Qin An felt that he was hurting!

"You really shouldn't be the third master god. I think it would be more appropriate to be a nurse in the sperm collection room of the male hospital in the early years! To do such a shameless thing! Okay, then I will wait for other sword gods to come to the door. Come, or I will look for them too!"

At this time, Qin An is an entity, and his location is an illusory space created by the Tiange Sword God. Qin An has just activated an escape spell in his body. The effect of this spell can free the user from the controlled Mental Energy. After the conversation, Qin An had regained his freedom and turned on the super god-level Po Tianyao, completely out of Tiange's control.

No way, Qin An is now facing the true third main god, and it is inevitable to be controlled.

I'm a bit entangled. If the third main god can't kill myself, can I kill the third main god?

If the original gene and the original soul are connected to each other, then...

"Because you have inherited the complete genes of King Qin and Qi Rou, and have a gene energy source with the same attributes as the Sword Spirit Star, you can be called a primitive gene! I can only say that you are really strong, and you broke away so soon. My control, I heard that you were originally just a very ordinary incompetent, so you should be grateful for the thirty-three years of the last days for making you so powerful! Qin An, I’m going now, the maze world can’t be trapped I, I think it shouldn’t be able to trap you either. Have you already met with the ancestor of Magical Beasts? I believe she should have thought of a way to break the maze for you, because she is the real master of the maze. What is ridiculous is that she I've been trapped in space for so long!...In short, let's go and see it outside, blood stained on the battlefield, bones and bones, this is what the Sword Spirit Star has been experiencing for thousands of years, and now it's the earth's turn! Hundred Clan The war has started, I will wait for you outside! King Qin, you, me, and a few other self-righteous guys, let's see who of us can have the last laugh! Hahaha!"

A burst of rampant laughter passed, and the entire space disappeared. Qin An sent a set of clothes in the storage ring to wear on himself, and the person had appeared in the arena again!

Damn, I'm so suffocated, let the third lord Shen Tiange get rid of the genetic genes, so f*ck ashamed! It seems that he knows that he has been staring at himself since entering this maze world! Just... Did he make an appointment with the air? It's not Weng Lan, it feels so real, Tiange's control ability is also really powerful, in the sound of the flute, he can't control himself at all!

Qin An was extremely entangled. Now that the super god state can last for a few minutes, let him end the competition in these few minutes. Tiange has left. He always finds a target to vent his breath. The super-god sword god ability is obtained after he has used many ability-enhancing spell cards and used the spirit of spiritual Qi. , Thing about Tiange, think about it later!

Super God level!

A level that can only be reached by the main god, how terrible is the destructive power of the displayed ability? Qin An has never seen it before, but he has heard of it.

Didn't the Red Leaf Sword God wipe out the countless wild beasts in the Red Leaf Sword Rain? Therefore, backlash has the so-called heart of the beast ability!

It is said that the poison of the Nine Sons of Sword God can kill all creatures in Baili, and it is not known whether it is true or false.

So is the strength of the Super God level much stronger than the ordinary Sword God level?

"You four leave the circle of war, let me do my best!"

Qin An used consciousness to communicate with Linghua's four daughters, and activated the Red Leaf Sword God's Red Leaf Sword Rain ability. This is actually Red Leaf Flying Daggers. In the past, Qin An threw less than a thousand red leaves at a time, but now he uses Super God level. Ability.

Following Qin An's thoughts, a red energy tree formed in the sky.

The four female sword gods had already retreated outside the energy protection circle formed by the great magician. They didn't know what Qin An was going to do, and they were all stunned when they saw the red energy tree that suddenly appeared in the sky.

"This is Hongye Sword God's Red Leaf Sword Rain? I have fought with Xuantian and Hongye. I remember this energy, but even if the Red Leaf Sword God is here, I am afraid I can't have such a powerful attack energy! How did Qin An do it? of?"

Xia Ke was completely stunned as the resurrected body of the Nine Sons of Sword God.

Linghua was naturally scared. Yin Yao and Weng Die are much better. After all, they have lived with Qin An for eight years, and they know Qin An.

A group of contestants who were fighting in the sky and underground with their own means saw the red leaf energy tree and felt the strong energy fluctuations, so they all stopped doing it and raised their heads to the sky.

Suddenly, the space-time gate flickered in eight directions around the circular field. Eight winged villains flew out of the space-time gate and formed an octagonal circle, forming a circle in the inner circle of the magician energy shield. A new super protective cover!

"Eight sword-obeying behemoths?"

This time, even Yin Yao grew up and couldn't believe it.

According to the legend, only the nine main gods will mobilize eight sword-abiding giants when they engage with people.

Could it be said that after using various abilities and items that temporarily strengthened his abilities, Qin An can now reach the Super God level? This kind of strength is able to fight head-on with the nine main gods! It's a bit exaggerated.

