Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1252 Battle of the Sea

"Don't be nervous, this is also part of my hidden skills.

Anyone who has seen me, as long as he is in front of me, I can turn from the static space into the time and space of their past memories.

But in the same way, no matter what happens in this time and space, it won't have any impact on our original orbital time and space!

But since I entered this time and space through Guo Sihai's soul consciousness, when I return to the normal world, Guo Sihai will have this memory of my journey through!

This is one of the reasons people are afraid of me, because I can break into anyone’s memory at any time, even if this memory is jumping, even if they know that this memory does not exist in normal time and space, they will still remember !

The reason why I was able to know the past of Xiao Keqing and others when I met was because I thought I had just activated the space-time static ability, and then entered their memory world to take a peek! Because I did not show up there, their memory does not have me!

Oh, by the way, in this time and space we are also real, and we can even die, but after we die, we will return to the normal time and space orbit!

Hey, I didn’t expect that you could actually enter this time and space world with me. It’s great, I can have companions in my time travel in the future, haha! "

Qin An only felt that the egg broke all over the floor.

He didn't want to experience such a weird time travel.

Looking around, Qin An was a little shocked, because at this time, under the line of the city wall, there were dense numbers of monsters.

They are three or four meters long, their whole body is blue, covered with mucus, and they crawl on the ground with a dozen long tentacles. The overall appearance looks like the Jiwei shrimp that has been seen in the fish market before!

Fifth-level upgraded Sea Beast Carnivorous Shrimp!

Qin An knows that this upgraded sea beast is characterized by its strong defensive power and an abnormal appetite. It can eat very well, especially meat!

If such a group of sea prawns were allowed to climb up, the soldiers on the wall would probably be eaten. They were the kings of close combat.

At this time, Guo Sihai finally ran over, out of breath. He first glanced at Qin An, then ignored it, looked at Wu Xiaoxiao and said:

"Xiaoxiao, you crossed here again, right? You have crossed to my side three times before, can you go to other people's places? Fuck, Daddy has been confused for the past two days, and can't distinguish between reality and illusion!"

At this moment, Guo Sihai looked solemn and his eyes were blood red. It is estimated that he has not rested for several days.

He was not like the Guo Sihai that Qin An knew, that Guo Sihai was like a little ruffian, but this Guo Sihai was a warrior, a warrior who rushed to the front line to defend the territory to the death.

"My lord! The supplies are here! It's all armor-piercing bullets, half a million rounds!" A soldier came to report.

"Fart! Only half a million fucking? Tell the armament factory behind, get daddy a strong man! Whether I am a local resident or a foreigner, I get all of them to the armament factory. No gunshots from Daddy's side. Stop, they will keep working for me! If the machine can't keep up, just do it with my hands! If you have nothing to do, go to daddy to make detonators, make gunpowder! Also, contact me in Tibet, daddy wants support I want everything, people, food, and supplies!"


After the soldier ran down, Guo Sihai also turned around and left. He did not go to see Wu Xiaoxiao before leaving, but shouted with his back to her:

"Take care of yourself! Or just roll back to your own time and space, daddy has no time to take care of you

The voice disappeared. Guo Sihai had already ran more than a hundred meters away, got into his command car, and drove farther.

"Hey, this kind of crossing of mine is random, and each time is at a different point in time. This battle should have shocked the high-level decisive battle of encirclement of the sea in western Tibet!

The battle started on June 12, 2017, and the sea beasts fought for 47 consecutive days. In the end, the sea beasts were not allowed to cross the city wall and enter the inland... However, almost all of the 200,000 soldiers of Guo Sihai’s department were killed in action, and Hong Kong’s top five The civilians and mercenaries in the gathering place later joined the war. The death data is incomplete, and there are probably more than 80,000!

Today should be June 15th, which means that the battle has only started on the third day!

Reports about the decisive battle around the sea were controlled by Western Tibet. People's hearts are already very fragile in front of the zombies. If you let them know that this is the situation in the South China Sea, they will probably be more heartbroken!

Humph, a group of shrimp soldiers and crabs are also trying to invade my territory in China?

Guo Sihai set an example and wrote a picture of every inch of mountains and rivers and every inch of blood!

He was finally selected as the successor of the chairman because of this battle!

I didn’t expect to happen to come to this time and space, Qin An, let’s be a bystander, because we can’t change anything. The order of time and space won’t change because of our arrival. It will only divide different paths. And those roads have nothing to do with us

Qin An frowned slightly, a battle around the sea? He has never heard of it!

It seems that Western Tibet has done a lot in recent years, but there are too many crises in the end times, making Western Tibet a little overwhelmed.

"If we leave this world and return to reality, will there be a time difference?" Qin An subconsciously asked his own question.

"No! It's still the moment when time and space just stopped, but in Guo Sihai's memory, there will be this scene of you and me coming."

It's amazing, it's amazing!

"How did you comprehend this ability?"

Qin An is a little confused about the process of the sword repairer comprehending the skills of the sword god.

"Talent right? I suffer from communication disorders and delusional syndrome! When I was very young, they called me minor neuropathy, because I can see myself when I grow up, and sometimes I can’t see myself with others. Talk to the people! The doctor said this was a kind of mental fantasy and a neurological phenomenon. So not long after I got the oracle, I realized this hidden and heavenly sword god ability."

Okay...what else can Qin An say, it can only be speechless.

"You are really crazy. You just finished cutting off people's heads over there, and the battle is not over yet, but you are in the mood to travel?"

"Haha, this is my greatest happiness. I originally wanted to enter your memory world! But you refused to let me in! What should I do? I'm so curious now, it's like knowing what you are. people!"

Qin An raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

"I beg you to stop being curious about me, if there is any, I will change it! Let me say yes, I now have more than ten wives, so I am quitting female sex! So you must not be curious about me, just continue Trouble with Guo Sihai, grandma!"

"Grandma? Haha, yes, yes, I am an old grandma! You are so humorous!"

"...I take back what I just said!"

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