Qin An paused and hesitated, and finally decided to ignore them for the time being and clear out other spaces first.

Therefore, Qin An went to the inner circle again, and captured all the ordinary administrators who had to obey the orders of the leader of the administrator, and threw them into the enclosed space in the middle.

Qin An does not want to distinguish between the good and evil of these people, because no matter their disposition is good or evil, what they are doing is always wrong and inhumane. If Kisson is the heart of Devil and the top managers are the mind, then these ordinary managers and servants are Devil's body and limbs.

Under the orders of the administrators, these administrators control the evil. They divide the people on the lower eight floors into areas to manage, so that they have abnormal and abnormal personalities, and then become the toys of the administrators. This is really a sad thing!

Qin An calmly walked through a bedroom, and then concentrated the people inside to enter the enclosed area of ​​the central circular square.

Finally, his goal was only one bedroom left.

Before entering again, Qin An opened his perspective eyes and looked inside.

The first thing I saw was a fat gringy tied up on the ground.

Ah? Is there a situation? Why is this man tied up?

Qin An hurriedly concentrated and looked at the rest of the room, and when he saw the little boy who looked exactly like Qin Dafeng and Qin Erhe, he was completely stupid.

Di Sha Na and her group also sneaked in secretly. In fact, the defense system of the black top is quite complete, but because of the previous big explosion, many defense facilities were damaged. In addition, Qin An and Di Sha Na were originally some abnormal strongmen, then It's really not difficult to get in.

Like Qin An, they found a room to hide in and controlled the fat man inside.

"My name is Annie. This is my Little Brother Qin Sanchuan. Thank you very much. Without you, our brothers and sisters would definitely die!"

Annie expressed her most sincere thanks to Disana and Xiao Beiyu.

"Girl, it's also a coincidence that I can save you. Don't be polite. If you must thank you, thank these two Gul'dans." Xiao Beiyu is still personable.

"No need!" Pandan Sharjah spoke in place of the Master very nicely.

In fact, the Gul'dan and the Qingjian people are two completely different human races. The Qingjian people have yellow skin. They are close to the mixed race of the East and the West. The internal structure of the society is that men are superior to women and women have no status in the group. It's very similar to the RB country in the early days.

After getting married, women basically don’t go out. They serve men as horses at home, and often kneel down, but the way women express love to men is to go...

In short, because of the difference in this social system, the Gul'dan and the Qingjian tribe have little contact, and are very resistant to each other.

Xiao Beiyu is a ronin, so he is more open-minded than his tribe. Although he will be an uncle when he treats women of his tribe, he is still gentle and friendly when he comes into contact with women of other tribes.

Regardless, the two witches saw Xiao Beiyu a little unhappy, although they saved him, it was only because of the humanitarian spirit. Furthermore, the Gul'dan people are annihilated, and their position is equivalent to disappearing.

Tisana was a bit tired at this time, and to be precise, she had no strength. The actual combat of magic mainly relied on the communication between Lingnian Mental Energy and the material trinity. Now Tisana's Mental Energy trinity is about to run away. Rest and regenerate.

She leaned on the sofa in the living room, and everyone else was in the living room. Just when Tisana felt that she was about to fall asleep, her body trembled, and then suddenly turned her head, she saw the young earth man appearing in the corner behind her!

"It's you! You really are not dead!"

Disana was in a mixed mood. This little earth cub was the savior of their master and apprentice, but he had humiliated her severely before, grabbing her by the neck and throwing her into the psychedelic array like a corpse. In space.

Therefore, it is impossible for Disana to not be entangled when she meets Qin An again.

But Qin An ignored the other people in the room at all. He walked towards Qin Sanchuan slowly, his footsteps a little vacant, and his body trembled.

"Who are you? What are you doing!"

Annie was very nervous and pulled Qin Sanchuan behind her.Qin An looked at Annie, a beautiful beauty of Oriental descent, a little plump, and the clothes she wore at this time were a little exposed. The thin blouse was tightly wrapped around her body, and the two points on her chest were very protruding. Eye-catching.

Qin An doesn't find it weird. Before the end of the world, women in many countries in Europe and the United States already liked to liberate their breasts without wearing a cup. Now this is the United States in the 33rd year of the end of the world. Even if the other party is shirtless, it is not surprising.

"Hi, my name is Qin An... have you heard of this name?"

"Qin An?"

Annie was stunned. Of course she knew Qin An, so she didn't react after being dumbfounded for half a minute. She was completely blinded, too shocked.

"It looks like you know me, what about the little guy behind?"

Qin Sanchuan emerged from behind Annie.

"I know my father's name is Qin An, Oriental! My mother is Weng Lan, who is also Oriental! Do you think you are my father? How can I prove it?"

Qin Sanchuan was calmer than Annie, and seemed to mature a bit earlier than the other three children.

Qin An sighed.

"Your Dage is called Qin Dafeng, your second brother is called Qin Erhe, and your Little Sister is called Qin Xiangming. Do you know these?"