Just when people's minds were different, the Red Leaf Sword Rain had fallen from the red energy tree in the sky.

The various singular abilities of the many supernatural abilities on the Sword Spirit Star have very different effects, so after they are released, which is strong or weak, this needs to be judged by many parameters.

Then it can be said that Realm is the most important criterion.

Some strong people claim to have the power to fight the sword god, and their strength is infinitely close to the sword god. In fact, they still dare not be careless when facing the sword god, because the sword god’s Realm is the sword god body, while others are at best. In the spirit body state, they cannot defend against the attack of the sword body. As long as they are affected by the skill, they will definitely be injured. Their attacks cannot form a very effective deadly effect on the sword body. Even if the sword body does not use the body guard The ability itself is also semi-immune to many types of Excalibur abilities.

So above the mortal body, the strong body, the super body, the spirit body, and the sword god body is the super god body Realm.

Qin An did not pay attention to the division of these physical skills, because this is not a fantasy novel. The upgraded level can be judged by the number of upgrades and the rune mark on the body. Realm does not have a clear mark, and there is no organization to measure this kind of thing. However, people use a physical concept of a physical state to give these nouns, and then use these nouns to describe the strengths and weaknesses of some abilities.

In short, Qin An now temporarily owns the Super God Realm. Although it can only last for a few minutes, it is an extremely terrifying existence for others.

The rain of red leaves in the sky covered the entire circular square, and none of the 31 candidates located on the square could escape this attack, including those with supernatural powers flying in the sky, as well as Qin An himself.

But these abilities were released by Qin An, and naturally they won't cause any loss to Qin An!

This was a somewhat unexpected massacre. Qin An had always acted like a good person before. In the qualifiers a few days ago, he didn't even pay attention to the abilities who wanted to kill him, but threw them out of the field.

But this time, in the face of so many powerful men, Qin An actually had a painful assassin, and did not intend to give anyone a chance to live! Super God-level Hongye Jianyu, below the Sword God level, ignoring defenses, apart from Qin An, the other 30 people have only two options. Either escape from the sword guard energy circle, or wait for the wounds to be eventually killed!

The Super God Realm’s ability to attack the sword gods is too unreasonable. Perhaps the young cultivation boy Shangguan Tianzi is very strong and has enough ability to avoid attacks, but now the only place to avoid attacks is outside the sword guard energy circle. Once he leaves, he It is tantamount to giving up the game!

In short, everyone was unwilling to leave, so they used their own abilities. Some people summon charms, some sacrificed alien beasts, and some opened various defensive abilities.

Qin An smiled coldly, and did not intend to show mercy at all. The super god-level earth seal space, the super god-level gravitational magnetic field, and the super god-level earth seal alchemy turned on at the same time.

Suddenly, the ground of Noda’s square was completely metalized. Then, like a powerful magnet, all the 18 people flying in the air were pulled to the ground. At the same time, countless alchemy ground thorns were born. These ground thorns are not ordinary ground thorns. Qin An is here. When underground, I used the ability of all thoughts to make the ground thorns undergo many imaginary changes. Every time a thing is changed, an energy is accumulated. When the final change is completed and the ground thorns are pierced from the ground again, they are controlled by the ability to control objects, alchemy. Ground stab, a super defense-breaking ground stab formed by the fusion of the three skills of Wannianguizong!

According to the legend, the bull’s messy Eastern Changqin, the terrifying Turtle Immortal, the young man that day, the heir of the Sword God’s bloodline, the spell card ability, the legendary Patriarch of the Mu family, Mu Jun... unexpectedly launched in Qin’an. He was killed in seconds under the attack of the red leaf sword rain and the super defensive thorn!

Of course, people didn't know that Qin An actually moved his hands, but his avatar was blocked by countless red leaves, and no one could see it.

Qin An also used the Soul Breaking Curse card to prevent these people from being resurrected again after their bodies were broken.

There was no sound, all the audience around didn't even dare to show the atmosphere!

No one expected that this massacre would come so quickly and violently.

When the rain of red leaves disappeared, when the earth returned to soil, and when seeing the young man in black leather boots and white compassionate standing unscathed and contentedly standing there, people were not only puzzled in their hearts.

He... wouldn't he be the father of the legendary sword spirit star, the emperor of the nine main gods? How else could there be such a powerful ability?

Linghua's small mouth opened slightly, and she was already dumbfounded.

Is this the Qin An she has been with for several days? His strength is so powerful! He... is he such a cruel master? Of the 32 contestants, he is the only one left in the end! Linghua clearly saw that someone just wanted to escape from the space full of red leaves and ground thorns, but because of the super-god energy enclosing the barrier, they couldn't escape, and they all died in the end.

Why did Qin An do this? What is he thinking? Among the killed, there is still Mu Jun, the ancestor of the Mu family who has lived in seclusion for many years. How can this be explained to the Mu family?

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