Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1331 The Birth Of The Thinker

The triplets also stood beside Yana at this time, looking at Qin An expectantly.

Having a relative is already something that makes them awake in their dreams. If they can find a relative, then life will be fulfilled.

Qin An, who was suddenly interrupted by Yana, was slightly taken aback, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"Well, it certainly will. When we find grandma and your father, Qin Qicai, the family will be reunited. Then no one in this world can separate us all."

Speaking of this, Qin An thought of Tian Lu and Yu Haiyuan who were still in the state of necromancers in the realm of necromancers.

The seven girls back then were unfamiliar to him, and he didn't know which of them Qin Qicai gave birth to.

If you can find Weng Lan, do you want to go to Seven Swords City?

Qin An frowned, and then let out an inaudible sigh.

How can life be so fulfilled? His thoughts seemed a bit greedy, and being able to find Weng Lan was already the greatest reward given to him by fate.

However, seven women have left him blood, and they have grown up. If you don't take a look at Qin An, you will feel uneasy.

It's really worrying.

Qin Qicai...Father is ashamed of you.

Qin An muttered silently in his heart, and his mood became even more depressed.

"Katrina, the children want to see the sea. You take them to see. I will leave you some food when you look back. You will have a good rest and sleep as soon as you eat something. There can only be twelve in this space. Hours, and then we will start adventures."

Katrinean stepped forward and nodded to Qin An. She saw that Qin An's condition was still not good, and her expression was a bit complicated, and she couldn't worry about it, so she didn't talk too much and didn't want to make trouble. Although Katerina wanted to communicate with Qin Ando, ​​she also knew that the timing was wrong.

Qin An raised his hand, and the dazzling light bloomed, haunting Katerina's body.

Catalina was startled, and the next moment she immediately felt all over her body comfortable, as if there was a warm current flowing in her body, moisturizing every cell in her body.

Qin An showed Katarina the ability to ecstasy and save all living beings. Only for a moment, the slightly old Katarina had already returned to her light, she looked like she was twenty-seven or eighteen, her skin became firmer, and her muscles became tighter. Condensed, even the chest is quite full and full.

This...what's wrong with this? Catalina is totally confused about the situation.

Qin An raised his hand to summon a mirror and stood in front of Katerina.

"Although I look young, I am actually more than sixty years old. Whether from Qin Qicai's side or from Yana's side, I am your elder. I will give you this gift when I first meet! Youth that never disappears, do you like it?"

Katerina looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror in surprise, completely stunned!

God, is this her? Where are the wrinkles around her eyes? Where is the bloodshot in her eyes? Where are the bags under her eyes? What about the unevenness on her face? Where are the fine lines on her neck?

How did she become younger? How did she restore her beauty?

"If, I mean if! You still like Yana's father, then be prepared, I want you to appear in front of him in the most beautiful posture, regardless of body and mind!"

"Qin An

Katrina finally understood something, because the facts were right before her eyes, she really became younger! With a "Qin An", Katerina's thoughts were exhausted, but she couldn't tell her joy at this time!

Which woman does not want to stay young forever?

At this time, the four young children saw the beautiful Katerina who had returned again, and they were also a little confused. This...is this beautiful woman their mother, sister-in-law? It's so beautiful!The little guys opened their mouths wide, speechless.

Over there, Li Chenxian and Li Chenfei brothers and sisters were also dumbfounded, and their hearts were shocked!

Who is this man named Qin An? There is such a magical ability?

The two looked at each other, and both understood what the other side was thinking.

Perhaps the most right thing they did in their lives was to help Catalina who was in trouble! After a few years, they confirmed that the idea at the moment was so correct.

"Well, you are free to move around. If you are hungry, you will eat something. The main thing is to have a good rest, because there is still a long way for us to go."

Qin An took out a lot of food and placed it on the table in the courtyard, after which the body disappeared and turned into a fantasy body, leaving the fantasy space in an energy state.

He has to investigate again and find a way out, otherwise once the dream space disappears and these people are exposed to the radiation smoke, it will be dead.

The body of fantasy is the first skill of the Nightmare Sword God.

At this time, Qin An was actually counted as a soul body, still possessing various sword god abilities, but much weaker than the entity.

But because it is a soul body, he can float around like a soul, can go up to the earth, can become invisible, and will not be poisoned by radiation gas.

The traces left by the big bang are very large, and the place where the dream space opens is near the center of the explosion point.

Qin An flew a full ninety kilometers to the east, but still did not leave the big hole.

There is really no way. Once the dream space disappears, he cannot walk with 100,000 people in the radiant gas.

Qin An also tried to summon the wind to blow away the mist, but ultimately failed. The radiant gas that formed the mist originally had the effect of devouring the sword Spiritual Qi, and Qin An’s different energy was from the Spiritual Qi sword, so even if a little wind was formed Will also disperse immediately.

