The first thing that appeared in the black mist was a somewhat huge leg. The shape of this leg was not a human leg. It was covered with black hair, which looked like a cat's leg enlarged thousands of times.

The next moment, a huge black shadow jumped out of the black fog, and a strange beast that was more than 500 meters long was born!

"Oh my God! It has evolved again! The elves' bombs failed to kill it, and it has evolved again! This is the S.S26 stage, and it has been upgraded twenty-six times in ten minutes! We are done, no one can escape! It Too powerful! It's a dead spirit, it's a death spirit..."

A fugitive suffered a nervous breakdown due to the sudden appearance of a strange beast. He no longer had the desire to continue to flee, so he knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

Qin An and Linghua raised their heads and looked forward at the same time, only to see that the alien animal that crossed a hundred meters above the head really looked like a cat.

Its four legs are all pure black hair, and the upper part of the legs are all white.

Different from ordinary cats and beasts, it has hundreds of eyes of different sizes and colors on its body.

These eyes are very spiritual, and you can feel all kinds of complex thoughts after looking at them.

Because the eyes are unevenly distributed throughout the body, it is likely to have 360-degree vision without blind spots.

Qin An and Linghua were looking up at the multi-eyed cat beast, and all of its eyes suddenly released light together. The two of them felt that their minds were dizzy and almost lost their consciousness, and their bodies shook and hurriedly lowered their heads.

And all the nearby fugitives who had looked at each other with their eyes in just a moment, they all exploded and died, turning into blood!

This ability is obviously just evolved from the multi-eyed cats and beasts. The fugitives did not know it. They saw many people dying around them, and found that there was a brilliant light in the sky. More people looked up to the sky while fleeing. After the eyes of the multi-eyed cat beast looked at each other, they all burst into blood immediately, and the number of people who died unexpectedly exceeded 10,000! Only those who didn't look up and just bowed their heads to escape survived! Then the people who have seen the cat's eye, Qin An and Linghua escaped the catastrophe by virtue of their strong mental defenses.

"What a powerful ability! Qin An, wait for me!"

Linghua's body had disappeared from the ground after a soft drink, and once again appeared next to the multi-eyed cat beast at a height of 100 meters. The cyan Linghua Excalibur was held tightly in her hand, and it was a sword against the giant beast.

The red scarlet blade shot angrily, instantly became bigger and slashed on the neck of the multi-eyed cat beast.

What a princess Linghua, the power of this sword is really heaven-defying, she even cut off the head of the defensive multi-eyed cat directly in the air.

Princess Linghua was still a little nervous, because she was the person who felt the defense of the opponent most clearly when she started her hands.

She almost failed to split the defense of the multi-eyed cat.

So now... is it dead?

Princess Linghua was thinking, her body was already under the influence of gravity, and then she fell downward.

As Xiang was falling, she suddenly saw ten figures flashing rapidly in ten different directions around the body of the multi-eyed cat.

Is it Qin An? What is he doing?

Linghua was puzzled, but Qin An had already caught up with her falling body, and then took her hand and gently dropped to the ground. When she landed, Linghua felt that there was no gravity under her feet. The ground impact that should have been withstood did not appear.

"Qin An..."

Linghua whispered and called Qin An's name but didn't know what she was talking about. Then she was stunned and stunned, because she discovered that a huge giant appeared around the body of the giant hanging beast. The optical net trapped the multi-eyed cats and beasts who did not live or die.

"What's that?" Linghua asked casually subconsciously.

"Three Spirits Sleepy Sky Curse!"

"What? That was the trapped prison of the Sword God once? Are you...are you really an earthling? How could you collect 10 3 trapped heavens?"

Linghua is very different. She only thinks that Qin An is simply a superman, seemingly omnipotent.

"Sorry, it can be resurrected, rewind!"

Qin An and Linghua felt the power of the sword god's warning curse almost at the same time, and Qin An shouted, Linghua had opened the shadow sword to break through the void and led Qin An across 5 kilometers away.

A huge bright light rose, and a powerful energy shock wave with cats and beasts as the center point spread to a radius of seven kilometers.

Because they are far away from the energy explosion point, and both Qin An and Linghua are strong defensive people, although the body that was impacted by the energy wave lost its center of gravity and flew back several tens of meters to land, they were not seriously affected. damage.

It's just... when Qin An and Linghua stood up embarrassedly, when the light gradually dissipated, and when they were in a panic, they looked at each other "Ah!"

Linghua let out a shocking sound that was enough to cause the ground to move, and then squatted down quickly, making every inch of her skin flush.

