrees to leave Destiny City with Party A and Party A's male companions afterwards, to a private realm with a large room of 60 square meters, a double bed, a water heater, a bathroom, a library, a gym, a large square, and no zombies harassment Life! And free food is provided to Party A as a reward! And a sniper B gun was also presented, and by the way, Party A's mother was rescued from Wangyou City! "

Lan Yue said softly, this turned out to be the contract signed when she first met with Qin An. She had long thought that she had lost it, but she didn't expect it to be Qin An's body.

"The female companion of Party B refers to Liu Jia, and the male companion of Party A is your seven or eight bodyguards. In the end, I fulfilled my promise and took you to Qincheng and gave you a big house inside. It has everything. In the end, you actually fell in love with that...what's the name of that little white face? Wu Tian?"

Qin An smiled as he spoke, and gently hit Lan Yue's forehead with his own forehead.

"Don't talk nonsense, Wu Tian is my half-parent Big Brother. He has been dead for many years. The choice back then cost him his life, which is really a shame."

Lan Yue held the contract that still looked intact, with tears in her eyes, but a look of joy and excitement on her face.

It turns out that there is still such a testimony of love between her and Qin An. I really don't know when Qin An stole this thing and hid it in his Interspatial Ring. I was really moved. It was kept for so long.

Moreover, she and Qin An seem to be more than that, she is his virtual lover before the end of the world!

Liu Xia was crying at this time, because the gift Qin An gave her was a small cake!

The production date written on the outer packaging of this cake is November 11, 2014.

Twenty-four years ago, Qin An and Liu Xiachu had a ten-day crisis. On the day of Liu Xia’s eighteenth birthday, Qin An gave Liu Xia an exactly the same cake, so that Liu Xia would never forget Qin An in her life.

Later, in the land of the doomsday, Liu Xia's family died tragically and she left alone. Qin An was very sad, thinking that she would never see Liu Xia again in this life.

On the way to escape north, he accidentally found this cake exactly the same as the one given to Liu Xia in a supermarket.

This is estimated to be produced by the same manufacturer in the same batch, but the place of sale is different.

Qin An sighed for a while, and took a piece of it and put it in his own Interspatial Ring. For so many years, he had forgotten it.At this time, perhaps the feelings for several wives broke out, which reminded him of this incident, so he showed this piece of cake to Liu Xia, which really moved Liu Xia.

The little girl remembered her ten-day crisis with Qin An, remembered the scene when Qin An was trapped in a group of corpses on the last day to save her, and remembered that she was taken away by her father with the black scars of Qin An's walking.

I have to say that Qin An's luck is good, and the two things he collected at random have now become the best gifts for Liu Xia and the two women of Lanyue.

And because of this gift, the two women's grievances towards Qin An have all turned into tender hearts.

"Hey, your business is our business. Actually, I have been studying with Sister Xiaoyan, Sister Li Na, and Liu Xia to see how to deal with the woman next to you.

In the end we came to the conclusion that... it is best to marry.

Those women are also great, and they get along with us very well during this period. How can we refuse?

Rongrong, Gong Xue, Wang Hui, Wang Yunzhi, you can marry them together. Let's not set up another banquet outside, just celebrate in Tianju, after all, your reputation is not good for women, and more is better than less!

We don’t care about the three Wuma Sisters. You decide everything on your own. If you just go to the church and get married, it’s like an old-fashioned custom. The reason why you are married to them is actually mainly because we want you to obtain her powers and have your own heavenly residence! You should know that I quarreled with Wu Ma Siqi the other day, right? Although I don't hold grudges, Dang doesn't want to live in her space all the time. Bad name.

There is also a Linger who has had a relationship with you, so let's marry her too! Of course, the premise is that they are willing to marry you!

Liu...Big sis don't have to do wedding ceremonies anymore. Now it is inconvenient for her to have a big belly. From now on, she will count as your confidante, as long as she wants to, for the rest of her life!

So now, Qin An, you have 12 wives!

