Who is Qin An? Even the current sword god Yin Yao is not necessarily his opponent, so Qin An really couldn't think of any crisis that could make him feel this unprecedented fear.

Li Chenxian got a small truck, and everyone sat in it.

Qin An could actually become a giant and take everyone to fly away quickly, but he was really uncomfortable, even though his ability hadn't disappeared, he was unwilling to move.

So he lay in the back of the car. There were four seats in the front of the car. It happened that Li Chenxian, Li Chenfei, Rhein, and Carter were sitting.

Catalina took care of Qin An in the back bucket with her four young ones.

I don't know what's wrong, Qin An is feverish again at this time, and her whole body is hot, and Catalina is afraid to even put her hand on Qin An's forehead.

The four small worries died, and I don't know why Qin An, who was still awkward before, couldn't do it.

"Don't worry, I'm just a little tired, just rest."

Naturally, Qin An would not forget to care about the little guys, although he really wanted to go to sleep immediately.

"Go east, over there is our destination, Weng Lan is in the city of black blood!"

Qin An’s voice is very weak. He tried to use Pudu Sword God’s healing skills, but it was of no use. At the same time, the entire global village was in chaos. News of the killing of more than a dozen strong physical masters in the Eastern District Spread quickly.

Atomi was the leader of the global village, and immediately called a meeting with his subordinates after receiving the news.

"Boss, we are unable to deal with this matter. I summoned the people in the West End Ballroom. Arnaz sent two witnesses. They said that the intruder killed all the supernaturalists in ten seconds. , This terrible strength is really unimaginable. So we still ask the Gul'dan for help, anyway, their physique cannot absorb the sword soul stone, if that person is killed by them, it will be us." Atomi's The think tank gave Atomi this kind of attention.

After walking back and forth in the conference room a few times, Atomi felt that this strategy was good.

The superpowers in the eastern zone are not too strong. A dozen strong Realm abilities are already one-third of the power here. If they were really killed in an instant as witnesses said, then they are sending some In the past, the supernatural powers were probably useless, and Atomi didn't know the background of the invaders, so he had more scruples.

"Come here, go and inform the Queen of Gul'dan, and let her send a magister to deal with it! We live here are protected by them, I believe they should give some faces."

The latter words are just talking to themselves, because soldiers have already gone out to convey information.

The pickup truck that Qin An was in was driving on the driveway of the East District of the Global Village at this time.

In the eastern district, the area here occupies half of the global village, but the population is only one-sixth of the population in the western district. Therefore, the roads are very spacious and there are more brick buildings.

Qin An was lying in the car with closed eyes, and the words of Atomi and others in the Eastern District Administrative Hall meeting nine kilometers away had been heard in his ears.

The Magister among the Gul'dans?

Qin An hasn't come into contact with this type of supernatural being, and I don't know if their so-called magic is similar to what they saw in Fantasy novels before the end of the world.

Does the danger come from these so-called magisters?

Probably not, he has so many spell cards, and the ability of the dead soul space to swallow the vitality to reach the strength of the sword god level, he should not be afraid of the many abilities from the sword spirit star.

Of course, in the real world, the upgraded level does not mean everything. All the parameters are integrated, and the weak may not be able to beat the strong, but this situation is also extremely different.

Therefore, Qin Anzhen didn't think that the danger came from the magister, it must be more dangerous than this situation, and he would be like this.

Hey, I finally met my child and granddaughter. I haven't gotten close yet, but now I am half a patient.

Forget it, let's take one step at a time. If it doesn't work, he still has the last way to retreat, which is the dream space.

The dream space is different from the sky space. It cannot exist forever. At most, these people can enter it for twelve hours at a time. After that, the energy exhaustion will automatically shut down. If you want to open it again, you need to wait for a natural day. time.

Qin An looked like he was asleep, his eyebrows furrowed, but he didn't dare to relax in his heart. He just didn't want to move more because he was too uncomfortable.The car rushed forward without encountering any obstacles in the middle, and finally left the global village and went into the wild after a little while.

A large forest appeared in front of him. Fortunately, there was a dirt road four meters wide in the forest.

Moving on, after another ten kilometers, two women finally appeared in front of them!

They are all beautiful and look like they are about twenty years old.

The clothes worn by the magicians of Gul'dan is called magic robe, which is like a Japanese maid costume. The upper body is very tight, the waist is thin and tight, the hem is a short skirt, the skirt is with smooth legs and the feet are worn. The ones are small cloth boots.

"Oh my God! Why are they here!"

Lacey exclaimed, her tone trembling when she spoke, and her face turned pale.

Because the road was blocked by two people, Li Chenxian had no choice but to stop. At the same time, he asked, "Who are they?"

"The woman in red is called Disana, the unique spirit-level magister of our entire clan! And the black-clothed woman next to her is called Pandan Sharjah, who is a soul-level magister, and she is close to the strength of the spirit-level magister! How could two women come out? It's terrible!"

"Lacy, aren't you also a magician?" Carter asked, turning his head.

