Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1285 Concentration Camp

The Battle of Hellfire has broken out for five days, and the fire along the coast has been burning for five days.

At this time, the sound of guns on the shore was not weakened but increased a lot.

The Hellfire Fortress and Western Tibet’s backup support have all arrived. The number of participants in the three battlefields of the Jiulong Mountain Allied Forces in West Tibet has reached 1.5 million, and the number of troops deployed on the Hellfire Battlefield has reached 300,000.

For Tibet, this is a war of attrition.

No one can make a definition for the final outcome of this battle, because regardless of victory or failure, the price paid by both sides must be tragic.

The first level of Hellfire was broken by Ye Siya and Gu Lanfei in the first day of the battle.

Because it was a surprise attack, coupled with the sudden rebellion of millions of slaves, the prison fire army was caught off guard. The battle lasted only two days before they returned to Yong'an Pass and reorganized the army around the Dark God Tower, taking Yong'an Pass as The dividing line launched a countercharge to the coalition forces, and the battle entered a state of anxiety.

The battlefield of Hellfire is actually divided into three parts now.

One is Peacock Terrace, the second is Yong'an Pass, and the third is Hellfire City.

After Ye Siya and Gu Lan Fei's army entered, they implemented a 24-hour street ban at Peacock Terrace.

This means that all civilians must stay at home unconditionally, and once they appear on the street, they will be regarded as enemies and will be directly arrested and entered into temporary concentration camps. Then the slaves are responsible for supervising the civilians who originally belonged to the end-spirit sect, and the intruders are responsible for supervising the slaves. Otherwise, they are afraid that these people who are usually treated like dogs will eat them raw and lively.

Of course, although Ye Siya Gu Lan Fei’s troops have now occupied the Peacock Terrace, it does not mean that they have been taken down completely. The civilians of the Peacock Terrace have been ruled by the Mo Ling sect for many years, and some people are even at the end. For those born in the area under the rule of the Ling sect, for them, the coalition forces between West Tibet and Jiulongshan are not the righteous side, but only the invaders.

Unfortunately, the Hellfire Army is not their guardian.

After the fierce fighting suffered heavy damage, they gave up the civilians and only arranged for their own family members to escape.

So if you want to completely control the Peacock Terrace, you must screen and manage these civilians, even if they can't be used for their own purposes, they can't be caused to cause trouble.

Ye Siya, Concubine Gu, Feng Xiaozheng, Song Dieyun's troops were now stationed at Yong'an Pass, and some combative slaves were incorporated into their army.

The walls of Yong'an Pass were almost destroyed, but the coalition forces were unable to continue deepening. The enemy's defenses and counterattacks outside Yong'an Pass were very strong, causing the coalition to die many soldiers.

Simei takes turns to fight the enemy every day, and the battle never stops.

The third battlefield is the Hellfire City built by the sea.

Feng Xiaozheng, a tens of thousands of troops under Song Dieyun set up a temporary position after landing on the east side of Hellfire City.

Hellfire City does not actually have a wall, but there are many trenches and fortresses around it.

After Mo Ling and Tian Ming wore a pair of trousers, they were not worried about the zombies coming, so the fortifications they built were naturally aimed at the Tibetan army.

Li Ziyuan personally went to the Hellfire City position and launched a positional offensive and defensive battle with the enemy relying on the sea.

Five days had their own victories, but in the end they failed to successfully break through the enemy's defense.

The infiltrator also failed to cause chaos like the Peacock Terrace in Hellfire City.

The main reason is that most of the people in Hellfire City are the most loyal believers of the Mo Ling sect, even the slaves over there, so the actions to provoke them to make trouble did not achieve the expected results.

The war will continue, and I don't know when it will end.

The sun is as bright as ever.

In the concentration camp in Shulan City, there were thousands of prisoners at this time.

Qin An, Yin Yao, Xiao Jiumei, Lu Ya, Yin Shiyao, Dong Sheng, Zhang Kaiyang, Guan Xiaoshan, and Wang Fu are all here.

Qin An originally wanted to take everyone out of the city a few days ago, but in the end he was spotted by the coalition soldiers and then surrounded.

What was even more depressing was that there were all people around at that time, and Qin An couldn't rush out unless he could break a blood path.

Regarding that there were non-supernatural beings beside him, Qin An finally gave up resisting.

So if Qin An doesn't do it, other people will naturally not do it.

In this way they were taken into a concentration camp and detained for five days.

The so-called concentration camps are actually just a vacant lot.

It used to be a large square, and the coalition forces drew barbed wire around to form a closed space.

The periphery is naturally guarded, and the thousands of civilians in the barbed wire circle are all people who originally belonged to Shulan City. In the entire Peacock Terrace, there are as many as thousands of such concentration camps.

