Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1411 Nine Birds Fighting Linghua

"Uncle...what are you doing?"

Qin Yabei didn't seem to wake up yet, rubbing his eyes and standing by the lake talking, attracted the attention of Qin An and Linghua.

"How did you come?"

"Little Bear brought me here. He knows that Uncle is here."

The little red bird on Qin Yabei's shoulder called twice, very proud.

Linghua frowned when she saw Little Loli, put away the red light on her hand, she seemed to hesitate to kill in front of the child.

Qin An naturally noticed Linghua's state.

Chance! If you don't leave at this time, when will you have to wait?

So Qin An quickly swam to the shore. During the swim, he had taken out a pair of trousers from the Interspatial Ring and put them directly on his legs, so he was wearing clothes after climbing on the shore.

"Okay, let's go back to sleep."

"Huh? Uncle, who is that Big sis? So beautiful?"

Little Loli's eyes looked good, and she could actually see Linghua's appearance in the dark night.

Seeing that Qin An was about to run, Linghua finally acted. She swam to the shore and put on her own clothes and a cyan robe. After she teleported to a distance of more than 100 meters, she stopped Qin An who was holding the little Loli's hand.

"I won't hurt this little girl, but you can't go! I'm sorry, but you can only be considered bad luck. The body of a woman of the Qingjian clan is very precious. It's just a wishful thinking to leave after seeing it, so you can only hold your name. If this kid wants to avenge you when he grows up, I will wait too!"

While speaking, the woman raised her hand and shot a red light like a flying arrow. Qin An wanted to dodge, but as soon as she left, she was immediately teleported to the position where she stood before, and couldn't dodge it at all.

At the moment of the moment the little red bird flew suddenly, his body emitted a flame and turned into a red light that collided with the blood Qi red light shot by Princess Linghua!

As a result, the red bird was shot on the spot, and the pieces of meat were scattered all over the place, which was very pitiful.

Qin An felt a little angry when he saw it. He had misunderstood this woman before, and she was also a cruel master! Qin Yabei liked this little red bird very much. Now that it died to protect itself, little Loli would be very sad. However, Qin An was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Little Red Bird to be so good that he would be able to withstand the opponent's attack.

"You bad woman, dare to hit me bear? You all come out and beat her!"

Little Loli was originally in a state of awakeness, but when he saw that Little Red Bird was dead, he became energetic and roared.


Who is she calling out?

When Qin An and Linghua were stunned for a while, the nearby space suddenly wrinkled, and then a big blue bird with a body length of five meters and a length of fifteen meters with wings spread out flew out of the void! This bird resembles a dog with its head, teeth, no legs, four wings and eight tails. After flying close to the ground for a circle, dark clouds appeared nearby, and the wind roared. The most striking thing is actually not the momentum of the appearance, but that there are 128-color scales on the eight tails that are the same length! This means it is an upgraded beast of level 128! And its upgraded level surpassed the ordinary sword spirit ancestor beast, and it was already on par with the sword god level!

Qin An was silly immediately, and Linghua cried out in unbelievable exclamation after being shocked.

"Sword God-level divine bird? Dog head has no legs, four wings and eight tails... Is this the legendary divine bird attracting the wind?"

"Puppy, you bite her for me!"

Little Loli gave the command aggressively, and the big bird named Fengfeng screamed like a long cry of Heavenly Dog, hovering in the sky directly towards Linghua, and its body was wrapped in a circle within a radius of ten meters. Gang wind, this wind ring can corrode everything, everything in contact with it will be swallowed immediately!

Linghua didn't dare to be careless, a cyan long sword was already in her hand, her whole body glowed with blood red, the long sword raised her hand towards the wind, the bloody breath filled the sword body, and then turned into a tornado and flew out and hit the wind!

The powerful energy exploded, Qin An hurriedly retreated to a hundred meters away with Xiao Luo, then stood up and looked back, and saw that the nearby trees were all cracked and shattered, and the seemingly fierce wind had been red. The fog tornado smashed into the air, and fell to the ground tens of meters away, smashing the ground out of a big hole!

"Huh? The demigod is not full? This strength is not in line with the upgraded level? Isn't it the god bird attracts the wind?"

Linghua muttered to herself, feeling that although the strength of this thing was very strong, it was really far from the legend, so she was very puzzled.

Suddenly he noticed a flash of fire from his body test and a surge of heat.

Because the attack came too suddenly, Linghua didn't dare to take it hard, she turned on her teleporting ability to dodge the fireball, and watched intently after she reached fifty meters, she saw a five-colored bird the size of a windy bird standing there! This bird has an elegant and handsome appearance, with a red body, yellow-lined feathers on its long neck, blue feathers during its red wings, green feathers on its body, and pink and pink on its long tail! The more striking thing is the 128-color spar crown on top of its head, which makes it look like a king.

Qin An clicked his mouth...Is this a peacock? No, the tail looks different, it's just a little bit like in appearance, so is it...

