Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1424: A Good Man on Earth

"Lan Big sis, are you really married to an earthling?"

"This is a little hard to imagine, Lan Big sis, forgive me for being direct. I want to say that the people on earth are naive?"

"Of course they will be naive! How old are they? The oldest are just over a hundred years old, so how can they not be naive?"

"Will it be boring to be with naive earthlings? Are they really very small?"

The girls chatted around Xiao Beilan like little birds.

Xiao Beilan's mother Liangzhi was sitting behind her daughter and combing her hair. She had listened to Xiao Beilan's account, and she was a little bit emotional when she learned about her daughter's experience over the past 18 years.

This mood is the same as that of Qin An. Her daughter has only been away for more than ten days, but she has become someone else’s daughter-in-law. She has spent eighteen years, and what is even more entangled is, did she marry a man on earth? ?

Xiao Beilan looked at the three cousins ​​and the many cousins, with a ruddy smile on her face.

"Yeah! He is naive..."

Liangzhi's body trembled slightly. Her daughter was really pitiful. She was trapped in this space after the Double Moon Disaster, and then married a man on Earth. She must have had a hard time for eighteen years, right?

The women nearby also gave Qin Beilan pity, regret, sigh, or sympathy.

Xiao Beilan looked at everyone's expressions, her smile became a little brighter, and she said:

"He is a little naive and makes people want to laugh!

do you know? If the men on earth fall in love with a woman, they will not go directly to the woman's house to propose marriage, but will find a way to pursue a girl.

The person in my family wasted a lot of scheming when he pursued me.

I have received all kinds of gifts, bundled four-leaf bouquets, sweet fish in the sea of ​​nothingness that tastes good, small porcelain dolls made of clay, bicycles made of wood... In short, the one in my house just sent me Gifts are so ubiquitous that you can come up with any idea, which is really annoying and annoying. "

Ah? The women in the room were a little startled. Is it annoying to be given a gift? No, they like to receive gifts, but it's rare for their men to give them gifts.

"Just when I was annoyed to die, the one in my family suddenly disappeared!

He didn't give me a gift for ten days, and he didn't show up to me. This is something that has never happened before. For the past two years, he must come to me every day and say something nice.

I really don't like him. I just feel that the people who would come every day are no longer coming, and I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Then finally ten days later, he appeared again. It turned out that he had gone to track the Space Beast with people! After killing the space beast, he collected 16 sword soul stones! He smoothed them out and punched them and put on a bracelet for me... It's really a luxury. The sword soul stone loses its energy after he uses a sharp tool to process it and can only be used as an ornamental..."

While talking, Qin Beilan raised his hand and shook in front of the crowd, and everyone discovered the crystal-clear bracelet in Xiao Beilan's hand.

OMG! What a nice view! It's really luxurious too!

It turned out to be polished from 16 sword soul stones. The so-called soul stones are naturally spiritual. Polishing them into this shape is estimated to have no spirituality, and beauty is beautiful, but the value is much less than before. Why is the earth man so stupid? Do this kind of violent thing.

However, the hearts of women are actually not at peace, because they have all begun to imagine, if such a beautiful bracelet, would it look like on their own wrist? ...Oh my god, it was like a dream.

"Do you think it's a waste?"

A group of unbalanced cousins, aunts and aunts nodded immediately.

"Yeah, I thought it was wasteful! The earthlings are really stupid... But when I thought about it, my man...

Oh, don’t you guys know what his name is?

His name is Li Chenxian. The Orientals on Earth are actually very similar to us. They also speak our language and the composition of their names is similar to ours, as if we have a common ancestor. Li Chenxian knelt gorgeously at the moment when he gave me the bracelet! The people on earth call this a marriage proposal! "

"Oh my God! How can a man kneel down?"

"Yeah, what kind of style is this!"

"So useless!"

The women began to crusade against Li Chenxian, as if the tabloid reporter finally discovered the excitement of the celebrity cheating.

"Yes, I also don't think men should kneel, but my husband told me that he might only kneel once in his life!

The man has gold under his knees. He kneels to the heavens and knees to his parents, but he will not kneel to a woman!

