Qin An originally slept very comfortably, because his mental energy was in a state of chaos because of the real fire, so he didn't wake up until the warm body got into his arms.

The sky was still full of Stars outside, and the room was dark. Qin An was shocked, then lazily took the undressed girl in his arms and spoke softly.

"Weng Xiaodie, what are you doing?"

"No, I want to sleep with you."

"Okay... but I think it's more comfortable to sleep with clothes on."

As he spoke, a pair of red shorts and a red vest had been transmitted from the Interspatial Ring and put on Weng Xiaodie's body.

"You...how did you do it?"

Weng Xiaodie felt that Qin An's methods were really weird.

Qin An smiled, since the little ones are here, don't be polite with the big ones.

Qin An's sixth-level fourth-level upgraded ability has a great Ascension. In fact, his strength has already surpassed the previous strongest state after nightfall, but he still has not reached saturation. Qin An can feel that his own energy is still increasing, that is to say. His abilities, strength, Mental Energy are still improving.

Qin An has been able to let Mental Energy invade the brains of others, and then leave verbal messages to communicate with them.

Weng Die was tossing over and over in her own room and couldn't sleep. Hearing Qin An said that Weng Xiaodie, who was drunk, ran to give Qin An a hug. She immediately panicked and hurriedly moved to Qin An's room.

Weng Die was naturally nervous and anxious, Weng Xiaodie was crazy, and Qin An was overjoyed by the arrival of the two women. When he brought up Weng Lan as a topic, the two women were quiet. The decoration is not bad. In his room, on the warm and comfortable bed, Qin An held his two sister-in-laws and talked about his favorite woman, and finally fell asleep. Nothing happened to the three of them. Qin An became a person inferior to a beast. The reason why he said that is totally wrong. Because of the story before the end of the world... There was a man and a woman sleeping in a bed. The woman drew a line in the middle of the bed and said to the man: "If you dare to cross the line at night, you are a beast." The result was the next day. In the morning, the woman found that the man hadn’t crossed the line, so she said to the man: "You're not as good as a damn animal"!

But the beasts of this night are not as good as the two generations of Weng Die. Weng Xiaodie finally understands Weng Die. In fact, she and Qin An originally had infinite possibilities, but because of a gap, all the possibilities have become entangled. It is Weng Lan.

Hey... Weng Xiaodie became depressed because of Weng Die's entanglement.


After staying in Tucheng for a day, Qin An set off for the barracks, and then turned into the territory of the Qingjian tribe.

The Shenyuan Festival will be held two days later. For this reason, the Qingjian tribe has specially built a huge square at the center of the camp. There are also many small squares on the periphery of the camp for holding activities. Artists of various ethnic groups have begun various funny praises. , They all came to the Qingjian Clan to join in the fun on the eve of Shenyuan Festival, but they were trapped in the space together."According to legend, in ancient times, there was a god-level curse card Shenyuan came to the world, and the nameless giant was the first to discover the curse card, but was arrested as a pet by the god-level curse guard in the spell card. I don’t know how much it has passed. In 1970, two souls who stayed together had sincere feelings. The god-level curse-shou clan personified unnamed girl wanted to form a relationship with the unnamed giant, and this approach obviously touched the law of the spell card, and the energy of the gods curse exploded. After the two died, the powerful energy merged the flesh and blood of the two to create thousands of lives! From then on, some races were born, including the Qingjian tribe, so the Qingjian tribe also had the Divine Yuan Festival, and This holiday has been passed down."

Walking on the official road into the city, Xiao Beiyu introduced to Qin An the origin of the Shenyuan Festival, and Xiao Beilan was also accompanying him.

In fact, Qin Sanchuan originally wanted to bring two super powerful young wives with Qin An, but Qin An refused.

The purpose of this time is to gain support from the members of the Blue Sword Clan, so I came to participate in the selection meeting, not to fight, and if you really want to start, two more people may not be able to help. After all, among the members of the Cyan Sword Clan There are really powerful masters, the Five Soul Sword Sect already has the power of a demigod Realm, so in the entire Azure Sword Clan, there should be dozens of hidden Five Soul Sword Sects, right? So Qin An didn't plan to make trouble, just follow the rules.

Then there is another important reason for not bringing his son and daughter-in-law. Qin An doesn't want them to witness the whole process of his participation in the meeting of husband selection, so as not to talk nonsense when they see Weng Lan in the future.

