Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1337 The Abnormal Personality Inside The Wall

This is a game to play with people's hearts.

In Shana's eyes, Rogersna is a very good mother.

In the eyes of Irelia, Rogersna is a noble lady with excellent moral character.

They never thought that Own's life trajectory would change, until now they saw Oloni sitting in the office with a knife in his hand.

"Uncle, what are you holding?"

Shana asked curiously. She had never seen a knife, and didn't know the existence of weapons in this world, so she approached Oloni, who she often met on weekdays, and asked her own question.

"This is a gift, I will give it to you later."

Oloni smiled a little weird and evil, Shanna didn't understand his smile, but she was a little scared for some reason, and took a few steps to retreated and stood with Irelia again.

Rogersna no longer had the breath of a lady at this time, she dragged off her own coat, leaking a sexy plump body, and then raised her hand and lit a cigarette.


Shana spoke softly, frowning.

She felt that her mother shouldn't take off her coat, because the clothes inside her were too tight, and the contours of her body were almost exposed.

This is not what a lady should do, and the women in the small town of Unreal World have received the education of different ladies between men and women from an early age.

"Okay, my baby, don't worry, mom knows it. By the way, the gift I prepared is not actually a real thing, but a trip that you will never forget! Let's go, let me take you to re-recognize the world."

During the talk, one wall of the room opened, and that was the door leading to the corridor.

Shanna and Irelia were extremely surprised.

Shana had visited Rogersina's office several times before, but she didn't know that there was a door here.

Rogersna looked at the two girls and smiled, and then walked directly into the door.

"Come on, it's dark in the corridor, hurry up and follow me."

Although they were full of misgivings, the two girls walked over. There was a miracle in their hearts. The two girls who had never seen the world hadn't realized what was going to happen.

After they entered the corridor, Oloni, who was holding a dagger, also followed, walking behind them, and the passage to the town of Unreal World was closed.

The four went in file like this.

Along the way, Shanna and Irelia were stunned. They didn't know where they were. It was so strange that they could see the small town they were familiar with through the transparent wall.

Of course, they can also see some familiar people.

For example, Mrs. Carlo, her house is built against a circular wall, so the house looks like it has been cut in cross section from here, and you can see all the conditions inside.

Mrs. Carlo is taking a shower, and the bathroom is close to the circular wall. Shanna stopped to watch. She could see the whole body of Mrs. Carlo who was close at hand clearly, which made her blush. The bathroom in my home is also built close to the circular wall. If there are usually people in this dim corridor, then some of my previous actions have not been seen too? Why is it so?

"Go ahead baby, don't get lost."

Behind him, Oloni pushed Shana a bit, and she had to keep moving forward.

Both girls felt that something was wrong. Could it be that every move of everyone in the town before was monitored by someone else?

So if there were such people, who would she be? Why is she doing this?

Suddenly, the two of them trembled, and then looked forward.Rogersina was walking in front of her with her hips wagging, her appearance was very coquettish, and she didn't have the dignified atmosphere of a lady on weekdays.

Shanna bit her lip, her face turned pale, and she said in her heart: This is really scary. The mysterious controller is not Mother Own, right? What the hell is she going to do?


Kurdish is a native from United States, 53 years old this year.

In the year when the end of the world broke out, he was serving a sentence in prison on charges of rape, homicide, mutilation, and serial crimes, with as many as 6 victims.

After the apocalypse broke out, he quickly established his own snobbery with the help of prison, and later joined the gang organization. These years have been going well.

His hobby in this life is to play with women, and the last days have made him. In this life, he has played with no one thousand women but eight hundred.

If you play too much, the requirements will naturally increase.

A few days ago, Kurdish heard that an underground base called Black Gyro had good products, so he brought all his possessions and a few henchmen to find it, and then found that it was indeed an extremely crazy place. It was him. Favorite!

Through the transparent walls and the hidden cameras in the town, Kurd can see everyone's movements. A few days ago, he chose a teacher from the school to play and consumed three Sword Soul Fragments.

The teacher had a pretty good life. Her fiance was a handsome tall blond boy. As long as they got married, then her life would be perfect. Choosing one person to join hands in old age was originally the values ​​of Unreal World Town.

However, Kurdish ruined all this, he enjoyed this strange pleasure. A wonderful woman, a happy life was trampled on by him, he will never forget that woman's painful expression, that makes him happy.

The ending of this story is also a tragedy, he played enough with her, so the woman was sent to the 4th floor underground, she will become a tool for childbirth, for the black top to create the next generation of human beings who will be played with their fate!

The primitive society was cruel. At that time, human beings had just formed a group, fighting each other for food. Although cruel but very simple, it was only caused by life and death and nothing else.

The capital society of the pre-apocalyptic era looks prosperous on the surface, but it is actually more cruel.

