Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1459 Call Mother

What is Qin An's ability? He himself couldn't tell. Now they are all mixed up. All abilities are released in an instant. You can do it if you think about it. Several Sword God skills can be merged instantly to achieve the strongest attack effect.

Then Qin An wanted to deal with Mu Zi, of course, he couldn't use any big killer moves. After all, he was still a friendly army, and it was not right to do it here.

Qin An's purpose was only to play Muzi and avenge his humiliation to Linghua.

First of all, Qin An turned on Po Tianyao's skills by his side. This is Mental Energy's defensive ability. Once turned on, it can protect Qin An from any Mental Energy attack and detection. That is to say, even if Qin An secretly acts on Mu Zi, Will not be perceived by his Mental Energy.

Since you want to secretly do something, naturally you can't let your opponent grasp the handle, knowing that it's a good thing you've done.

Next, Qin An concentrated on several control abilities and launched an attack on him behind Mu Zi.

This kind of offense is too direct, of course it can't work. Qin An's purpose is to make Mu Zi feel threatened, and then...

Mu Zizheng strode forward, and suddenly felt the powerful Mental Energy energy fluctuations coming from behind him. He hurriedly stepped away to the side and turned to make a defensive posture, looking for the source of the attack.

At this time, Qin An, Linghua, Jin Baidi, Nan Muchen, Ke Yangdi, and other masters of the four major families, as well as several teams of soldiers who are responsible for monitoring the space beasts, are all at a distance of more than 50 meters. Mu Zi looked towards each other.

Qin An seized the opportunity and played the funny prank he had just discovered again when Mu Zi turned around, and transported all the clothes on Mu Zi's body to several kilometers away.

The corners of Qin An's mouth raised a slight arc, and the others were immediately dumbfounded.

"...What is that?"

"It's so small..."

"It is estimated that Mu has lived for too long. Although some methods have been used to make own face look young, that thing has shrunk!"

"Yeah, can it still be used?"

"I guess it won't work anymore. Look at its feeble appearance... The most important thing is that it's too small!"

The people around lowered their voices to discuss, but the voices could still be heard by people nearby.

Mu Zi was stunned for a few seconds and then he screamed screamingly. The reason why he said it was screaming was because the voice was really hysterical.

"Who is it? Who did it? I want to kill you! I want to kill you!"

After shouting a few times, Mu Zi covered his lower body with both hands and turned and ran, still shouting while running.

"Kill you... will definitely kill you!"

The shouts gradually disappeared from near to far, leaving behind a group of people. You look at me, I look at you, and they all laughed in the end.

So in fact, the people of the Qingjian tribe are very similar to the people of the earth. At least in some aspects, the aesthetics of the men of the Qingjian tribe and the earth men are the same.

It is absolutely a shame that something is too small, so as a super elder, Mu Zi has his own pride, and naturally there are some bottom lines that he does not want to be touched.

He is indeed too old, some functions have been degraded, including that place.

Qin An discovered this secret with a perspective eye. In order to vent Linghua's anger, Qin An began to play tricks on Mu Zi.

No matter how strong his own ability is, he is not good at controlling things, so he can't protect his own clothes, so Qin An easily succeeds.

Seeing Mu Zi's panic and madness, Qin An is also a little bit emotional. It seems that the body is really important to the Qingjian tribe, and the behavior of being naked seems to be a lossing face for men. what.

At this time, most people actually didn't know how the incident happened. Why did Mu Zi's clothes suddenly disappear? Is it Linghua's hands and feet? At present, it seems that Linghua can only be doubted, because she seems to have the ability of Spatial Teleportation.

But Linghua's abilities can't actually be so meticulous, she is just good at teleporting people from a long distance, but it has no effect on objects.

Then among the nearby people, only Linghua knew that Qin An did everything, because she had seen Qin An's ability to transfer objects twice.

Suddenly, Linghua was moved again. The woman who fell in love was originally naive. She always thought that a man took a few deep breaths in front of her to help her remove the carbon dioxide in the air so that the fresh oxygen could be more moisturized. She did not know others. Qin An actually didn't think too much at all.

No matter what, the SS-level space beast was killed in this way, and people saw a strange picture of a legendary clan Lao Lu "little" bird running wildly, so the mood became very good.

The previously arranged surveillance personnel can withdraw to the main camp of Qingjian, while Linghua, Qin An and others return all the way first.

This time Qin An is going back to the Alliance camp to live, because he wants to play with his two granddaughters. Now Qin Yabao is the time to learn to speak for fun, and she can fly, even more cute!

