The process of killing Kurosaki Lian was very rapid. In fact, Qin An had a hazy feeling at that moment, and this feeling had also appeared in Guo Sihai's memory world.

He seems to be omnipotent, he has too many abilities, and these abilities are intertwined so that Qin An can almost think of it when using abilities!

It is so difficult to think of six simple words. Under the constraints of the law, who can do what they think of? I'm afraid that the first sword god won't work, right? Otherwise, he would not have come to the earth from the sword spirit star in that distant time and space, and caused an apocalyptic catastrophe in order to find trouble for his own!

Qin An stood there for a few seconds, Wu Xiaoxiao had already walked over, and said weakly:

"Hey, are you okay?"

Qin An showed a small smile.

No matter how unwilling to have entanglements with women, Qin An could not help but show goodwill to Wu Xiaoxiao.

Before in Guo Sihai's memory world, Shi Ren appeared to kill himself, but Wu Xiaoxiao committed suicide and ended the memory world before bringing him back to reality. He knew how to be grateful.

Raising his hand, Qin An blew away the black mist, and at the same time applied the healing power of the universal sentient beings to Wu Xiaoxiao, who seemed a little weak, to restore it to its original state.

Without seeing Wu Xiaoxiao's eyes full of surprise, Qin An glanced over the dozens of supernaturalists in the Nine Great Sects.

"Naturally, I'm fine, but these people don't seem to be very good. They have been poisoned by Kurosaki Ren, and it seems that it is difficult to heal themselves."

Wu Xiaoxiao followed Qin An's gaze and said:

"I don't know about other people. The woman named Yaqin, who I entered her memory world, is still a pure-hearted person. Why not save her? What is your healing power? It seems amazing?"

Qin An raised her eyebrows, but still did not reject Wu Xiaoxiao, and gave Yaqin the ability to save all sentient beings, allowing her to recover from her half-dead state.

"Qin An! Qin An, help!"

Guo Sihai ran from a distance like flying away, holding Adana Ren in his arms, Jia Li was carrying Ada Khan who had passed out in a coma, and Xu Dakai followed them.

And behind these people, zombie beasts, zombie stone tribesmen are rushing over, the momentum is very strong, and the darkness in the night looks frightening.

Qin An hurriedly raised his hand to form a mountain. The mountain was a thousand meters high and had a base of one thousand meters. It landed instantly after it appeared, and all the zombies behind Guo Sihai were crushed into the ground and turned into mud!

Once Nanshan's ability dissipated, he couldn't recover it, and he couldn't summon again within a few days.

Qin An also used many sword god abilities in Guo Sihai's memory world, and can still summon Nanshan today, indicating that the weak state he entered in the memory world has disappeared, and he is still in a state of full physical strength.

Seeing Guo Sihai, who was full of astonishment when he ran up to him, Qin An hurriedly said without waiting for him to open his mouth: "Sihai, you first take our people and run up the mountain. I guess it should be okay to avoid all night until dawn. I will do it. Something private!"

Guo Sihai raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:

"Private affairs? This place is too dangerous. Are you still in the mood to do private affairs? And Qin An, are you a human or a ghost? This...Where did this mountain come from? Is this also the skill of the Sword God? Is it too abnormal?"

Guo Sihai was once again shocked by Qin An's abilities.

Qin An looked at Adana Ren in Guo Sihai's arms, also in a coma at this time.

Although Qin An was fighting with Kurosaki Lian just now, he also knew what happened to Guo Sihai.

The Ada Khan father and daughter were originally going to help the tribe to resist the invading Golem, but the zombie beasts that rushed over were like a broken bamboo. Not only did they quickly break through the Golem position, they also turned many Golems into zombies, and then rushed together. Into the position of Ada Khan.

Heina zombies also flew over, the giant tail almost hit Adana Ren, and Ada Khan flew into his arms and hugged her daughter and quickly dodged, but after all, the power of Heina zombie’s giant tail flicked to a point. , And both fainted. Guo Sihai just caught up with him when he left, and then fled back with his father and daughter.

Fortunately, Heiner's zombies and alien beasts changed their direction, and at this time they had already turned back and rushed into the Kaitian behemoth camp, otherwise Guo Sihai would be really dangerous.

After Guo Sihai ranted a few questions at Qin An, he didn't even want to wait for Qin An to answer. Instead, he directly called Shang Ling'er and Wu Xiaoxiao to run up the mountain.

Although everyone is a superpower, zombies are also superpower undead. If they cannot defend against their attacks, they will be instantly killed or infected with corpse poison and become zombies. The superpowers finally returned to the same starting line with the zombies, and Ushered in the end of own age.

Seeing Guo Sihai and the others evacuated, Qin An had no scruples and began to wander around the mountain, killing zombies while checking the curse of the foreign race in the chaos!

The curse guards are not easy to deal with. The one-spirit spell card is a soul sword repairer, and the five-spirit spell card is a super four soul sword repairer who has reached the spiritual state! The strength of these super Four Soul Sword Cultivators is much stronger than that of ordinary Four Soul Sword Cultivators, and they are already infinitely close to the Sword God. If they are on the Sword Spirit Star, they can even destroy the world!

It's just that when they arrive on Earth, their abilities are constrained by the power of the law and become much weaker, but even then they are still killing gods one by one. Those who attacked the curse were howling ghosts, crying, and howling, and various powerful abilities were unfolded, and many weak people who didn't want to participate in the curse couldn't hide, and eventually died.

The intertwining of various races in the entire ring mountain, coupled with the influx of super alien zombies, has made the chaos here like a pot of porridge.

Qin An entered the invisible state and walked in the chaos. Sometimes some strange beasts would enter the void. They were originally a little spiritual, but because they were frightened in the real space, they would rush to attack Qin An when they saw Qin An in the void. But after all, they were killed one by one by Qin An in the void.

After walking for a long time, Qin An felt a little excited.

There are a total of 630 spell cards, with more than 70 types!

What's more rare is that there are five Four Divinities spell cards and two Five Divinities spell cards!

Qin An is now able to call out the names of these spell cards, knowing that the two five-spirit spell cards are named Xian Bone and Mie Hai!

The fairy bone spell card has an absolute defense body within one minute after use, which can defend against any attack, but the algorithm cannot allow the user to break the defense.

The sea extinguishing spell card can make a sea disappear after use, and there will be no five Four Divinities spell cards, but they are the same.

Killing spell card, single attack, with powerful attack power, can ignore many kinds of defenses, and cause huge damage to the enemy!

The so-called Excalibur was originally integrated with the host. The Heaven's Punishment spell cards on the Sword Spirit Star are the real weapons. Although they are disposable items, they are still the dream that every sword spirit creature wants to achieve. Because a spell card is likely to be on the dangerous sword spirit star, allowing them to save their own one-time life.

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