Her clothes and Qin An's clothes were all crushed by the energy wave and turned into a naked relative state.

While squatting down to protect the vital parts of own, Linghua also accidentally saw Qin An's body.

At that moment, her heart almost didn't jump out. Although she was panicked, Linghua was finally relieved.

Who said that the earth man is small?

Although she is still an out-and-out alien girl, she has lived for so many years after all. She has seen her from the Qingjian tribe a few times. Compared with Qin An's, she is obviously still inferior to Qin An's. Qin An is indeed very mighty, he is indeed a very capable person in all aspects!

No one can use words to describe Linghua's feelings at this time. That kind of powerless, ashamed, contented, stimulating, panicked sense of urgency made her almost want to die immediately.

Qin An covered his lower body innocently, looking at such a shy female sword god, he felt a little funny.

As a traditional Oriental man, he felt that it was nothing to face a naked woman after thirty-three years of the last days. Nowadays, mixed bathing and public toilets do not violate the social norms, let alone just take a look.

However, Linghua's reaction still made Qin An's empathetic face flushed, and at the same time he couldn't laugh out in this atmosphere, or say something ambiguous to molest Linghua.

"Hurry up and put it on. It's not that you haven't seen it before. Don't be so shy. Don't forget that I have a clairvoyance ability. I have seen every inch of your body a long time ago. There is nothing shy about it!"

While talking, Qin An took out a set of clothes from the space and threw it to Linghua, then turned around and dressed himself neatly.

When she turned to face Linghua again, she found that she was looking at herself stupidly, still squatting, without any reaction, and she did not put on clothes.

"Did it happen? There are still S.S27-stage Space Beasts to deal with."

"You said... you usually see me all the time? You have see-through eyes? Yes, you have see-through eyes!"


Qin An was very speechless about Linghua's mind so much, because it wasn't a big deal in his mind.

Just about to say something to enlighten Linghua, she didn't expect that this woman suddenly jumped up from the ground like an angry lion, then threw the clothes she had given her aside, and then flashed over and punched her in the chest.

Qin An originally wanted to evade, but he quickly felt that Linghua's punch seemed to have no power.

So Qin An didn't hide, and let Linghua's fist hit Own.

Next, Linghua sealed the devil with another fist and struck it again, and then the third, fourth, and fifth punches. At this time, Linghua was not a female sword god at all, she seemed to be fighting with her husband. Like a sloppy ordinary woman, she banged Qin An's chest with two delicate little fists, and screamed and complained with tears.

"How can you do this! Don't you know that the body is the most precious thing to our Qingjian clan women? How can you do that except for the owner's husband? Then you keep watching! I'll let you see enough, let's see, see if it is the same when looking through the clothes with the clairvoyance ability and without clothes? Look, look good! Look!"

Qin An was made two big by the nonsense Linghua.

However, his eyes were not idle, or he was really helpless and forced. When Linghua kept hitting him with her small fists, she was said to be the most beautiful woman in Qin An’s life, and the softness of her chest was also Become the most beautiful bunny Qin An has ever seen in his life!

This f*ck makes people burst into blood.

Qin An even felt that his own nosebleed was about to flow out.

It turned out that the story about a boy seeing a girl bleeding from a nosebleed was not fake and it was unbearable. Qin An opened his arms and pulled Linghua into his arms, because only in this way could he not look at Linghua's body.

"Okay, stop making trouble! I now know how precious the bodies of the women of the Blue Sword Clan are... I may not be able to promise you anything, what I can do is to become the king of your Blue Sword Clan. , Because I need your power! I will also tell you the story of own to let you know what kind of earth person I am! We can start with friends, and in the future...Linghua, in fact, I am not A good man, not even a good man. Once upon a time, I was as small as all the people on earth. I lived to survive, and I worked hard to survive and didn’t want to die! Put on my clothes, I watched... .Some you understand? It is the kind of desire that men have towards women. Hope makes me uncomfortable, it has nothing to do with love! I don’t want to be like this, because I have treated many women like this, not because of love And being together is just because of responsibility or desire, which is very bad!"

Qin An’s tone was a little sad, Linghua experienced the early stage resistance in Qin An’s arms, and then calmed down, feeling the man’s embrace and his heart.

What kind of person is this? She felt that her heartbeat was also accelerating, and she felt obsessed with this warm embrace, and seemed to never want to leave again.


This word is also in the human language system of Sword Spirit Star, so she has inadvertently fallen into it.

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