Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1361 Haili who suddenly disappeared

Qin An was really confused.

Because what Yin Yao avatar said in front of him was illogical.

For these years, Yin Yao has been living in Tianju. She and Xiaoyan, Li Na and other women get along very well. They are like glue and do not have the style of a sword god. She looks like a simple woman. Over time, she also cultivated a silly, sweet and dull atmosphere.

Although Qin An didn't communicate well with her, he knew her every move very well, so he didn't realize that Yin Yao's friendship with own was so deep.

This is not nonsense.

All the avatars of Yin Yao came out of the body, and they were Yin Yao one second before they came out. Then they can come to United States after all the hardships, and they are responsible for looking for the care and protection of Weng Lan after they leave. Task, why is this? How could they do this!

Yin Yao avatar looked at Qin An's stunned expression, and continued to smile:

"Are you curious? Why did the clones come to you? I didn't know this answer myself many years ago. Now I have lived on the earth for so long and I have understood it. Because you are really important to us, Xiangying In the history of the clan, there are only two women who have given birth to children. One is the baby Yan Liuxiang from a few years ago, and the other is the current sword god Yan Liuxiang, which is Yin Yao. We are the ancient clan, in the star of the sword spirit The history of Shanghai is very long, so you can imagine how important you are to Yin Yao. Even if Yin Yao does not show it, it is an indisputable fact. The reason why Yin Yao does not show it is because of our blood. , We are asexual breeders, we split ourselves and continue ourselves, that is, our offspring, so we didn’t need the things of love and love, and we didn’t know how to love until Yin Yao became pregnant and gave birth to you. The child, the sword god Yan Liuxiang felt the pregnancy process, the surprise and joy of the child’s birth, and other complex emotions, and also witnessed the child’s growth. It was you who made her fall from an unattainable sword god to the mortal world, then you For her and all subsequent avatars, it is naturally very, very special, which can also explain all the actions of the avatars. In other words, Yin Yao loves you very much, this love is imperceptible, because Jiuer rises, and then every Deepen the day a little bit till this moment."

Okay, what else can Qin An say? There is only a sigh, there are too many love debts, and I am afraid that this life will not be over...No, this life is still a long time, maybe there is a chance.

"Weng Lan... how is she?"

"Fortunately, she has two good sisters, Juliet and Aivia. The three of them have lived on each other for many years. Aivia has been married before. Later, the man had a passion for Weng Lan and wanted to insult her. Ai. Wea separated from the man when she found out. Juliet’s man has such a small right, named Odoka. It is thanks to him that the three women can mix in the black blood city, although his attitude towards Weng Lan is not. Okay, usually treat her as a maid, but he did help Weng Lan. This is a fact."

Qin An took a deep breath and said after a long time.

"I mean, how is Weng Lan herself, is she very tired?"

"Well, the former Weng Lan was a very strong woman. Reality has crushed her. Weng Lan's eyes are not so good now... She is highly myopic because she cries every night... Missing the child she once lost. In short, she has some Decadent, she was the worst of the three women, and she also relied on the other two to take care of her. It became an out-and-out burden... We investigated the matter of Weng Lan. She seemed to be frozen eight years ago. After waking up, they gave birth to quadruplets. If it’s correct, they may be the flesh and blood of you and Weng Lan. We don’t dare to help Weng Lan too much. Mary is a vengeful woman. The reason why we don’t kill Weng Lan The exact fact that her ex-husband Shirakawa Five Dragons was killed has not been confirmed, so although she doesn’t pay much attention to Weng Lan, she still secretly sent a few people to monitor her for a long time."

While talking, Yin Yao's avatar's eyes flowed on the small bodies beside Qin An who were already asleep.


"Well, they are quadruplets!"

"Ah! You found all the children? Didn't it mean that a child was thrown into the river and died?""No, he was rescued. He just reunited with the triplets a few days ago. Now they just lack a mother!"

