Qin An and Qin Potian ran to the edge of the building almost at the same time, and this dormitory was only about two hundred and thirty-four meters high.

When the father and son reached the edge, they looked down, and then their faces became pale.

"D6 Giant!"

Qin Potian exclaimed.

Qin An shed a cold sweat, not right! How can there be giant zombies at the D6 level at this time?

Yes, it was originally a virtual space controlled by humans, and it's no surprise that D6 appeared.

Starting from D4, giant zombies are no longer as fat as before, but become extremely strong.

This D6 is ten meters tall and completely black. He has no skin. The black muscles are exposed and exudes a metallic luster. The perfect body shape makes him agile and flexible, just like a night ninja.

His mouth is very big, with sharp blade teeth in his mouth! The so-called blade teeth are a unique attribute of D6. The teeth are as sharp and neat as a sword blade, which can bite off steel and chew concrete stones.

When Qin An and his son saw the giant D6, he had already left the ground and was climbing.

Almost without hesitation, Qin An pulled Qin Potian directly and left.

"Go downstairs and take your mother Xiaoyan!"

While talking, Qin An had reached Weng Lan's side and picked him up behind him, then pulled Tang Yu and Weng Die up, and shouted to the people nearby: "Run! Go downstairs!"

Qin Potian moved much faster than Qin An. He ran to Qin Xiaoyan's side and pulled her up and walked away. When he reached the entrance of the stairs, he actually pushed Qin Xiaoyan down.

Qin Xiaoyan screamed in fright. Qin Potian grabbed the passageway with both hands to exert force. The powerful thrust made him come first, grabbed Qin Xiaoyan's back in the air, and then lifted it above his head.

When he fell to the ground, his feet stood firmly, but Qin Xiaoyan was still being held by him.

Qin Potian didn't wait for Qin Xiaoyan to continue falling, but after moving his hand, he relieved her of gravity and allowed her to stand on the ground steadily.

Qin Xiaoyan didn't react to what happened at all, she was completely blinded, and her body trembled.

"Dad! Throw it down!"

Qin Potian frowned and shouted at the top.

Qin An didn't hesitate, trusting his son, so he threw all three women from the passageway as quickly as possible.

What a Qin Potian, with his feet on the ground, although he is small, the power in his body explodes like a strong man.

He soon received Weng Lan, Weng Die, and Tang Yu.

Finally Qin An jumped down, Qin Potian also raised his hand to catch it, and then relieved his strength to make Qin An stand firm.

"Baotian, you greet the people behind, let's run first."

Qin An won't be polite anymore. The fact is that his son is obviously stronger. It is better for him to take the women first. It is expected that Qin Potian will not be able to beat the D6 giant but there should be no problem in running.

The movements of Qin An and his sons were too fast. From the time when the warning was given to the present, it was less than ten seconds, and a group of people hadn't reacted at all.

The giant head of the D6 giant appeared, and the bewildered people were completely awakened.

"Oh my God! What is that?"

"Run! Get on the plane!"

"Soldier! There are monsters, shoot!"

People are confused and confused.

I have to say that Lao Wang is still a wise man. In fact, he somewhat believed what Qin An said, and felt that Qin An and his son were not simple. Therefore, seeing Qin An running away with a group of people, he was the first to react and follow, so when the giant zombies appeared, he was also at the entrance of the passage.

"Hey, you all jump down, I'll follow, hurry up!"

Qin Potian saw someone appear, so he reminded him.

Lao Wang gritted his teeth. He just saw the scene of Qin An throwing Weng Lan and others into the passageway. It turned out that there was this child below.

But here is estimated to be seven or eight meters from the ground, can the child catch it?

Forget it, since Qin An dared to throw Weng Lan down, what would he dare not?

Therefore, Lao Wang moved quickly and threw down the honeysuckle, Tian Furong, and Li Xianglan respectively.

The child is really awesome, and when a person falls, he reaches out and grabs it and can directly remove the force of the fall.

Finally, Lao Wang and his son Wang Suo went down together and fled from the top of the building.

At this time, the two security guards of the school were running in the direction of the plane with the students, trying to get on the plane to escape.

The eyes of the four special forces had been paying attention to Qin An. When they saw him running away, they ran to the side with Xia Ke. The leader of them turned and shouted at the plane.

"Hurry up, close the door and take off! There is no time to save people, let's find the virus antibody!"

This is the mission of the soldiers. If there are really antibodies, the captain understands that even if they die, they must take him back to the base, otherwise the world is really going to be messed up.

The people on the helicopter began to close the door, and the pilot tried to make it take off, but it was too late.

After D6 jumped to the top of the building, he was immediately attracted by the sound of the plane's rotating propeller. He jumped over a few steps, reached out and grabbed the protruding tail of the plane.

The huge helicopter flew for more than 100 meters, and finally hit another 32-story male dormitory building and exploded. It was impossible for the people on the plane to survive.

"Damn! Run away!"

