"No! Please don't!"

The shadow of Death shrouded in Tan Jiali's heart.

She may not forget the picture just now in her life.

She originally thought she could climb on the wooden block, but a man stepped on her face with the sole of her foot.

What a proud face she used to be?

She used to be able to make a perfect monthly income as long as she swipes her face on some live broadcast platforms. Every month, hundreds of fans send her red envelopes. They love her and love her. She is delighted because of this and feels very awesome. , I feel that own life is perfect.

However, this face is now useless and has become her greatest shame!

Suddenly, Chen Sixu pushed Tan Jiali away, and then slowly swam back a few meters away with a playful expression.

Tan Jiali's body lost her center of gravity at once, and she was not very good at swimming. She swooped in the water for a few minutes and lost strength.

Therefore, she felt that she would sink. She felt that the sea was surging. For a moment, she was completely swallowed by the sea. When she came to the sea again, she could not distinguish the sky from the sea, as if the world was spinning.

She is dying! Her only life-saving straw is by her side, but she must please him! He can only be rescued if he is pleased.

Perhaps it's the emergence of wisdom, Tan Jiali's brain has been running rapidly within a second.

She is no longer trying to escape from the sea, letting herself go with the flow, her hands have more meaningful things to do.

Very hard, Tan Jiali tore off her coat in the water, and then tossed off the cover on her chest.

In her life, Tan Jiali has never tried to undress at such a fast speed. Now she has done it, breaking her own undressing record.

At this time, her upper body was no longer in strands, and the cold sea water stimulated her senses, causing her skin to form a layer of small bumps, which made some parts of her body become abnormally sensitive.

The sea water swallowed her again. She struggled hard to keep own body upright, and then patted the water with her hands down.

She is dying! This may be the best chance, God, will you hear this poor girl begging?

Chen Sixu, who was not far away from Tan Jiali, was slightly stunned. He just seemed to see Tan Jiali undressing?

why? The sea is so cold, why should she undress?

In an instant, Tan Jiali was swallowed, and when she came up again, the buoyancy of the sea lifted her high, and the sea surface was exposed above her chest.

Chen Sixu's eyes suddenly rounded, he saw Tan Jiali's white, youthful, and very soft pair.

Oh my God, they are so tempting, they seem to be beckoning to him, they seem to be waiting for him to be a guest.

Chen Sixu understood a little, and then laughed.

He swam quickly and grabbed Tan Jiali, who was plunged into the sea again, and hugged it in his arms.

"Haha! You bad woman, you won! Your success gave me compassion and the idea of ​​not wanting you to die right away."Tan Jiali was breathing hard, her mouth wide open, and her saliva mixed with the seawater flowing out. Now she can't even open her eyes.

But she still smiled as much as possible, and she felt that she was smiling very seriously, a smile from the heart.

She remembered a movie called Painted Skin that she had watched before the end of the world.

She hated herself for being so beautiful, and then she was thankful for it.

Such complex emotions cannot be expressed and can only be felt in the depths of the soul.

She knew that she was temporarily saved, and she could feel Chen Sixu’s hand raging against her in the sea. It should have been painful and humiliating, but she still wanted to laugh, so that she could understand the true meaning of life. And laugh, happy for own sentiment!

The end times are different from the Fantasy world.

In many Fantasy novels, the protagonist can often stage a passionate blockbuster by himself, and the end of the world is by no means a story that can be interpreted by one person.

The glass-hearted Gu Cheng was crying. This young man was just 20 years old this year and was already a four-year veteran.

He has participated in many times of flood fighting and disaster relief. Although he is still unknown to the public, he is always complacent, proud of being a soldier, and occasionally bragging with his friends, saying that he is. A hero who defends his home and country has achieved first-class merit in a certain mission.

Of course, my friends generally disdain to give him a compliment. Everyone doesn't envy him, because everyone has different values. We always think that our life may be good, and the state of others is very bad.

In any case, Gu Cheng is proud to be a soldier.

