Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1279 Who Is She

Xiao Jiumei’s personality is optimistic. Although her EQ is not high, she sometimes becomes cute, but her little head is also smart.

However, her brain cells died at this time, and she didn't know what to do.

Qin An looked at the two women with a smile, unconsciously smiling.

Is he a good luck person? Seeing this situation, the two women on the opposite side also know own.

Is this why Qi Lu lied to him? Because you don't want him to worry about other women, so you lie?

After taking a sip of tea, Qin An felt that the atmosphere was a little weird, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly heard some familiar footsteps behind him.

The smile on his face stiffened, and Qin An felt a little embarrassed.

"Husband, why don't you tell me when you come out, who are they?"

Qi Lu's voice sounded, and then people walked over and sat directly beside Qin An.

Qin An felt like being caught by his eldest wife on a date with Xiaosan, and the expression on his face became very unnatural.

"Oh, I can't sleep, so I came out and walked. You know I am amnesia, so I don't know who they are, but they invited me over to eat and I came."

Qin An told the truth, and was even more embarrassed after speaking. This remark was obviously suspected of being hooked up and then subjugated. After all, the two people opposite were really beautiful women.

When Qi Lu woke up, she found that Qin An was missing. She was very worried and anxious. Now that she finally found Qin An on the street, she was so relieved.

With the help of the light, Qi Lu looked at the two women Yin Yao and Qin Jiusi, frowning slightly.

do not know?

Looking at their expressions, it seemed to have something to do with Qin An?

But the women around Qin An are very familiar with her, why hasn't she seen these two?

Yin Yao looked at Qi Lu and felt a little familiar. He always felt like where he had seen him before. After thinking about it for a while, Yin Yao was shocked. Why is he so stupid? Isn’t the host of the Wind Sword God the Giantess Lu Ya? It's just... she can actually change to the size of a normal person?

Yin Yao had just received a new clone, and his memories were merging, so he just thought that Qi Lu was Lu Ya.

Qin An didn't know what the two women were thinking, but found that they were looking at each other, but the little girl was staring at herself with a flushed face.

Suddenly, the situation where the four people were sitting on the square table became even more bizarre, making Qin An feel a cold sweat.

Hey, it's really tangled, why did I lose my memory?

Fortunately, Qin An now has amnesia, otherwise he would have recognized that the woman who claimed to be Qi Lu was actually the giantess Lu Ya.

Speaking of Lu Ya's disappearance for a while, Qin An was still entangled in this matter a few days ago, but his clone molested Lu Ya at that time, so Qin An was entangled so much that he didn't even dare to see Lu Ya's face. There were many things around Qin An, so he couldn't find Lu Ya for a while. He just got rid of the matter to Dong Junwei and asked him to send someone to look for it, but there was no result.

So what exactly did Lu Ya do?

In fact, she should have returned long ago, but an accident happened.

At that time, Qin An attracted hundreds of thousands of flying zombie beasts into the underground tunnel. Among them was a giant eagle with golden wings. Its defense power was super strong, and it could also absorb immune energy attacks.

It was too chaotic, and there were too many flying zombie beasts, and Qin An lost its trace during the action.

In fact, it is not a zombie beast, but a sword spirit star sword repair beast that came out of a time-space gate before that, named Mazu! With four skills, it has reached the terrifying existence of the spiritual realm.

And Mazu is also the mount of Feng Dong Sword God back then.

After meeting Qin An, Mazu left the group of flying zombies because Lu Ya just flew nearby.

Mazu felt the power of the wind moving sword god, so he flew over to look for Lu Ya.

Feng Dong Sword God was awakened by the appearance of Mazu, so he directed Lu Ya to accept Mazu as a parasitic beast.

Lu Ya herself is a mutant without parasitic beasts. Her change is that her body becomes huge, which becomes bigger and bigger as the upgraded level of her body increases.

And after Mazu became Lu Ya's parasitic beast, he helped Lu Ya absorb the excessive energy, so that she could become smaller, which is also a kind of animalization.

As the spirit beast of the four spirits, Mazu has four skills:

The swallowing body can absorb energy.

Splash wound, able to rebound energy

The wind is moving and the clouds are blowing, use the wind magic

The wings of the golden wind, the wings become larger and turned into two winged blades, with a very powerful melee attack ability.

After acquiring the Parasitic Beast, the combination of Lu Ya and the Fengdong Sword Body also reached 99%, but it was just a little short of being able to break through the Mortal Body into the Super Body Realm.

But this is not what makes Lu Ya the most excited. She has been a giant for many years and never thought that she would have a chance to become smaller.

Lu Ya didn't return to Qin An immediately after she became small. She started to wander around like a tourist, feeling the different herself in the same world, and she was drunk.

After wandering around for many days, Lu Ya was actually on the top of the Tianhuan Mountain when the monster passage was formed.

