Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1346 March Annulus

The average distance of the moon from the earth is 380,000 kilometers.

United States time AD June 12, 2048.

Taking the moon as the base point, at a distance of 120,000 kilometers from the moon and 270,000 kilometers from the earth, two space points that are also 12 kilometers apart appeared shiny and expanding silver light energy spheres.

If this thing appears on the ground, people will not be unfamiliar, because it looks like a somewhat huge space-time gate. There have been tens of millions of space-time gates on the earth in recent years, and almost all people on earth have seen it.

Then these two time-space gates are obviously very different from ordinary time-space gates, because after they appeared, they did not walk out of the creatures of the another world race, but stayed at the Universe time-space point between the earth and the moon, and then became larger. , And produced quality!

After 24 hours of energy accumulation, two planets that were twice the size of the moon turned out.

In the Star of Sword Spirit, they are called Xiangfei Shuangyue!

If the creatures on the earth can see the night sky at this time, they can find that there are three moons in the sky. One of them is the same as before, and two of them are more than twice as large as the original moon, and they refract light. One is pink and the other is light blue!

It's a pity that the creatures on the earth don't have this time at all. Because of the appearance of the crimson twin moons, the earth is in a great crisis.

The forces between the planets are changing. The earth’s orbit has deviated from its original position and moved a little closer to the sun. Since then, the earth’s summer has entered a state of extreme heat, 35 degrees is considered normal, and 50 degrees is a common occurrence.

The ice and snow in the north and south poles melted, but the continents were not mostly swallowed by the sea as humans had expected before the end of the world. Only because of the drift of the continental plates, huge fracture zones appeared on the Pacific ocean floor, and the earth and sea formed under the ocean, which contained a lot of Sea water. One-32th of the volume of the earth is reduced because of the excessive accumulation of seawater, making the earth an irregular density distribution, and the autobiographical speed becomes uneven.

Specifically, most places on the earth will fall into a March night for 20 hours. Although this night is not so dark, it is true that the sun cannot be seen during this time. Then about another 10 hours will enter the day, which means that a day on the earth will become 30 hours later, which is 6 hours longer than in the past!

The earth's gravity has increased, which will increase the speed of human metabolism, and people will be hungry more easily. It may take six food supplements in 30 hours to get full. Fortunately, because other planets in the Milky Way galaxy have also changed their positions, and the intermediate forces of many planets have been balanced, the creatures on the earth's organisms are not affected by more gravity, and the cells in the body structure have not excessively lost water, and the internal organs Also survived, not being affected by slightly changed gravity.

Because of the appearance of the three moons, the earth’s natural environment has undergone terrible changes in addition to temperature. A large number of green plants, Death, and black plants will appear. Their photosynthesis is stronger. Not only can they filter and produce oxygen, but the sword Spiritual Qi will also change. Formally participate in the biological cycle and play an important role. The tidal force of the ocean becomes stronger, and hurricanes will be set off from time to time, making the global sea more majestic and fierce.

Atomization has become normal, the earth has been filled with heavy fog all year round, and water vapor has become an important part of the atmosphere. It is difficult for the White Deva to see the blue sky. The temperature drops at night, and the water mist will dissipate. The moon and the sky will become a new and unique landscape.

So the biggest impact of this crisis is actually the continent of America.

The influence of other continents is relatively small, and at least the continent has not disintegrated.

It's just that the earthquake is global in scope, and it does damage many buildings.

The Sword Spirit Star Divine Machine family proved their strength.

Jiulong Liancheng was designed by You Linger, and the subsequent upgrades and maintenance were carried out by many magical girls. Therefore, the loss was not large. Most of the people in Life in Kowloon Liancheng were not affected by danger, but the earth's environment occurred. After a huge change, some new diseases will be born. The history of ordinary humans not getting sick due to the influence of the sword Spiritual Qi body is over, and people's living environment will become more difficult.

The birth of Xiang Fei in two months also brought more negative effects. Nowadays, whether it is aboriginal humans or the new another world race on the earth, they will slowly experience it.

In addition to this, the most important thing is that there is actually a huge biota inhabited in the so-called Xiangfei Two Months. The demons of one of the nine god-tier tribes will be on the stage of the apocalypse, under the leadership of their main god curse. , Merged in March to become the leader of the Otherworld Hundred Races War, the prologue of the end world war

Officially opened!

Qin An opened his eyes dimly, the pungent smell of gunpowder in the air made him frown, and then naturally raised his hand to cover his nose.

"Mom, he is awake!"