Qin An was a little bit sad, but also a little angry, the blood in his body was boiling!

Are there problems with Weng Lan's eyes? Because of crying? She is still being watched!

A drop of tears flowed down the corner of his eyes, and Qin An began to blame himself.

Why did he give up? He returned to Western Tibet eight years ago and ended his life searching for Weng Lan. If he persisted, would they be able to meet again sooner?

Qin An really wanted to fly to Weng Lan right away, but he was a little scared, not knowing how he would face the poor woman.

For her, he was separated from himself for less than nine years, but for Qin An, thirty-three years in reality and ten years in the realm of dead spirits, he is almost fifty years old. I haven't seen Weng Lan...how does this make him undaunted!

What did Weng Lan look like today? How would he... get along with her.

Raising his hand to wipe a drop of tears from the corner of his eyes, Qin An felt that he was actually very useless, crying even when he was too old.

Hey, if there are not a few oil bottles, Qin An will leave at this time, but because the children are here, Qin An can’t leave. He is unwilling to lose sight of one another. If he finds Weng Lan and the children have problems again, they will cry. died. It's not a good choice to take the children into the city of black blood. The thing that goes deep into the tiger's den is not to let the children do it.

Qin An suddenly felt that some of him were alone and lonely, and he lacked a master that he could absolutely trust.

Nowadays, the strong body state is nothing at all. There are everywhere on the earth, and Qin An can kill many at once like ordinary people. Then other strong people can naturally too.

"Are you alone?" Qin An decided to endure first and arrange the matter here before speaking.

"No, I have my own family, I mean...I have a wife, or I can call it a husband." Yin Yao's face turned red.

"What?" Qin An didn't understand at all.

"The women of our Xiangying clan already know what love is, but most of our bodies are unwilling to accept the opposite sex. This is because of you, and it is also our deep-rooted thoughts that have been at work for thousands of years, so let's be straightforward. , The women of the Xiangying clan are mostly fellow lovers. My love is Brada. I, her and the neighbors who were with Life before, are trapped here. Our small village was ten miles away from the city of black blood. Kilometers away, there were upgraded snakes nearby during the big earthquake, so we were chased all the way here. How about? Would you like to meet my love?"

Qin An was really embarrassed, the mood in his heart changed sharply, and it took a long time for him to react.

Does Yin Yao still have this kind of mental tendency?

No wonder she gets along so closely with own women over the years.

Grandma's, if you don't get yourself, you have to wear a green hat!

Qin An felt a bit funny, but he couldn't smile at this moment.

"Where are they?"

"Not far, just a few hundred meters away over there, otherwise I won't find you in the daytime!"

"Well, just call them all over, and we will stay together in the future."

While speaking, Qin An stood up, and Yin Yao was very happy to hear what Qin An said, and finally had a backing.

The two people left the circle of Qin An's team and just walked out more than ten meters away. Qin An suddenly stopped, turned his head quickly, and glanced around in the own team.

This...what is going on? How could one be missing for no reason?

Elizabeth Hidal Haili, the poor woman Qin An met during the day, couldn't help but pee on Qin An's shoes because she couldn't leave the crowd.

Qin An never cared, nor felt sick, but he was unclean.

So, why is this woman not here now?

Turning on the ability of Spiritual Sense, Qin An quickly and detailedly inspected the ten-kilometer radius, and found no trace of Haili!

impossible! From time to time, I would monitor the conditions within a few kilometers of the children. If Haili had left on foot, he would definitely find an abnormality!

In other words, Haili should have disappeared suddenly not long ago! Is she actually a supernatural person who is good at spatial abilities? So what is she going to do? Why do you want to pretend to be pitiful? who is she?

Qin An observed the children, and there was nothing unusual. He was looking at other people, except for Li Shu who was busy! This f*ck is really strange. Qin An can't think of Haili's intentions. Since she has pretended to be an ordinary person and came to her, why did she suddenly leave? Could it be that she thought she would ignore her whereabouts? Will she come back then?