At that time, the powerful energy fluctuation caused by Qin An scared Lu Ya. After everything was over, Lu Ya waved her wings and landed, and found Qin An in a coma, and then took him away.

Originally, Lu Ya was only thinking about taking Qin An away from the monster passage. She went all the way north for hundreds of kilometers before finally unwittingly discovering an invisible barrier exit.

After coming out of the monster tunnel, Lu Ya wanted to bring Qin An back to Tianju, but Qin An happened to wake up. After talking with Lu Ya, he was surprised to find that Qin An had lost his memory and even his own name had been forgotten.

Lu Ya's mind became active after Qin An was in a coma again.

Is she going to take this man back to Tianju and return it to the group of women?

Lu Ya was deeply impressed by the birthday wishes, the twins dancing on the grass field, and the fireflies flying around.

She is no longer a little girl. Lu Ya didn't have much pursuit after her return. Perhaps she would find her best destination by looking for someone with a white head and a city forever.

Therefore, Lu Ya stole Qin An with this thought. She did not intend to let Qin An return to the Heavenly Residence, but found a place far away from there.

For women, there are no major events in life that people care about.

So in the end, Lu Ya took Qin An into Shulan City, already planning to settle down.

She also thought that this is only a temporary place of residence. When Qin An wakes up, if he does lose his memory and cannot remember the past, then she is taking Qin An to continue walking north. Russia has a large area of ​​land, so you can just find someone else. Life can be anywhere.

I think she lived alone in a cave for many years. Now giving her a living man should be considered a kind of happiness, right?

What's more, there may be children between them.

Thinking of the child Lu Ya was actually a little guilty, because after all, Qin An already had a child, and that was Qin Wenxin.

However, after a few thoughts, Lu Ya still failed to defeat her own desires.

Therefore, when Qin An wakes up, she will tell him that they are husband and wife, and she is the only woman he loves the most!

Lu Ya had never returned when Chu Liuxiang entered Tianju, so she really didn't know Yin Yao in front of her, although Yin Yao also appeared as Yan Liuxiang.

The reason why she used the pseudonym Qi Lu actually means Qi Lu.

This is not difficult to understand. The road between her and Qin An must be rugged and tortuous, because she doesn't know how long Qin An will lose her memory. If it is a lifetime, then she will be happy for a lifetime. If it is short, then everything is just a flash in the pan.

Outside Xuanjian City, Guo Shuai, Lu Xiaocha and Zhang Qing stood facing a tomb in the wilderness.

Three days ago, the Dark One's Broken Jade died. This is a natural death.

Darks are a species that violates the law, so they are cursed by the power of the law and cannot live for many years at all.

After learning how to behave, Broken Jade finally ran out of oil and died in Zhang Geng’s arms. Before dying, she shed sad blood and tears. She sighed for the shortness and boringness of her life. She also thanked Zhang Geng for her. The love for her at the last moment of life.

Zhang Geng was so distraught that he actually chose to commit suicide today. After his death, his body turned into a blue smoke and was just seen by the Guo Shuai and his wife who rushed to visit.

What puzzled Guo Shuai was that Zhang Geng's Big sis, Zhang Qing, was clearly beside Zhang Geng, but he did not stop Little Brother from dying. It was a bit weird.

After Zhang Qing asked Guo Shuai to help arrange the burial of Broken Jade, she then told Guo Shuai about her and Zhang Geng's past, which shocked Guoshuai and Lu Xiaocha.

"...We were separated from the mother body at the same time. They were twins! Wandering in the apocalypse, we were caught by a group of bad guys, and we were humiliated and humiliated, and finally escaped.

Later, she didn't want to be a woman, so she turned into the image of a boy.

We heard about Qin Anyuan’s departure from United States in Darklight City. We don’t know what he thinks, so we have to visit United States.

So we separated.

Twenty years later, I didn't expect him to return with the alias Zhang Geng and Qin An.

Hey, he was really heartbroken. After being a man for so many years, his mood has changed.

He also really couldn't let go of Qin An, after all, for all of our clones, the memories are real! We all had a baby with Qin An!

Broken Jade is dead, he doesn't want to live alone and chooses to commit suicide. Of course I will not stop it!

Moreover, I also found my home. I don't want to be Zhang Geng's Big sis Zhang Qing. I want to return to my mother's body, bring my memories to her, and then reunite with my little Jiuer.

Qin An once rescued my name in the maze. I was desperate when I was trapped in the mech. He killed all the zombies and took me out of the mech.

I know this is a kind of fate, and I am willing to follow the arrangements of fate

This story is actually very long. Guo Shuai and Lu Xiaocha were silent.

In the end, Zhang Qing killed himself!

Yin Yao frowned slightly on the square table 1,78 kilometers away.

A clone came back again, and the memories she brought with him contained feelings of admiration for Qin An.

When this kind of memory merged with Yin Yao's main memory, it made her feel sorry for her.

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