Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1472 Cruel War


The captain's voice was so loud that it concealed Ma Gu's synthetic electronic sound.

Although the artificial intelligence system is very strong, the weapons it is equipped with are not perfect and are restricted by the existing technology on the earth today.

The guards on the city wall still played a more important role in the offensive and defensive battle, and were the backbone of preventing zombies from climbing on the wall.

On the south side of the Heavenly Hell City Wall, the first to arrive was not the walking zombies. They had been strangled to death by the organs outside the city, and the same organs were also destroyed because of them.

Most of the zombies that came to the city wall were ordinary dark zombies, and the number was extremely large. The cross-sectional area had reached 800 kilometers. It stretched to the south for tens of kilometers and there was no end in sight. The hell city wall was completely attacked. After the first gun shot, the whole line began to fight. , The night is really torn apart, and the light of gunfire makes the line of the hell wall look like day.

As a super-power, Beichenxing and others control a super-reverse hybrid energy burst cannon. This kind of cannon is very powerful. One shell detonates with a ten-meter range of lethality, and it is a 100-shot burst. Faster than the average machine gun. It will produce a strong reaction force, so it is not suitable for being placed on a wall. Ordinary soldiers cannot use it. Only those with strong realm or mecha fighters can use their physical strength to dissolve its counter-sitting force.

Beichenxing is the first time to participate in this type of battle. His heart is a little nervous, but he has been a superior for many years, and he has certain cities, so his performance is no worse than Shi Lida and Wu Xiaoxiao. The maid, Zhong Hongcui, performed poorly because he had never used this weapon. The shells often failed to accurately hit the target.

In fact, there are zombies in the city. Of course, the so-called targets are those upgraded species. They are mixed among ordinary zombies, which are exactly skull zombies!

Nowadays, skull zombies are also called bone dragon zombies, because the appearance of skull zombies over D10 already looks like a small Tyrannosaurus skeleton.

Its body is completely wrapped in bright silver bones, and its height is generally about five meters, its muscles are atrophy, and its bones are only ligament blood and a developed nervous system.

This kind of bone dragon zombies above D10 level is terrible. The bones of its whole body are like mechanical parts of deformed Vajra, which can be reorganized and changed into any shape at will.

Therefore, its attacks have many styles, and they are often overwhelming.

Although the firepower was very fierce, hundreds of defensive bone dragon zombies still ran under the wall. After they jumped, their bodies were superimposed on each other, and the rapid changes turned into a huge bone ladder to be placed on the crevice of the city wall.

Thousands of D10 dark jumping zombies flashed out of the dark zombie group.

The bodies of today’s advanced jumping zombies have also undergone great changes. Their stature has become short, with an average height of only 1.5 meters. The upper body is very light, but the limbs are longer, and the muscles and ligaments have developed vigorously. Let them have a stronger jumping ability.

After the dark jumping zombies appeared, they jumped along the bone ladder and reached the wall, about to invade and enter the corridor.

Wu Xiaoxiao summoned Own Heaven and Earth's Hidden Divine Sword to flash quickly, killing the invading dark jumping zombies in seconds.

As a seventy second-level three soul sword repairer, killing these jumping zombies that may not even reach the physical state is naturally not a difficult task.

While Wu Xiaoxiao started his hand, other abilities on this section of the wall naturally joined the battle. There were a lot of jumping zombies. Although Wu Xiaoxiao was strong, he did not have the ability to kill in groups.

The battle was very fierce, because following the jumping zombies, more ordinary dark zombies rushed up.

The non-power fighters are well-trained. They understand the importance of owning. Therefore, no matter how fierce the fighting around them is, they never leave the defense position of owning. They control various weapons in their hands to attack the zombies on the bone ladder. .

Some fighters will be scratched with sharp nails by the jumping zombies that rush up, and they will be zombie immediately after a few seconds.

This is a test. Many recruits have not experienced the cruelty of the last days. They saw that their comrades who were still talking and laughing with themselves a few hours ago suddenly turned into zombies, which made them somewhat unacceptable.

The veterans have long been used to this kind of scene, so they will not hesitate to kill the soldiers who have become zombies, and then push the corpses down the city wall.A recruit saw the veteran next to him do such a thing with his own eyes, so he pounced on him and knocked him to the ground.

"What are you doing! Kill him if you kill, why push his body down!"

