Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1287 General Nirvana

The three soldiers shook their heads helplessly, one of them said loudly: "We are still fighting, so you had better be honest, if you don't want to die!"

The voice fell, and the soldier who was talking looked at Chen Yuelang again, but in the end he didn't say anything. Now there are too many things, where does he have time to be nosy? The above order is not to harm innocent civilians, but it doesn't say that they cannot be allowed to fight inwardly.

And who knows how many of these civilians are true civilians, and how many are believers of the last spirit? Although they seem to be honest Mianyang now, if the Fire Bathing Army returns from Yong'an Pass, then they are likely to become hungry wolves who cannibalize people.

Raising his hand to pull up Li Mu's body, the people in the food team began to wander, giving everyone a Steamed bun.

Before Jiang Suo left, he looked back at Chen Yuelang, his eyes full of hate, but he was helpless. After all, the people who control the real power on the Peacock Terrace are from the coalition army.

Qin An looked at Chen Yuelang for a while, and finally shook his head helplessly.

Hey, think more about his own business. Now for him, how to restore his memory is the most important thing.

After five days of contact, Qin An could be sure that Qi Lu must have lied to herself, otherwise it would be impossible for him and her to be in contact with her without any emotional throbbing. They should not be a husband and wife relationship.

Yin Shiyao is very special. She always makes him feel uncomfortable when she looks at own.

That little nine sister is very strange. She has cried four or five times in Yin Shiyao’s arms. Qin An originally thought that they were just ordinary acquaintances, but now it seems that his previous judgment was wrong, because the little nine sister called Yin Shiyao his mother. .

As for Yin Yao, it is even more strange. She is also Xiao Jiumei's mother. She should have known Yin Shiyao, but the two women have not spoken to each other once, as if they were strangers.

Thinking wildly in her heart, the self-acquainted Xiao Jiumei walked to Qin An and sat down, took out two cooked eggs from her arms and stuffed them into Qin An's hands.

"Uncle... Uncle, eat it!"

The little girl was blushing when she talked to Qin An, making Qin An a little confused. She didn't know what their relationship was, and she didn't understand why she called herself Uncle.

Looking at the egg in his hand, Qin An sighed again, there are Rivers and Lakes where there are really people!

Looking up, Qin An found the kid named Dongsheng in the crowd.

Dongsheng and his grandfather Zhang Kaiyang, Wang Fu, Guan Xiaoshan have followed Yin Yao's mother and daughter for the rest of their lives in the Merchant City of the Last Days. They are now their attendants and servants.

As a person who grew up in the last days, Dongsheng has a set of methods and principles for his own life.

He is very good at using the word "interest", and in this closed concentration camp, he manipulated the interests to do something.

Dongsheng wanders around the concentration camp every day, so he knows a few women.

These women are all gorgeous and show off. They used to work in an entertainment club in Shulan City.

The entertainment club in Shulan City is of course different from before the end of the world.

Those who come here to consume are the absolute dignitaries in the city, and the women who serve here are also absolute beauties.

To put it bluntly, in the last days, in the dominion of the Moling sect, a woman wants to be a chicken, relying on her body to exchange money, it is still not qualified without absolute beauty.

Ordinary looks can only be slaves, or stand on the side of the street, and a plate of fried meat is willing to let customers toss all night.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to describe the women that Dongsheng went to meet with are really beautiful.

After meeting these women, Dongsheng started talking to the guard outside the barbed wire again.

Of course, everything was done secretly, and after some communication, the channel was finally established.

After midnight, Dongsheng will take a few beauties in roles outside the barbed wire fence. Those women provide some special services to the soldiers, and then get some revenge. Dongsheng can also get some benefits through this method.

That's why Qin An sighed that there are Rivers and Lakes where there are people.

Those soldiers seem to be the righteous side, and what they do is to maintain the unity of national power.

But they are still ordinary people, still have emotions and desires, and are still willing to indulge themselves to a certain extent.

This is Rivers and Lakes, no one is a Facebook, everyone has their own desires.

And in the cracks of desire, there are always people who can find some laws beyond the rules, and then make themselves and the people around them live better.

For this kind of people, Qin An can't use good and evil evaluations, because they don't seem to do anything bad, but they do violate morality and ethics.

At this time, the two eggs in his hand were obtained by Dongsheng, and he secretly gave it to Xiao Jiumei. After Xiao Jiumei put it on her body for a day, she finally came back and secretly gave it to herself.

Qin An couldn't help feeling a little smile, so he hoped that he wanted to restore his memory quickly. He wanted to know what the relationship between him and the people around him was.