"Me? I'm an ordinary magician. There are many magician races of the Sword Spirit Star. The Gul'dan is just one of them. Not many magicians can reach the soul level, and those who can reach the spirit level. There is even less, and it seems that there is only one who can reach the god level, that is the second sword god True Fire, she is the only magician who uses magic to summon sword spirits into gods! Lingnian together Wanhuo Huajian, That's quite terrible! Ah, ah, it's off the point. The key point is that Dishana and Pandan Sharjah are already the best among the magicians. Their strength can be equal to the four soul sword repairers, and the two can even cooperate. You can kill many Four Soul Sword Cultivators in groups! They are the pride of the Gul'dan people, and they can't easily come out. What is the situation?"

Lacey speaks extremely fast, obviously very nervous, it is a pity that he has lived for so many years.

Di Shana is about 1.7 meters tall, has long golden hair, petite features, a fiery figure, and a pair of long legs that are white and flawless, which looks like a bloodshot.

Pandan Sharjah was about the same height as Disana, with bright silver hair and a face that was more mature than Disana, but the body was the same hot.

The two have waited here for a while. In fact, they could do it a long time ago, but most of the magicians' attack methods are extremely destructive, so they chose to come to a place where there is no one in the wild.

Seeing the car stopped in front of her, Disana smiled but did not speak.

Pandan Sharjah stepped forward and said loudly: "Hey, who is the kid who killed in the streets of the west, come down and see. We don't want to hurt the innocent either. The Gul'dans are not a race to kill, but they are not softhearted. The race! So if the parties don’t come out, don’t blame our masters and apprentices for being polite!"

Pandan Sharjah's voice is very nice, and her voice is loud, so that everyone can clearly hear her voice.

In the carriage, Katerina was a little nervous. She felt like a dream tonight. She thought she had finally relied on, but why was Qin An so haggard at this time? What happened to him?

If something goes wrong with Qin An at this time, Katerina really can't live anymore. It doesn't matter if you haven't gotten it before, and if you get it and lose it, it will be the most painful.

Qin An didn't worry Catalina for too long. After Pandan Sharjah's voice fell, he turned on his teleportation ability and appeared in front of the car, sitting on the ground with his legs crossed.

it hurts! Sure enough, the whole body ache when using the sword god's ability, as if he was cursed.

Ah, what a terrible power!

Qin An understood that this was still caused by the warning energy of the Sword God, and it was more painful than it seemed just now, making his whole body seem to be pierced by ten thousand needles.

"It's you?"

Pandan Sharjah took a few steps to retreated and returned to Disana, his expression a little surprised.

Qin An's ability to teleport was so weird that it made her vigilant. Just now, she seemed to be a little careless. If this guy suddenly attacked her, it would not be directly defeated, but it would be somewhat difficult to deal with.

Looking up and down Qin An carefully, Pandan Sharjah whispered: "Master, he is a human being on earth!"

Disana's expression was very relaxed, she tilted her head to look at Qin An, and nodded and said, "It's really an earth human race. I didn't expect that there are such powerful supernatural beings in earth humans."

The magicians of the Sword Spirit Star have the ability to deduce the laws of things. This is just an algorithm for space matter, which can be called prophecy.

Of course, this kind of algorithm is incomparable with the calculation ability of the Apocalypse Sword God, otherwise, if the Apocalypse Sword God is there, he can definitely predict the imminent danger of the end of the world in the first time!

Guo Shuai has now merged the apocalypse sword into a dead spirit and entered the realm of the dead, so there is no apocalypse in the world.

Qin An closed his eyes and listened to the conversation between the two women, and did not act first, because his heartbeat was rapidly accelerating. Does this mean that a crisis is imminent? What could it be?

Disana and Pandan Sharjah looked at each other, and they were a little unhappy in their hearts.

The earth man on the opposite side is estimated to be twenty years old. As an earth human race, he is fundamentally different from the Gul'dan people.

Although Tisana and Pandan Sharjah seem to be in their twenties, they are estimated to have lived for hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore, in their eyes, Qin An is like a newborn baby.

Moreover, the Gul'dan is a matrilineal society, and men have no status in the ethnic group.

The reason why Lacey was so nervous seeing these two women was actually the reason behind it.

He is wanted by the Gul'dan because he had a relationship with a woman other than his wife, which is absolutely not allowed in the Gul'dan ethnic group.

A Gul'dan man can only have one woman in his life.

Gul'dan women can have many men.

Gul'dan men used to think it was nothing, because they lived on an independent continent. Although they were not isolated from the world, they rarely communicated with foreigners culturally.

After arriving on Earth, when the ideas of the people on the earth spread into the Gul'dan tribe, very few Gul'dan men had some other ideas, or better wishes.

They also yearn for more emotional release and catharsis.

Of course, most Gul'dan men just think about it, so Lacey is the first person in the group to eat crabs.

He carried his own wife and had relationships with other Gul'dan women. When the woman asked Lacey to live in his own home, Lacey could not agree.

In this way, the matter of Lacey sleeping with two women was exposed, and a violent wave was set off among the entire ethnic group. Lacey became a celebrity and a person who had to go to death for blasphemy of tradition.