No matter how hard or tired he was during training, he never shed a tear, but now he is crying like a child.

The situation is completely out of control, and he can't save anyone!

Right on the edge of the square in the sea, the world in front of him seemed to be a movie called Tragedy on Earth.

The people standing on the wooden block desperately protect their own position, and they will often fail in the end, with countless hands stretched out below, like a life-killing hand from The Underworld, they will be dragged into the abyss.

The only piece of wood cannot carry so many people. Although one-third of the people have died, there are more than two hundred people alive on and around the wood.

These people are pulling the body of the other one by one, only in this way can they be attached and have the hope of living.

Modesty used to be a national virtue, but when the end of moderation means Death, who can look open and not fight for the living seat?

There is no way to use morality to measure the standard of the current event, because there is no way to say that a person who wants to live is morally depraved, shameless and contemptuous.

This is why Gu Cheng cried. He was lost. He was once strong because of his faith, but now he is also weak because of his faith.

He originally wanted to save the world with his own power, but now he realized that the world does not need him at all, because he is also a competitor for these people to survive, and he also needs a place on the square to survive.

With Gu Cheng's side, Liu Tian must be more proactive.

Women are actually stronger than men. This is the result of evolution. They are the carriers of life, so they may always be more calm when facing life and death.

However, women often need men, because their strength is weak, so she needs the support of men.

Pushing the people around him hard, Liu Tian grabbed Bai Qi's leg.

"Bai Qi! Bai Qi! What should I do now? Talk to you!"


Bai Qi finally woke up from a dazed state.

Yes? What should I do? Maybe... there is no way!

Bai Qi made a smile on his face ascending, he slid down, left the wooden block, and entered the sea.

"Bai Qi! What are you doing?"

"Liu Tian, ​​we are no longer needed here."

While talking, he took Liu Tian's hand, pushed away the crowd in the water and swam out, and then came to Gu Cheng's side.

"Brother... I'm sorry, things seem to be out of control... There is nothing I can do."


Gu Cheng cried more fiercely, because he knew how to get up and understood the meaning of his words.

The three soldiers were full of sadness at this time, but they were unable to resolve them.

Lao Wang was lucky. He, Li Xianglan, and Tian Furong were all dragged up by the wooden block at the beginning, so at this time in the most central part, as long as the wooden block does not turn over, he will not fall.

However, sometimes luck is not so simple at all.

Lao Wang was also crowded at this time. He wanted to let the people around him look towards the edge of the block, because he didn't see his son or his wife.

"Wang Suo! Yinhua! Where are you?"

Lao Wang shouted loudly, and the only answer to him was the shouting and crying nearby.

Lao Wang was a little anxious.

He had always felt that own marriage is not Ruyi Scepter, so he did not hesitate to engage in an extramarital affair when he had a chance.

But he never thought about abandoning his own family.

Now, Wang Suo and honeysuckle are missing, Lao Wang is a little scared, he is afraid of losing them! He was afraid that he would be cowardly and guilty all his life.

Therefore, at this time, the old Wang wanted to push the nearby people to the edge to have a look, but he couldn't move a bit, because everyone was crowding in the middle.

As the saying goes, the extremes of things must be reversed, and the extremes of happiness produce sorrow. In fact, the people who are crowded in the center are not the safest.

Just as Lao Wang repeatedly tried to find his son and his wife but failed, he finally heard the shouts of people around him.

"Brother Wang! Brother Wang! What are you doing, Brother Wang, look at me, can you hear me?"

The voice was harsh and hoarse.

Lao Wang turned and looked at Tian Furong, only to see her body leaning, being pinched by several people and unable to move.

Lao Wang hurriedly reached out to pull her, but did not pull."Brother Wang, Xianglan... Li Xianglan... She seems to be trampled to death!"


Lao Wang's eyes opened wide, and bloodshot began to appear in the white of his eyes.


Qin An is a little dazzled, this is really a world, in various forms of human form.