In five days, Qin An didn't get much information about own from the women around him.

Xiao Jiumei naturally wanted to recognize her father, but she was stopped by Yin Yao.

"He doesn't even have a memory now. Let's wait. I think the reason why he loses his memory should be related to the Heaven's Punishment spell. I know that a kind of spell card can make people amnesia for more than ten days. So, wait again. Wait, we will tell him when he regains his memory."

This is what Qin An overheard from Yin Yao.

Conjuration card?

Qin An was a little dizzy, wondering what it was.

But he didn't get too entangled. It would be best if he could restore his memory. Even if he could not restore his memory, Qin An was not in a hurry.

He is now a god, so does he still care about amnesia?

The more you understand the own power, the more likely Qin An feels that he is a god. He is simply too awesome. He is almost omnipotent!

Judging from the observation of the battlefield, this should be a world where abilities are flying all over the sky, but those abilities are really weak compared to their own.

So no matter what, Qin An felt that he was at least a lucky person, at least he had the ability to protect himself absolutely in this dangerous world.

Sitting on the ground, Qin An held a Steamed bun in his hand and looked at the people around him while eating.

War is cruel, especially for civilians.

Qin An felt a little ironic. Among the thousands of people in this concentration camp, at least one-fifth had participated in the gladiator qualifiers that day.

Qin An remembers very clearly that the combination of super vision and powerful Mental Energy has given Qin An the ability to record visually, and he can recognize every face he has seen.

When these people are spectators, they are not good people. They are excited because of the killings in the arena, and satisfied with the blood and death in the arena. But now they are prisoners, being held in the same way as animals. Here, all freedom has been lost and it is left to be slaughtered.

Qin An's eyes moved with the group of slaves who distributed food.

There are thirteen people in this team, ten of them are slaves, and three are coalition soldiers with assault guns in their hands.

The leading male official seemed to be in his early thirties. He was fairly strong. The temperature now is only seventeen or eight degrees Celsius above zero, but he is naked.

And there are terrible scars all over his body, obviously he has suffered a lot.

As he was walking, he suddenly stopped beside a few people sitting in a circle.

That should be a family.

Forty-year-old looks like a very weak male host, a very beautiful hostess under forty, and three children who are not too big.

The leading slave was slightly stunned when he saw them, and then suddenly bent over and pulled the weak man from the ground.

"You...you...Jiang Suo! What are you going to do, I...I...they said, as long as you surrender honestly and don't cause trouble You can live! What are you doing, come here, help me!"

The weak man's voice trembled, and he shouted indiscriminately.

A coalition soldier stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Suo's shoulder, frowning and saying:

"Brother! Our boss has issued a formal order. As the man said, as long as these people are honest, they can be escorted back to Jiulongshan alive, and then investigate and collect evidence of their crimes. Generally speaking, as long as he kills them. People who have eaten human flesh will betray their life imprisonment, and they will have to work their entire lives to wash away their own sins."

The slave named Jiang Suo clutched the weak man's collar tightly. His body was originally trembling. After listening to the coalition soldiers' words, he finally calmed down after a long time. Then he let go and pushed the weak man to the ground.

Standing for a while, a faint smile appeared on Jiang Suo's face. He stared directly at the weak man for a long time before speaking softly:

"I have been a slave in your house for seven years, right? For seven years, you insulted me wantonly, and you tied me up and beat me when you were in a bad mood!

Humph, isn't it cool?

The scars on my body are all because of you!

Master, I really hate you, really!

However, sometimes I don’t hate you either because

While speaking, Jiang Suo turned his head to look at the middle-aged woman who was less than 40 years old.

"Because I am a beautiful and charming hostess!

Haha, don’t you think it’s weird? You and her have been married for several years and have no children, but since I entered your house as a slave, the mistress became pregnant in less than half a year!

Tell you, in fact, your three children are all the seeds I sown. They are all the children born to me and your wife!

Master, you can be regarded as a good father. You worked so hard to help me raise my three children. I also want to thank you! "

Hearing Jiang Suo's words, the weak man was stupid, sitting on the ground swaying, his face pale, his mouth opened to fit an egg.

The beautiful hostess was also pale at this time, turned her head to look at the weak man, and saw that he was also looking at herself, and hurriedly shook her head and said:

"My dear! Don't listen to him nonsense, our children are all yours! I...I

After saying two words, the woman's voice became weaker and weaker, and she was obviously a little guilty.

The eldest of the three children looked as six years old, but the younger one was a pair of twins, estimated to be two years old, and they were still adorable villains.

At this time, they still don't know what their parents are talking about, and naturally they don't know what waiting for their own destiny is.

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