As he spoke, the soldier had tears in his eyes, and the dead comrade-in-arms was a close friend of him.

"Get out! Boy, you and I may become corpses in a while, if they are all fucking piled up on the wall, how can we ensure that the military path is unblocked? If you don't deal with it properly, the dead will become zombies and resurrect you. Do you want other comrades to die for nothing? Tell you, if daddy dies or becomes a zombie, don’t you fucking throw me down, daddy don’t keep the whole body, don’t be buried, just do it for the tortoise grandchildren below Eat food! Then let your comrades kill them when they eat and I gather together!"

The recruit was pushed away by the veteran, and he was stunned for a few seconds, and finally shouted, returned to his own position, picked up his weapon and headed for a meeting under the city.

He was moved by what the veteran said, and he only felt that the depression in his heart could not be resolved.

Three minutes later, his laser gun was too hot to use and had to cool down for a few minutes, so he put it down and replaced it with another gun.

And when he was changing the gun, he discovered that the veteran had just been cut off by a jumping zombie, and he was now standing beside the crenellation and shaking his body.

"You...are you okay?"

The recruit yelled.

The veteran's eyes became paler and paler, and he also felt his own body temperature ascending.

Ah, he is not lucky. He failed to become a carrier of the TC virus. He is about to change his corpse. In military classrooms, he has heard the feelings before the corpse many times. Now his own situation is exactly the same as what was taught in the classroom.

Seeing that someone was calling him, the veteran turned his face to look at the recruit, and then even smiled.

"Live, you are still young!"

The veteran finally uttered seven words, and then vigorously overturned the crevice of the city wall and fell towards the zombies.


The recruit's eyes were already rolling away, and the whites of his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. He climbed up the crenel and looked down.

The veteran fell on the bone ladder at this time, being swallowed by several zombies.

The recruit could see his face through the zombies, and his face was still smiling.


The self-destructing explosive device tied to the veteran's body was activated, dozens of jumping zombies around him were blown up, and his flesh and blood were blown up everywhere.

"Do not!"

The recruit yelled and stretched out his hand, but he couldn't catch anything. The veteran had already left, just like his close comrade-in-arms.

This is exactly the scene that was staged five minutes after the battle between the two sides, and scenes like this are being staged in many places on the Great Wall of Hell.

The war was extremely fierce and cruel, and none of the night watchmen soldiers could escape the battle.

Thirty-three years have passed since the end of the world. Most of these warriors of the night watch were born in the end of the world and grew up in the end of the world.

They are more brave than the people in the pre-apocalyptic era, because born in this era, they know more about the mission of their own.

In the war, no one flinched. Whether it was an ordinary soldier or a superpower, everyone was doing their best to maintain their own mission.

The government's education for so many years has been very successful, and they have trained a group of brave and fearless fighters.


Zhong Hongcui pulled Beichenxing away, allowing him to avoid the jumping zombie attack from behind him.

"Wow, it's really exciting, Xiaocui, I haven't fought such a fierce battle!"

"So, you are a big city lord who is not staying in the city, but ran to such a ghost place for beauty. You deserve to be bitten by a zombie!"

"Haha, am I afraid of having you in the Young Master? I am afraid that if the zombie wants to bite me, you will bite it back for me!"

Beichenxing really feels that the battle at this time is very exciting. He is used to working in the office, and now he feels completely different when he goes out to work.

Just after laughing with Xiao Cui, a strong energy wave suddenly appeared around him, and Bei Chenxing and Xiao Cui were knocked out by the energy shock wave a dozen steps away.

Hold your figure and take a closer look. I don’t know when there are two more people on the wall. They are a man and a woman. From the outside of the skin, they are all Indians. What makes them different from ordinary earth people is that they have wings on the back. .

The reason why a powerful energy shock wave is generated is that Wu Xiaoxiao, who was in the distance before, was already standing there at this time, and she just punched the woman, and the sword Spiritual Qi body energy was gushing out of both fists, as powerful as Wu Xiaoxiao unexpectedly. It was also repelled by the opponent's fist and took a step back, which shows how strong the opponent's strength is.

The language of the two sides is not clear, and the battle at this time is like lightning and flint.

The woman originally wanted to kill Beichen Star, but after being blocked by Wu Xiaoxiao's sudden appearance, she didn't hesitate to rush towards Wu Xiaoxiao.

