Besides, she was not very familiar with Qin Sanchuan back then. The three children who grew up with Qin Yana were Dafeng, Erhe and Xiangming.

Qin Sanchuan laughed loudly after hearing Yana's words, hugged her directly from her seat, and then began to talk about the things that happened during the few days after the reunion with Qin Yana and the triplets. These things are for Qin Sanchuan. It's been a thing of the past, eighteen years later, but as a supernatural person, his memory is also good, so he can probably remember what he said at that time, and what he did with the triplets and Yana.

Then these things happened to Yana just a few days ago, and she still remembers them clearly.

So in the end Yana became confused and began to pester Qin Sanchuan asking questions, just trying to figure it out.

Qin Yabei has always been an unwilling character to be lonely. After eating some things, she ran to Sanchuan next to Sanchuan and leaned on his thighs, looked up at Yana talking with her father, and occasionally inserted a sentence to express her own thoughts. And opinions, there is so much cuteness of a little adult.

Mulan ate a little and hugged Yabao to prepare. The baby was still breastfeeding, and Yabao was edible. When everyone was eating, she smelled the scent of the food, so she cried and cried. Waving wings to fly is very eye-catching.

Qin An was already smiling after a few glasses of wine. As a young father, seeing his children and grandchildren by his side was an endless satisfaction!

When everyone was busy greeting Yabao's mother and daughter to let them out, Qin An's arm went around Qin Qicai's back and patted Xia Ke on the shoulder.

"Why?" Xia Ke was originally watching the excitement of Albemarle's wanting to fly, when she suddenly found Qin An's head leaning from behind Qi Cai, not only a little curious.

"How did are you getting old?"

"You're getting old! I just... just got rid of the shackles of your abilities. When the Nine Sons Sword God resurrected in my body, I felt the power of Xuantian's selfless symbiosis. As the Nine Sons, she and There are festivals between Xuantian, she doesn’t like the breath of Xuantian, so she erased the ability of selfless symbiosis, so... my age doesn’t stop growing, but it won’t be the same. Ordinary earthlings are as old as they are, and it is very likely that they will remain as they are now for a long time."

When Xia Ke said these words, her face was a little sigh. She herself is actually Jiuzi now, because the memories of the two people are completely integrated. Even the psychological feelings of Jiuzi for many years are now integrated in Xia Ke. In his soul, Xia Ke is therefore the nine sons, and the nine sons are also Xia Ke, which is a bit complicated.

Qin An glanced at Xia Ke. She was about 30 years old. She was beautiful, but she looked too mature.

"Then do you want me to help you use your abilities? Now that Xuantian's soul has completely disappeared in my body, the grievances between you and him should also come to an end. If you want, I can impose selfless symbiosis for you. , In that case you will only look like you are in your early twenties."

The reason why Qin An pays attention to Xia Ke's appearance is mainly because she is curious about why she is getting old. After all, they had a relationship back then, Xia Ke shouldn't have changes in appearance.So now that you have already spoken, naturally you have to politely ask if you want to change back to a young look.

Xia Ke looked at Qin An, and finally nodded.

Which woman doesn't want to stay young forever? Of course Xia Ke thought too.

So Qin An displayed the ability of selfless symbiosis for Xia Ke in front of everyone.

Soon, Xia Ke's originally smooth and delicate skin became more delicate and firmer, her eyes became clearer and brighter, her hair was smoother and silky, and her breasts seemed to stand upright.

Xia Xue on one side was completely stunned to see Qin An's magical ability.

Oh my God, her comrades turned out to be exactly as young as her. If they looked like non-contemporary sisters before, they are now the most similar twins in the world, none of them, because they were originally comrades. !

The atmosphere at the banquet became silent because of the change in Xia Ke's appearance.

Qin Sanchuan's two daughter-in-laws, Li Suoqiu and Mu Xiaoci, both let out dark light in their eyes. This kind of ability is too scary, can it make people look youthful? Although the two of them are still young now, they will grow old within a few years as the sons of earthlings. Then if there is such an awesome father-in-law as Qin An, wouldn't they also be able to keep their youth forever? Super welfare, how can the two of them not be shocked and then surprised.

Insiders naturally won't have too many changes in their expressions. Weng Die has always been smiling. At this time, seeing everyone calm down, she coughed slightly and said:

"Okay, okay, now it's time to talk about national affairs when the family affairs are done well!

We actually have some understanding of the Green Swords, because there are also many Green Swords in China, and they have established small territories. The number of people is not too large or not. Many human beings came to the earth in the Star of Sword Spirit. Among the races, the strength of the Qingjian clan is definitely good. Now that Princess Linghua is here, she should be able to speak for the Qingjian clan, right?

