Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1358 Super Brain Creatures' Strange Ideas

Qin An naturally heard what Caitlin said, so he turned around and pulled her to his side.

"Super brain creatures, then you are going to talk about it, why do you think I am wrong?"

"It's not easy? We can build a model in which there are a hundred people in a closed space without food. Ten of them have already died for some reason. Then how do the remaining people survive? In order to survive, they can only go. Eat those ten dead people, but because of inherent ideas, everyone will think that eating people is wrong. Some people are willing to eat, some people are not. Then the 90 survivors will have differences, which will break out conflicts, mutual suspicions and even Fighting, the final result is that people will be killed for no reason because of the chaos! Then if there is a leader among the 90 survivors before this, and the ten corpses are reasonably used, there will naturally be no problems. Everyone persists to the last moment, and maybe you can find a way out! So like a hundred people, there are so many people here, and there are already so many corpses, so naturally you can follow suit! The reason why cannibalism has not occurred is that Because everyone cares about the eyes of other people, because there is no leader coming out. And if such a person has never appeared, just look at it. It will take less than two days. Maybe they should fight for the corpse. This is Human being's basic nature is not considered wisdom. What is the difference between human beings and beasts?"

Qin An pushed away the big guys in front of him, and then stepped forward, Caitlin followed closely behind, and everyone behind them filed.

"I'm really a little strange, did you really grow up in a closed space? How could you know so much?"

"It is through building models. I build models for some things that I can come into contact with. Then I set parameters and create theories. In the end I understand many truths and even calculate the pulse of human development. In fact, it is not just human beings. , Even many things on the planet of Sword Spirit Star, I already understand."

"I still don't quite understand what you mean."

"That's natural, your IQ is not enough."


"Take a simple example. I sleep every day, and then sleep for a long time. Then I will study sleep, build a model and try not to sleep, then I will feel tired, headache, dizziness, etc., I Replace these states with syllables, and then try if these parameters change after different hours of sleep, so that I can create a formula to calculate the best time for my day’s sleep, then I have the concept of time, and then start to build The model assumes that time does not exist. I assume that time does not exist in a space, so things are not in order and there are no continuous spatial points. Then I realize the concept of space again, so I continue to build Model, and then enumerate the parameters that can appear in the model, and then create some theorems, find out the laws to calculate the formula, it's that simple!"

Seeing Caitlin's stinky fart, Qin An curled his lips and said:

"In fact, this idea of ​​you and Li Shu is not clever. People cannibalize people. A man named Zuo Fei created this mode of thinking many years ago and established an organization called Destiny Sect. The Destiny Sect nowadays no longer exists. It combines with another sect to form the Black Gold Empire."

At this point, Qin An frowned and paused for a while before saying again:

"Don't you have a super brain? Can you think of such a stupid method? If so, I really despise you."

Caitlin stood tall and proudly, then said:

"I heard what you and the guy named Li Shu said just now, and I can figure out your thoughts. Don't you just think the people here are pitiful and want to save them?"

"Yeah, Super Brain, can you think of a good way to shock me? Except for people cannibalism?""It's very simple. Let's build a model and analyze it. To make it easier for you to understand, we will position the number of people in the enclosed space as 10. Now there are 9 living people, 1 dead person, and no food. Then How to keep these nine people alive? Otherwise, they can eat each other?"

"Yes, that's the question, how to do it?"

"There is no way, unless they become gods!"

Qin An rolled his eyes angrily, looked at this beautiful-looking and well-developed little mixed-race Loli, and wanted to kick her.

Caitlin smiled and continued:

"But this model is wrong, because they are not in a closed space, but a large map, and the parameters are much more complicated. I listen to your conversation, it seems that the Blue Sword people and the Orcs have some food. , It’s just that they don’t want to share it with humans because they think that food is indispensable to them. At the same time, they think that human life and death are insignificant and have nothing to do with them. Then if they think that humans are very important, it’s better than The food they have is important, and naturally they are willing to give out food to humans."

"I also know that, how do you feel that you have been talking nonsense?"

"This is of course not nonsense, but a theoretical basis. Any scientific structural spatial modeling must have a theoretical basis so that the correct method can be found within the logical relationship! This is science!"

"Okay, then you continue to say, I will listen with all ears."

"Excuse me, I don't understand this phrase, do you wash your ears?"

"Hi!" Qin An is really on fire.

"Haha, forget it, don't joke with you, I continue to say, what if earthlings are more important?"

"What do you say?"

"Living people must be less important, so the problem can go back to the original point, that is the importance of dead people!"

Qin An stopped, frowned and glanced at Caitlin, and said depressed: "Can you make it clearer?"

"I mean, the dead may be more important than the food of the orcs! I will occasionally talk to you these days to understand the world today. I heard that the orcs like to eat meat? It is said that most of them are carnivorous races. Of course, there are some vegetarian races in the orcs, but their status is very low, and they cannot be compared with the carnivorous orcs! If this is the case, the nearby dead people’s corpses are very important. Get together, go to the orcs to change to some vegetarian food, this will solve many problems!

First, humans do not need to eat the same kind!

Second, the source of food has been settled!

Third, a lot of space has been vacated, so that it is not so crowded!

In addition to these three benefits, there are some intangible effects.

The Orcs are obviously stronger than the Earthlings, so how to exchange items with them without losing money to maximize the benefits is particularly important.