"Of course, I know, Annie told me!"

"Well, they are all with me now, and you will see them soon! I came to United States originally to find your mother, but now I know your existence, I am stupid, forgive me!"

"You...what are you talking about? Gale, Erhe, and the tea Little Sister is with you? Are you really my father?"

Qin Sanchuan still couldn't believe it, and Annie was still in a dumb state.

Qin An could only invite everyone to the room where he lived. Before leaving, Qin An killed the foreigner who was bound on the ground. That was the senior manager on the first floor.

So at this moment, the underground floor has been completely cleaned up, those who should be killed are killed, and those who should not be killed are locked in a circular enclosed space, waiting for their own survival.

When Katerina and Annie met, they looked at each other for more than ten seconds and hugged each other, then cried into tears.

On the other side, the five little ones have gathered together.

"Oh my God! Are you Sanchuan? Dad is really capable, how did he find you!" Gale was a little excited, dancing with his arms when he spoke.

"Of course it is Sanchuan. It looks exactly like us, but darker than ours." Erhe began to compare.

"That must be because you don’t run outside very much. Anne and I walk outside every day, so we get tanned by the sun! If you have good things to share with me, then I will definitely turn white. I just have some Malnutrition, but I try to make myself not picky eaters and eat everything, otherwise I would never look the same as you... I, I want to say... I want to say...", Sanchuan was a little stubborn, and I don't know what I want to say.

Qin Xiangming, who has not spoken all the time, took a step forward, took Qin Sanchuan’s hand, and quickly kissed his cheek: "Well, don’t be nervous, you did a good job Sanchuan! Did Annie Big sis mention it to you? Pass me? I’m Xiangming, your Little Sister! Sanchuan, you must have been lonely for many years! It’s good to finally meet you! We will stay together in the future! The three of us will not bully you, Because you are our good brother, we will also share everything we have with you, because the four of us are originally one. My dear Big Brother, welcome you home!"

While talking, Xiangming hugged Sanchuan in his arms, and the other two little ones also stepped forward. The quadruplets hugged each other, and then the three boys cried emotionally. Only Qin Xiangming was the strongest and kept comforting. .

Finally, Xiao Menghuo couldn't hold on anymore, she stepped forward and shouted in a loud voice:

"Little San Uncle, I am the child of Qin Qicai and Katerina! It is your niece, and I am willing to be nice to you and not bully you!"

what! own niece?

Qin Sanchuan was a little dizzy. He never thought that not only would he reunite with the triplets, but he also had a niece!

On the one hand, Qin An saw the scene of everyone reuniting, and all of a sudden, with mixed feelings, he almost cried again.

Reunion after a long absence, a great event in life!


Three days, fleeting.

Qin An felt that a small hand was floating back and forth on Own.

Opening his eyes, he saw Wang Hui was lying there drooling. The quilt only covered half of her body, so a majestic mountain was still exposed.

She slept very dead, and she was not attacking own.

Qin An turned over and pulled the culprit Gong Xue into his arms, and then moved up and down to make Gong Xue blush and heartbeat.

"I didn't feed you enough yesterday? Come to hook me up when I get up in the morning!" Qin An got up a little, with a heavy tone!

"Aren't you leaving today? You have been here a lot less recently, and of course you have to pay enough public food to come here once!"

"Hey, three days here, one day outside! Now I have just found a few children, I just want to spend more time with them, although the two sides do not conflict, but it is difficult for me to bear not seeing them for three days!"

"Okay, okay, I know! The quadruplets are very cute, and we like them when we look at them. We are all married and old. It's good for you to accompany the children more!"

"Fat girl, daddy knows you are reasonable!"

"Go! I'm not... um... ah... badass!"

Gong Xue's mouth was blocked, and Qin An's body was also suppressed.

Their voices became louder and louder, finally awakening the sleeping Wang Hui.

Wang Hui squinted her eyes, not awake at all. She got more angry and felt that the couple in front of her was really noisy, so no matter who it was, she kicked them out of bed.

"Can you be quiet, I'm still sleeping!" After the words fell, Wang Hui continued to sleep as expected.

"Damn bitch, I'm going to kill you!"

Gong Xue, who was disturbed by good deeds, went crazy, got up from the ground and went to bed, and pounced on Wang Hui.

Qin An lay naked on the ground, Yizhu Qingtian, and laughed for a while.

Liu Ru, who was preparing breakfast together, Wuma Danxin, and the three Guizi women ran in, all a little blinded. Seeing Qin An lying naked on the ground with a needle, he didn't know what happened.


Today, Qin An is still physically uncomfortable, but he has adapted to the curse energy of the Sword God's warning, so he doesn't care too much, anyway, although the ability is weakened, he is still there, and he will not die for a while.

Of course, not caring about it was just a superficial imagination, but Qin An was worried to death in his heart. The Sword God’s warnings were all over in a short while before, so why did it never end this time? It's really like a woman's aunt, she just stayed for a few days when she came, tossing people off and on!