And the man rushed to Beichenxing and Zhong Hongcui, as the heavenly whispers of the Tianyin Dynasty, the purpose of these two people's coming was naturally to kill the supernatural beings on the city wall.

Wu Xiaoxiao activated the ability to fight with the other woman, Zhong Hongcui also met the man and protected Beichenxing behind him.

The situation seemed to be under control. Although the opponent suddenly flew two strong men, there were also two powerful supernaturalists on the defender's side.

Therefore, the surrounding soldiers did not become panicked because of the sudden appearance of the Sky Whisperer. Although Beichenxing was a little worried, he did not think too much.

However, a very unexpected event happened at The next moment.

Among the two heavenly whispers,

The strength of the woman who fought against Wu Xiaoxiao was actually relatively weak, while the male Tianyuer who fought against Xiao Cui was very powerful.

He is not a human being on Earth, but a member of the Tianyu tribe from the Star of Sword Spirit. He is a true tribe of the eighth main god, Yaotian. He doesn’t know how long he has lived. Human is already a general that Yaotian values ​​very much, named Yaohu!

His strength reached a demigod, how could Zhong Hongcui be his opponent.

Just between several moves, Xiao Cui, who was beaten by the demon tiger and dodged on the crenel, accidentally caused her body to be cut off at the waist. As a result, her upper body and lower body fell down the city wall at the same time.

"Xiao Cui!"

Within ten seconds of the incident, Beichenxing's face turned green.

He didn't care about the demon tiger and stood on the wall, rushed forward and leaned on the crevice to look down. He saw that both halves of Zhong Hongcui fell into the group of zombies, and those zombies were biting Zhong Hongcui's like a wind demon. body.

For a moment, Beichenxing and Xiao Cui looked at each other.Xiao Cui's eyes were full of horror, perhaps because of the pain, there were tears in her eyes.

Beichenxing can see the shape of Xiaocui's mouth, the two words that couldn't be spit out in one piece are... Young Master!

"Xiao Cui!"

Beichenxing's eyes were blood red, he was no longer the City Lord of Tang Capital, at this time he was just a child who had lost his beloved thing.

What sane city mansion was all thrown away, Beichenxing grabbed the city wall with both hands and jumped down.

Behind Beichenxing, Shi Lida naturally stepped forward and quickly grabbed Beichenxing.

"You are crazy, there are all zombies underneath, you can't go out!"

"No, I want to save Xiaocui!"

"You...you can't go out anyway, if she can't come up by herself, then you will lose your life if she goes down!"

Shi Lida's strength was even stronger than Beichenxing, so Beichenxing was unable to open her shackles and leave. Seeing that the poor woman under the city was swallowed by the zombies, Beichenxing had already cried out.

Will Xiaocui die? Although Beichenxing always thought that she was very important to this little maid who had stayed by her since she was a child, she was nothing more than that.

Now, he is about to lose her, his heart will be so painful.

no! He must save Xiao Cui, otherwise he will never forgive himself in his life.

Just when Beichenxing was about to break away from Shi Lida's restraint and jump down again, he suddenly discovered that in the group of zombies where Xiaocui had disappeared below, a drop of water was floating up quickly and finally appeared in front of him.

Beichenxing reached out his hand subconsciously, and the water dripped onto Beichenxing's palm, finally forming a crystal.

This... Is this Xiao Cui's tears?

So where is Xiaocui?

Suddenly, the nameless divine sword in Beichenxing came out of the palm of his hand, and merged with the tears of crystal, releasing a dazzling blue light, letting the demon tiger who was going to attack Beichenxing in a burst. Turned around and ran.

"Da Sadik, just see Curry lose weight and count as the other party!"

This sentence was uttered when the demon tiger was gone, and ordinary earth people could not understand it, but the Indian woman who had been the demon tiger's attendant for six years could fully understand it.

It means: run away, I feel the power of the true fire sword god!

There were also zombies in a not too small mountain 30 kilometers south of the Great Wall of Heavenly Prison.

The mountains are full of strange trees, the most majestic of which is 100 meters high and has a huge trunk with a diameter of five meters.

At the top of the count, Xiao Cui was lying naked on the tree trunk, without any wounds on her body.

Opposite Xiao Cui, a woman in red stood steadily, her eyes softly looking at Xiao Cui.

"You...who are you? You saved me?"

"Well, my name is Qi Rou, how are you, little girl."

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