Lao Wang's son is sinking into the sea now, and when Qin An found him he had drowned.

As for Li Xianglan, one of Lao Wang’s little lovers, she was indeed trampled to death because she fell to the ground at the beginning of the crowding. The wooden master was too fast, and it took only ten seconds to be next to Lao Wang. It was full of people, so Lao Wang didn't notice Li Xianglan's fall, let alone hear her cry for help.

To be precise, in fact, there are all kinds of voices calling for help around him, and Lao Wang can't distinguish or notice that Li Xianglan is also shouting.

When Qin An discovered Li Xianglan, she had already died, and her death was miserable.

I was trampled to death alive! That face, the body can no longer be seen, the bones are broken and collapsed, and the internal organs are bleeding badly. Even Qin An couldn't imagine how much pain this woman endured when she died!

Qin An has always felt that he is mature enough to see everything through, but now he is not very confident.

As a person who has been in the last days for 33 years, he unexpectedly began to feel sad for the sight in front of him.

Most comedies are the same, but there are thousands of tragedies, each of which is so helpless.

It may be because I became an ordinary person again, and I can see some things more clearly by standing below.

In any case, this apocalyptic era should also be over! For the sake of future generations, Qin An once again secretly vowed from his heart that when he leaves here and gathers his family, he will end the end of the world and create a new era of peace as his own mission and pursuit in the second half of his life.

Of course, the premise is that he can escape from here.

It is estimated that after a full hour, the square finally quieted down. There were more than 60 people still on it, and there were less than 60 people attached to the wooden block in the water. As Weng Die said before, the space creator gave it to Everyone has a chance to live, but under the fierce competition, only these people can survive, and the rest are eliminated.

"Hey, stupid human beings." Weng Die who hadn't spoken for a long time suddenly spoke.

At this moment, she held Qin Xiaoyan with one hand in the water and put the other on Qin An's shoulders. Qin Xiaoyan was holding on to the wooden block, feeling a little sluggish at this time.

"It's very stupid!" Tang Yu echoed.

These few of them are not too tired, because they have never tried to squeeze a block of wood. The people around Xia Ke are here, understanding Zhian is here, Xu Wenqiang is here, and of course there are some female students.

These people also want to get on the wooden block, but here are Qin An and Xia Ke to maintain order, so they have become the quietest side of the square. There are not so many fights, and even if there is, Qin An will solve it. At this moment, he Can't relent.

"What does it mean that you two sang and tuned together?" Qin An asked curiously.

Before the two women answered, the changed honeysuckle of the Mishu tribe had already sneered:

"Ordinary Mishu people cannot use too direct means to kill. This will violate the laws of space and cause damage to themselves. So now the Mishu people in this space are of an ordinary type, and his level is not even as high as mine! I am Intermediate abilities, he should only be low-level! So, he can't kill people directly. Trapped you all in this sea, including me, he gave a piece of wood, and then let people compete for choice, the survival of the fittest. In fact, people There is another option, and this is also the best way to deal with the Mishu people, that is to ignore the wood blocks, everyone chooses to float in the sea and wait for death. When the first dead person appears, the space is created. The ability of the person will decline, because he brought these people into the space, and then these people were directly drowned by the sea water of the space! This is his responsibility! Ah...it seems to be a philosophical question , The same is death. Competing with each other among the same kind is a natural choice. If you die because of force majeure in this world, then the world is wrong! It is trapped and unable to choose. Karma is born because of the creator of space. In short, as long as humans do not snatch this block of wood, then seven or eight people will die. It is estimated that the low-level stray tree people will be killed by the backlash of the law of space. It is a pity that after the block appears, a group of people will be on the verge of death. People of Death don't think about this. Even if everyone knows, they won't be willing to be the seven or eight who died first!

For example, if the first person is drowning, he will definitely try to climb up the block and choose to survive.

After that, the second person who is about to drown will follow the same path.

So in general, human beings are so stupid. It's better for everyone to die than to die alone! "

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