In order to protect themselves, human beings must set up a corpse management committee, and then unite and merge all forces! Only in this way can we compete with the powerful orc tribe, otherwise we will have to suffer in the exchange process.

Then there is a very important follow-up question that will make mankind must unite! Once the orcs eat human flesh, the relationship between the orcs and the people on the earth will become the relationship between the hunter and the prey. That is to say, the people on the earth will slowly find that the orcs will see their eyes full of aggression! Who wouldn't be united to the outside world at this time? Most living people are afraid of being eaten as food, right?

This involves a psychological problem, and that is the difference between waiting to die and being killed.

People waiting to starve to death because they don’t have food, they are generally helpless.

And if it is because they have to be killed after they have food, the situation is different. Most people will resist and life will be full of vitality!

Of course, this method can only solve a temporary problem, and it can be regarded as a one-off transaction. After the humans deliver the first batch of corpse commodities, there is no source of goods. Orcs will want to get something for nothing after paying for the food and buying the first batch of commodities. After all, taking advantage is a kind of nature, which applies to most living organisms! Therefore, the human beings who have been united behind must think of other ways to continue to live.

So where is the solution? This is the mixed zone of multiple species. Most of them are alien races, and it may be difficult to merge. Otherwise, the Qingjian tribe would not be trapped there, unable to return to their total residence 100 kilometers away, so they unite there. Some of the forces in the country are the final way out.

If all the people here are twisted together because of the corpse management committee, they will naturally have the capital to negotiate with them.

So when it comes to this, let's take a look at the power distribution.

Orc people, earth people, many mixed forces of different races!

If the earth people and half of the alien races are united together, then naturally the orcs will not dare to act rashly.

At this moment, it is possible that a few days later, everyone will face a food crisis again. No matter how stable the alliance between the earth's people and the alien race is, food is a major issue that cannot be avoided. There must be people starving to death due to uneven food distribution, or due to conflicts and infighting. Then their corpses can be bought and sold again. This time the negotiation with the orcs is very important, because the larger alliance can form! The alliance of orcs, earth people, and some aliens, this will be very powerful!

A war will inevitably break out. This new alliance will eliminate other alien races that have not entered the alliance, and then the corpses formed in the war will make food for the orcs, and the food looted in the war will allow the people on the earth to survive!

Next, they will face the headquarters of the Green Sword Clan. They will face a choice, either to go to war with the alliance, or to cooperate with the alliance against the forces of the city of black blood! Obviously the latter is more attractive because they have the most resources!

The Black Blood City intends to exchange materials for the sword soul fragments in the hands of various races. This is certainly a means of collecting money, but it is also a strategy to divide the various races and cause uneven wealth. They will definitely choose to do it in five or six days, because at that time those who have no food starved to death, and those who have food have to face the shortage of supplies, and the city of black blood can get the most benefit!And if the alliance is formed within four or five days, the plan of the Black Blood City will fail, because the powerful Alliance Lord will understand that as long as the defense line of the Black Blood City is crossed, there are countless supplies waiting behind. , And those materials can be obtained without spending a sword soul fragment! "

Qin An didn't leave, because he was speechless.

This... This little Loli's idea is too empty, right?

She didn't expect that human corpses could be used by her to make food for orcs, and then in exchange for food? f*ck! What a weird idea, is this feasible?

Looking around, Qin An found that there were actually quite a few people who died nearby. Most of them died after being burned, and many of them died in other places and were eventually brought here by relatives and friends.

"Will people be willing to see their own family and friends being eaten?" Qin An raised an ethical question.

"I am a human being myself, so I also know humans best. This is a mammal that can self-hypnosis and paralyze itself. Believe me, when facing Death, humans will feel that the corpses of their dead relatives are God’s blessings. , They will feel so kind because they don’t need to eat those corpses! Moreover, the corpse management committee must also have a certain degree of toughness. In the end, no one will entangle the problem of corpses. Most people don’t have the energy. They will get food because of the I can stay on my back and continue to live and be happy."

"You know a lot, even mammals and God know... Then tell me if God is a mammal?" Qin An smiled and asked for trouble.

"First of all, you have to understand that any belief of mankind can condense life matter! There are many people who believe in God, then God exists. When his followers think of him, he has vitality, and then appears in the believer’s In his heart, guide him to do what he thinks is right subjectively! So God is not a mammal, but a soul creature. The faith of the believers has created an independent world space related to the earth for him!"

"Well, you said too far!"

Qin An hurriedly stopped the topic, and then began to consider what Caitlin and Li Shu had said before.

This is a game of chess before the war. The game has been set and the pieces are in place, so is anyone coming to participate in the game?

Qin An slowly closed his eyes, and stood still for ten minutes before exhaling a long breath.

He really hasn't changed at all. He has no ambitions. He is a strong-looking little man with a cocky heart. At first, Weng Lan left because he was going to see a doctor. But what she said before she left was also true?

If you eat a bowl of beef noodles, you should consider adding or not adding eggs...

Beef noodles in ramen restaurants are generally only eight yuan, plus ten yuan for an egg.

Qin An’s memory returned to the distant past. At that time, Weng Lan did...as if...really eating noodles without adding eggs. This was just to save some money, right? How many poached eggs did Weng Lan eat less in order to save two dollars for each meal!

They had mortgages to pay back. Weng Lan looked so calm every day and seemed very happy, but she must be very tired, right? With a useless man like yourself, the only thing that supports her should be to love yourself deeply!

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