Therefore, Qin An followed the Xiao family's two brothers and sisters into the territory of Qingjian City in the name of visiting relatives, and then planned to start this journey of choosing husbands by himself.

Now the strength of Xiao Beiyu's brother and sister has reached the Four Soul Swordsmanship. This is all the credit of Li Suoqiu and Mu Xiaoci. They taught the brother and sister two breathing exercises Qi Condensation, which allowed them to make progress.

This method is naturally obtained from the mysterious unknown person, and it needs to be completed with the silver needle to seal the acupoints. It is very strange, and it is also effective for those with the sword Spiritual Qi ability.

Qin An looked around with interest. The Qingjian tribe's clothes were very simple, and both men and women were long gowns.

Of course, there are not many women on the street, even if there are most of them, they are wrapped up like a mummy, and there are men accompanying them.

Occasionally, I met one or two single women who were not followed by men who were also wrapped tightly. Their waists were all tied with a golden yellow iron belt, which was a sign of nobility.

As a noble woman, she can travel alone, but she must wear a golden yellow iron belt to show her identity, otherwise she will be caught in prison.

Aristocratic unmarried women also have a privilege, that is, they can travel with their own fiancé without covering their face. This is actually not accepted by morals, and usually only those men who think their fiancées are lowly women will not care.

In other words, wrapping up travel is a kind of love for their own women from the men of the Green Sword tribe, which may be difficult to understand for the people of the earth, but it has become the norm for the members of the Green Sword tribe.

The women of the Qingjian tribe love the festival of Shenyuan more than the men, because in these days before the end of the celebration, all women can go to the streets without a man, and they don’t even need to wrap their bodies and cover up. , How can this not let women go crazy? They are actually tired of this social physique and ethos that is very unfair to them.

Qin An also saw that many businesses were hawking on the streets. They did not sell many kinds of items, usually household items, and the food was only a minority. Today, the food in the Qingjian tribe's territory is extremely expensive.

"Ah, so many people, where to find your home?"

Qin An frowned and asked.

"Did you see the tall attic building in front? It is a post house. Unlike the annotations on the term post house on the earth, in the eyes of the Qingjian people, the post house is a police station. There are complete household registration records. We You can check it out."

"Do you have a computer and internet?"

"There is no such thing, but we have abilities who are good at remembering. These abilities are natural computers, equivalent to searchers in the network of your earthlings."


"What is Baidu? I'm not sure."

Qin An nodded helplessly, secretly saying that Xiao Beiyu was an alien after all, and it seemed that he didn't know Baidu in the pre-apocalyptic era.

The three of them arrived at the post house very quickly, and found the residence of the Xiao family within a short time after entering. Qin An admired the work efficiency of the memory ability person very much.

In this way, the three people walked quickly on the street, and it took a full hour to find the Xiao family compound in the civilian area.

The circle around the so-called compound is a wall pulled out with cloth, and there are a dozen yurt-like houses inside the wall.

Qin An turned on the Spiritual Sense ability to observe the sky, and found that the Xiao family's current population is estimated to be as many as 70 or 80, namely Xiao Bai, Xiao Yu, Xiao De, Xiao Feng and the subordinates in their respective homes.

Xiao Beiyu and Xiao Beilan were a little bit timid about their nostalgia. They stood in front of the gate for a long time and did not knock the door. Qin An felt that this was not a way to keep delaying, so he took the initiative to hit the door. After a while, there were footsteps in the yard. , The door opened, and a 13-year-old child leaked his head.

"Big sis?"

"Bei Ming!"

Xiao Beiyu naturally recognized that the kid in front of him was his cousin Xiao Beiming, but Xiao Beiyu did not recognize him. In the real world, he had been away from home as a ron for a long time, and now he has spent eighteen years in space. In the year, it is not bad to remember that one of his cousins ​​is named Xiao Beiming.

"Big sis, why are you here? You...you go!"

Xiao Beiming seemed a little excited.

"Go? Why did you let me go as soon as you came back? You kid, forgot how Big sis hurt you when you were a kid? Ah, eighteen years... I thought you would grow up to be an adult, but the outside world really just passed. It's been a few days!"

