Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1428 A Wave of Poems Hidden

"Linglong, beautiful and pretty,

The concubine Huarong Yuemei smiled.

The princess is really fooling around looking for her husband,

The lord has come to be proud haha, Miss! He is so mad, he compares himself to the lord, and makes you proud, but the first two sentences are praised for you, exquisite and charming, beautiful and beautiful! Moreover, the first word is indeed Princess Linghua, which is in full compliance with the proposition, so wonderful! "

Princess Linghua's face was reddened, and she nodded gently:

"It's a pass, the key is the words, it's really beautiful! There is softness in the steel, soft and not pretentious, it is the most beautiful font I have ever seen."

"Miss Miss, are you fascinated?"

"Mini ghost! Isn't there 4123 songs? If you are fascinated by just reading one song, what about the latter? Let's watch it slowly."

"Well, Miss, you can read it, and Huan'er will read it to you!"

Linghua squinted her beautiful eyes, and gently opened the next page.

"Ling Hua is full of fragrance in the garden,

Who will spend the New Year?

The in-laws opened the door to welcome the princess,

The housewife came in to worship the official!

The bad guy! Always take advantage of the princess. Just now I said that I was the lord, making the princess not proud. Now I directly compare myself to an official, and said that the princess will bow down to him when he enters the door! Good or bad! What kind of identity is the princess? You don't even need to kneel down to see the king. She is the only woman in the Qingjian clan who doesn't need to kneel down! However, this poem is also the hidden head of Princess Linghua, and although the four sentences are not very rhyming, they are also very smooth! It's really good, my God...Princess, this Qin An is so talented! "

Linghua bit Own's lip, did not speak, and continued to turn the page.

"Lingying Xiangxuefei egret,

The colors are all over the sky and fall into the dust!

Justice and law are still there today,

The lord will be the king for Iraq!

Miss, I don’t understand this! What are you talking about? "

Zeng Huan frowned.

Linghua was also frowning, thinking for a while and whispering softly:

"Lingying, Xiangxue, Egret, they should all refer to noble and beautiful things, and they describe me naturally!

The color was all over the sky, and it was said that a woman like me appeared in front of him. It should be referring to the encounter between me and him in the hot spring lake that night.

Justice is still here today, meaning...I was going to kill him that night, but he convinced me with reason, so he was still alive.

The lord will be the king for Yilai. The first'wei' is the second syllable in Chinese, meaning that he will be my king, and the second'wei' is the fourth syllable. I have read the poetry of the east of the earth, There is a saying in it that says,'The so-called Yiren is on the water side. ’Yi Ren can mean a woman...so the meaning of this poem is that he will become my king, and then he will come for me!

Ah, the meaning of this four-house poem is too vague and implicit. If I hadn't personally experienced that kind of artistic conception, I might not understand it.

Hmph, this bad guy is really capable! It's just that his last sentence is still teasing me and he wants to be my king. Is this declaring war on me? It's so bad! "

"Ah, that's what I meant! I didn't expect it, but in this poem my favorite sentence of justice is still there, Miss, fortunately you didn't kill him. If such an interesting person dies, it would be a shame NS!"

Linghua was taken aback for a moment, then glanced sideways at Zeng Huan, then frowned her eyebrows.

How does this little girl bring her cherish spring, her face flushed?

Shaking her head, Linghua didn't want to guess the mind of her maid in this environment, so she continued to read.

"The boat of Ling Xiao asked the heart of the lake,

Autumn forest with turbulent patterns.

Publicly carry fruit and harvest rain,

The main reason is that the water is flowing overnight!

I don't understand this poem either! Miss, please explain to me! "

Zeng Hao looked very tangled.

Linghua gently raised her hand and put it on her face.

OMG! Some are boiling hot.

"The swinger, what a swinger! Every poem is teasing me!

The Lingjiao boat asked the center of the lake. This boat said that I got down into the lake!

The pattern is turbulent Qiulin, don’t we swim around in that lake? The turbulent water is rippling, and the spring is full of gardens, and someone is feasting their eyes.

Gong Zai Shengguo Fengshouyu, huh, this ‘guru’ is Qin An, look, he is provoking, saying that he has a good harvest, which means that he has seen all of us, and he is too addicted to his eyes!

The main reason is that the water is flowing overnight! It means that that night became the source of me and him. The reason why he came to the selection meeting was because we met that night! "

"Miss, it's so artistic, why is this person so funny?...Ah! Miss, what did you just say? You said he saw us all?"

"Yeah, could it be that you wore clothes that night?"


"Are you still swimming several times in the water, and then rubbing your own body?"

"...Oh my God! Miss, why didn't you say it earlier, what can you do? I've been seen all over!"

Linghua looked at own maid with contempt, then ignored her and turned to the next page. This time, she said softly by herself:

"Lingjiang has flooded ashore,

Spend the fairy in the waves of the lake.

The public Tibetan grass crown is silent,

The master removes his armour and falsely sleeps.

