Blinded! Everyone!

Qin Xiaoyan looked at Qin An's eyes, her body was trembling, the flow of blood was accelerating, and a heart almost jumped out.

" are the devil! are crazy!"

She couldn't believe what she heard with her own ears at this time, because it turned out to be all facts!

But the question is how could Qin An know? This is not logical at all!

Weng Lan stood near the sofa and shook his body, and finally sat down on the sofa with her legs soft.

She was going crazy. As the so-called caring was chaotic, Qin An's abnormal reaction made her feel terrible and made her almost unable to breathe.

"Damn! bitch! You steal people!"

This is the best answer Liu Tianyu can think of!

He didn't believe that Qin An said there was another ghost world. He thought it must be his own wife stealing someone. Otherwise, how could he even know the birthmark on his chest?

When he was about to get up and get angry, Qin An had already strode up to him a few steps before he flew and kicked him faint.

Qin Xiaoyan was taken aback for a moment and hurriedly rushed over to hold Liu Tianyu in her arms, crying and glaring at Qin An, but did not dare to speak, because she had not yet freed from the shock.

Qin An fainted Liu Tianyu and stood there for a while, then walked to Weng Lan and continued to tell.

In the 33rd year of the last days, Qin An evaded the heavy and neglected, and finished it in two hours.

When Weng Lan heard that Qin An wandered all over the world to find herself without fruit for 22 years, she began to cry. When Qin An said that after returning to Tibet and marrying more than a dozen women, she began to cry. After the quadruplets, they could no longer cry, and their eyes became red and swollen.

Quietly in the room, everyone was listening to Qin An. Such a bizarre and twisted story is like a novel. There are only eight words scrolling back and forth in people's minds: Any similarity is pure coincidence!

In the end, Qin An kissed Weng Lan on the cheek, and there were tears in his eyes.

"Weng Lan, do you believe all of what I'm talking about? It's all true! So I will say that you are all fictitious. I must have been drawn into a virtual space-time world by some powerful ability. It’s been 33 years, how could you still be who you are now? Look at your face...still so beautiful and breakable! In fact, I can deceive myself in this world for you and live again But I can’t, I have to escape, because I can’t get food supplements in this illusory space, I’ll starve to death! Of course I’m not afraid of death! I’ve lived for more than sixty years, and death is for me It can also be called the end of life! But I can’t die! What about the children when I die? Are they trapped in this illusory space now? What about you in the real world? Do you want children’s eyes? It's all broken...I'm still being watched now. I will go to your side anyway! Then let you and the children...reunite with me! Weng Lan, do you believe me? Believe all of this?"Because Weng Lan had been crying for too long, her head was very painful at this time, and the pain was terrible.

No normal person would believe what Qin An said.

But the story Qin An said has a beginning, with Karma, development, events, and characters... everything sounds like it's true!

"Am I fake?"

Weng Lan's voice sounded a little distressing.

" may be real in this illusory world!"

"So that means... you are fake to me? So Qin An, please tell me, where is the man in my world? Does your soul pass through and occupy his body? Then I ask you to take him Give it back to me! We have respected each other for seven years! I have never had any disease, and he has never had any relationship with female neighbors or female bosses! If you are genuine, can you please leave? Give back my Qin An Give it to me! Please, I don’t need him to be a powerful human leader! I don’t need him to be as handsome as a little meat! I only want the Qin An who belongs to me, who looks exactly like you now in front of me! Fat belly, fat thighs and arms, slight double chin, and occasionally too lazy to fix the scum! I want to be like this Qin An! If you are a fake, can you leave? Give him back to me... …"

Weng Lan squeezed a few drops of tears from her red and swollen eyes and cried bitterly.

And Qin An... calmed down, dumbfounded, lost again because of the true feelings of the woman before him.


The night was a bit long, and when eleven o'clock came, the entire community fell into silence, which made the roar of the zombies from a distance seem unusually clear, which made people frightened and uneasy.

The door of Qin An's house was closed tightly.

Qin Xiaoyan, Liu Tianyu, Qin An, Weng Lan, Tang Yu, the family of Lao Wang next door, KFC foreman, and the two policemen are still gathering in Qin An's home.

This is what Xia Ke requested. As a public servant serving the people, she thinks it is safer for everyone to stay together now.

In fact, Wang Ke wanted to take Qin An away to find the troops, but Qin An did not leave, and the outside situation was unclear, so in the end she could only choose a few to obey the majority, and stay here to avoid and wait for the incident to continue.