But he was willing to kneel to me that day. From then on, he asked me to be her wife. His kneeling represented his loyalty to me, represented his willingness to stay with me forever, and represented that he would be forever. Guard me like a knight!

He is not asking me to kneel to any man, including himself!

Because he was afraid that my knee would be sore, he was willing to protect me not just empty words, but to protect every detail, including my knees and my mood!

He swears that he will be able to fulfill his vow to me, and he will kneel and humiliate himself to promise, so that he will not forget it even if he carries it back!

Well, the sword soul stone bracelet that seems to be useless in my heart is actually a token of love he gave me!

In the eyes of others, those were only sixteen damaged sword soul stones, but they were actually all his wealth. He gave them all to prove that he was willing to share his everything with me.

And the reason why the bracelet was made to destroy the value of the sword soul stone, he wanted to use practical actions to tell me that I am the whole of his life, and he can give up everything he has for me...

Hey, you said, how can there be such a stupid, so stupid, and so useless earth man in the world? Perhaps because of pity for him, I finally agreed to marry him with a soft heart, became his wife, and became the most precious and priceless treasure in his life! Really, he is so good to me, I am always softhearted! "

At this point, Xiao Beilan moved quickly and looked at each woman's face.

They were all blinded, and no one thought of going to joke Xiao Beilan!

OMG! What a beautiful oath! Are you a man's treasure? Being held in the palm of your hand for care?

They have never dreamed of such a thing, what kind of feeling would it be?

Earth man... what kind of creature is it! They are all curious!

It's really not to blame for these women's short-sightedness. They often bring home at home. The world they see is what men instill. They always think that women should bow down in front of men. They never thought that men on earth would treat their wives like that. It's completely different from the Qingjian tribe!

"So... do you need to kneel for him at home?"

"Of course not. Human feet are used to walk. Men are men and women are also women. Why should I kneel for my husband?"


Yes? Why? It's obviously more comfortable to walk. Why do they often kneel on the ground and climb? All the women are speechless.

"Will you wash the feet of Master Li?"

"Will do……"

The women exhaled a long breath, and finally became a little balanced in their hearts.

"But that only happens when I am satisfied with what he does, usually he washes my feet! He said this is based on science!"

The women are all depressed and unable to speak. They all think that Master Li is so pitiful that he wants to wash women's feet. How shameful is this?

"My husband said, women’s feet are small and men’s hands are big, so use your big hands to touch them. Kneading the feet will definitely make them very comfortable! On the contrary, men’s feet are big and heavy, and women’s hands are small and weak, so women give The comfort of a man's foot washing is definitely not as good as the former!

Therefore, when God created the human race, the division of labor was actually clear. Men should wash women's feet. This is a scientific principle that conforms to the physiological structure. Men should do the same! "




Buddha Tathagata!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva!

That Master Li said so reasonable! Then why does the Qingjian man never wash the feet of a woman? why why why?

At this time, even Xiao Beilan's mother was considering this issue.

"Master Li will also take you out to play?"

"Of course, but I also occasionally go out to play by myself."

"Can you really go out by yourself?"

"Really, women on the earth can walk freely on the street without being ridiculed or sanctioned by the law!"

"How did that happen?"

"Well, I asked my husband this question before, so he asked me back, why can't women leave the house?"

"Because it is often seen by other men, it is a kind of disrespect for your husband!"

"Oh, in that case, why can men walk around at will? Why can they disrespect their wives? This is my husband's answer."

The women were blinded again. In fact, they thought about this question in their hearts and discussed it in private. Of course, there was no answer in the end, so they didn't think much about it.

Now, this question was raised by an earth man, so the nature has completely changed. Why do alien men feel that they cannot understand what men of their own race think is justified? Could it be said that this incident... is actually a mistake?


In the room, the women continued to discuss around the mysterious Master Li. Qin An had left the Xiao family compound alone at this time. He was not treated well by the Xiao family, so he could only go out to see if there were any special snacks. .

Before leaving, he heard Xiao Beilan's account and saw the women's reaction.

Qin An only thought it was a bit funny, and at the same time admired Xiao Beilan very much, as expected, it was just like pretending!

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