In the future, it is not to say that you can't marry someone else, but for the twelve women of us, you must be cautious and don't be merciful to make people misunderstand!

But... if you like other girls, it's a different matter!

I heard that you and the little girl named Qiu Jinse returned to the camp together last night? I won't ask you what you are going to do... Uncle, you can do it yourself!

And Cheng Jiayao's five little beauties, stay away from them. Whether you count from Cheng Gang's side or Xiaoyan's side, the five girls are your Junior! So if you have some ambiguity with them, then you can't justify it!

Uncle, we love you, so we are willing to indulge you, Li Na Big sis and Xiaoyan Big sis, have you ever said something like this to you? "

Qin An nodded stupidly, only feeling that he was in a dream.

Originally, I thought that Blue Moon would be angry with herself, but I didn't expect it to end up like this in the end.

Not only can he marry the woman he wants to marry, but he can also marry the three Wuma sisters?

Hey, but Qin An doesn't want to think about it now. It's the same sentence, in fact, he doesn't need to marry, after all, there is no deep love.

However, the problem needs to be solved. If he does not marry, he must drive these women away from own, and Qin An obviously can't do such a thing.

People Rongrong and Wang Yunzhi have said that even if they have no status, they are willing to follow Qin An, but they can't kill people, but Qin An is embarrassed to speak up.

Forget it, since this is the case, let’s all marry. In the future, it’s fine to put some effort into making the wives happy. The most important thing between husband and wife is nothing but whether they can make each other feel safe, he Qin An is at least a person who does not go back to betray, but now he has some fraternity.

Ruthless just for amorous hatred.

I had a close meeting with the two wives again, and recalled the past. When Qin An mentioned that they were in the underground garage and went to the toilet without papers, both women blushed, but they felt extremely happy. , Because they got what they wanted for so many years, that is to marry Qin An and stay with Life.

It was almost eleven o'clock, and in the end Liu Xia felt that they should go back. Several women over there were still busy making dumplings and making some side dishes for wine.

Qin An naturally nodded in agreement, and then returned with them. After that, under the supervision of a few wives, he proposed marriage with Rongrong, Gong Xue, Wang Hui, Wang Yunzhi, and the three sisters of Wuma.

The seven women saw Qin An call his wives one by one to talk, and they actually had some feelings, but they didn't expect it to be so generous, Qin An actually convinced Lan Yue and the others that they could marry seven women at the same time? This...this is simply a surprise and shock at the same time!

It was natural to be happy to be able to marry Qin An. What was shocked was that she would share the love of the same man with eleven other women in the future, and they couldn't tell if it was a nightmare or a dream.

In fact, among these women, everyone's mood is different.

The three Wuma Sisters are simply excited and happy, and being able to marry Qin An is their goal in life, and now they have finally achieved it.

Wang Yunzhi and Rong Rong had a faint joy in their hearts. They didn't expect to get too much, but now that they get it, there can be no surprises. Anyway, they will follow Qin An for a lifetime.

Wang Hui really cried. Back then, Qin An took the Super Body Sword God and asked her to choose between Wang Yunzhi and Wang Yunzhi, but Wang Yunzhi took the initiative and became Qin An's woman. This has always been a pity for her, and now it has finally made up for the past.

Gong Xue was completely stunned. In fact, she was the woman who expected such a wedding most, but she did not expect that she would marry so many women at the same time.

Hey, what else can I do? She knew about these things a long time ago. Since she can't resist her own heart, let's get married.

I have to say that women's thoughts have actually changed a lot in the last twenty-five years, which seems to be a return to primitiveness and wildness.

There is usually a male lion king in a lion group, and then there are many female lions.

Female lions must work together to capture food, while male lions are responsible for defending their territories from being violated.

The wild nature of this animal is also applicable in the last days. Only when a stable relationship is formed between people can we make ourselves safer. But now that Qin An's ability and power can serve as a qualified Lion King, women are naturally willing to follow such men in order to seek a more comfortable living environment.