The old man was naturally unwilling to die, so he escaped from prison and wandered between the wilderness and the global village.

He did not dare to escape too far. Although he was also a magician, his physical strength was similar to that of ordinary earth humans. If he went to the wild, he might not be able to survive, so he could only hide his own traces. There are 100,000 earth people in the global village. , It’s not difficult to find a hiding place.

In short, the women of the Gul'dan tribe are very good.

Disana and Pandan Sharjah were naturally a little angry when they saw that Qin An hadn't responded to their questioning.

"Pandan Sharjah, let's do it, I want to see what kind of strength this kid has in the end, it is so rampant!"

Disana turned out to be a childlike voice, a bit like Lin Chiling, a star in Taiwan before the end of the world.


Pandan Sharjah replied, and his left hand was raised at the same time, and a three-dimensional rune ball appeared on his palm. The countless lines on it released a splendid color, which looked very impressive.

This object is called magic style, and it is the natal weapon for every magician to summon the world and all things into magic power.

The magicians of the Sword Spirit Star are somewhat different from the magicians in some literary works in the early end of the world. They do not need to chant spells when they use magic, and magic is also smooth.

Moreover, the types of magic that they can use are very diverse, and they are not divided into various categories.

Of course, the average magician can only use one type of magic cultivation to be refined and refined, just like the second main god, true fire. She is best at magic with the fire element. Although other attribute magic is also very powerful, it cannot reach the god level. Lethality.

Suddenly, the magical red light flashed, and a square wall of fire with a side length of five meters was already burning around Qin An.

This wall of fire is not ordinary magic. It has the ability to target locking. That is to say, once Pandan Sharjah uses Mental Energy to lock Qin An, even if Qin An activates the teleport ability, this wall of fire will move with his body through the space. , So that he has been in the fire.

If it is an ordinary capable person, facing this unavoidable flame attack, I am afraid that it would have been burned long ago.

The temperature of the magic flame is extremely high, and the grass within ten meters behind it all turns yellow, and then burns into flames.

The car that Li Chenxian was driving was also about ten meters away from the wall of fire. At this time, the two wheels in front had already begun to melt.Pandan Sharjah couldn't see Qin An at this time, only knew that he was trapped in the sea of ​​fire.

With a slight smile, Pandan Sharjah turned his head to Disana and said:

"Master, he doesn't seem to be that difficult to deal with. Those who are trapped in the Promise Wall of Fire, even the Four Soul Sword Cultivator will be destroyed!"

Disana's calm face finally changed slightly, and her brows also wrinkled.

"What's the matter, master?"

Pandan Sharjah couldn't help asking when seeing Disana's expression.

"No, I can't feel his soul power. I mean, his soul doesn't look very painful! Isn't he afraid of fire attacks?"

"Huh? How is that possible?"

Pandan Sharjah's face became a little pale, and her voice was full of unbelievable.

At this time, Qin An in the flame was indeed safe and sound.

You must know that the soul of the sword in his body originally belonged to the second main god, True Fire, and the divine sword in his body was originally called the Sanhuo Yingyue Wentian Sword.

So when facing a flame attack, Qin An really didn't fear at all.

His clothes quickly burned to the ashes of the city, and Qin An directly used his ever-changing abilities to change a set of clothes on his body.

This clothes is his sword god ability item, has the attributes of his body, naturally it is not afraid of the burning of flames.

Therefore, at this time, Qin An was not only unscathed, but also neatly dressed.


A red shadow rushed towards Pandan Sharjah.

Qin An moved, followed by the wall of fire.

Pandan Sharjah was a little panicked. He didn't expect that his own attack would have no effect on the enemy.

The magic flashes quickly, and a water vapor magic shield is formed around the body, like a big goose egg, with a faint blue light released on it.

Hong Ying came to her, the hot wall of fire was not aggressive to Pandan Sharjah, after all, she released it herself.

However, Pandan Sharjah was in the wall of fire and lost his sight for a while, and Qin An was invisible.

"Be careful!" Disana shouted.

Pandan Sharjah felt his own magic shield tremble, and then it shattered directly into energy.

OMG! Can't even play a defensive role against the enemy at all? Pandan Sharjah was a little confused.

Qin An used his fist to break the magic shield, and then his fist turned into a palm to grab Pandan Sharjah in his hand, and then pulled it into his arms.


Pandan Sharjah, who was hugged by the bear, was terrified, yelling but couldn't break free.

When Disana saw Own’s apprentice being arrested, she couldn't accept it.

Because the two magics cast by Pandan Sharjah can compete with the Four Soul Sword Cultivator, why are they useless for this little earth boy? How can a life body that has only lived for decades be so strong?

Raising her hand and summoning the magic style, Disana used her first magic, Spatial Teleportation, to rescue Pandan Sharjah from Qin An's arms and teleport to own.

Immediately afterwards, a radius of ten meters near Qin An suddenly became a vacuum. This was still Disana's Spatial Teleportation ability. She transmitted the air away, locked Qin An and created a vacuum magnetic field.

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