Linghua was reluctant to give up to Qin An, because Qin An's story hadn't been finished yet, and she wanted Qin An to make Mapo tofu for her at night, but she had rounded up all the tofu in the market.

Qin An did not sympathize with Princess Linghua's enthusiasm, and returned to the own camp. He admitted that he could not forget the beauty Linghua exposed in front of him, but it was nothing more. As a mature man who had seen big storms, he still had this point. Self-control ability.

After staying in this space for several days, Qin An’s mood stabilized, thinking that it’s useless to be worried. Gale, Erhe, Xiangming, Yana, Potian and Catalina and others who have not been found yet, At the moment, I can only pray for them to return safely to the camp to manage the residential area. Qin An discovered that Xiao Beiyu and Xiao Beilan's brothers and sisters had brought the whole family back.

A group of people are visiting the new place where their family will live in the future under the warm reception of Li's sister and brother.

Qin An was a little dumb, didn't the Xiao family look down upon the people of the earth? Why are you still willing to live here?

Qin An only understood after asking Xiao Beiyu.

It turned out that the strength he demonstrated these days and the appearance of Weng Die as the earthly sword god played a role.

Many members of the Qingjian tribe are talking about people on Earth, thinking that since this nation can produce masters like themselves and Wengdie, it must not be too weak, at least there are some strange things, but they have not discovered it before.

And the Xiao family was indeed struggling in the old place, the food at home was getting scarcer and less, and it seemed that it would be impossible to solve the problem.

I heard that Xiao Beiyu is a high official in the human power, and if he moves here, he can solve all the problems.

The Patriarch of the Xiao family finally nodded in agreement after hesitating for a long time, and then moved over.

And entering the territories of the people of the earth, to the people of the Xiao family, is almost like grandma Liu walking into the Grand View Garden, and the tubaozi entering the city, completely blinded.

The men’s eyes are not enough. They whispered about the not wanting face of the earth’s women, all of them are so exposed on the street, with their legs and breasts and buttocks exposed, while watching the earth’s women drooling, they only feel that although they are all She has black hair and dark eyes, but the charm of an earth woman is completely different from that of a green sword woman.

Xiao Beilan's cousins ​​and cousins, Aunt Aunt, are also dumbfounded. Why are the women on earth and men shopping together with men carrying things in their bags? In addition, we often see women on the earth getting angry in front of them, and men on the earth behind laughing and coaxing women with good things. The women of the Green Sword clan began to discuss, thinking that the earth man was spineless and the earth woman was too rude, but in their hearts they had knocked over the five-flavored bottle, the feeling was not more complicated.

Xiao Beilan also explained to them that the earth women are actually very attractive because they are not too imprisoned and can show their own personality and true temperament. They are not like the women of the Qingjian tribe. They are kept at home every day. When they meet a man, they just know Kneeling, there is no personality or character at all. Then because of the individuality, the earth woman can show different beauty, and when getting along with it, every earth woman is different.

When Li Chenxian heard that his own mother-in-law, father-in-law and sister-in-law and eldest sister were all here, he naturally ran out to greet him immediately. All are frightened and don't know how to deal with it. When the concubine Li Chen appeared in front of everyone wearing a pair of tight leather pants and an umbilical strap, the Xiao family fainted halfway, including Xiao Beiyu's father and the head of the Xiao family.

It seems that it will take some time for the Xiao family to adapt to the life environment and habits of the people on earth.

After Qin An heard Xiao Beiyu talk about these interesting things, he did business.

Counting Xiao Beiyu's gains in the exchange market these past few days, it is estimated that the sword soul stone obtained can be refined into a hundred sword Spirit Stones, which is not in vain.

But Qin An was not satisfied. He still took out all the sword soul stones for exchange, and asked Sanchuan to take out all the accumulation of the entire alliance over the years and exchange them in the market. When the Soul Sword Fragments were sold out, they would use the Spirit Stones head to exchange the Soul Sword Stones. This was still a profitless business.

Qin An also wanted to practice the Sword God Stone, because with this thing, he could create the Sword God!

After chatting with Xiao Beiyu, Qin An started to talk to Annie.

Although Annie grew up in United States, Liu Tian is an authentic Chinese, so Annie's thinking is still a little conservative.

The reason why Qin An approached Annie was nothing. It was to take care of his son's marriage. Qin An couldn't figure out that Annie and Sanchuan's children were both so old, so why couldn't they get married?

In a small tent, Qin An asked her doubts after chatting for a while.

Annie blushed and sat there for a long time without saying a word.

After Qin An’s many urgings, Annie finally lowered her head, and then she spoke shyly:

"When Sanchuan was first able to speak, I asked him to call my mother..."


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