Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1468 Unexpected Surprise

"Yana is your son's daughter, that is, your granddaughter. Why? Didn't you know that Qin Qicai had a girlfriend who was not a girlfriend eight years ago? Her name is Catalina. Lived with Qin Qicai. Later, when they were dispersed by the tide of zombies, Catalina was pregnant. She gave birth to Qin Yana alone and worked hard to raise her, but it was not easy

"What! Colorful daughter?"

Xia Ke, who had just appeared to be a queen fan, almost knelt on the ground with her legs soft.

This is too exciting!

Over the years, I have suffered from Qin Qicai's not having a child. This is not only the pain of my own, but also the pain of the other four sisters in the Seven Sword City of the Sword God Empire.

Why did a granddaughter pop out suddenly?

After a short while, Xia Ke summoned her invisible black hair, hugged her body and flew to the south quickly, following Qin Sanchuan, Xia Ke was already a little impatient.

Xia Xue was already pale at this time.

What's the situation? Not only has she become a silly little mother, now is she going to do it with little grandma?

My God, life is such a drama.

A group of turtle old men went crazy happily. They were trapped in the small swamp space for many years, but now they all came out suddenly?

Looking at the nearby grassland and the blue sky and white sun in the new world, how could they be unhappy?

Katerina, who had been in a coma before, has also woke up, holding Qin Yana in her arms and crying bitterly.

Qin Yana also cried naturally, crying while comforting her mother.

"Don’t cry, didn’t you say that you don’t know how to cry? Katerina, I don’t like you like this, because you cry and I want to cry too. You see I’m crying now, I feel so sad.

The gentleman Qin Qicai couldn't help raising her hand and wiping the tears from her eyes, she was at a loss as to what to do.

He was so strange to his mother and daughter, but now they have become his closest relatives.

Tang Jiudie walked to Qin Qicai's side and pushed it, motioning him to step forward to comfort.

Qin Qicai gave Tang Jiu father a thankful look, but still failed to take a step towards the mother and daughter.

At this moment, a person fell from the sky, it was Qin Sanchuan.

Qin Sanchuan recognized Qin Qicai almost as soon as he landed, so he immediately rushed to embrace with a smile on his face.

"Dage! Haha, do you know who I am?"

Qin Qicai was frightened by Qin Sanchuan's enthusiasm, and hurriedly broke free from his arms. After a few glances, she felt so kind.

"You are

"I'm Qin Sanchuan! The third of the quadruplets back then! Dage, haha!"

Excited Qin Sanchuan just smirked after yelling Dage.

He was really happy. Not long after his father appeared, now there is a half-parent Dage, which is almost like a reunion.

"Sanchuan...? Brother, don't make a joke. If he is still alive, he will not be just nine years old now.""Dage, you listen to me, this space and the outer space are not in orbit, only a few days have passed outside, but it's been eighteen years here! Can you understand? I just entered this space from outside the other day It's the world, but the time track of this world is eighteen years... Oh, how do you say it? Anyway, that's it. I'll see my father and ask him to tell you!"

Qin Qicai's whole body seemed to be electrocuted.

"Father? You mean Qin An? Is he really here?"

"Hmm! Yeah, haha, your mother is here too, and now staying with your father, I came here to pick you up specially by my father's order!"

When it was over, Qin Qicai only felt that her own head was too big, and she had received too much information at once, and she couldn't accept it at all.

At this moment, the two little guys quickly flew past Qin Qicai and Qin Sanchuan.

Qin Yabei fell beside Carter Lin'an and Qin Yana, and then reached out and grabbed Qin Yabao, who was wearing a diaper, into his arms.

"Little Big sis, are you Qin Yana? I’m Qin Yabei, this is Qin Yabao, and we are all your Little Sisters! Qin Sanchuan’s child, and Qin Sanchuan should be your father Qin Qicai’s father, so we are you Little Sister...Albemarle, am I right?"

How did Qin Yabao know what Big sis was talking about? I just flew a long distance, and now I am tired, so he lay down in Qin Yabei’s arms and found a comfortable posture and started blowing bubbles with saliva while being silly Look at the sky, she looks like a kid.