"The holy bird Phoenix? Is this the holy bird Phoenix that was born at the same time as the father of the sword spirit? I heard that the Nirvana sacred fire can burn all the evil in the world?"

Princess Linghua, who had never seen the world very much, screamed again. She only felt that she was a worthwhile trip today, and she saw two god-tier birds with her own eyes!

You know, the two creatures, the divine bird and the Magical Beasts, actually belong to the same level, and the sword spirit race knows that they exist, but no one has seen them in person.

As a new sword god, Princess Linghua lives in the palace of the Qingjian clan all year round. She is not as familiar with the ordinary ronin. Now she is trapped in the territory of Magical Beasts and encountered two god-tier birds. Naturally, she is a bit inexplicable. Tensed and excited.

"Oh oh oh, the bear is resurrected and transformed! Hurry up, hurry up and call all the brothers out to fuck her!"

Little Loli was suspected of seeing the excitement and the busyness, and just after her voice fell, another big red bird flew out in the sky. Its appearance was really similar to that of a peacock, but it was just like a peacock. The tail looks more imposing. When the wings spread out and flew, many beautiful birds swayed with the wind, and sparks collided out, forming a long entrenched Martian belt behind it!

"Divine bird Dansparrow! The nemesis of dark energy! Phoenix is ​​a genus, good at sound attack!"

Princess Linghua stood cautiously on the spot, holding a green sword in a defensive posture to speak to herself naturally!

"If it is a real divine bird, I may still be afraid of reaching the sword god level, but if it can't even reach the demigod, then it may not be worth taking seriously for me... the little girl over there, and Let me show you what you can do to Big sis!"

Little Loli shouldn't often see her birds show up and fight, so she doesn't care about Princess Linghua's provocation, just cheers for her own birds.

The fourth divine bird appeared at this time, its color was purple and black, its shape was like a swallow, and its body length was about the size of a palm. Carrying an electric awn, the flight speed and wing flapping frequency are extremely fast, the straight flight is like a lightning passing by, and it can turn at extreme speed. Swing its wings at high speed and hover in the air, possessing the ability of instant displacement within a limited range. This is still the legendary powerful thing, the name Ziyan, the lightning manipulator!

Immediately afterwards, the fifth, sixth, seventh and third divine birds appeared at the same time.

The divine bird Dapeng, ten meters tall, has a human body with a bird head and no lower body. It is dragged up by the Lotus flower seat around the cloud. It has a pair of huge golden wings. The arm position of the human body is connected to a giant python of two days, one red and one green. , The red food Blood Qi, the green snake vomits poison!

The red crane is a long-legged crane with a red crest and white feathers! When flying and spreading its wings, the surrounding environment changes at will, as if being in a mirage, it confuses the enemy with illusions, and its claws on both feet have the power to break the earth.

The blue mallard, its color is azure blue, its shape is like a wild goose, and its length is ten meters. When it is flying, a vast ocean with a thickness of 100 meters has been formed under it. A scourge, where there is no turf wherever it passes, the rocks will shatter!

After the seven birds lifted into the sky, Princess Linghua's face finally changed... There are nine god-tier birds in the legend, so whether it is true or not, seven have appeared in front of her, and it will not be...

Before Princess Linghua could continue thinking about it, the eighth and ninth bird had already appeared.

Snowy owl, its color is pure white, its head is like a cat, but it has a beak and is about seven meters high. As soon as it appeared, there was a large snowflake flying nearby, and a thin layer of ice formed on the hot spring lake. This thing is good at snow, and its cold is said to freeze time and space, leaving the entire space in a stopped state!

Golden Crow, its color is pure black, its shape is like a crow, a three-legged bird, and the lord of heat. When it appeared, the ice and snow melted, and the hot spring lake was boiled. The nearby temperature exceeded 80 degrees, and it was a little hot...

So now, Phoenix, Dan Sparrow, Red Crane, Blue Mallard, Snowy Owl, Purple Swallow, Roc, Feng Feng and Golden Crow have gathered, hovering and flying around Princess Linghua. The momentum is so fierce that Linghua looks around. Obviously he didn't dare to relax at all.

f*ck... No wonder the former ten-level upgraded snake was scared off by the little red bird. The nine gods are all 128-level upgraded! Although they must have been spiritually acquainted, why would they be summoned from the void by little Loli? What is the origin of this girl? Qin An was a little confused.

Today’s Nine Birds are a bit miserable. Their strength is actually not up to a demigod. They can only be regarded as close to the God level. If they fight with the Four Mixed Swordsman, they may win. Then the Nine Birds are besieging Linghua, but they have some deficiencies. Certainty.

As Qin An had guessed before, this space could not control the power of the superpower for some reasons, so Princess Linghua was still a true sword god.

Because Qin An's abilities were restricted in other dimensions before, it will take some time for Qin An to fully recover.

So, it is really hard to say who the true sword god will fight against the Nine God Bird whose strength is greatly reduced!

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