Oh shit! Good rascal! "

"Miss, what do you say about the vulgar words of the earthlings!"

"Look at this poem?

The Lingjiang has water flowing ashore, and the flowers flow into the fairy lake. It’s about the joyous play after we entered the lake,

The public Tibetan grass crown does not speak, the master removes his armour and falsely sleeps. It is said that he took off his clothes in the grass and slept at us!

Ah, I knew I shouldn't believe him, he didn't fall asleep at all, and even lied to me to fall asleep! Oh shit! Damn it! "

Princess Linghua's voice was a little coquettish, Zeng Huan blushed, unable to speak a word.

Princess Linghua turned to the next page angrily. The master and servant were stunned when they saw the above verse, thinking they were dazzled.

After watching for a long time, Zeng Huancai said:

"Huh, princess? Why doesn't this poem meet the requirements?"

"Yes, all the previous poems were the hidden head of'Princess Linghua', why isn't this one?"

Zeng Huan cleared his throat, and then read:

"The king issued an order to call his husband,

The name of the dagger of the man under the grass!

Eight males hoe the heifers for private ownership,

The last point on the king is Qin Nan!

What's the matter with this poem? Don't hide your head, Miss, what does poem mean? "

Linghua frowned, and shook her head after a long time:

"I didn't understand it, but it always feels not easy!"

"Yeah, there is also Qin Nan in it. It must be Qin An who talks about himself, but this line of poem is really not rhyming, I don't understand it!"

"Linghua was thinking about it for a long time, but she still couldn't think through it, and she couldn't help but feel a little irritable.

Zeng Huan saw Linghua's thoughts, so he added his jealousy: "Miss! Why don't I go get that Qin An for you, can we ask him face to face?"

"It's ridiculous, I don't want to ask him!"

When Linghua said this, her tone was crisp, but there was a lot of hesitation on her face.

At this moment, Zeng Huan's expression changed drastically, and he said: "Just now the boys used Mental Energy to tell me that there were three groups of 17 people approaching the Xiao family compound. It seems that the target is Qin An! They may not be able to deal with it. , Ask me to support!"

Linghua's face turned gloomy, looking at the incomprehensible poem, she suddenly said:

"what time is it?"

"Three o'clock at night!"

"Well, the night black wind is high, it's a good time to kill! Tomorrow you will post a post to tell everyone that I killed the seventeen unghosted people, because they want to make money and kill!"

While talking, Linghua's figure suddenly disappeared, but the collection of poems she was holding was not taken away, but fell on the table.

"Ahhhhhhhhh! Miss, you took me, why did you run away alone!"

Zeng Huan was anxious, but she couldn't catch up with Princess Linghua who turned on the teleportation ability and left.

The houses the civilians live in are actually very sturdy. This kind of house structure is at least much stronger than the resettlement houses built in the earthquake-stricken areas of the country before the end of the world. Therefore, Qin An sat cross-legged on the roof without feeling that he could fall.

He knew that someone had come near the Xiao family compound, so he sent it from the house to the roof.

Qin An does not intend to disturb the Xiao family. If it were not for the Xiao Beiyu brothers and sisters who insisted on staying, he would have even moved out, because this time he will shine brightly and become the target of public criticism. He does not want to cause unnecessary trouble to the Xiao family. , And don't want the Xiao family to become the burden of the owner.

It seemed that he still had to move out to live. It was only the first day that he was remembered by people. It is true that wealth is not revealed unless he has strong strength.

At this moment, a person's breath suddenly appeared next to him. Qin An didn't need to turn his head to look, already feeling that the person here was Princess Linghua.

She has a particularly impressive body scent, which seems to be addictive or crazy.

"The king issued an order to call his husband, the name of the dagger under the grass! Eight males hoe the heifers for private use, and the king is Qin Nan! Let me ask you, what does this poem mean? Why is there no hidden head?"

"That kid looks nasty and has a bad attitude towards me. He doesn't know how to read, so I just wrote a poem to cheat him out of money. I didn't want him to be promoted."

"You... profiteer!"

Princess Linghua calmed down after scolding Qin An angrily, secretly frightened.

Suddenly appearing next to this man, he is not surprised at all?

Just because of this calmness and freedom, his city mansion has already surpassed many members of the Qingjian tribe, and he is in danger and not chaos, as if everything is under his control.

And... this time his aura is so strong, although he is extremely calm, but Linghua just feels that the man in front of him seems to be different from the first time they met, and there is something unfathomable.

How did it happen? Is he a master?

"Linghua, if you help me solve some of the people who are visiting, and promise that no one will trouble me afterwards, I will tell you the meaning of this poem! Oh, by the way, I still need a room, and one can live in. How about a clean place that is taken care of by someone, delicious food, and will not be disturbed? Can we reach an agreement in exchange?"

Qin An saw that Linghua seemed to have a strong interest in her own poem, so she began to make qualifications.

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