Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1453 The Natural Queen Tang Yu

Zach is a senior manager in the domain of God in this area, and believers usually treat him as a god. Has anyone ever said such rude words to him.

So he tore his hypocritical face, and a wicked and lewd smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, I haven't seen such an arrogant kid on my own territory for many years. Interesting! What a fun!"

Zach's gaze was fixed on Qin Wenxin's body. He actually didn't have any interest in mature women, but he loved Qin Wenxin who looked at girls about ten years old.

He likes the confused and painful expression on their faces when they enter their bodies.

Li Watermelon is a very shrewd boy. He was only used to being bullied by Qin Wenxin since he was a child, so he looked stupid in front of Qin Wenxin.

Now seeing Zac looking at Qin Wenxin's gaze, Li Watermelon became angry.

It's one thing that he doesn't like this follower, but it doesn't mean that he can accept some inexplicable scumbags to look at her with full ***.

Qin Wenxin also realized that he had become Zac's target at this time, so he frowned slightly.

She didn't like Zac's gaze very much, and there was some anger in her heart.

Qin An once loved Miss, is that good-tempered?

Just when Qin Wenxin was about to go mad against Zach, Li Watermelon, who was also very hot-tempered, had already taken action.

The first skill of the Fire-Gathering Sword is Fire-Gathering. Li Watermelon raised his finger to Zac. Before Zac was unaware, he had shot a continuous ball of light in his hand, just like the bullets of a laser gun. .

"Puff puff

After a series of bursts of air, the ball of light pierced through the air and hit Zac directly.

Zach, who thought he was awesome, had no time to dodge and was killed directly.

The little girl Qin Wenxin raised her hand and gently covered her mouth. After a daze, her eyes fell on Li Watermelon, her eyes full of worship.

At this time, Tianju is actually set up almost a thousand meters away from here, and people in Tianju can see all the dynamics within a few kilometers outside through the energy screen.

Qiu Jinse, who has to coax her children every day, is now completely reduced to an authentic housewife. Her mind is all on her children, so besides caring about her own sons, she also cares about Qin Wenxin.

"Jinse, there is something wrong with Xinxin."

Ling'er created a brand-new intelligent system in Tianju, called Xiao'an, whose image is exactly the same as Qin'an, and her voice and personality are set in the same way as Qin'an. Qin An was against it at first, because women lost interest in Qin An for a while after Xiao An was born. They chatted with the artificial intelligence image Xiao An every day, and Qin An began to eat the jealousy of the intelligent system.However, he was alone and weak, and the women felt that Xiao An was reliable, so Xiao An could not be successfully deleted by Qin An under the protection of the women.

Seeing Xiao An suddenly appear, Qiu Jinse put Qin Busheng in his arms in the crib and smiled:

"What's wrong? You bullied Li Watermelon again?"

Xiao An smiled and shook his head, linking the Tianju energy system and turning on the energy screen.

Therefore, Qiu Jinse saw the entire process from Qin Wenxin's four encounters with Zac to Li Watermelon's angrily killing each other.

"Look at the little girl's expression."

Qiu Jinse commanded a little excitedly.

Xiao An immediately adjusted the picture and gave Qin Wenxin's face a close-up.

"Yo-yo-yo, these little eyes are full of admiration, but they seem to lack some of the emotions they should have."

"Yes, Li Watermelon was furious and murdered because of Zac's infringement of Wenxin's eyes. Wenxin only saw the power of Li Watermelon, but couldn't understand the child's thoughts! Although Watermelon is annoying to ask the heart on weekdays, it is guided deliberately by you. After all, the two children have finally been stumbling over these years and have been together and never separated. There is always class feelings."

Qiu Jinse nodded with bright eyes, and then said to the three older children who were playing with building blocks in the house: "Hu Xiao, Fang Zheng, Xiaotian, you take care of Tianbao and Shifu, mom will come back soon after going out!"

The three elders nodded obediently, and then continued to play with toys, not caring what mom was going to do.

The two little ones lay in the crib and turned their heads desperately, yelling to kill them. In fact, no one understood what they were yelling.

Qiu Jinse directly asked Xiao An to link the space channel, and then left Tianju for a few moments and walked to the four children.

"Mother Jinse, why are you here?"