Everyone felt weird about the story told by Qin An, but no one believed it. After all, everyone was a normal person, and Qin An was already a lunatic in their eyes.

Liu Tianyu has not tried to work with Qin An since waking up. Now this Qin An is obviously strange. He is no longer the bully and polite Fatty before, he... he is a lunatic! Therefore, Liu Tianyu only had a bad attitude towards Qin Xiaoyan, but he did not dare to yell to attract other people's attention.

Tang Yu has been in a daze. In Qin An’s story, she has almost no role. Qin An only mentions that she has become a queen, but nothing else... And among the women Qin An said, it seems that there are also Without her position, Tang Yu couldn't understand why, could it be said that in that so-called real world, he and Qin An did not overlap? This a little bit distressed and depressed her.

Weng Lan slept in her room. To be precise, she was crying and collapsed and passed out. Qin An, who didn't know what to do now, stayed by her side in a daze, thinking of what Weng Lan had just said. Thinking about myself over the years, I don’t know whether I have gained more or lost more.

Qin An's stomach is always growling, even if he eats a lot of food at noon, it is of no use to him. Qin An is even more certain of his own judgment. In this virtual world, he can't get food unless he escapes!


Weng Lan's voice suddenly sounded, and Qin An hurriedly went to bed and squeezed her hand.

"Are you awake? I'm sorry... I..."

"No! I'm not sorry. If your story is false, then you are sick... If your story is true... Then... Then tell me, are the quadruplets cute?"

"Well, cute! They are called Qin Dafeng, Qin Erhe, Qin Sanchuan, Qin Xiangming! The four children look almost the same, but the three boys look so handsome, but our daughter looks very beautiful Da Feng’s character is the simplest, and he is very responsible and brave! Erhe is a little timid and has a lot of suspicious character. Pay special attention to him. It won’t be good for him to grow into a child who loves to calculate the intestines, but I think Our son will not, I must have made him smart and open-minded! The youngest Sanchuan has had a lot of hardships with Annie since he was a child. He has the strongest personality, but sometimes looks more withdrawn, when he is with his brothers. Fortunately, it looks a little bit cold with outsiders. I think it will be much better if I stay by my side for a few years! Our girl is the most capable, the three boys are all around her, hehe, she is a Little Princess..."

Qin An's tone was very soft, and Weng Lan was a little fascinated by it.

"Ah... That's great! If only we had four such lovely babies."


"Qin An, I'm sorry just now..."

"No! I'm sorry for you! I... I'm bothered!"

"Hey, if these things are true, then I will not blame you, I will only leave with the child. Love is selfish, and I don’t have that kind of eschatological mentality, so I cannot accept you at this time. What she said...maybe she can? I mean the Weng Lan in your story! The poor woman who has been frozen for more than 20 years and can't find her husband after waking up, and lost four more children...I It's not her yet, I can't think of how I would choose when I become her! Annoying guy, you have a problem for me!"

Qin An raised his hand to wipe the tears from his eyes secretly, and smiled embarrassedly.

"My dear, you never thought I was so capable, did you? There are so many affair encounters."

"You are a capable person! You are a mass of charcoal, and it seems to be extinguished, but once the wind blows, you can immediately emit the most dazzling light."

"Weng really understand me! It's nice to be with you!"

"Are you crying?"


"Cut! Don't lie to me, you love crying!"

"..." Qin An was speechless.


"happy Birthday!"

"Oh, I bought some vegetables in the kitchen, and I also bought cakes, candles, red wine and potatoes."

"Oh, I'm going to fry you shredded potatoes!"

"I can do it..."

"Forget it, you'll just burn it as soon as you fry!"



"You are telling me the story of that world for a while."

"Okay, which section do you want to listen to?"

"You and Qin Xiaoyan!"

"..." Qin An was speechless again.


real world,

Tianjuli, Qin Xiaoyan and Tang Yu woke up at the same time, they each had a strange dream, the dream is so real.

Tang Yu blushed because she dreamed that she was having sex on the desk by Qin An! It's as long as an hour!

Qin Xiaoyan was also hot all over... She turned out to be a derailed woman, and Liu Tianyu and Weng Lan were nearby, and Qin An grabbed her shoulder and shouted excitedly!

In a small room in the civilian area of ​​the Black Blood City, Weng Lan was lying on the bed with tears on her face. She was not awake yet, and in her dream, Qin An was leaving the bed and going to the kitchen to do it for her. Stir-fried potato shreds to celebrate your birthday on April 4, 2015!

The disappearance is actually related to Qin An's current illusory world...but no one knows it yet.

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