After leaving the realm of dead spirits, Qin An was still lying on the bed, but there were no other women beside him, only five children who had to sleep with him.

Fortunately, this big bed is big enough, otherwise I really can't sleep.

Life is very good. The only regret at the moment is that Weng Lan is not by his side. In the past three days in the real world, the fog outside hasn’t seemed to disperse, but they are already decomposing. Qin An thinks that the poison gas may not be used for a long time. Will disappear, and then he will be able to take a group of people to the east.

The people in the sky should have already gone to Europe with Lanyue, Xiaoyan and others. I wonder if they will encounter the local snake disciple. There should be no danger with Yin Yao, and there are tens of thousands of sword repairers.

Then there is no one around Qin An available. If it is for him to say, but walking with the children, he needs a small team to help him protect the children’s safety. This can be quickly established and a group of strong people can gather around him. It's not difficult to be a master of the body.

Nowadays, the people on my side live in different rooms. Anyway, the place here is big and empty. You can live as you want, as long as they are not too far away to take care of each other.

Qin An opened his perspective eyes to check the surrounding conditions.

Annie was taking a bath with Katerina. This kind of scene was originally what Qin An should avoid, but after taking a look, Qin An swallowed and couldn't look away.In the shower room, the amount of water is maximized, and the shower head with a diameter of 20 centimeters sprays water down.

Annie and Catalina embraced naked, chest and roof together, and then lips and lips touched, kissing passionately.

Of course Qin An would be blinded when seeing this kind of scene. Why are these two women Lara? Is it the daughter of Jess and Liu Tian who made Qin Qicai wear the first green hat?

"Little baby, you were so short eight years ago. I never thought you could grow so tall. Look at your figure, it's a work of art!" After the two ended their kiss, Catalina said say.

"Katrina, you are the work of art! Look at you, the passage of years seems to have nothing to do with you, you have not grown old at all!"

"This is all the credit of Qin An. Without him, I can't restore my youth and beauty. He seems to have the ability to make people young and eternal!"

"Oh my god, that's really an exaggeration, there is such an ability?"

"Yes, it's hard to imagine, isn't it?"

"Well, it seems like a miracle!"

"Annie, can I still kiss you? I like your body and your lips."

"Of course, I am willing to serve you! But...Katrina? Will you fall in love with me?"

"No, I still like men, but I also like you very much, very much like your flexible tongue, I just find it very comfortable, nothing more! What about you?"

"Well, it feels okay! I actually like men too, such as Xiao Beiyu. He has a good figure and is handsome, but Pandan Sharjah told me to stay away from him. She said that the wife of the Qingjian tribe would give it to him every day. My own man kneels...I don’t like kneeling. Oh, by the way, I like Qin An too, his ass is very pretty!"

"You are such a bad girl..."

"Stop talking, kiss me..."

Qin An saw cold sweat bursting out here.

What can I say? It’s cultural astonishment. In Qin An’s eyes, there is nothing immoral and bad. It’s nothing to tell Katarina and Annie. They all know what they want, and they feel comfortable kissing each other. They did it, nothing more. Any other meaning.

Qin An moved his own attention, instead of looking at the two women playing with Lily.

Li Chenxian, Li Chenfei, and Peggy Carter have all gotten up at this time and are busy delivering food to the 24 girls in the Kisson room and everyone in the circular space.

Xiao Beiyu was still asleep. What surprised Qin An was that Lacey was staying with Dishana and Pandan Sharjah at this time.

The old man Lacey finally took a bath, and after tidying up, he looked a lot more energetic!

Opposite him, Disana was talking.

"Lacey, your sins will be wiped out before, and now I am very glad you can survive! You have become the last seed of the Gul'dan, I will use magic to open your genetic seal, so that you are happening with other human women When they are in a relationship, they will have half the chance to give birth to a blue tower."

"Master Magister, do you mean to make me a breeding pig? I refuse!"

"You have to figure it out, I'm not discussing with you, if you don't agree, you can only die! I will make you die miserably!"

"Master Magister, don't scare me. I'm a small person, so I don't care too much. And you, the strongest spirit-level Magister of the Gul'dans, the Queen's pro Big sis! I think you will definitely not Seeing everything vanish? If I really are the only seed of the Gul'dan clan, then I hope you treat me better! Otherwise...I would rather die!"

"How on earth would you compromise?" Di Shana's tone was very cold and helpless.

"I... don't want to do it, or else! I want her, make her a slave to me, and obey me!" Lacey pointed her finger at Pandan Sharjah when she spoke.

Pandan Sharjah turned pale.

"Do you want to die!"

"Hey, don’t get excited! Dishana, your apprentice wants to kill me, what should I do? I’m not a bad guy. The reason for doing this is just a kind of revenge from me. It’s not good, I hate it! So in fact, I don’t have much feelings for the Gul'dan people. If I want to help me resurrect the Gul'dan people, I have to get some color, then Dishana, my beloved demon. Your mentor, how do you choose?"

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