Xiao Jiumei stuck her tongue out, Dongsheng and Watermelon became nervous at the same time, Qin Wenxin ran to Qiu Jinse affectionately and grabbed her hand.

In fact, Qin An’s women are very good to their children on weekdays, but maybe because Qiu Jinse has the most births, so she has more experience in motherhood, so she is the one who resembles her own mother most in the eyes of children, so whether it was before Qin Jiusi or Qin Potian are a bit afraid of Qiu Jinse. They always feel that Qiu Jinse is more in charge of Qiu Jinse than his own mother. Yin Yao's mother always loses the smell of young woman.

As for Qin Wenxin, she was closer to Qin Xiaoyan when she was young, and she never caught a cold with her own mother Li Na.

After Qiu Jinse came in, under Qiu Jinse’s active hobby for Qin Wenxin, the two of them had gone through the ups and downs over the years and had established a super friendship relationship that surpassed the sisters of mother and daughter Ji. Sometimes even Li Na and Li Na and Qin An couldn't even understand why Qiu Jinse was so kind to Qin Wenxin.

In any case, Qiu Jinse is really very concerned about Qin Wenxin, especially when Qin An intends to hug his own baby daughter, Qiu Jinse will immediately rush to make trouble, and that is simply omnipotent, life and death is to prevent Qin An from hugging. Just hold it by yourself.

At that stage, Qin An was really the first and two adults, but among all the women, Qin An liked Qiu Jinse the most, so although he was very depressed, he was reluctant to talk about her, so Qin An would often sneak in in the middle of the night. The case of Li Na stealing her baby girl in the room happened.

The reason why Qiu Jinse did this was naturally because Qin Wenxin predicted that she would have an Electra complex.

This is a secret Qiu Jinse didn't tell anyone. She has always regarded this as her own mission, and must keep Qin Wenxin away from Qin An imperceptibly.

Therefore, Qiu Jinse specially found a good partner for Qin Wenxin eight years ago by Qiu Jinse. Over the years, Qiu Jinse didn't know how much effort she had spent in order to let the two children collide with passionate sparks.

"It’s okay, don’t you just kill someone, don’t worry, hey, mom is not old-fashioned, you can continue shopping, I just ask Wenxin to say a few words...or just wait here first, You will continue shopping when I finish talking to her."

Under the different gazes of Qin Jiusi, Dongsheng, and Li Watermelon, Qiu Jinse hurriedly pulled Qin Wenxin 20 meters away with her sexy buttocks, and then began to communicate with him in a low voice, intending to conduct emotional counseling.

"Girl, watermelon just killed someone, what do you think?"

"Thinking? I don’t have any thoughts. I just think the watermelon is very powerful. When I was a child, he used to use his fingers as a machine gun. I didn’t know that this was a very powerful ability! Very cool, this trick and Dad’s Red Leaf Flying Daggers look a bit like, but the light ball shot by the watermelon is faster, but the attack power is far worse than Dad’s."

"Well, the girl is really careful... I want to ask you, why does watermelon kill people? Didn't the mothers in the family teach you before? Can't you kill innocent people casually without encountering real enemies? That's called Although Zach’s foreigners look annoying, they haven’t hurt you either? Why did the watermelon kill people?"

Qin Wenxin was a little anxious when Qiu Jinse said this, and explained for Watermelon:

"That's because the foreigner always looks at me, his eyes are so bad that the watermelon kills people!"

"Oh... So, did the watermelon kill people for you?" Qiu Jinse cunningly started to seduce the little girl who is under ten years old, vowing to push her to the end of her puppies love.

"Yeah... Watermelon, he was only 8 years old because of my originally smart questioning. After all, he was only 8 years old, and he was confused by the veteran Qiu Jinse.

"Don't you always shout that watermelon doesn't like you? Then why does he even help you kill?"

"Because Qin Wenxin frowned her pretty little brows and was a little tangled, she couldn't answer this question.

"You need to know that you will be punished by your mothers for casual killing. Watermelon can't even be punished for you. What is the reason for this?"

"Mom, I don't know." Qin Wenxin finally lowered her head decadently after thinking about it for a while. She felt it was impossible for her to understand such a complicated problem, so she gave up wisely.