The Sword God Empire has developed very well over the years. Not only do you have a relatively powerful land force, but you also have the most powerful naval force. The sea fortress has been built for more than ten years, right? Then Sha Ke came to naturally represent the Excalibur Empire.

Although I am not in the Kowloon City Link, I still hold the position of Vice Chairman of the Star Alliance Management Committee. Qin An also has the title of commander-in-chief of the Kowloon City Link Guard Army, so the two of us can definitely represent the position of the Star Alliance;

And one of my sisters, her name is Tang Yu, and now she brings tens of thousands of swordsmen to Europe. She is a very capable and terrifying guy. I think it won’t be long before she can gain a foothold in Europe. , And then build a powerful force!

Everyone, now this earth is about to come,

The first god, the emperor, and the eighth god, Yaotian, have established a powerful Tianyin sect in India,

The seventh lord gods and ghosts and mysterious women formed a black gold empire in Russia,

The Gods’ Domain empire controlled by the fifth lord god of Europe is rising,

The third main god Tiange seems to have assembled its minions to engage in sabotage activities on a global scale.

The Demon Legion of the Ninth Lord God’s Curse is ready to go,

The fourth lord spirit emperor seems to be gathering forces in Australia,

The sixth god Wukui once appeared in the Black Gold Empire, but now he is missing, but my intelligence personnel told me two weeks ago that he is likely to be hidden in the city of black blood!

Since the opening of the Gate of Time and Space eight years ago, the number of creatures transmitted to the earth and surrounding planets so far is less than one-tenth of that of the Sword Spirit Star.

But now these planets are saturated, and some parts of the outer planets are not suitable for living things, so we will ignore them for the time being.

But what about the earth? How many life forms can the earth carry?

Hey, even if there is no reason, this apocalyptic dispute will erupt. The only reason is that the earth can't let go of so many life forms!

This is very sad, but also very helpless!

Therefore, our current age of Life is an era of elimination and elimination. Only by eliminating other evil alien races can we survive.

So why don't we join forces to form an alliance, if war is inevitable, why should we wait for others to attack us?

The entire Qingjian tribe is trapped in the labyrinth world, but I think we will definitely go out, and the day we go out is the day we will fight against the world's hundreds of creatures!

Linghua, Xia Ke, are you willing to form an alliance with me, Yin Yao, Tang Yu, and Qin An. After we leave the labyrinth world, we will go to the end of the world to create a world! Not for justice, just for our race to live in this world!

Doing so does not lose morality, there are too many aliens, even if we don't do it, they will do it, so doing this is just self-protection!

How is it, do you think my plan is feasible? "

Weng Die mentioned this with Qin An before. This is actually what Guo Sihai meant. Guo Sihai knew that Weng Die was coming to United States and sent a letter to her to find an alliance partner in United States.

As for the distribution of United States' power, Kowloon Liancheng naturally knows it well. It is impossible for such a large organization not to send spies on the United States side.

Xia Ke was very simple, and smiled slightly:

"Okay, I think this matter is reliable, but how do we reach the covenant of cooperation?"

Weng Die smiled slyly, and then said:

"Of course it's a marriage!"

"Marriage?" Xia Ke didn't understand too much.

Weng Die quickly narrated Princess Linghua’s husband selection meeting with Xia Ke, and then said:

"Tomorrow, the election meeting should continue, so Qin An must have the strength to win the first place. I believe him! So Xia Ke, you should also go to Linghua's father and tell him that you will also be the husband election this time. The prize of the final winner of the conference, the marriage of the four sword gods, is believed to scare the people of the Qingjian tribe? Then if Qin An becomes the Qingjian King, the three powers of the Nine Dragons, the Excalibur Empire, and the Qingjian Empire will naturally end. As one body, and with our Four Sword Gods sitting here, Qin An, the throne of the Azure Sword Empire, will surely be able to sit firmly. Needless to say, what will happen after that? If Qin An can control the Qing Sword Clan's kingship, our alliance will naturally be extremely stable! Princess Linghua, do you think it is not?"


Princess Linghua is a little absent-minded, mainly because she has not yet freed herself from Qin An's family atmosphere.

What a magical feeling, is she a member of the Qin family?

Sure enough, the earthlings have the place for earthlings.

This family of people, men and women sitting together, women do not have to be taboo, can express all their opinions, men will not show off their faces because of women's words, it is really good for everyone to communicate together like this, Linghua likes this feeling .

Yes, isn't her ideal? Let the women of the Qingjian tribe do the same for life!

In the labyrinth world, the round table meeting of Qin An and others was very successful. They have been trapped in Algura World for a few days, but for real time and space, time has just passed a few seconds.

Then, just a few seconds ago, the whole section of the western Tibetan hell wall sounded harsh sirens, and the 1.2 million night watchmen were awakened in the dark!

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