Qin Yana and Katerina who were crying were interrupted by the villain who came suddenly, so they naturally stopped crying.

Qin Yana straightened her body and saw a little girl standing in front of her who was half a head shorter than herself. She whispered and said: "But I don't know you, I don't know Qin Sanchuan you said, and I haven't seen it before. My father Qin Qicai"

Heart-piercing, these words deeply pierced Qin Qicai's heart.

No matter how embarrassing, Qin Qicai couldn't be an ostrich at this time.

He patted Qin Sanchuan on the shoulder first, motioned him to wait and talk, then turned around and walked to Qin Yana's side, knelt down and grabbed Qin Yana's little hand.

"Is your name Qin Yana?"

Qin Yana suddenly saw a strange Uncle, and she was not shy, because this Uncle didn't look like a bad person, and the most important thing was that her mother was by her side.

"Yes, I am Qin Yana, how do you know my name?"

"I...I heard what your mother said, Yana, my name is Qin Qicai, have you heard of my name?"

"Qin Qicai? Is it Dad?"

Yana grew her small mouth in shock, and turned her head to ask Catalina.

Catalina was still sitting weakly on the ground. Seeing her daughter looking straight at herself, she nodded sadly, feeling that her own energy had been drained, and she shed tears again.

Catalina is really not easy. She took a few small children for so many years alone. Within a few days of meeting with Qin An, she experienced Yana’s disappearance. Then she entered the swamp space and found her daughter but could not be rescued, and she was seriously injured. .

She had collapsed, but when she was most helpless, she never dreamed that Qin Qicai would appear before her eyes.

It was like a dream, and Katerina had verified it more than once. This should not be a dream, but a real thing.

Then suddenly encountered Qin Qicai, how should she behave? How can she revive her broken nerves?

Catalina didn't know, and couldn't think of it.

Qin Yana got her mother's confirmation and her eyes lit up.

But she did not rush into Qin Qicai's arms, but hid behind Katerina, only showing a small head and looking at Qin Qicai and speaking softly:

"I believe you are my father, but I don't want to call you father!"

At this point, Qin Yana's small mouth was raised, and her red eyes shed tears with Katerina.

What Qin Qicai looked at was sad, and she didn't even have the courage to ask why.

At this time Qin Yabei helped Qin Qicai cheaply, and asked directly, "Why don't you call him father?"

Qin Sanchuan saw that the atmosphere was not so good, and hurriedly stepped forward to take Yabao into his arms, and then put Yabeira down next to him.

"Why did you take Little Sister out? See if I go back and don't take care of you!"

After that, Qin Sanchuan embarrassedly explained to Qin Qicai who was looking here: "These two children are my daughters, one is called Qin Yabei and the other is called Qin Yabao, both of which were brought up by my aunt Wengdie. The Chinese characters of Yana were continued. My aunt said that the names of our generation were too random, and the Chinese characters were different, so he couldn't tell that they were a family, so he followed Yana with the Chinese characters of the two children."

Qin Qicai nodded and wanted to smile at Sanchuan, but didn't laugh because he was too complicated.

At this time, Qin Yana over there has already answered Qin Yabei's questions.

"Mom said, Dad doesn't like her, so it was an accident that I came into this world! I was all accidental, why do I need Dad?"

Qin Qicai was completely silly after hearing Qin Yana's words.

This...this sentence is even more heartbreaking, and Qin Qicai can't refute it.

Qin Yana was really an accident, he didn't even know that such a person existed in the world!

So who should be blamed?

Blame Catalina?

No, Katerina has already said that she has suffered so much in order to raise her children over the years, and she has endured all the hardships in the world. Therefore, she must not be blamed. She has fulfilled her obligation to be a mother after giving birth to her child. responsibility.

Blame yourself?

Yes, of course I must blame myself.

He was so merciless to Katerina at the beginning, but he never regarded her as his own woman.

After being separated, he never even thought of going to find her.

If I went to find it then, maybe Katerina and Qin Yana would not suffer for so many years.

Ah, an adult, Qin Qicai, who is not young and frivolous, exhaled a long breath, completely speechless, she didn't know how to face the mother and daughter, let alone how to communicate with her daughter.

