Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1484 Are You Married

"Oh shit! I was shot! I saw the bullet got into my body! Oh fuck!"

Oulanka let out a howling cry, clutching her belly and rolling on the ground.

"My dear! Please don't leave me, I am your darling! Are you afraid that I will find another man?" Juliet cried and threw on Oulanka.

"You stinky woman, do you think I don't know that you have stolen fishy behind me? You really should kill you!"

Oulanka continued to roar, as if the vigorous one was a vocal singer.

Weng Lan's face became a little pale, her eyes moved quickly, she found Qin An's eyes, and after seeing the gentleness and tenderness in his eyes, she calmed down some of her excitement.

"Is he injured?"

"No, he is fine, maybe he was just shocked."

"Oh, that's okay, he once helped me."

"I know that he will live a good life because of this, and it will cost you to help you!"

"The tone of your speech is so strange, as if we are very familiar... We are also familiar, after all, we will meet twice every day for half a year, but you were not such a person before, you are a little strange! You are really Qin An The Qin An I know?"

"Yes, melamine, the source of tainted milk powder, is... it's me!"

"It's really you!"

Weng Lan was pleasantly surprised. She gave him this nickname. It seems that he can't be wrong. The man in front of him is really him! But why does it feel so different?

At this time, Juliet's surprised voice sounded.

"Honey, you...Where did you get shot? Why can't I find the wound?"

Of course, Juliet couldn't find the wound, because the bullet shot from Karl's gun had been transmitted by Qin An to a kilometer away. Oulanka was only scared by herself because he saw the fire from the muzzle.

"I don't know my dear, I just feel hurt all over, I think I must die! Juliet, will you marry someone else if I die?"

"Not my baby! The person I love the most in my life will always be you! I won't be marrying someone else!"

"You moved me

"But I'll have an affair with other men

"Oh FUCK!"

Oulanka was completely defeated.

Qin An's lips twitched twice, and he still had some dark humor that he didn't understand foreigners.

"Shoot, let's kill them first and grab something, time is running out!"

Edwin had a bad premonition, and as the leader issued an order, Andes and Carl did not hesitate to shoot quickly. They are both extremely vicious masters, and naturally they will not be soft at the critical moment.

But...in the room, only the gunshots were heard, but the bullets were not seen.

All the bullets were sent out by Qin An to the distance at the moment they left the barrel.

Weng Lan became a little scared because of the continuous gunshots, and couldn't help hiding in Qin An's arms.

She didn't understand what she was doing. She was not a woman who was so timid that she would get into someone's arms if she was too timid?

Yes, bullets flying around is much more dangerous than wind and grass, and this chest can really give her peace of mind.

She likes the smell on him!

In fact, Qin An didn't have much taste in him. Perhaps it was a woman's recognition of her destined man. As long as she got close, she wouldn't want to be separated.

"what the hell?"

Carl's face became pale, and he had already shot all the bullets. Why were the three women and two men in front of him unscathed?

"Dear Odoka, I finally know why I can't find a wound on you...their marksmanship is so bad that I can't describe it."

It was not easy for Juliet to be able to say something after seeing her surroundings after she was shocked.

"Yes, if it's not the marksmanship problem, or their gun is broken, it may be a fake gun! Well, it must be!"

Ives is pretty sure that the owner’s guess is correct, because if it is a real gun, even if they are idiots and blind, as long as they can trigger the flight in such a small room and in such a dense shooting, it is impossible for no one to be caught. The most important thing is that there is no bullet case, so all the bullets will not fly outside along the window, right?


Edwin gave an order, and the three of them turned and ran.

They all understand that there is absolutely no problem with their own guns and bullets. The only reasonable explanation for the fact that they did not hit anyone is that there is a supernatural person nearby, who is protecting the people in the room.

As an ordinary person, he would not dare to challenge the supernatural person, unless he had enough.

Qin An shot three red leaves from the palm of his hand after they ran for more than three hundred meters. When the red leaf left his fingers, he was directly transported away by the controlled object ability, and killed the three poor guys with a headshot. This is the combination of red leaves and the transmission ability. The combined skills of Gap Air Hongye are naturally stronger.

In order to make Weng Lan suffer, Qin An must never let such a person go!

However, he didn't want to do it in front of Weng Lan.