Dong Zhian, Liu Tianyu, Xu Wenqiang, and Chen Sixu ran towards the passage at the same time, and then they didn't want to jump down like Lao Wang's family.

The giant zombies began to shift the target after throwing the helicopter away.

The two security guards ran to the place closest to the plane, and now it was too late to turn around and run.

The giant D6 trampled them to death in just a few steps. The other students wanted to run, but they ran somewhere. The giant bent down and caught them and swallowed them directly in their mouths. They swallowed them without chewing at all. The situation looked like The horror was extremely terrifying. The three girls who had not been caught were so frightened that their legs were soft and knelt directly on the ground. Naturally, their fate needn't be said any more, and they can be described with only the word tragic.

The KFC manager Jiang Wei also failed to escape the fate of Death. The only thing fortunately was that he was not eaten, but was trampled to death when the giant was running.

The kind-hearted Xia Ke was very sorry, but she could not be saved by anyone. Four special soldiers led down the passage and entered the floor. After that, they ran downstairs together until she reached the first floor.

Qin An's responsibility as a leader is also very heavy. He knows that it is absolutely impossible to run too far now, because these people can't run D6, which means that the best way is still to find a place to hide.

In this way, Qin An ran against the school wall and ran along the back of the dormitory building, and finally ran out hundreds of meters to the dormitory building where he had jumped into the wall before, found a window to pry open, and finally hid in a dormitory on the third floor. Inside.

When the old Wang family saw Qin An's whereabouts, they naturally followed, so all the people who followed each other gathered together.

Qin An counted the number of people down.

Myself, Qin Potian, Weng Lan, Weng Die, Tang Yu, Xiaoyan, Liu Tianyu, Chen Sixu, Xu Wenqiang, Dong Zhian, Lao Wang, Wang Suo, Honeysuckle, Tian Furong, Li Xianglan, Xia Ke, four special forces...

Ah, this is a blessing. I didn't expect so many people to escape, but I don't know if they can escape D6's search and pursuit in the end?

"Red Eagle! Red Eagle! I am the Red Star team. A huge alien species was found in the dormitory area of ​​Hanghai University. Request support! Request support! Equipped with heavy firepower! Virus antibodies are likely to be with us, repeat, request support!"

"Red Eagle received it. Please specify the location of the virus antibody to avoid accidental injury. The attack order has been issued to the fighter formation. It will enter the airspace of the destination in 6 minutes. Please cooperate with infrared guidance..."The replied voice from the military communicator was comforting, and a group of people who were frightened finally calmed down.

The four soldiers separated two of them to investigate and prepare to take up the fighter plane. The remaining captain and the female soldier continued to contact the base.

Qin An frowned and looked at the female soldier for a while, and felt very familiar. He didn't remember what her name was for a while, but Qin An thought he should have known this female soldier, and at least had a much deeper impression than that Xia Ke.

"Captain Captain, this is Gu Cheng! The giant is destroying the dormitory building just now, and we found that there are many students in the dormitory building! What to do? What to do? Please reply."

The captain seemed to be in his early twenties. Hearing the sound from another single-line intercom, his body trembled suddenly and his face became pale.

After a full twenty seconds, he finally picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a very calm voice: "Don't worry about the students! Complete the guidance task and ensure that every shell of the friendly army can hit the target. The quick elimination of the alien species is the best for the students. Redemption! Remember, our first task is to protect the virus antibodies!"

"But so many students..."

"I will take all the responsibilities back!"

After saying this, the captain turned off the call button, and then closed his eyes, his face turned pale.

"Bai Qi! Should we ask the Red Eagle for instructions?"

The female soldier was obviously worried.

"It's useless……"


"Ask the head of the base what orders they can give? Save the people? Can the ground troops be sent in time? Stop the airpower attack? The giant can't handle it, and the students will still die! Give the same order as me? The heads will have to be after the fact. Back the pot! Hey... I'm going to carry this pot. As the saying goes, it will be outside and not subject to military orders. Now this is the best choice."

Qin An nodded slightly after hearing it over there, and couldn't help but nodded countless likes for the soldier named Bai Qi in his heart.

What embarrassed Qin An was that she was not a virus antibody. It was the stupid woman with the wooden fish head of Xia Ke who had misunderstood it. Maybe she still didn't believe that she came from another world?

Six minutes passed quickly, and when the message came from the main base, eleven fighter planes had circled over the school.

Bai Qi picked up the one-line intercom of his team, turned on the call button and shouted inside, "Gu Cheng, I am Bai Qi, are you ready?"

"Captain, everything is ready!" Gu Cheng's voice was very hoarse.

Bai Qi picked up another communication device and said into the microphone: "Request to open the attack!"

When the five words "Order has been issued" appeared in the microphone, his white eyes became blood red. With a huge explosion outside, his body began to tremble with the vibration of the ground, and he finally leaned back softly. On the wall of the corridor.

This attack command initiated by him will not only kill giant zombies, but also kill many innocent students who don’t know...

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