"That's because watermelon actually doesn't hate you. He likes you very much in his heart. He is naturally angry when he sees Zac staring at you! It's like if other men staring at moms, dad will lose his temper. Yes, if you can't do it, you will beat and kill people. So, do you understand?"

"Huh?" Qin Wen was stunned.

Will Li Watermelon like herself? Then he usually plays by himself, always without himself.

But what Jinse’s mother said seems to make sense. Watermelon did kill people in anger for her. If he doesn’t like himself, he shouldn’t be angry, right?

In Qin Wen's mind, the meaning of love is still very narrow, at least she still doesn't understand the meaning of love.

However, Qiu Jinse looked at Qin Wenxin's expression and keenly noticed her careful thoughts, so he nodded with satisfaction and hit the railroad while it was hot:

"Do you understand something? The question you don't understand is, since watermelon likes you, why don't you usually play with you?""Hmm!" Qin Wenxin nodded immediately, secretly saying that Jinse's mother knew what she was thinking best.

"That's because he thinks that you are always fierce to him. He has no face. After all, he is a little man! So you can try it. In the future, when no one else is around, you can still bully him like before. You can beat him and scold him. But when someone is there, I mean you have to be obedient in front of the watermelon when anyone is there. You must first discuss with him when you do things. You can’t beat and scold him casually. If you can do it If you do, I believe that Watermelon will not always avoid you as before, and even he will take you when he goes out to play, because he takes you with Face, so you won’t be laughed at. You are obedient. Good baby! Understand?"

Qin Wenxin nodded vigorously again, feeling that what Jinse's mother said was very reasonable, and planned to try it.

Qiu Jinse finally laughed, and only felt that the puppies journey she designed for Qin Wenxin seemed to finally set sail.

At this moment, more than a hundred foreigners wearing black clothes ran from a distance. Their feet were extraordinary, and they looked like supernatural powers.

Qiu Jinse put away her smile and frowned slightly, and returned to the other three children with Qin Wenxin.

Within a short while, more than a hundred people in black ran over and surrounded the five people.

The leader named Joseph jumped out to speak fiercely.

"Who is it? So dare to kill Zac with such a courage?"

Qiu Jinse looked at Joseph calmly without feeling any fear.

Isn't it more than a hundred supernaturalists? There are tens of thousands of realm sword repairers in Sky Curie!

And even without them, Qiu Jinse thought that he could kill this group of people by himself!

While thinking about it, suddenly a group of people dressed in white rushed out of the street, the total number was five or six hundred, and surrounded all the people in black with supernatural powers.

Qiu Jinse looked sideways, and they were all dumbfounded. Tang Yu turned out to be the leader of the group of people in white clothes!

"Jade Big sis...Where did you go when you weren't in the city these days? Who is this man in white? Why haven't I seen it?"

There were some seductive smiles on Tang Yu's face. She scanned Qiu Jinse and the others before she said:

"They are the supernatural beings I have found nearby these days. They don't belong to the Divine Domain Gate. Instead, they have a deep festival with the Divine Domain Gate. I have organized them together to form an organization called Tang Clan! Jinse! I will tell the girls when I go back later that this Big sis doesn't go back to Tianju very often recently. Let Guo Xiaomei help Xiaoyan take care of things in the city. You guys will honestly cultivate the moral character at home and learn the three obediences and four virtues for me!"

"Don't go back to Tianju? What are you doing?"

Li Watermelon jumped up in excitement at this moment and shouted:

"I know! Aunt Yu wants to occupy Europe, defeat the gate of God's Domain, and become the queen of this continent! Aunt Yu, I want to be with you. Will you take me to fight the world? I will be your vanguard!"

"Haha! Watermelon, my auntie has been watching you since I was a kid, okay! Follow my auntie in the future, make sure you eat delicious and spicy food, and within three years your name, Li Watermelon, will spread throughout Europe! As the saying goes, a good man must Throw your head and blood, or else how can you grow into a strong man and marry a fascinating wife? This king will officially enshrine you as my low-level protector of Tang Clan. Work hard, and you will definitely make achievements!"

Li Watermelon's enthusiasm that was teased by Tang Yu's words almost reversed.

Qiu Jinse was completely blinded, my God! Is the queen's disease in this woman's blood about to break out again?

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