Qin An always believes that only when he wants to show all his best in front of a woman, is that true love that he cares about.

For so many years, he hasn't been so good in front of all the women, and most of them are in love with them for a long time or in the future, so there is no need to talk about love or not, too artificial.

"You made the ghost?"

Weng Lan asked softly when she left Qin An's embrace, Qin An nodded and smiled.

"Hey baby, who is he?" Avis walked to Weng Lan's side, watching Qin An speak.

"It should be... a friend? Ives, I want to go out with him."

"But it seems very chaotic and dangerous here."

"It's okay, I think he should be able to protect me?"

While talking, Weng Lan made an inquiring expression at Qin An.

Qin An nodded and said in fluent English:

"Definitely, you won't be in any danger, and I'll be at ease, Miss, you will no longer be in danger, unless we encounter a force majeure crisis. Now, you can rest at home!"

Qin An didn't dare to speak too much now, the world was too restless.

After the words fell, Qin An had already walked out of the room one after another with Weng Lan.

Avis said to himself after a long time: "What a strange man, how does he know my name?"

The ten-kilometer flat-bottomed area between Astu City and the Administrative City of Noxus is the location of the poor kiln.

There used to be more than five million people gathered here, but now only a few hundred thousand are left.

Most people followed the Jagged Army to the north, in order to escape the storm from the Magical Beasts territory.

Qin An and Weng Lan walked one after another on the narrow and uneven road, and occasionally a skinny child ran by.

They looked as if they were African refugees, but their skin color and appearance were not black.

In the case of mixed living, the relationship between men and women here is very casual. If Weng Lan is not always hiding in the small black room because of these years, she may not be able to protect the innocence of the body, of course Ives III People did a lot of effort, secretly Yan Liuxiang's clone also helped a lot.

After walking for more than ten minutes, I finally passed through the alley to an open area.

There is a green grass here, and a large group of children are playing football with bare buttocks.

They are all orphans, abandoned because their parents are poor and unable to raise them.

They were actually lucky orphans, because they survived in the end and didn't die.

Although it’s chaotic here, for those children who have never been educated since they were young and grew up in the last days, as long as they are not cannibal monsters, they can all seek happiness, because they have seen everything and know that maybe The only thing you can enjoy and get is in front of you. Since this is the case, who will think about what will happen in the next minute?

Weng Lan found a wooden stake and sat on it. Qin An directly sat on the grass beside Weng Lan, pulled out a piece of grass and put it in her own mouth.

The woman in front of me is the real Weng Lan!

Weng Lan is not a virtual space, not Weng Lan in dreams, or Weng Lan transformed by other supernatural beings, but Weng Lan who is a real flesh and blood who has given birth to four children for herself and has been married to herself for seven years. !

In the last thirty years, Qin An has spent more than seventy years in the timeline. One hundred years have passed, and he unexpectedly met his young and beautiful lover.

After crying, Qin An didn't feel too much in his mood. He only felt comfortable and beautiful. He enjoyed every minute of being with Weng Lan, even if he didn't talk, even if he was sitting like this!

A few minutes later, Weng Lan broke the silence and started a dialogue with Qin An.

"My name is Weng Lan? And your name is Qin An?"


"Is this really 2048?"


"Then why am I so young?"

"It seems that the guy named Poseidon used a certain spell for you. It may be a spell card... You can treat it as a certain spell."

Qin An felt that it was better not to mention the spell card, because then Weng Lan might ask what a spell card was.

"Well, then why are you so young?"

"Because I am a superpower, I have a physique that is not easy to grow old."

"It turned out to be like this... Then in the room just now, all the bullets couldn't hit us, really you did it?"



Being praised by Weng Lan, Qin An turned out to be a little airy.

After a short pause, Weng Lan continued to ask:

"So, if everything is true... then what they said about the eruption of the last days 33 years ago is also true?"


"Oh, they said I was in United States when the last days broke out. It seems that I settled here... Why did I forget the memory behind? It's really tangled, the world has changed so much, I have some Can't accept it."

Weng Lan shook her head annoyed.

Qin An wanted to explain to Weng Lan that she did not settle in the United States, but came to the United States only because of illness, and was trapped here.

Before he could speak, Weng Lan had already raised another question that stunned Qin An.

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