Problems such as blood, violence, drugs, terrorist attacks, social divisions, etc. exist. Humans are no longer worried about food, but the thinking under the social system model has entered a prison. Whether it is poor or rich, it is not counted as alive. hapiness.

For example, there are people who are wealthy than the enemy, but they are sick all the time because of their hard work, and they can't even get a son for a big spend. In the end, there is no one to send it to the end, which is extremely miserable.

She is all over the country, but men just want her body, because no one thinks that such a beautiful woman will fall in love with themselves, and in the end she can only become an accessory for a group of big-bellied local tyrants.

After graduating from college, he was away from home and spent ten years in a big city. He finally spent all his savings and bought a house, but his wife cheated. When the family was broken, he would consider what he had gained in ten years.

She has excellent grades, but she ruined everything because of her premature love, but after she graduated, the boy she loved departed from her. In the end, she was mediocre because she failed to enter the university.

He likes to paint, but lost his hands in a car accident. Later, he insisted on painting with his feet and became a famous person nearby. His deeds were published in the newspaper several times. Everyone saw his light, but he didn't know that his heart was filled with it. Darkness, hate myself for not having hands!

She is an actor, he is a farmer, she is a nurse, she is the president, she is a soldier, he is a driver...

There used to be many people in the world before the end of the world. These people have their own misfortunes. Under the social rules, they have no way to change their own lives. They can only endure or go crazy.

After the apocalypse broke out, the rules disappeared, and the world began to become different. People were no longer bound, they could release their desires, all their patience and weakness disappeared, and then they released all the darkness in their hearts presumptuously.

So the world was in chaos at once, and it was different from the cruelty of primitive society, but it was more cruel than it was then.

After people have tried their best to live, they start to have fun and enjoy!

Kurdish is such a crazy person, and he is actually more terrifying than madness, because he was a madman before the end of the world.

This is a very large room with several rows of seats. A dozen men are sitting here chatting.

After Kurd had gotten tired of that female teacher, he had a new goal: Shana and Irelia.

In order to obtain these two women, Kurd paid a great price, 30 pieces of sword soul fragments!

Kurdish himself is not a supernatural being. He is just a businessman in the end times. He has accumulated a lot of wealth. He has hired a few bodyguards, but he did not use the sword soul fragments to synthesize the sword soul stone, because there is a half chance of failure. Thinking that it might become nothing after a failure, he felt that he might as well take it out to consume and make fun. He is already over fifty years old, and maybe he won't be able to play without being crazy.

Kurd has been observing the two girls for a long time. He can see all their lives. After repeated comparisons, he thinks these two girls are the most interesting. It must be a very interesting thing to think of playing with them.

It took a real day before he negotiated terms with Rogersna, and today is the date of delivery!

The door was opened from the outside, and Rogersna four of them walked in.

"Hi, my dear baby, I have met all the gentlemen." Rogersina laughed.

Shana and Irelia squatted down in a hurried manner, and then looked around with staring eyes.

Except for the rows of chairs, there is a square boxing ring in front of this room. It's a pity that the two girls have never seen this kind of thing, and don't know what it is for.

"Haha! Is my opponent finally here? It really made me wait for a long time!"

Kurd stood up. He was originally wearing a long cloak, but he dragged it down to reveal his naked body.

"Ah!" Shana screamed in fright when she saw Kurdish's ugly naked body, and then hid behind her mother.

Irelia was also frightened, but she reached out and brought Shannara back to her side, turned around and looked at the door that came in.

Sure enough, the door had been closed, and Oloni was standing at the door, playing with the objects in his hands with a smile on his face.

"Mrs. Rogersna, what the hell is this place? Why do you bring us here?"

Irelia asked her own question with a green face.

"Yeah, mother, I think it's weird here, I want to go home!"

Shana and Irelia held hands, their palms were already sweating.

"Go home? That won't work. You are the boxers participating in this boxing match. How can you go home?"

While talking, Kurd had already pulled the rope and boarded the boxing ring.

He shook his body, and then slammed two punches, which caused the objects between his legs to sweep back and forth, looking extremely hideous and ugly.

Rogersna smiled and turned around, and then said: "My lovely daughter, and beautiful Irelia, you can't go home anymore, because I have sold you to this gentleman on the stage! You have to have this boxing match with Mr. Kurd first. In it, he will torture you fiercely, and you may be powerless to resist. Did you see? The men below also paid, waiting for you to be tortured They will also enjoy your body when they are weak!"

"Why? Mom! Why is it like this?" Shana's expression was rich, shocked, desperate, unable to believe or understand.

The guests below and Kurdish who had already stepped into the ring all looked at Shana's expression, and laughed afterwards.

This is their refreshing point. People who have a complete life in a small town in the illusory world are naturally unacceptable to suffer from such a life situation, and their doubts and painful expressions can stimulate the nerves of these people!

