"any solution?"

Yuan Jie and Song Dieyun asked questions at the same time.

Qin An's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the people who had been gathered by the supernatural fighters.

He didn't speak, and focused his attention. The two hundred meters long ground on the ground quickly metalized, emitting a bright golden light.

After that, the ground of the metal block rose to a height of half a meter and separated from the ground.

This is the art of alchemy.

The people on the metal block platform were all a little frightened, and the people who were standing immediately sat down. Suddenly, the ground under their feet was able to move, and it turned into a metal like gold.

Qin An continued to use own Mental Energy to refine the soil, and a cube ring with a side length of 205 meters was formed and set on the previous cube platform.

"Let’s go up, and for a while, I will make the cube ring of the outer ring grow and form a dome on top, and then control the inner platform and the outer barrier to grow at the same time again, and let the outer barrier push the alien outside the protective cover, and then We are hiding inside. Hey, it's just that the biological layer is more than 100 meters high. I don't know if we can have enough strength to push it out."

While speaking, Qin An jumped onto the platform first, and the others hurriedly followed.

Song Dieyun frowned slightly, remembering Qin An's ability. It is said that he had built a golden fortress in Xuanjian City.

Song Dieyun was actually a little worried at this time, don't know what Feng Xiaozheng and the others are doing now? On my own side, because of Qin An's protection, hundreds of people were saved from suffering, but there were thousands of people in the concentration camp before, and there are more nearby.

Qin An's protective shield only protected a few hundred people. Those who didn't enter the protective shield were probably killed by falling creatures in the sky? I really don't dare to think about it, I just hope that Feng Xiaozheng and the others will be spared.

Song Dieyun remembered some Qin An's materials again, saying that he seemed to have the same ability as clairvoyance and wind ear.

Yes, just now everyone didn't know the outside situation, but he could understand it clearly, it should be that kind of ability played a role.

Since this is the case, Song Dieyun feels that it is necessary to hug this big tree tightly, because even if Feng Xiaozheng is still alive, it is estimated that she has been crushed below the 100-meter flesh layer. Without Qin An, she would not have been able to find it. The sisters who have the best relationship with him also need to go to Li Ziyuan. As for Ye Siya and Concubine Gu Lan, they should be found if they have a chance. After all, after fighting for so many years, they always have some class feelings.

Under Qin An's arrangement, everyone stood on the alchemy platform.

Qin An controls the growth of the outer metal barrier, forming a dome, and the enclosed space is dark.

The civilians did not make a noise, they felt grateful to wake up after being frightened, and the least capable people seemed to have no intention of abandoning them.

However, no one knows, even if they escaped here, what is waiting for them outside.

The soldiers once again took out the Ye Mingzhu for lighting, and everything was ready.

There is no need to say anything at this time, most people's lives are in Qin An's hands.

Yin Yao is closely following her baby daughter Xiao Jiumei. Among everyone, only she and Qin An understand that they may not be able to escape successfully.

Qin Anzhi has this kind of consciousness in all his hearts because he knows how dangerous and abnormal the situation outside is now.

The reason Yin Yao thinks like this is because she has just seen many corpses from Sword Spirit Star creatures. She knows what they are, and naturally knows their horror!

The alchemy barrier and the alchemy platform began to rise simultaneously.

Qin An focused his attention on the practice of ground-printing alchemy, and at the same time turned on the Spiritual Sense to observe the situation outside.

The universe cover closed, and countless flesh and blood poured down.

"Oops!" Qin An exclaimed, his face already pale.

"What's the matter?" Yin Yao asked hurriedly.

"There is corrosive liquid in those blood! The ascending alchemy barrier shell is rapidly corroding!"

"Hey, the alchemy barrier you opened is still too weak! If it's the Earth Seal Sword God... think about a solution, those are the blood in the body of the Death Demon of the undead, even you and I can't touch it with the flesh!"

"Devil of Death?"

"Well, I just saw some of their corpses. I thought that your alchemy barrier could withstand their blood... The undead are a group of species, and every undead tribe has at least over 100 million individuals. Undead Kings , Undead level, Death level, normal level, and puppet level are the different strength structures of the undead. The undead are not sword repair creatures, but are the receptors of all spirits. They will not refine the sword god in the body, the more times they are upgraded The stronger the strength..."

Before Yin Yao's words were finished, the alchemy barrier had been corroded and leaked, and Qin An hurriedly opened the universe shield to protect everyone.

Because of the gap between the apex of the previous Universe Cover and the ground, the flesh layer of the alien creatures fell quickly after Qin An put it away. Although the alchemy barrier was corroded, the alchemy platform successfully raised a height of 100 meters, separated from the ground, and reached the flesh layer. Top.

Nearby, countless puppet-level undead monsters rushed forward, all blocked by the reopened universe cover.

Qin An knew that his own universe would not last long, so he immediately summoned Nanshan.

A huge mountain fell from the sky in an instant, smashing to death tens of thousands of undead puppet-level creatures.

The appearance of these creatures is not the same, most of them are humanoids, but also have different species.

"Quickly, all run up the mountain!"

Qin An gave an order, and the universe cover was closed.

Half of the people left the alchemy platform and went straight to the hillside after hearing Qin An's order, while the other half were all limp on the ground, and some even peeed their pants in fright.

After the giant teleportation magic circle was closed, the dark clouds in the sky had disappeared. At this time, the sun was shining and cloudless at 10 o'clock at noon.

Looking around, the head and arms are moving, the blood stumps flying across, and the crying and resonating sounds are endless chaos.

Qin An saw that some people hadn't escaped to the mountain, so he wanted to go over and meet him.

Yin Yao grabbed Qin An's arm and whispered softly: "It's meaningless, they can't live in this environment forever, so let's keep their energy."

Qin An glanced sideways at Yin Yao, frowning and spit out a few words.

"Just to comfort my heart."

After that, he flashed away and arrived next to Chen Yuelang who was squatting on the ground protecting his daughter. He took Li Ying and Li Hui two cute little Loli into his arms, opened the fantasy of wind and summoned the wind elves, translucent. The big crab rolled up everyone and flew directly to the top of the mountain!

Seeing what Qin An had done, Lu Ya didn't hesitate to summon the Wind Spirit Crab, and then rolled up the people who had just climbed the hillside to the Nanshan Hall on the top of the mountain.

After Yin Yao reached the top of the mountain, she supported the dizzy Jiumei.

"Mom, what is this, it's like a roller coaster, it's up in one go!"

Xiao Jiumei didn't know the power of Feng Dong Sword God.

Yin Yao snorted coldly, did not speak but thought in her heart that Qin An had even gained the power of the Nanshan Sword God, which is really surprising. I really don't know how many women he has.

"Look at it!"

Song Dieyun exclaimed, everyone looked down the mountain, and then their expressions changed drastically.

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