In short, although they were reluctant in their hearts, they finally agreed to Qin An’s proposal. Therefore, when Dong Junwei, Guo Sihai, Cheng Gang and others returned, they were told that Qin An would hold a simple wedding ceremony and then marry at the same time. Seven women, everyone is stupid.

Guo Sihai and Cheng Gang looked at Qin An with green eyes, and only felt envy, jealousy and hatred. I wonder why this kid is so blessed that he can marry so many wives at the same time.

Looking at those women, although there is occasionally a trace of loss in their eyes, they are still more joyful overall.

The well-known jealous woman Lan Yue was actually planning to decorate a nearby bamboo forest and set up a wedding scene in person.Liu Xia has already led Jingyi, and Ci An ran before and after to buy items.

This really f*ck is the sun coming out from the west, how did Qin An do it? After tidying up his own wife so obediently, the men decided to go back and consult with Qin An to learn about this magical imperial wife skill.

At noon, the wedding ceremony finally began. Qin An wore black clothes, and all the seven women wore their most beautiful clothes, one by one competing with each other, each of them was so beautiful.

After thinking about it, Qin An invited Qiu Jinse from outside to attend the wedding.

He felt that he should let go of this hazy relationship for the time being. If it is compelling to marry these people and women around him, then there is actually not so much reason for contact with Qiu Jinse.

After all, they are not familiar yet.

Qin An was actually a little bit lost in his heart. After all, he understood his own heart, but in this case, he couldn't make Lan Yue and the others accept a Qiu Jinse who suddenly appeared.

To Qin An's surprise, Qiu Jinse did not show much emotion.

When Li Na appeared holding Qin Wenxin who was awake, Qiu Jinse focused all of her attention on Qin Wenxin and kept playing with her.

The little girl Qin Wenxin seemed to like Qiu Jinse very much, and she was obediently in her arms.

Li Na has a good impression of Qin Wenxin because of Qiu Jinse's kindness to her.

People seemed to be in a good mood. Although Liu Ru could not hold a wedding with Qin An, she was already satisfied. After all, she had Qin An's child in her belly, so the relationship between the two of them was already a certainty.

Among all the people, Hong Luan seemed to be in a bad mood, because she kept frowning, and then hid in the corner to drink, not knowing what she was thinking.

As for Cheng Jiayao and other five young beauties, when she heard that Qin An was going to marry seven more wives, she was already indescribably angry.

Cheng Jiayao immediately proposed to leave, Qin An naturally would not stay, after all, it was impossible for him to be with them, and he didn't want to have so many unexpected concerns around him.

There were only three tables at the banquet, except for Qin An’s women who were Qin An’s brothers and sisters, as well as Dong Junwei and Guo Jingda.

During the wedding, Dong Junwei once again served as a witness, and Guo Jingda assumed the responsibility of presiding over it.

A banquet lasted from noon to the afternoon. Under the booze of Guo Sihai and Cheng Gang, everyone drank a lot of wine.

At the beginning, Qin An was celebrating the marriage of seven newcomers. Later, he praised Lan Yue and others for their general knowledge, but it made the four women very embarrassed, and at the same time, the mood became more complicated.

Cheng Gang is the most 2.B one, because he mentioned Li Ying and Weng Lan when the atmosphere was at its best, and also mentioned the Tibetan poem that Qin An wrote for Li Ying that year.

Ever since, Vajra, Lao Liu and other drunk people also started to booby, let Qin An express gratitude to the four wives such as Lan Yue for their awe-inspiring, and also make such a small crooked poem for them, in every poem To bring the name of a wife, four lines of poem means that all four wives must be brought out. Moreover, this poem must also have its inner meaning. At least four sentences must be linked together to have a theme, which is obviously a bit difficult.

Qin An also drank dizzy and wanted to shake his head to refuse, but seeing Lan Yue, Liu Xia, Li Na, and Qin Xiaoyan looking at Own’s eyes unexpectedly had an expectation, so she had no choice but to sigh, only thinking that Cheng Gang was the best. The one owed

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