Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1406 The whole family enters the labyrinth world

Qin Yabei! ! !

This name... Mud Horse!

Qin An was a little dizzy and looked at the little girl carefully, with thick eyebrows, big facial features and clear eyes.

It turned out to look more like Qin Wenxin when he was a child, and he was very connected with the quadruplets. To put it bluntly, he looked very much like his own children.

What's the situation? Where did she jump out from? Doesn’t it have anything to do with yourself?


right! It must be a coincidence, otherwise Qin An really didn't know.

They are all illusory, don't care too much, maybe this kid is really a summoned creature.

Let's find the group of own first.

Qin An frowned and turned on Super Hearing, and then heard a loud voice from a distance of five kilometers.

"Ah! It's really lively here now."

"How can it not be lively? Princess Linghua’s husband selection meeting will start in five days. Almost all human races and foreign races that can transform into human forms have masters present. Look at the Xianju Inn, it is already overcrowded. I heard that it takes five Soul Sword Fragments to live for one night!"

"This is really scary! Five sword soul fragments? Too expensive, right?"

"What's this, do you know why Princess Linghua's choice of husband will shock the world and attract visitors from all over the world?"

"Isn't it for the throne of the Blue Sword Clan? They thought so beautiful! How could the throne of the Cyan Sword Clan let a foreigner do it? If Linghua is not the Five Soul Sword Sect, I don't think the old king would spoil her and let her Come on! Women are really unreliable!"

"Hey, you are not right! If it is only the Five Souls Sword Sect, even if the old king is pampering her, what ability does she have to attract so many foreigners? I heard... Today's Princess Linghua has become the sword god! Fifth! Ten sword god Princess Linghua!"

"What? We are not a sword repair race, so how could we become a sword god? How did she condense sword spirit?"

"No one knows this, wait and see, this time there is a show to watch!"

Huh? what happened? Is it back to the Ionian Plain? Why do people here mention Princess Linghua?

Qin An concentrated on Mental Energy to lock the hearing range into a larger space.

On the edge of that large gathering place, the guarding soldiers were talking suspiciously.

"Hey, hey, my heart is beating a bit, is there any order given above?"

"No! No orders, shit, what a damn! Before, our camp was clearly flat, but now it's all turned into a grassland in an instant? Could it be that some powerful psychic cast an illusion spell? ?"

"Hey, if it's really just like this, it would be fine! Just now I went home to eat, our patriarch, the old man of the Four Soul Sword Sect said, it is likely that the power of Magical Beasts suddenly broke out, and then the entire Azure Sword Clan The gathering place was teleported intact into the space of the Mishu tribe. In short, be careful of defense. Most of the civilians in our camp did not know that this happened because it was teleported as a whole, their houses, and the surrounding neighborhoods. In their opinion, nothing has changed! Don't talk about it anymore. If it causes panic, it is the crime of decapitation!"

Qin An finally understood a little bit when he heard this.

The resident of the Green Sword tribe was actually teleported into the maze world as a whole, which is a bit scary!And what are the three powers of the alliance, tribe, and empire that the little girl just mentioned? Is it the aboriginal people in the maze? In other words, this is actually a time-space world of the Star of Sword Spirit? Just like the world you encounter in the first dimension?

In any case, it seems that the creator of this space at this time should be very advanced. Can a space capture so many trapped people?

"Ah! My little bear is back!"

The little Loli beside him suddenly uttered a sound, and then ran over with his short legs.

Qin An's attention was interrupted, and he turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao Loli, and saw that the so-called little bear in her mouth turned out to be a fucking red bird!

The bird is very humane, and when he flew to the little Loli after being injured, he started to chirp and seemed very happy.

Little Loli was also very happy, and while walking back, he scolded the bird.

"Xiao Xiong, you can't run around casually in the future. People who can't find you will worry about it! Hey, come and have a look. I met two people, and they suddenly appeared. They are probably new teleporters!"

Little Loli ran to Qin An's side, then the little red bird held the sword in her palm and raised it to Qin An with a cordial look.