Hey...In this case, even if you just want to protect Catalina and the children from leaving, it is very difficult, let alone save other people.


Just when Qin An was at a loss, he was stunned for a while, then quickly floated downwards, got into the soil and walked for ten kilometers, and then was shocked to find a huge underground building!

This building consists of two parts, one is a 600-meter-long downward passage, and then a huge cuboid building!

Its outer wall is a very high-tech sturdy material, which can not only prevent radiation, but also prevent shock, fire, corrosion, and weapon bombardment.

However, Qin An is a spirit body at this time, and can naturally pass through the wall.

Entering it is an empty room, which should be a closed storage room, and no one is watching, but a camera is installed on the roof of the shed.

After Qin An entered the wall, he immediately became invisible, and then opened his perspective eyes to observe the layout of the entire underground building.

It is divided into nine floors. There are many rooms on each floor. Naturally, many people live in the rooms. They all wear white uniforms and do their own things. This is a small city! Qin An glanced at it for a while, and calculated that there were about 10,000 people on the 13th floor. The huge building was already saturated, so the pedestrians going around were very dense.

Qin An was walking around in an invisible state, turning on the super hearing to collect information, and quickly understood everything.

This underground building was actually built before the end of the world. It belongs to a company called Black Umbrella, and the name of the building is Black Top!

Keesen is the heir of the Black Umbrella Company, an eschatological fan, he was just 30 years old in 2015.

Because of his hobby, Keesen cooperated with government departments in 2005 to invest in scientific research on the closed human ecosystem, and at the same time, he built a black top to simulate the life state of human beings entering underground buildings in the apocalyptic environment after the earth is heavily polluted.

Therefore, when the end of the world broke out, 1,000 employees of the black umbrella company and almost 3,000 experimental volunteers lived in the black top.

In the thirty-three years of the last days, they have never gone out of the ground, as if they have been isolated from the world.

Except for a few managers, most people here have no idea what the world is like today.

Keesen told the people that the earth is no longer suitable for human survival, the environment is bad, poisonous gas is everywhere, and zombies are everywhere, and they may be the only people in the world who have survived. This is naturally a lie.

Nowadays, the central management personnel in the black top is actually only more than a thousand people located on the basement floor.

Here is connected to the exit, so you can go to the outside world; the people here control the control system of the black top, so you can isolate the people in the bottom eight floors; the people here have weapons, so they can do mastery in the space blessing!

This is an underground world full of darkness.

The first generation of people have died a lot, and now the lower eight floors are the second generation, the third generation people, they have become the research objects of the Keesen group, to put it more bluntly is a plaything!

Only when people grow up in society can they have a social form, and only in the process of information dissemination can they have social values ​​and belong to their own virtues!

People of different races and countries have different values, precisely because they grew up in different social environments.

Then in this black top, Kisson can arbitrarily isolate some newborns, and then let them grow up in a specific environment, so that they have all kinds of incredible perverted personalities and ideologies.

Qin An looked and listened, finally shocked and angry!

In the last days, he has seen too many distortions of human nature, and today he was once again severely stimulated by human nature!

Suppressing his inner emotions, Qin An's mind became active. This place was almost a hundred kilometers away from the dream space. Although the previous big blast had shaken it a few times, the power of the explosion did not damage it.

In other words, it should be possible to make a refuge here!

The key issue now is how to avoid the fog and cross 100 kilometers to come here.

Hey, those 100,000 Qin An can't control it anymore. In any case, he can't flee with so many people, even if he escapes to the black top, he can't hold it!

So if you want to bring Catalina, a few small ones should still be able to come here. He can make an alchemy box, and then put them in it, and then unlock the ability of the immortal body in the mist. Run wild.

Maybe a few alchemy boxes are needed, because they should be corroded quickly in the mist.

With the details in mind, Qin An already had some plans.

He didn't know how big the foggy area was, so he could only find a place to hide, waiting for the fog to dissipate or decompose into other non-toxic gases in the air.

Damn Silvermoon City, if they have a lot of weapons of this kind, it's a bit bad, and they can't crack the solidified spell card, so they can't deal with this kind of weapon.

While planning, Qin An turned around and came to the basement floor where Senji was located. The decoration style here seems to be the interior layout of the spaceship in the pre-apocalyptic United States science fiction blockbuster.

And the more than 1,000 people here are ordinary people without abilities. Qin An’s current abilities may be a little difficult to deal with the seven-eighth-level upgraded, but there is no problem with these ordinary people. He can be invisible. ! The supernatural person may feel the existence of own when he does it himself, but these ordinary people cannot do it.

Then let the damn man die!


Keesen is 63 years old this year and looks a bit old.

At this time, he was staying in his own room, sleeping with two 13-year-old girls in his arms.

Here, Kisson is like a god, and he can do whatever he wants.

His housing area is very large, almost two hundred square meters, divided into five bedrooms, and then there are guest rooms, dining room, study, and isolation room.