This is the pleasure that you can't experience when looking for a woman in an underground sex scene.

"Could it be that the people missing in the town over the years are related to Mrs. Rogersna? Why do you want to do this! What the hell is going on? Doesn't it mean that the town is all of the world? Why is there such an exit? Mrs. Rogersna, are you a liar? You lied to everyone in the town?"

Irelia's voice was already a little hoarse, she was so excited, she was shouting.

"Haha, Irelia, you are such a smart girl, yes, you guessed it! Scream hard, the guests like to see you hoarse!"

"How could this happen? Shanna is your daughter! Are you going to do this to her too?"

"Daughter? What's the matter? I just gave birth to her, and then we have nothing to do. I am honored to be able to sell my daughter as a commodity, she is the most expensive, together with you Sold thirty sword soul fragments. Haha, this month’s performance is good, we have accumulated enough to be able to synthesize a sword soul stone fragment, this is all because of your contributions, I believe Master Jisen will be proud of you of."

Shana looked at the familiar woman, and slowly limped to the ground, unable to cry.

This is a thunderbolt from the blue, the previous moment was still own mother, how come she became a devil at this moment?

Shanna didn't understand, or wondered.

At this time, several men stepped forward, grabbed Shana and Irelia and pushed them into the boxing ring.

"Mr. Kurd, this is an uphill battle. You have to deal with two. Are you confident?"

"Yeah, do you want us to come up and help? Haha, old Jack is willing to help you at any time!"

"Don't hurt their faces, I also paid for a sword soul fragment. When I don't want to play with them for a while, their faces have been beaten by you so that you can't see them, haha!"The men surrounded the ring, yelling frantically and laughing.

On the boxing ring, Shana and Irelia hugged each other, shuddering and trembling all over, they still couldn't understand Own's situation.

Kurdish eyes were blood red, and his face was almost crazy with a smile.

Seeing the reaction of the two women, he was very satisfied!

In this cruel torture game, they were proud Little Princess before, but now they will trample their lives as Devil, causing them to fall into The Underworld, into the sea of ​​pain, and never get redemption. This It is much more fun than playing with an ordinary woman who can only shout or resist, because there is a slaughter of humanity in it! The pleasure that comes after the annihilation of humanity is the supreme happiness!

"Do you plan to sit together on the ground all the time? This is not good, the rules of the game are not like this!"

The fifty-three-year-old Kurd has wrinkles on his body. He is nearly 1.9 meters tall, with a big belly like a pregnant woman, and his chest is estimated to be as wide as a C mask.

Stepping forward, she pulled Shanna up.

"no, do not want!"

Shanna burst into tears in horror, and took Irelia's hand. Irelia sat on the ground, pulling Shanna with the same effort.

Kurd raised a foot and put it on Arelia's stomach, and Arelia painfully retracted her hands to cover her abdomen, allowing Shana to be passed by Kurdela.

"Look at what you are wearing. It's so beautiful. It's a pity that this red dress covers your more beautiful body. I lay on the round wall and watched you take a shower! Believe me, your body is really beautiful. Shall we take off the skirt?"


After a sound, the red skirt was torn, and Shana immediately left only a set of purple underwear.

"Mom, please let me go! Help me! You can't do this to me!!"

Shana cried, her tears were even more fierce, her nose came out, and it was so miserable.

Rogersna stood on the boxing ring, lit a cigarette again, and took a sip.

"Hey, poor boy, that was what I ironed for you just this morning, but you broke it. So my mother can only punish you and let Kurdish Uncle help me spank you."

Kurd laughed in excitement when he heard Rogersna's words. He stretched out his hand and slapped Shana's ass twice, causing the men around him to burst into laughter, and they all became excited.

At this time, everyone was standing next to the boxing ring. They were all excitedly waiting for a good show to be performed. On the boxing ring, Shana and Irelia were almost desperate.

On a seat in the corner of the room, two people suddenly appeared. They were Qin An and Dishana who had already completed food collection on the third floor and then sent them over.

Qin An wants to know more about the situation than Disana, he has heard everything.

Looking at the group of people with some gloomy eyes, Qin An felt a little congested in his heart.

Abnormal world, abnormal personality!

After thirty-three years in the last days, the most terrifying thing seems to never be zombies and alien species, but human own hearts!

Disana was even more angry than Qin An at this time. As the king of feminism, she was really unbearable and could not accept what happened before her.

"How to do?"

Disana spoke softly.

"Kill all!"

Qin An spit out two words lightly, and then said:

"In the cruelest way you can think of, life is tasteless. I also want to find some happiness and watch a comedy of slaughter!"

Disana smiled and said willingly for the first time:

"Okay, Master, I will satisfy you!"

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