He cried out in his heart, this daughter is definitely not an accident, she is a surprise, a gift from heaven to him!

But in his mouth, he still couldn't utter a word because he was ashamed!

"Hide away! Why stand there like a log? What kind of child is crying, don't you know how to coax it?"

A light and shadow came Xia Ke angrily pushed Qin Qicai aside who was in the way, and then squatted forward and squatted beside Catalina and Qin Yana.

Xia Ke heard what the little girl said just now, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

But as a mature woman, she knows that what she has to do now is not to mourn the spring but to solve the problem.

A child, a woman with a broken mind, is not a problem for Xia Ke.

"Hi, hello Katerina, I'm Xia Ke, Qin Qicai's mother, don't cry anymore. When you cry, Yana will cry with you. These eyes are like balls!"

While talking, Xia Ke took out a handkerchief and wiped away tears for Katerina.

This remark was very high-level, and Catalina's originally collapsed mood was rescued.In any case, she loved Qin Qicai very much back then, not only because Qin Qicai was the first man she really came into contact with, but also because Qin Qicai was indeed a very attractive man.

Now the man's mother suddenly appeared in front of him, making Katerina very dizzy, so the crying emotion was disintegrated.

At the same time, Xia Ke mentioned Qin Yana, and also reminded Catalina, the mother, that it is impossible for her child to cry all the time. No matter how sad she is, she should not rush in front of her daughter as a mother.

Based on these two reasons, Catalina quickly stopped her tears, held Qin Yana in her arms and comforted her softly.

Xia Ke really smiled when she got here, very happy.

Look at the girl crying into a small cat, her eyes are swollen but she is still so beautiful and cute!

It's really similar to Qin Qicai, with the father's style between the eyebrows and the eyes.

what! Can't be wrong, this is definitely Qin Qicai's daughter, own granddaughter!

Xia Ke only felt as if she was being tickled in her heart. She knew that the atmosphere was not so good, but she couldn't stop her smile at all.

"Yana, I heard what you said just now. I can answer your question. You are not an accident, but a surprise for us all!"

"Who are you?"

"Haha, I have introduced myself to Katerina just now. Our Yana is so smart, it shouldn't be impossible to guess. Are you embarrassing me on purpose?"

Yana's careful thoughts were pierced by Xia Ke, she was embarrassed to stick out her tongue, and then said: "Okay, I see, you are grandma."


With this grandma's call, Xia Ke was simply overjoyed.

In fact, her appearance is still a young and beautiful woman, and she never feels that she is old on weekdays.

However, at this moment, she doesn't mind Qin Yana calling her old. As a sword god resurrected with the idea of ​​a human being on the earth, Xia Ke is more human than Yin Yao, because she always lives in the environment of a human being with sisters and sons by her side. Daughter-in-law, there are followers.

Xia Ke feels lucky to be a grandmother now.

"Yana is so good, come, grandma will give you a present!"

While talking, Xia Ke took off the own necklace and carried it around Yana's neck.

Yana looked down, her eyes lit up immediately.

It was a platinum necklace. Yana was attracted because the pendant of the necklace turned out to be a very small and essential spoon.

"Spoon? I have one too, from Grandpa!"

Yana stretched out her right hand that had been hiding underneath, and in her hand, she was holding her favorite spoon!

Naturally, Xia Ke had discovered it a long time ago. The reason why she gave this necklace to Yana was naturally to suit her.

"Oh, it turns out that Yana likes spoons? So do you like gifts from grandpa, do you like gifts from grandma?"

"Well, I like it!"

Yana showed a naive personality in the face of the gift. She didn't feel that Xia Ke was bribing her at all, and she had no experience in class struggle.

Seeing that the little girl was already happy, Xia Ke decided to strike while the iron was hot.

"Yana, grandma is telling you that you are definitely not an accident! The relationship between father and mother will not be an accident. Since they were able to meet each other back then and have you, then you are this to them. The best treasure in the world is the bond that connects them. So even if you are an accident, you are also the most unexpected surprise in your parents, grandparents and grandparents! Therefore, my Yana, do you understand? You are not an accident in the final analysis , But a surprise!"

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