The so-called isolation room is the exit to other areas on the basement floor. On weekdays, only Keesen can come and go freely, and the 26 women locked in the house have never left.

To be precise, it should be 24 girls, their average age is 14 years old, and there are two women who are 38 years old, named Nadi and Roberts, who are Kisson's deputy. The 24 girls were all brought up by these two women. They had never been in contact with the outside world since they were young. The thought was instilled that the world is only as big as this 200 square meter house, and only Keesen alone can go outside. Get food in the chaotic world, because he is the only man in this world, and men are gods, and women must unconditionally obey. Twenty-four girls have no complaints about this, because they grew up in this environment. Some of them have started to accompany Kisson to bed two years ago, and 18 of them have given birth to a child, but the baby is in bed. After he was born, he was taken away and entered the 2nd floor underground to have his own life.

Yes, the poor girls don't even have serious names. The Arabic numerals are their names.Qin An walked through the wall and entered the room where 1, 2, 3, and 4 were resting.

The four girls are all Caucasian. They did not sleep, but were lying in bed talking.

"1, what did you say about the shock just now? Is the world going to be destroyed?"

"2, don't talk nonsense, didn't God just tell us? Don't worry, as long as he is there, everything is not a problem! We shouldn't have any questions in our hearts!"

"Hey, I don't worry about these things at all now. 1, 2, 4 and I are now the only girls who haven't slept with God. I'm so entangled!"

"3, nothing to entangle, God said, you and 4 are the most beautiful women among us. God will wait for you to grow up and mature, then your body will be more beautiful. When God is playing with you I will be happier!", 1 said comfortingly.

"Hey, I really want to be played by God, otherwise I will feel that I am incomplete!" 3 sighed quietly.

The girl named 4 is indeed very beautiful. The 14-year-old is already one meter and six meters tall. Her features are profound and clear, she has blond hair, and her eyes are faintly golden.

"Hey, why do you say that the world is only so big? Why can only God leave here to go outside? And what is there on the outside?"

"4! What are you talking about? How can you have such evil thoughts? There is no doubt that it is our virtue, you shouldn't say such things!" 1's voice is not high, but his tone is extremely bad.

"1, don't get excited, okay? I just told my own thoughts honestly. Didn't you say that you have not entangled these issues?"

The other three girls stopped talking. They were so human. How could they have had no doubts? But their values ​​do not allow them to think too much!

This is just like a normal person. Everyone thinks it is guilty to kill, and it is wrong to walk naked. A man will be regarded as mentally ill when he enters the women’s bathroom!

This is the inherent shape of people's thinking under social conditions, or values.

One of the thoughts that 22 girls have been instilled since they were young is that there should be no doubts. This is a sin and should never be done.

Therefore, although these three girls 123 often think of them in a random way, they do not speak out. Today, the girl named 4 finally became the first person to eat crabs, breaking the taboo!

"I always think Nadi and Roberts are different women from us. Didn’t you find out? They are more flexible than us and seem to know a little more about the outside world, although they have never left here. I thought for a long time, I think there is only one reason that can explain this phenomenon, and that is that God once described to them what the outside world is like. Why do you say that God should treat them so well? Is it true that only men can go to the outside world? , Don't understand."

"4, I agree with the statement of 1, your thinking is too extreme! What is the outside world? What we see is all of this world! I am convinced of this, and as God said, the outside world is chaotic and dark. , There is nothing at all!" 2's tone was firm.

"Then what did you say about the shock just now? Why hasn't such a shock happened before?"

"This...how do I know this?" 2 shook his head.

"Do you know what football is?" 4 suddenly raised a very strange question.

"Football?" The other three girls were all dumbfounded. They had never heard the term.

"I once heard Nadi and Roberts say that they watched a football match. It seemed that many people were vying for a round object. As long as they put their feet on the object, it would fly away. It's amazing! I think this The so-called football match should be seen by God. After all, God’s attitude towards them is different from that of us. I started thinking when I returned to the room. I just put my pillow on the floor and went barefoot if I didn’t understand. Kick, the pillow really flew away! This is so strange, if I don’t touch the pillow with my foot, the pillow won’t fly! I have done many other things, such as pushing the table with my hands, the table will run; Go and raise the bed, the bed will rise. Then when you do these things, you will also make noises, don’t you think it’s weird?"

"What's so strange about this?" 123 was puzzled.

"Of course it's weird. Why doesn't something that doesn't move won't move and make no sound? And once I move it, it can move and still make a sound?

I have studied for a long time and found that everything is like this!

In other words, if you want something to produce motion and sound, someone like me must touch it.

Then the problem is coming. The vibration just now is so strong, and there is such a loud noise, there should be someone much stronger than me who has pushed our world or kicked!

So who is this person?

Didn't God say that there is nothing alive outside of our world?

If there is no such thing as you and me alive, why does our world vibrate, and there will be noises? "

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