Qin An, who was full of doubts in his heart, decided not to be stunned, but he wanted to see what the hell was going on with Haili! It's just that you have to be more cautious now, Qin An doesn't want anyone to take advantage of the loopholes and ultimately harm the children.

Because of the heavy thoughts, Qin An felt a little absent-minded when meeting with Yin Yao's lover, Brada.

Brada is a very cheerful and open-minded woman. She is estimated to be 30 years old this year. She only wears a pair of cloth shoes and a pair of tight shorts. Her top is bare, and her breasts appear to be drooping because of her plumpness. But there is still a sense of beauty, just because they are too white and well-proportioned.

In Qin An's eyes, women should still wear clothes, but in the 33rd year of the last days, even in the city of Kowloon, there were many facilities shared by men and women, such as bathhouses and father-in-law toilets.

So the United States people in the last days are naturally more open, especially now the weather is still so hot."My dear, you brought me a man after you went out for a while, don't you want to abandon me?"

"How come? Brada, let me introduce you to him. He is Qin An, the father of my child!"

"What! Oh God! Isn't this a dream? I actually saw a real person?"

Brada almost fell on Qin An, feeling her heat, Qin An was a little uncomfortable.

"Don't mind, Brada knows everything about me, and naturally knows about you..."

Okay, it seems that this couple has been very happy, and they have nothing to talk about, but now Brada is equivalent to being naked. Isn't it appropriate to stick to yourself like this?

What can Qin An say? Racial differences, differences in customs and habits between regions, generation gaps that don’t want to wait for age!

Finally, Qin An couldn't bear the pressure and escaped from Brada's arms, and then called all their people from the ground. There were only a dozen of them gathered beside Qin An's team.

After that, Qin An and Yin Yao avatar spoke for a while until she fell asleep.

Qin An himself didn't have a trace of sleepiness. Elizabeth Hidalhaili's disappearance was so bizarre that it left him like a throat, but he didn't know what went wrong.

The night was a little bit deeper. The 20-hour night was a bit long. Now only about ten hours have passed. Qin An is still lying there again, looking at the starry sky, the thoughts in his heart are very confused, Heavenly Horse is nothing. think.

The entire earth’s gathering place is quieter. Those who haven’t slept are already asleep. When they wake up, they find that the sky is still half-dark, and the stomach is very hungry, so they can only go to sleep again, most of them have a headache and bewildered.

Every five minutes, Qin An will use the ability of Peeping Spiritual Sense to monitor whether there is any abnormality happening nearby. Fortunately, there has been no abnormality until the Fatty Zhu Xiaohui wakes up.

Qin An heard him quietly walking to Lucy's side, and then woke her up quietly, and the two people tiptoed to a place more than a hundred meters away, found a clearing among the crowd and sat down, and then began to speak in a low voice.

"Smelly woman, how about it? Did you do it with Li Shu? Does his skill have me?"

"It's okay, at least I can call a bed when he presses on me, and you... will only make me feel hard to breathe, and seem to die immediately! Zhu Xiaohui, come on, why are you looking for me?"

"Hey, you are now a cow. Li Shu has become the commander of the coalition forces. He has Qin An's support behind him. You are a backer, so you can definitely take care of me in the future. Anyway, we were also husband and wife before."

"Why? Are you calm? You're not jealous anymore?" Lucy looked contemptuously.

"What else can you do? Anyway, you slept with him, and I couldn't beat him again. I can only admit my fate if I think about it! And ah, I now have a new goal! Haha, did you see that Haili? But it's really beautiful, and it has made me fall in love deeply, and I found that she should like me too. When the food is delivered in the evening, I will take it. She even took my hand and smiled at me!"

"Elizabeth Hidal, Hayley? You are right. She is very beautiful. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in this world. If I were a man, I would love her deeply! She smiled at me today too! Now, that smile impressed me." Lucy had a look of drunkenness on her face when she spoke.

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