Qin An looked at the eyes of little Loli, and didn't know why, the vigilance in his heart was slowly dispelled, and he didn't even feel that this little girl would pose a threat to him.

Suddenly, a white light flashed by me, and then enveloping Dong Zhian, Bai Qi, Liu Tian, ​​Qin Xiaoyan, Liu Tianyu, Weng Die, Tang Yu, Tan Jiali, Chen Sixu, Xu Wenqiang, Lao Wang, Honeysuckle, Tian Furong and other twenty The three third-space survivors all appeared abruptly.

It turns out that there is a time difference in the transmission. These people just arrived, and their bodies are as wet as themselves, and they still carry sea water.

"Wow! So many people here again, it's so lively!"

Little Loli clapped his hands in excitement, then bounced around.

The little red bird flew up and landed on Loli's shoulders when she clapped her hands, and began to comb her own feathers with a sharp beak very leisurely.

Qin An raised his head and looked at the sky, the sun had already set in the west.

This world is similar to the normal world. I don't know if the sun is fake or if the cloudless blue sky is real.

Well, let's settle down anyway, Qin An is a bit tired and hungry now.

He just discovered that there are many wild animals nearby when he was spying around. I don't know if he can eat them. Anyway...ah!

Qin An suddenly saw the apocalypse ring on his finger.

Since entering the labyrinth world, the ring has disappeared, but he did not expect to return now, which means that he can use the resources in the ring, and finally he never has to go hungry again!

Feeling better, Qin An moved quickly enough to hug Qin Xiaoyan, Weng Die, Tang Yu, Lao Wang, Honeysuckle, and Tian Furong all one kilometer away from here, and then cut the grass there to expose a clearing, and then cut the cut. The grass is laid flat on the ground so that you can rest on it.

As for the others, Qin An didn't want to be involved with them.

In fact, Qin An also wanted to take Xia Ke away. After all, Qin An always felt that the two should have met, but Xia Ke had a bad attitude towards Qin An, so why bother to stick to her cold ass? Although her buttocks were a little bit curled, little Loli was always with Qin An when she was running on both sides. She seemed to be really close to Qin An. Naturally, Qin An didn't know why, and Little Loli himself was ignorant.

While walking back and forth, Qin An discovered something very interesting.

Now his physique ability has returned to the level of an eight-ninth-level upgrader, so he runs as fast as flying.

However, no matter how hard Qin An tried to run, he couldn't get Xiao Loli down.

The little girl looked like she was stumbling while running with her short legs, but the speed was fast, as if she could get lost in Qinggong's steps.

Qin An was really afraid that she would accidentally fall when she ran, but she never fell down once in the end.

Needless to say, this little girl is a very powerful superpower!

Could it be that the abilities of the people trapped in this space have not disappeared? Why are you so unlucky!

"Uncle, are you tired? Do people over there want me to carry it for you?"

The kind little Loli found that Qin An was sitting on the ground in a daze instead of running around and hugging people, so he asked for help.

"You? Can you hold them? They are all grown-ups!"

"Hmph, Uncle, don't you think me down!"

Little Loli approached Lao Wang as he spoke, and grabbed his clothes and lifted him up with one hand.

Qin An frowned when he saw it. Pharaoh's weight is estimated to be 150 kilograms!

Running fast and having great strength, this little girl is really not easy, no wonder she dared to run around in the wild alone!

This should be regarded as wild!

Qin An found a crimson-haired wolf-shaped animal group ten kilometers away. This thing is called the Red Devil in the Star of Sword Spirit. It is a kind of demonized animal with a ferocious temperament. It hunts any living body they see and runs. Red flames will burn on their bodies, and their individual defenses are very strong, and they are very structured and tactics when cooperating in groups. This is their nature.

Qin An also found some beasts in other places nearby, so this place should still be very dangerous. If Little Loli had no abilities, he would have been eaten long ago.

"Well, your strength is really great, uncle thank you for your kindness, but just ignore those few people, uncle is not familiar with them."

