Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1241 The Power of Real Fire Shochu Wine

This is the shrimp situation?

Seeing Hong Luan naked in front of him, Qin An's face was pale and bloodless with fright.

Turning his head slightly, Qin An saw Qiu Jinse, who was also undressed beside him, and only felt that his teeth seemed to be trembling.

He... his wedding night, why are these two unrelated women on the bed?

When Qin An was extremely depressed, he was shocked to discover that he was actually on a very large round bed, and Qin Xiaoyan, Liu Xia, Lan Yue, Li Na, Wang Hui, Wang Yunzhi, Liu Ru, Gong Xue, Wuma Dan Xin, Wuma Siqi, Wuma Tienan... They are all there!

The only thing that doesn't is Rongrong!

"Calm and calm! Recollection!"

Qin An calmed himself in his heart, but it was useless. He didn't even remember everything about last night!


Suddenly, the round big bed under Qin An disappeared, after which the women all fell to the ground, making a cry of pain!

Rong Rong appeared in front of Qin An in a white pajamas.

"Yesterday you drank too much, everyone drank too much, and then you started looking for a bed to enter the bridal chamber, I changed it for you to this big round bed, and then fell into a deep sleep, so don't ask me what happened! All I know is that Jingyi's little girl has been peeking, and Ci'an slept with Wenxin last night..."

While they were talking, the women stood up one after another, some rubbing their eyes, some rubbing their buttocks, and then realizing their state and other women around them, they screamed again in horror, shocking Qin An who had just stood up. Almost fell to the ground with another butt.

"Husband! What is this?"

It was Qin An's current eldest wife in name. After waking up, she ignored her own situation. Qin Xiaoyan looked for Qin An's trace for the first time, and then ran to Qin An to touch his chest and ask questions.

Qin An raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and looked down subconsciously, then... stupid.

On his chest, there was a beautiful flower intertwined with 24 color petals!

This is... Is this a 24-color rune mark?

Before he was only upgraded at level 11, could it be said that he has completed 24 upgrades now? Become a level 24 superpower?

"Husband...Don't scare me, you have been upgraded 24 times, right?"

Qin Xiaoyan squatted, because she really couldn't believe her own eyes.

The other women were originally struggling with their own situation, but at this time they were also disturbed by Qin Xiaoyan's shouts, and they all focused on Qin An's body.

Qin An suddenly started after a while, and flashed to Hong Luan.

"Last night, did we do that last night?"

Hong Luan's face was calm, she nodded slightly, joking, but she took advantage of the chaos to get into the big bed, and naturally she had a relationship with Qin An!

Qin An stepped back to the three Wuma sisters and asked them the same question.

The three sisters were actually checking Own’s body after falling out of bed and waking up. Therefore, when Qin An came to ask questions, they all nodded and their faces were red. The ass leaked out.

Qin An finally realized it at this time.

He... gained the power of the four great sword gods: Blood Lord, Heavenly Residence, God Shou, and Zhanyang, and because of his jumping and promotion physique, he was upgraded from level 11 to level 24!

One of the terrible jumps to advance to the physique!

It is possible that Qin An only evolved two or three times after gaining the energy of the 4 sword gods, but every time he evolves, he can get random upgrades from 1 to 9 times!

Without knowing what it was like, Qin An lingered for a while, and then suddenly let himself disappear. He reappeared 240 meters away, and his teleportation distance was almost two hundred meters higher than before!

Qin An quickly used other abilities again, and the power he showed was more than doubled, and he also gained the four brand-new Sword God abilities!

Qin An at this moment, even himself feels terrible!

He left Tianju and ran away at extreme speed. He ran for more than a hundred kilometers in just one minute and appeared in front of a group of zombies!

Without any hesitation, 24 sets of Hongye raised his hands and shot, 240 pieces in each group, a total of 5760 pieces!

The fire rate of these red leaves was faster than before, and the sword spirit aura carried on them was also more abundant. Under the control of Qin An’s mind, every red leaf accurately hit the key of the target, and 5,760 zombies were killed. .

There was a ray of excitement in Qin An's eyes. He waved his hand forward again, and 24 light waves swept across the thousand army shot out, and each light wave reached a hundred meters in length. Their castration was very turbulent, and eventually most of the zombies within one kilometer were all destroyed. Cut in half, which also includes a large group of D4!

Activating the speed phantom teleportation ability, Qin An teleported 24 times in an instant, and he reappeared five kilometers away, deep into the group of zombies!

The body quickly became huge, Qin An was still just a giant with a height of 100 meters, but at this time his defense was already very strong. The nearby D5 zombies bit him at Qin An’s feet, and the sharp teeth could not pierce him. Skin! You know, this is not Qin An's strongest defensive state, he has not yet summoned the least alchemy armor, and his defensive ability has not been used.