Xiao Beiyu has been a young grandmother in Liu's house for a few years, and now she is also a cowardly girl. If it was before, he would not dare to talk to the men in the family like this, even if the other party was her Little Brother.

"Sister, I ask you, are you already married in this dimension? And you are still an earthling?"

Xiao Beiyu's face was reddened, and he nodded and said, "Yes, how did you know?""It's not that Nan Guang. He seems to have been trapped here for more than ten years. Now he has sent someone to inform the Nan family about Nan He's disappearance and the news that Big sis has married an earthling. Now, Nan Guang's wife Hongyue Niang Nan Xing, two powerful four-soul sword sects of the male family, Nan Lie is meeting with his uncle, saying that we must give us an explanation, even if Nan He is dead, Big Sis wants to remarry again and needs her husband’s consent, so now Big sis has committed a serious crime of insult to the husband’s family. They demand that we give all the women in the family to them as compensation, otherwise they will sue the official...Hey, the four major families are the ruling class, and the government is their family. what!"

"Why... how could this happen?" Xiao Beilan's face became pale.

Xiao Beiyu and Qin An looked at each other, and Xiao Beiyu said in embarrassment: "Qin An, I am sorry to cause you trouble. According to the laws of the Qingjian clan, it is indeed necessary for a married woman to marry someone else with the consent of her husband's family. The woman’s family has to compensate her husband’s family with a lot of money, so if the Nan family catches it, Bei Lan will indeed be held legally responsible.”

"Hey, your laws are really abnormal. Okay. Anyway, we don’t expect to stay here long anyway. We want to hold them back. Then let your parents and family members go to our territory, and wait until I finish here. The election of husbands, and then we are cleaning up the annoying Nanjia."

"But... we are at a loss for this matter. If they must ask us to give an explanation immediately, I'm afraid I won't have to talk."

"Don't worry, I still have almost 7,000 sword soul stones. If we can't beat them, let's give the money. When I get Princess Qingjian Linghua, we can just grab them and grab them back!"

"Seven thousand! My local tyrant, please support me!"

Xiao Beiyu looked humble.

As a general of the League, he has experienced many things and gained a lot of strength over the years. Therefore, his thinking has become more mature. I really don't feel how big the Little Sister is. Isn't it just remarrying? What is this?

In a sense, Xiao Beiyu has actually been assimilated into the thinking of a human being on the earth, which makes him even more despised of the thinking rules of the Qingjian tribe.

"You...are you Beiyu Big Brother?"

Xiao Beiming finally recognized Xiao Beiyu, but he couldn't believe it and asked.

"Yeah, my little cousin, let's go in right now, aren't they the two Four Soul Sword Sects of the Nan family? Big Brother will do it!"

While talking, Xiao Beiyu walked into the hospital first, with Qin An, Xiao Beilan, and Xiao Beiming following him.

While walking, Qin An had turned on Super Hearing to find the position of the head of the Xiao family, and finally saw Xiao Bai, Xiao Yu, Xiao De, and Xiao Feng sitting opposite the man named Nan Xing and Nan Lie in the discussion hall. There was also a woman who just covered her face with a veil, but she didn't even wrap her breast.

Qin An opened her perspective to look at her face and recognized that this person was Nangong's wife, Hongyueniang.

When Qin An spied the Qingjian clan's residence in the mixed camp, he learned from the conversation between Hongyueniang and Nanguang that Linghua had become a sword god. Unexpectedly, I would meet Hongyueniang here now. In fact, for Qin An, this happened a few days ago, but it was also eighteen years for Hongyueniang.

I don’t know how long there was silence in the room. In the end, the middle-aged man called the actor said: “That’s the condition. All the women of your Xiao family come to my house as slaves. Go back to your own home to eat, how about it, can you agree to give me an answer!"

The head of the Xiao family, Xiao Bai, has angry eyes, and the actor's meaning is already very clear, that is, the woman in his family goes to their house as a slave, and if anyone is attracted, he will stay in the south house and sleep with the man in the family. ! This is definitely a big insult. Although the members of the Qingjian tribe don't value women, how can they tolerate their own family's women being toyed with by other family's men?

As a result, the angry Xiao Bai couldn't continue to calm down, he stood up suddenly, and whispered: "Secondly, if you are going to sue the officials, go and sue! I, Xiao Bai, will not accept your proposal even if the family is killed. Require!"

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