A childish male voice sounded, Qin An reluctantly opened his eyes and saw the dark clouds in the sky.

At this time, it should still be dark, because the dark clouds obstructed the sky, so one star, let alone three moons, was not visible.

Turning his head to the side, Qin An found a dual cultivation thigh and rubbed his eyes. Qin An looked carefully and found that it was a woman who was walking by, and he was lying on the ground in the wild with some weeds under his body.

The woman was dressed in a strange way, as if she were a primitive aboriginal. She covered her sensitive parts with a braid and short skirt woven with weeds, and she was naked in other places.

The air was a little hot, and Qin An felt that his body was weak and his head was dizzy. It seemed that his previous abilities were exhausted, and now he has entered a period of ability fatigue.

A little hand took Qin An's hand, and Qin An finally saw the little boy next to him, a Chinese kid. The reason why Qin An judged this was because he spoke Chinese.

The little boy is very cute. He is about ten years old. He has no clothes on his body. The little chicks are all exposed.

The next moment Qin An's face was reddened, because he found that he was not wearing clothes either, only some branches and weeds covered his lower body.

"Hey, you finally wake up, can you understand me? Or do you need English?" The Eastern woman walked up to Qin An and began to speak.

Qin An did not sit up, mainly because of the dew point.

"Where is this? Where are my two pots?"

"You really speak Chinese, I think you look like a Chinese. This is the seaside... To be precise, this was once a small village 40 kilometers north of the abandoned capital. We were originally from the sea. It was a few hundred kilometers away, but the mainland in the southeast direction sank and the sea rushed over, so it became a seaside! There is only one big pot you mentioned, and it’s placed there. We know there are people inside, but they seem to have passed out. , There is no response, you were picked up at night, and the men in the village got back the big pot that followed you. They were still thinking about how to open the pot.

Qin An's heart tightened, not being ashamed, she just got up, the branches and weeds fell, the woman glanced between Qin An's legs, then her face flushed, and she hurriedly stepped forward to support Qin An's arm, because Qin An seemed to be swaying. Able to fall back to the ground at any time.

"I'm going to see my pot!"

"Oh, well, it seems that there are people who are very important to you. Now the catastrophe can only be solved... In the earthquake, we lost our house, and in the scorching heat wave, our clothes are all self-defeating It burns, and there are many burns, so we don’t have any clothes for you, sorry."

"um. Thank you!"

"You're welcome, it's not easy for anyone in the last days."

"Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad guy?"

"Hehe, I think people are very accurate. I think you are a good person. Otherwise, you won't be saved. What is your name?"

"Qin An!"

"Oh, my name is good. My name is Liu Aimo. You can call me Xiaomo. Next to you is my son Martin. His father has been dead for many years, so he has always been very close to adult men. We are all here. Chinese, although I have never been to China, haha, I guess your situation is similar to mine, right? I think your Chinese is very standard. Hey, there are dozens of people here. There were originally hundreds of people in China village. This is the only thing left after the earthquake. We never thought about surviving. This is the blessing of Goddess of Mercy. I heard that she is an oriental god, very beautiful, and has boundless magic power.

Liu Aimo helped Qin An walk while briefing him on the situation. He was very hearty and seemed to have no defensive heart.

In fact, it's not that this woman is simple and stupid, but that this small group has nothing to lose.

They have no food, no clothing, no resources, and have not eaten for a day. There are still many wounded in the group.

So at this moment, they are not afraid of encountering any bad guys. Even if they encounter cannibals and be eaten, there is nothing terrifying, but they are relieved quickly.

They have no retreat except for nothing.

The area here is probably only a few square kilometers. The southeast is already the sea, the southwest is the magma residue that has not cooled down, and the northeast and northwest are the topography of the trenches downstairs after the earthquake, and there are deep trenches everywhere. It is impossible to make these ordinary people walk.

They are already in desperation, so naturally they are fearless!

Walking through the messy dirt road and passing a pile of abandoned thatched huts, Qin An saw other villagers.

A dozen women, a dozen men, and a few people with burns all over their bodies were groaning and groaning, very pitiful.

Then beside these people, a giant golden jug was quietly placed there.

Qin An was already weak and unable to activate the power. In order to protect the people inside, he exhausted his strength.

So will the people in this pot be their own children, or the twenty-four girls?

Ah, you must open the pot as soon as possible, or else the air in it will be exhausted, and Qin An can't use the ever-changing abilities to transmit life-sustaining gas into it.

Fortunately, he still has an upgraded physique!

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