Looking at Dongsheng, Qin An returned the egg to Xiao Jiumei, and then whispered:

"Save it for yourself. The eggs in the last days are much better than those before the last days. I think there must be a lot of nutrients in them, so eat more."

Qin An just said something to be polite with Xiao Jiumei, but these words really made a lot of sense in Xiao Jiumei's ears.

The two eggs also merged into this meaning. For Xiao Jiumei, they became eggs rewarded by her father, and there was nothing about Dongsheng at all.

Qin An felt the excitement in Xiao Jiumei's heart at this time, and couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

Although he was used to this little Little Sister who wanted to please him from time to time, he didn't know the reason.

Look, isn't it just two eggs? Little Sister originally wanted to give it to herself, but he didn't want to give it back to her. How could she be so happy, still holding back a smile, dimples appeared on her cheeks.

Although Qin An took all Xiao Jiumei's expressions and movements into his eyes, his eyes did not actually look at Xiao Jiumei, and they still fell on Dongsheng.

The young man was wandering with a piece of half-dry grass in his mouth.

Finally, he walked to a man's side and stopped, then frowned slightly.

Qin An subconsciously followed his gaze to the man, then frowned after a few seconds.

Thousands of people are imprisoned in this enclosed space of barbed wire. The Tibetan-Western coalition forces have not had time to come over and count the specific identities of these people, because the Simei is still taking turns with the troops in the fierce battle with the prison fire army, and it is impossible to separate them. Too many soldiers manage these people. They can only be temporarily imprisoned and then investigated in batches to verify their identities. In the end, the confirmed identities are transported directly back to the city of Jianzhifeng in Nine Dragons Mountain by airlift. This process does not seem complicated, but the entire Peacock Taichung has a population of more than 20 million. Although some people have escaped into Yongan Pass, there are still more than 10 million civilians.

In short, that is to say, in this concentration camp, the coalition forces have not counted the number of detainees, nor do they know their original identity and background in Shulan City.

Qin An did this. In five days, he had known all the people in the concentration camp.

I remembered their looks, and through their dialogue, I knew what everyone was called.

Then, at this time, the man beside the young man Dongsheng, Qin An could confirm at a glance that he should have not been in this enclosed barbed wire space a few minutes ago! In other words, he should be able to use something similar to Spatial Teleportation, and then suddenly enter here.

It's strange, this is a concentration camp, so why is this man here?

It is absolutely impossible to be a superpower of the coalition army, if so, he should be a superpower from Hellfire?

Qin An didn't have any position in his mind, he was just being a spectator.

Looking at the man carefully, Qin An's heart suddenly felt a little depressed. He didn't know that this was an early warning of the Sword God's ability, which meant that this person was very dangerous.

He is actually very handsome. He looks like a thirty-year-old. He is dressed in a simple black robe and looks tall when sitting on the ground. It is estimated that he will be at least 1.8 meters tall when he stands up.

To Qin An's surprise, the man was very quiet when sitting there.

For Qin An, being quiet means being silent. There is no circulation of blood in his body, no heartbeat, and no breathing.

Qin An opened his perspective eyes to look inside his body, but was surprised to find that there was nothing!

Qin An thought that his eyes were dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes and focused on Mental Energy again, and found that it was so, there was only a black body inside him, and he couldn't see anything at all!

With his eyebrows furrowed, Qin An's heart was filled with surprise. This kind of perspective ability he possessed, unexpectedly failed in this man's body? This was the first time he had encountered such a thing since he was sober.

"Hey, handsome man, I have been around in the concentration camp several times in the past few days. Why have I never seen you?"

Dongsheng squatted to the ground with a smile, and talked to the man.

The man's eyes were kept tightly closed. After Dongsheng spoke, his ears moved, but he didn't open his eyes. He just spoke in a very small voice:

"Boy, why are you interested in me?"

Qin An looked at from a distance and nodded slightly, secretly saying that this winter life is really a talent, but he has no abilities. He just wanders around in the concentration camp every day, and he can roughly remember the faces of thousands of people here. NS? If not, he shouldn't be interested in that man.

"Haha, I just think you are just born, handsome guy, make friends, my name is Dongsheng, I don't know what your name is?"

Qin An felt that this clever boy was more familiar than that Xiaojiu Sister, but he felt that they would say hello and ask to know each other.

The handsome guy in his mouth has long black hair. After listening to Dongsheng's question, he still didn't open his eyes, but the corners of his mouth showed an upward arc, and he continued to speak in a very small and light voice:

"Okay, leave it to a friend, I am General Mianni, and so is Di Qing!"

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