"Okay, I listen to the uncle." Little Loli put the old Wang down gently, then rubbed his hands and bounced to sit opposite Qin An, stretched out his hands to Qin An and smiled and said: "Wet!"

"Oh..." Qin An looked at Xiao Xiao Loli's hand, it was indeed wet, because Lao Wang's clothes were still wet.

As if subconsciously, Qin An raised his hand and held Xiao Xiao Loli's hand. It was small and warm!

"Your name is Qin Yabei?"


"Then your father should also have the surname Qin? Who taught you your Chinese?"

"My father's last name is old! My Chinese was taught by my grandfather, and I can speak English too!"

Qin An nodded, is she also a trapped person? It's just that why does her father have an old surname? I don't know why Qin An felt a little disappointed.

"Jabey, the uncle just came here and doesn't know a lot of things, can you tell me everything you know?"

"Well... but I'm too young, I don't know many things yet!"

"Um...you are a little small, how old are you this year?"

"4 years!"

Little Loli didn't care if Qin An was still wet, but he approached him slimy.Qin An hurriedly supported her body with both hands, not wanting her to touch the moisture on her body.

"Four years old? Why do you wear open pants when you are four?"

"Haha, that's because I'm smart! I secretly ran out of my house last night. My mother thought I was sleeping, and then I secretly ran away because I didn't go to the living room to wear a coat, so my mother probably only discovered me this morning. If you don’t see it, you won’t be able to catch up if you want to chase it!"

"Ah...you are a bit naughty, mother will be worried that you are in danger!"

"Mum won't, Dad will do!"


"Dad is always afraid that I will kill someone when I fight."

"Have you... also killed someone?"

"No, I've never had a fight with anyone. When someone bullies me, it's the bear who helped me fight!"

Little Bear...

Qin An's gaze fell on the red bird.

Can't see what variety it is, is this little thing very powerful? Sword spirit beast or other supernatural beasts?

Hey, this child is too young, and his personality is a bit different...Qin An really doesn't think chatting with her can get the information he wants, so he can only give up.

At this time, the nearby unconscious people woke up one after another. Everyone was a little dizzy and didn't know where they were again.

Qin An took out a lot of food from the Interspatial Ring, and while letting everyone eat, he introduced them to Xiaoxiao Loli.

The women were immediately attracted by Qin Yabei's cuteness, so they asked questions, as if they could ignore the difficult situation now.

Qin An took out some dry clothes for the women to change.

He also took out Qin Wenxin's childhood clothes for Qin Yabei to put on. The crotch pants were all missing. Qin An felt something was wrong. After all, there were two men, including himself and Lao Wang.

The child is four years old, not too young, and he should have privacy.

Qin An's ability to change clothes and food was naturally surprised by a woman who had never seen him before as Deva.

Lao Wang has always been lacking in interest. The death of his son and Li Xianglan had a great impact on him, so he didn't want to talk or pay attention to the people around him.

Qin An didn't know how to comfort him, because Qin An himself didn't have any emotional touches.

Finding a gap, Qin An called the honeysuckle aside and started to inquire.

"I can keep you making honeysuckle, but you also need to express your sincerity and tell everything you know!"

"Hey, I don’t know much, because the Mishu people don’t have much communication with each other. The Mishu people believe in Magical Beasts. This is the only thing we have in common. Usually we are almost in a dormant state. When an intruder, some Mishu talents on duty will summon the natal space to kill people. Now I only look humane because I have burned and copied honeysuckle. The real Mishu talents will not have any feelings."

"Well, I don't want to know too much. What can you say about the space where we are now?"

"I have lost the power now, so my perception is not strong. But after all, I used to be a member of Mishu, so I can still sense some things. This space should be a mixed space opened by multiple Mishu people. , So it can trap more intruders, and it can also summon some powerful and dangerous creatures to actively kill these intruders!"

"But now I think there should be many intruders here, such as the little girl named Qin Yabei, do you think she is an intruder?"

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