As soon as he raised his hand, the Heavenly Sword God’s ability, Pear Blossom Rain, started, and countless petals instantly appeared within a radius of 5 kilometers nearby. The petals were shot and killed. With just such a move, the number of zombies killed by Qin An unexpectedly exceeded 50,000 or 60,000!

This...this f*ck is too heaven-defying, right?

Qin An calmed down after sighing, because he felt weak. It is estimated that if he uses the Sword God ability without interruption like this, it is likely that he will quickly enter a state of gene silence.

It seems that although the abilities have been enhanced a lot, the sword spirit energy in his body is still too small to support this consumption. Perhaps swallowing more sword spirit stones can get him out of this situation.

Qin An left the group of zombies as he thought about it. When he ran more than ten kilometers away and looked back, he couldn't help but stick out his tongue. This is really an exaggeration. In less than three minutes, he actually flew out more than 100. Kilometers, kill almost 80,000 zombies in seconds? Those D4 and D5 are as fragile as ants in front of him!

Oh my God, is he already such a powerful existence?

Qin An was shocked and relieved, he is now level 24 upgraded! It is possible to comprehend the existence of the second sword god ability. Although it is still a strong body state, it is definitely stronger than the ordinary strong body state master, even if you encounter the second spirit sword repairer on the sword spirit star There is also the power of war!

After a while of excitement, Qin An stopped his hurried steps and entered a forest. While walking slowly, Qin An frowned slightly.

He inadvertently gained the ability of the sword god, and his body is much stronger. Now, is he qualified to be the host of the first sword god?

Qin An has actually figured out many things now, so he also knows about the secret of the big boss hidden at the end.

Maybe he felt panic before, but now he is not afraid!

Because he has become a sword repairer, and has realized the skills of the first sword god, it is also possible to become a sword god!

Is it a five-year agreement?

Suddenly Qin An woke up like an initiation!

Perhaps, these five years are actually just the Lord Tianyin waiting, he is waiting for the soul of the first sword god to completely wake up?

If this is the case, then I only have this less than five years!

He not only wants to build a perfect Jiulong city, but also allows himself to cultivate a positive result, so as to face the coming danger!

The higher you stand, the farther you can see. Qin An wondered in his heart what he would do to keep his destiny in his own hands.

After thinking for a while, Qin An began to figure out what was going on again.

What should I do?

How did you do it last night? Why did he put all his wives in bed?


"Quickly tell, what is going on? You little hoof, dare to look secretly, don't you dare to say?"

Lan Yue finally got rid of the image of a shrew in front of Qin An, and now she is arrogant in the face of Jingyi, and her prestige is not much worse than that of the former Empress Ci'an.

Jingyi's legs were so frightened that she wanted to kneel on the ground.

When Lan Yue found Jingyi's thoughts, her face flushed, and she hurriedly got up to help her.

Liu Xia's movements are faster than Lan Yue, and she has helped Jingyi's bent body up.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you tell everything you saw last night, no one will blame you!"

Liu Xia's voice was very gentle, which made Jingyi calm her mind, and then she began to complain about the Queen Mother in her heart!

If it weren't for the empress dowager's elders who asked her to take care of the drunk masters and wives, would she come to take a peek? She's so ashamed, okay?


Secretly sighed, looked at the women around her, Jingyi's little abacus struck.

What can we do, there are so many more ladies now, and she and the queen mother will not be exhausted in the future?

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to discuss with Master Qin An, and the mansion should recruit a few new maidservants!

Thinking about these little things in her mind, Jingyi finally summoned the courage to speak.

"Yesterday...everyone drank too much yesterday.

That old general Dong was okay. He saw that it was too late and the sun was in the middle of the sky, so he arrogantly let the idlers wait to leave, leaving time and space for the master and the wife!

So, I sent the adults away, and also sent Master Vajra, Master Liu Yuanchao, all of them back to the side of Tianju.

When she came back, the Queen Mother was holding Xiao Wenxin.

Because Mrs. Na drank too much, she just took a sip of the real fire wine, and she was unconscious.

Hey, I can only say that this wine is too strong, so don't let Master Sihai take it in the future, it's too scary!

After everyone was drunk, the master's condition was not good.

He yelled danglingly:

Come here! Make my bed for the master, and the master will have a bridal banquet with his wives! "

Jingyi learned Qin An's look and tone, which is really vivid.

The women were all happy after watching it. Although they were still very shy, and although they were still a little unhappy, they were always more happy than happy, especially the Wuma sisters, and Wang Hui and others. They were finally married!

There are also people who are uneasy, such as Qiu Jinse, but she is not on the list of marrying people!

At this time, Qin An has returned, but he did not come forward, intending to listen to what Jingyi said, and then deciding whether to come out to see your wives.

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