49 Sword God, to be precise, it is now 52 Sword God.

The three newly emerged sword gods are the twin sword gods, the Ling foil god, and the undead queen sword god.

Some of the Sword God hosts have entered the Undead Space and are directly fused by the power of the Space Law, such as Super Body Liu Ru. In fact, even the Super Body Sword God, she can use all abilities, but she does not have the memory of the Super Body Sword God, that is to say. The super body sword god has already died with the host. Liu Ru can live as a host because of Qin An's sword god ability, but the sword god himself cannot be resurrected.

Some like Yin Yao, the Sword God gave up independent will and were willing to coexist with the host, then these few people are related to Qin An, that is, Yin Yao and the five Sisters of Xia Ke who are still alive in the Sword God Empire.

Others were Lan Yue and the others. Qin An had obtained the soul-combining talisman. Now it seems that this type of charm is still more precious, because Qin An has never encountered it again. The soul-combining talisman can make the sword god and the host resurrect in symbiosis. After the resurrection, the memory form is similar to Yin Yao, but the human consciousness is stronger and not affected by the inherent soul of the sword god.

After death, it is time and the empress who are reincarnated. The reincarnation of the time is Qin Wenxin, and the reincarnation of the empress is Qin Yabei.

There is another sword god from Qin An's camp, Canghai. Now it has been resurrected. The host of the Canghai Sea is a member of the Sword God Empire. It is precisely because of her existence that the Sword God Empire can build a sea fortress. Otherwise, how could the sea beast allow the sea fortress to exist? Therefore, at Xia Ke's strong request, Qin An shyly took a shot, and then airlifted the original gene to Seven Sword City. As for how the host of the Canghai Sword God would use it, it was not Qin An's business.

In addition, the remaining sword gods may all be enemies.

The 37th Evil Sword God, the host’s body, Hong Yuxi, was originally frozen in the old John’s house, but last month Qin Qicai accompanied Katerina back to John’s house in Williamsburg. The bones of old John and his wife were found in the room, which seemed to have been dead for a while, making Katerina cry for a long time. The evil sword god was missing.

The 19th Evil Sword God, the original host was the city of Rosen in the city of giant forests. Later, the city lord was killed by the silver-haired witch, and the sword was naturally taken away.

The seventeenth Asian Magic Sword God, the host was brought into the labyrinth world by the third Lord God and helped the Magical Beasts territory to provide magic energy. At the beginning, the third Lord God wanted to put the Ninth Lord God’s curse into the labyrinth world. In that case, the labyrinth world The energy of will become more irritable, but it is a pity that in the end, because the Lord of Magical Beasts appeared and built a channel to clear the BOSS, the labyrinth world was breached, and the plan of the third master god failed. Now whether the Yamojian God has been destroyed with the maze, no one knows.

The magic point of the fourteenth sword, the earliest host Shirakawa Five Dragons was also killed by the silver-haired witch.

Then the host of the thirteenth sword god king is the silver-haired witch Sria. She is now the leader of New Moon City and the Black Blood Army, which means that the ninth main god curse behind her has been united with the sixth main god Wukui. This is obviously not good news for Qin An, but when the spies brought this news to Qin An, Qin An could only accept the facts.

In the morning when snow and blood are bound by blood, Qin An and many flying supernatural beings lifted into the air to face the demon flying supernatural beings.

Qin An didn't know who the sword god he felt was appearing nearby.

Today's Qin An is a true and true false sword god.

Because he can reach the sword god level in ten minutes with the power of a necromancer, there are hundreds of necromancers resurrected in the necromancer space today.

But it’s impossible to reach the Super God level again. During the five years of fighting in the labyrinth world, Qin An has almost ran out of own spell cards. Although he has collected a dozen of them in the past few months, among them, he has enhanced his power. The spell card is not enough to make Qin An reach the super god level.

So if it is only at the Sword God level, 1VS1 will have no problem with the demigod ability, but if you really want to kill many demigod powerhouses in seconds, it will be very difficult to do it.

Therefore, although Qin An is considered invincible on the battlefield, it is also because there are thousands of powerful supernatural beings by his side!

In the sky, after the two sides collided with each other, the splendor appeared, and the earth seemed to begin to tremble. The energy radiated light waves melted the snow and turned the cold air into hot wind.

The demons are not a flying race, but there are many flying Magical Beasts on the Xiangfei Moon.

The concept of Magical Beasts here is just small Magical Beasts, their strength is very weak, and some are only used as mounts, which means that the real combatants are those demon males riding on them!

The demons are a very interesting race. The men and women of the demons basically have no contact except when they have children, so their actions will be separated.

Qin An has inquired into the details of the inner demons, and heard that the Scarlet Moon Demon and the Xiangyue Demon have their own kings, and the relationship between the two kings seems to be very different.

Not long ago, Li Shu had proposed a somewhat absurd battle plan against the Demon Race, which was to marry all the Demon Race's women to the earth. Then the Demon Race would not be afraid.

Li Shu told Qin An about this plan before he was trapped in the Demon Clan, and it immediately made everyone feel that it was not feasible to mention it again.

Qin An reserved his opinion, but he actually felt that this plan could be tried.

Magic Whisperer! The true nine major god races basically reached the average strength of the Four Soul Sword Cultivation, which was very difficult to deal with.

If you can really subdue the witches, and then go to Scarlet Moon Demon Star to establish a base, it can pose a threat to New Moon City and Fragrant Moon Demon Star.

If you take all March, it will be much easier to counterattack the earth in the future.

The demons are really strong. Their Life is outside the earth and they have the ability to look directly at the world!

Qin An pondered this question during the fight, and finally decided to give it a try! Maybe he can take some good earth boys to the witch to negotiate a blind date?

The witch is restricted by family rules and is not allowed to come into contact with foreign men, but the actual witch is somewhat romantic. Qin An has heard many stories about witches staying back and forth between the earth.

Since everyone is not willing to follow the rules, it is better to break them. Why let them exist in name only?

The aerial battle lasted for a whole morning, and finally ended with the loss of both sides.

This is a battle without winning or losing, because the attack power is too strong, and many people will eventually die.

What disturbed Qin An was that until the end of the battle, he did not notice that the sword god aura appeared in the opponent's camp again.

What made Qin An delighted was that Yin Yao had just arrived from other positions nearby and joined the battle, and she also caught a witch by surprise.

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